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Personal and Professional Development in

Health and Social Care

(Partnership and Team Work)
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................3
Task 3 (Part 1- Partnership Working)...........................................................................................................5
1.1 Nature of different professional relationships in health and social care contexts.............................5
1.2 Effectiveness in promoting and supporting the rights of the individual............................................6
1.3 Ways to resolve the issues.................................................................................................................6
Task 3 (Part 2- Team Work).........................................................................................................................7
2.1 Effectiveness of personal contributions.............................................................................................7
2.2 How the limits of own work role impacts on work with others.........................................................7
2.3 Own role in minimizing barriers to effective team work in health and social care............................7
2.4 Improving personal contributions to the effectiveness of the team..................................................8
Executive Summary
Proficient relationship is the specific procedure by which staffs use to make the association with
alternate partners, customers, relatives of the customers, benefit mind experts related with the
health and the social care unit to have a strong coordination with them for the smooth operational
exercises. An individual can also promote and support the right of another individual in health
and social care context. S/he can also find various ways to resolve the health and care issues in
the field to efficiently perform his/her task.

While on the team work, no one is perfect. A prudent worker should identify the contributions of
him/her towards the team and also the limitations that might hamper the group’s progression
towards the goal.
This report is segmented in two parts- Partnership working and team work. The first part of the
report deals with the health and social care unit in the context of partnership working. This part
discusses about the various professional relationships in the health and social care unit as well as
the ways for resolving issues arising among them. The next part, team work, deals with what
contributions can be done towards the team and how one’s limitations can hamper the team
reaching its success. Then it slides down to the way of minimizing the barriers and also how to
improve the personal contributions towards the team. Then recommendations for both
partnership and team work which ends with a conclusion on behalf of the two perspectives.
Task 3 (Part 1- Partnership Working)
1.1 Nature of different professional relationships in health and social care contexts
All the staff individuals need to facilitate with each other and have a solid association with each
to run the healing facilities easily (Stenfors-Hayes, 2010). A portion of the essential expert
connections in social and human services part are as per the following:

Between the specialists

Amongst Doctors and


Between Doctors/Nurses
and care staff

Figure 1: Professional Relationships in HSC

Between the specialists: In a doctor's facility we can discover different sorts of specialists.
Every one of the specialists need regard for each other and there ought to be no sentiment envy
or rivalry. If there is some sentiment rivalry and enviously he may deceive the patient and a
blameless patient will endure. They all need to put the patient on need rundown and they ought
not include in any sort of dishonest practices.

Amongst Doctors and Nurses: Medical caretakers resemble spine to the specialists. Specialists'
productivity increments with the assistance of a proficient medical attendant. Attendants need to
deal with the routine of the patients like which drug to give at what time Specialists and
attendants need to regard each other because they are reliant on each other.

Between Doctors/Nurses and care staff: Care staff is essential for the correct and smooth
working of things in healing center. Every one of the sweepers, agents and orderlies are
incorporated into the care staff. Orderlies are there to keep the earth clean, so they ought to get
equivalent regard when contrasted with some other staff part in the association.
1.2 Effectiveness in promoting and supporting the rights of the individual
A man's close to home qualities and outside condition cooperates to make the entire association
viable. For this situation we are looking at supporting the privileges of the person. In social and
medicinal services part privileges of the patients and the orderlies like sweepers who deal with
cleanliness in the healing facility ought to be taken care. Individual adequacy can be utilized to
help these people.

We have to comprehend the components which persuade and rouse us to buckle down. The most
essential thing is the regard. Every one of the patients and care staff specialists ought to be given
legitimate regard with the goal that they don't feel second rate while working. Every one of the
people have rights to be equivalent to everybody. By giving appreciation, we can safeguard their
rights. Cash is the other inspiration. Every one of the representatives ought to be given
respectable compensation to run their homes. Government has laws as per which there will be a
base which must be paid for a specific occupation level.

1.3 Ways to resolve the issues

Wherever we have more individuals there are odds of contentions, yet the most essential thing is
to determine the contentions (DiCenso, 2014). The following are a portion of the ways which can
be utilized to dodge clashes in workplace:

Appropriate Communication Channels: There should be appropriate channel of

correspondence to share the data and at whatever point there is any contention for e.g. between
the two attendants, specialists or anybody senior should influence them to speak with each other
and get onto an answer for the issue.

Preparing of the staff individuals: Workers ought to be prepared legitimately regarding their
employments. In their preparation itself their parts and obligations ought to be clarified so that in
future there ought not be any contentions on the name of parts and obligations

Advisory groups to take disciplinary activities: There should be panels in any healing center
to at long last determination the contention between two gatherings. They are the last alternative.
On the off chance that the two gatherings are not ready to explain their issue themselves then
disciplinary advisory group needs to meddle and think of an answer which is useful for both the
Task 3 (Part 2- Team Work)
2.1 Effectiveness of personal contributions
Individual commitments are imperative for the well-working of the whole group. The following
are a portion of the individual commitments which are critical:

 Individual esteems and encounters of a man are vital. These qualities and standards
choose the state of mind of a man towards the other colleagues.
 Culture and past of the individual additionally shapes nature in a group. Instruction,
family and childhood of the individual get reflected in the groups' execution.
 Individual can likewise contribute by showing others without the sentiment enviously or
rivalry. If we have some information field, we must educate other colleagues likewise to
make them powerful. This will mirror your initiative qualities.

We likewise should be useful to the colleagues. Regardless of the possibility that some is
confronting an individual issue everybody in the group should approach and contribute in
explaining his issues.

2.2 How the limits of own work role impacts on work with others
Everybody has a few parts and duties characterized in the association and there are a few points
of confinement to these parts (Hopkinson, 2014). The various representatives like specialists or
medical caretakers don't approach that data. We must call the officer and attempt to get the data
and it will require investment. Along these lines farthest point to you work part influences the
work in the association. Patients will lose their certainty among the specialists and medical
caretakers. Points of confinement on the work part make reliance on each other. Everyone ought
to be devoted to their employments and obligations.

2.3 Own role in minimizing barriers to effective team work in health and social care
We will confront a few hindrances while working in a group. I will deal with these hindrances
and will assume a huge part in limiting these parts. A portion of the means which can be taken
are as per the following:
Better communication: When the required data isn't shared then we confront boundaries in the
working of a group. An appropriate correspondence channel ought to be set up in the association.
Knowing each other: Knowing the colleague additionally helps in working in an exceptionally
proficient manner.
Fun Activities: It will expand the effectiveness of the colleagues likewise of the whole group.
2.4 Improving personal contributions to the effectiveness of the team
As we have just talked about that individual contributes can shape the whole group in this way I
will recommend a portion of the accompanying courses by which every single one can contribute
in the powerful of a group:

No Discrimination: All the colleagues will be from various religion, standing, race, age, sex and
so on. Everybody needs to regard each other's close to home lives and there ought not be any
separation towards anybody.

Proactive activities: Everyone should take proactive activities to finish their parts and duties.
Here and there employment of one colleague relies upon the activity of other.

Inspiring each other: Representatives need to experience numerous intense subject matters and
it might prompt anxiety. So, all the colleagues ought to wind up noticeably each other's help and
propel each other to perform better.

Partnership working- It is necessary to understand the professional relationship in the health
and social care setting and perform the tasks as professionally as possible. Issues might be arisen
but one should follow the above-mentioned ways to resolve them.

Teamwork- On the other hand, an individual should understand his/her contribution towards the
team and try the best to improve such contributions. No one is perfect thus, everyone has
limitations. One should concentrate on such limitations and should try to overcome them as
efficiently as possible.
It is vital for the health and social care settings to give an incredible help and help to the care
specialist and the other staff with the goal that they could play out their obligations well in time.
From the whole report and the introduction that have been readied it could be investigated that
the individual formative abilities and capabilities are particularly connected and connected with
the expert ability and the level of rivalry in a person. The arrangement controls a social care
specialist to upgrade his aptitudes, capabilities and the ascribes now and again.
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