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Human Resource Practices


Samsul Alam
Lecturer (Senior Scale)
Department of Business Administration
Daffodil International University


Raihan Saikat 171-11-392

Section: PC-E
Department of Business Administration
Daffodil International University




Table of Contents
Topics Pages

Executive summary 3

Organization Overview 3

Objectives of the Company 4

Organogram 4

Management Structure 5

Human resource Planning 5-8

Business Activities 8

SWOT Analysis 8

Growth rate & Financial result 9-10



Executive Summary
Square Textiles Ltd. started its operations in 1997. It was listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange
and the Chittagong Stock Exchange in 2002. The business lines of Square Textile Limited are
yarn production and marketing. Its factory is located at Gazipur in Azakar. Produces 100%
cotton ring span yarn or hosiery, 100% cotton router for hosiery and 100% export oriented
readymade garments for the garment industry.
The company’s strategic goals and objectives are to drive hard to make a profit through
operation and transparent business activities and to create more competition in the internal and
external markets.
Square is one of the largest employees in Bangladesh. It has staff and administrative department.
The total number of employees is 1223. For staff, there are arrangements for in-house training
abroad and abroad.
Managing Director, CEO is the head of the executive management team. Below are the director,
executive director and general director. Several departments are regulated under the direct
supervision of the General Manager.
Organization Overview:
In 1997, Square entered the textile sector with its manufacturing facilities of cotton yarn.
Combining modern technology with skilled manpower under Square's unique inspiring,
atmosphere, this new venture soon rose to the top of the local textile industry. Its venture
comprises of:
1. Square Textiles Ltd
2. Square Yarns Ltd
3. Square Texcom Ltd
The industry is one of the largest producers of knitting & weaving yarns in Bangladesh. Today it
has one of the most sophisticated vertically integrated set-ups by which we are producing 90,000
kg of yarns every day.
Mission of Square Textiles Ltd: The mission is the pole star of their vision for maximization of
production of quality lifesaving products and services strictly on ethical and moral standards at
minimum costs to the society ensuring optimum benefits to the consumers, the shareholders and
other stakeholders.
Vision of Square Textiles Ltd: The conception of business germinated from their vision which
sees it as a means to the well-being of the investors, stakeholders, employees and members of the

society at large by creating new wealth in the form of goods and services that go to satisfy the
wants of all of them without distributing or damaging the socio-ecological balance of the mother
earth and the process of human civilization leading to peaceful Coexistence of all the living
The Objectives of the Company:
· To strive hard to optimize profit through conduction of transparent business operations within
the legal & Social framework with malice to none and justice for all in respective of gender
disparity, caste, creed or religion or region.
· To Increase productivity.
· To create more jobs with minimum investments.
· To be competitive in the internal as well as external markets.
· To maximize export earning with minimum imported in-puts.
· To reduce the income gap between top & bottom categories of employees.
· To promote corporate social responsibilities (CSR) amongst all.

Management Structure:
Management Apparatus

Mr. Samuel S. Chowdhury Chairman

Mrs. RatnaPatra Vice Chairman
Mr. TapanChowdhury Managing Director
Mrs. Anita Chowdhury Director
Mr. AnjanChowdhury Director
Mr. M. Sekander Ali Independent Director
Mr. Syed AfzalHasanUddin Independent Director

Management Committee

Mr. TapanChowdhury Chairman

Mr. AnjanChowdhury Member
Mr. Mostaque Ahmed Siddiqui Member
Mr. Md. Kabir Reza Member
Mr. Md. AlamgirHossain Member

Management Team

Mr. Mostaque Ahmed Siddiqui Chief Operating Officer

Mr. Md. AlamgirHossain Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Md. Abdur Rashid Head of Factory
Mr. Md. Idris Ali Head of Engineering
Mrs. NasrinAkter Head of Internal Audit
Mr. Sayeed Ahmed Chowdhury Head of Technical Services Department
Mr. AbulKalam Azad Head of Quality Assurance
Mr. NaziburRahman Head of Salse& Marketing
Mr. Md. Adam Ali Khondoker Head of HR & Admin

HRM Practice in BD through Square Textile. LTD.

Human resource planning:

Square has a personal and administrative Department. Square is one of the biggest employers in
Bangladesh. The total number of employers in Bangladesh. The total number of employees is
1,223. For the employees there are systematic in house training in home and abroad. To motivate
the employees, along with salary and benefits the company provides various facilities like free

meals , free transportation , 24 hour medical center , on site sports . A production and
accommodation facility includes full time supply of safe drinking water, adequate lighting and
ventilation facilities from sheet.

HR Practices of SQUARE textile:

 Recruitment
 Training
 Performance Management
 Labor relation
 Employee relation
 Job analysis
 Job design
 Selection
 Development
 Incentives
 Benefits

Recruitment and Selection process in SQUARE:

Recruitment is the process trough which the organization seeks applicants for potential
employment. Selection refers to the process by which it attempts to identify applicants with the
necessary knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics that will help the company achieve
its goals, companies engaging in different strategies need different types and numbers of
employees. The strategy a company is pursuing will have a direct impact on the types of
employees that it seeks to recruit and selection.

Source of recruitment:

There are two kinds of source SQUARE uses for recruitment. They are-

1. External source

2. Internal source.

We try to discuss all relative sources which are used for recruitment in SQUARE

Internal source: SQUARE thinks that current employees are a major source of recruits for all
but entry-level positions. Whether for promotions or for ‘Lateral’ job transfers, internal

candidates already know the informal organization and have detailed information about its
formal policies and procedures. Promotions and transfer are typically decided by operating
managers with little involvement by HR department.

Job-posting programs: HR departments become involved when internal job openings are
publicized to employees through job positioning programs, which informs employees about
opening and required qualifications and invite qualify employees to apply. The notices usually
are posted on company bulletin boards or are placed in the company newspaper. Qualification
and other facts typically are drawn from the job analysis information.

The purpose of job posting is to encourage employees to seek promotion and transfers the help
the HR department fill internal opening and meet employee’s personal objectives. Not all jobs
openings are posted .Besides entry level positions, senior management and top stuff positions
may be filled by merit or with external recruiting. Job posting is most common for lower level
clerical, technical and supervisory positions.

Departing Employees: An often overlooked source of recruiters consists of departing

employees. Many employees leave because they can no longer work the traditional 40 hours
work week .School, child care needs and other commitments are

The common reason. Some might gladly stay if they could rearrange their hours of work or their
responsibilities .Instead, they quit when a transfer to a part-time job may retain their valuable
skill and training. Even if part- time work is not a solution, a temporary leave of absence may
satisfy the employee and some future recruiting need of the employer.

External source: When job opening cannot be filled internally, the HR department of SQUARE
must look outside the organization for applicants. We discuss all the external source of
recruitment at bellow:

Walk-ins and Write-ins: Walk-ins are some seekers who arrived at the HR department of
SQUARE in search of a job; Write-ins are those who send a written enquire .both groups
normally are ask to complete and application blank to determine their interest and abilities.
Usable application is kept in an active file until a suitable opening occurs or until an application
is too old to be considered valid, usually six months.

Employee referrals: Employees may refer job seekers to the HR department .Employee
referrals have several advantages .Employees with hard –to –find job skill may no others who do
the same work.

Employee’s referrals are excellent and legal recruitment technique, but they tend to maintain the
status quo of the work force in term of raise, religions, sex and other characteristics, possibly
leading to charges of discrimination.

Advertising: Want ads describe the job and the benefits, identify the employer, and tell those
who are interested how to apply .They are most familiar form of employment advertising .for
highly specialist requites, ads may be placed in professional journal or out of town newspaper in
areas with high concentration of the desired skills

Business Activity:
The business lines of Square Textile Ltd. are manufacturing and marketing of yarn. Its factory is
located in Gazipur, Dhaka. The manufactures 100% Cotton Ring Span Yarn or Hosiery, 100%
Cotton OE Rotor For Hosiery and Knit Fabrics for 100% export oriented readymade Garments

SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis means analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. For Square
Textiles Ltd., it is given below:
Power: Square Textiles Limited is a fast expanding company. Launched in 1999, it has already
doubled its net turnover between 2006 and 2006. All units of the factory are imported from
Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Japan, enjoying superior equipment. As a result, it can maintain
a smooth rate of production. Su trained human lessons are another strength of the company. They
train their key personally at home and abroad. So that the company can get some competitive
advantage from the competitions. The HRM practice is also noteworthy.
Weaknesses: There are many departments under the supervision of the General Manager which
can lead to low productivity due to large supervision.
Opportunity: There are bright opportunities for companies in overseas markets. If it could
communicate well and capture a significant market share in the European and US markets, it
could get the scale economical.

The Company’s marketing operations continued its emphasis on export sales over the years as
depicted below:

Year - 2006 Year - 2005 Year - 2004

(a) Quality sold (Kg)

99,800 527,903 539,417

Local sales
(0.7%) (3.7%) (3.9%)
14,554,342 13,817,314 13,129,599
Export Sales
(99.3%) (96.3%) (96.1%)
14,654,142 14,345,217 13,669,016
Total Sales
(100%) (100%) (100%)

(b) Sales Revenue

( Taka )
9,455,588 32,576,936 46,956,494
Local Sales
(0.4%) (1.8%) (2.3%)
2,093,214,675 1,756,441,450 2,029,968,545
Export Sales
(99.6%) (98.2%) (97.7%)
2,102,670,263 1,789,018,386 2,076,925,039
Total Sales
(100%) (100%) (100%)
The above figures show that the export sales increased by 19% in 2006over the previous year
with greater exposure to international market scenario and risk.

Financial Result:

The Company’s operating financial results, as compared to the previous year, are summarized
(Taka) (Taka) (Taka)
Year 2006 Year 2005 Year 2004

Turnover 2,102,670,263 1,789,018,386 2,076,925,039

Cost of
Goods Sold 1,737,055,759 1,500,281,590 1,676,690,068
Gross Profit 365,614,504 288,736,796 400,234,971
Operating &
Expenses 175,524,220 197,835,510 217,687,872
Income 190,090,284 90,901,286 182,547,099
Income 225,844 663,215 912,083
Net profit
Before WPPF 190,316,128 91,564,501 1,83,459,182
To WPPF 9,062,673 4,360,214 8,736,152
Net Profit (BT) 181,253,455 87,204,287 1,74,723,030
Provision for
Income Tax 13,359,728 5,751,104 -
Net Profit (AT) 167,893,727 81,453,273 174,723,030
Gross Margin 17.39% 16.14% 19.27%
Net Margin 7.98% 4.55% 8.41%
Earning per
Share (EPS) 6.67 3.23 6.94
Shares 25,190,000 25,190,000 25,190,000
Face value

Per share (TK) 10 10 10

The gross margin rose to 17.39% from the level of 16.14% in 2006. As the operating & financial
expenses declined , net margin also rose 4.55% in 2005 to 7.98% in 2006. Net Profit (AT) has
been increased due to cost control measures , procurement strategies and favorable export prices
in the international market

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

Square is one of the most sophisticated vertically integrated setup in the country with its
manufacturing Facilities combining modern technology with skilled work force. Under unique
inspiring atmosphere. Today Square textile division is a giant active in divergent business and
industrial field. Its present unassailable status is the outcome of its successful diversification.
Square group’s business structure located in all over the Bangladesh.

Community Investment: Squares activity goes well beyond the specialty of business. As a
socially conscious and responsible corporate body, we are committed to the improvement of the
society as a whole.

Contribution to Acid Survivors foundation (ASF) Fund: Square Toiletries Ltd. one of the
concern of Square Group is involved in fund raising program with Acid Survivors foundation.
With this fund Square conducts awareness program and stand along with these Acid survivors.
Square Toiletries Ltd donates Tk 1/- for the sale of each packet of Senaora Sanitary Napkin to a
local initiative named Acid Survivors’ Foundation (ASF). ASF actively helps to rehabilitate the
poor women who are sufferer from serious physical injury caused by crimes related to acid
throwing. So far, Square Toiletries Ltd has contributed Tk 1.2 million to the ASF fund.

Free Treatment for underprivileged people: Square Hospitals Ltd is one of the concerns of
SQUARE Group. Conducts free medical treatment program for underprivileged patients of its
surrounding community on 27th day of each month.

Support for Vocational Training: Square Toiletries Ltd also assists the Naksha Training
Center, where vulnerable women are vocationally trained for operating sewing machines. Also
run a program with one of our buyer Marks & Spencer we employing physically challenged


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