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Unit No: 10

Unit Name: Safeguarding in Health and Social Care

Executive Summary
In the UK abuse has reached its peak in last decade. Among many types of abuse elderly abuse,
child abuse & domestic violence is increasing each day. The rate of victims is also increasing
each fay. Along with these abuses, Care homes & health institutions are being negligent in their
respective works. This report contains a broader description of different types of abuses. Along
with the symptoms of each kind of abuse& self-harm, the risk factors are also analyzed. Review
of abuses is given to find out appropriate measures for fighting these abuses. Social & Cultural
factors effect on abuses are discussed. Some social practices are also identified that may be
disadvantages for victims. In the middle portion more institutional & legal approach toward
reducing abuse were considered. Current legislation & Policy regarding abuse were identified &
discussed. A detailed analysis of key professional involvement to help the victims is done. The
further analysis sheds light on existing working practices& designs to minimize abuse. These
designs & their effectiveness are evaluated through a practical approach. Finally, a discussion
shows the best possible strategies that can be adapted to minimize & diminish abuse & self-

Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................2


Task 1: Factors that contribute to the regularity of abuse and damage to individuals and groups..6

1.1 Reasons for individuals and groups may be vulnerable to abuse and/or hurt to self and

1.2 Evaluation of risk factors which may guide to frequency of abuse and harm weak peoples 7

1. 3 Analysis of the impact of social and cultural factors on several types of mistreatment &
impact on service users................................................................................................................8

Task 2 Appreciate present legislation, policy and professional participation concerning abuse in
health and social care contexts......................................................................................................11

2.1 Examine the strengths and weaknesses in existing legislation and policy connecting to
those vulnerable to abuse...........................................................................................................11

2.2 How key professionals are occupied in the defense of individuals vulnerable to abuse.....12

Task 3 Evaluate working practice and strategies used to minimize abuse in health and social care

3.1 Explicate existing operational practices and strategies designed to curtail abuse in health
and social care contexts..............................................................................................................15

3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of working practices and strategies used to minimize abuse in
health and social care contexts...................................................................................................17

3.3 Discuss possible improvements to working practices and strategies to minimize abuse in
health and social care context....................................................................................................18



Table of Figures
Figure 1: Risk Factors......................................................................................................................7
Figure 2: Social Factors or Risk......................................................................................................9
Figure 3: Cultural Factors of Risk.................................................................................................10
Figure 4: legislation of Health and social care..............................................................................11
Figure 5: Key professionals in Heath and social care....................................................................13
Figure 6: Existing practices in health and social care....................................................................15
Figure 7: Effectiveness of working practices and strategies.........................................................17
Figure 8: Possible improvements to working practices and strategies..........................................18

Abuse & Self-harm has become a concerning fact of UK. People from all walks of life are being
victim to various kinds of abuse. To reduce these incidents the role of individuals and health and
social care institutions are exceptionally significant. Several risk factors including social, cultural
and other factors contribute to the identification & diminishing of abuse. Apart from the
institutional care government has passed much legislation & acts to prevent abuse. Key
professionals in health and social care content are including National Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), doctors, nurses, NHS center, Social worker, Primary care trust
& Health Professionals and Men can undertaking several working practices. The report contains
different angles of abuse to the vulnerable group of people & ways to help them.

Task 1: Factors that contribute to the regularity of abuse and
damage to individuals and groups
1.1 Reasons for individuals and groups may be vulnerable to abuse and/or
hurt to self and others
Abuse is a custom or improper practice of any property, opportunity, a person for own benefit or
betterment. In Health & Social Care industry abuse is more commonly reported than any other
sector of society. Among the various types of abuse most commonly reported are physical
abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse & negligence. Along with different kinds
of abuse group of individuals are also prone to various types of self-harm such as Drugs,
Alcohol & Self inflicted a wound.

Elderly people cannot earn because of their age or illness. At some point, the respected elderly
become the burden for the family. For example, Children’s do not give essential money &
caregivers may steal away the little money their money. Thus elderly people become exposed to
financial abuse Again; the group of elderly people often passes time alone, which gradually
increases their sense of guilt & dependency on others. For example, Caregivers in the nursing
home or family members insult or dislike them. Often uses verbal assault. This exposes the
elderly people to emotional abuse. Another type of abuse they face is negligence. Mostly ill or
elderly person with severe diseases faces this from nurses in the hospital. For example,
caregivers deny or idle to give the victim the necessary attention for their sickness (Carnwell,
Buchanan and Carnwell, 2009). In 2016, this was the most reported abuse related to elderly.

Signs of abuse are shown in the behavior & change in lifestyles for elderly people. For example,
an emotionally abused aged person can have emotional withdrawal negligence toward health.
A neglected elderly can have gradually decreasing health condition, malnourishment or in
extreme cases inappropriate bruising. A person with financial abusive history shows lower
self-esteem. In most cases, the individual or the particular group of people gets repeatedly
abused because of their silence, fear or helplessness. These risk factors are key indicators that the
elderly need attention & help to get over the abuses.

1.2 Evaluation of risk factors which may guide to frequency of abuse and
harm weak peoples

The risk factor in Health & Social care Industry indicates to certain activities that may increase
the occurrence of abuse or the symptoms that are found in abused individual or group of people.
Various types of risk factors are:


Figure 1: Risk Factors

Source: (Davies, 2010)
Statistics show that among these risk factors some leads to different kinds of abuse in care setting
like Day Center. Individual factors: People with mental Health Issue like amentia, dementia,
STML are very vulnerable because of their dependency on other. Their condition puts the
restriction on their daily activity, for the very reason they become the easy target of abuse.
Previous abuse is the cause of one's increased vulnerability in future. The victim feels he/she is
responsible for every negative situation. Caregivers such as family members, nurse, doctors take
advantage of their vulnerability. This leads to Financial, emotional & sexual abuse. Cultural
Factors: Ethnicity is a common risk factor across the globe. People of the different group are
ignored or denied the caregiving services for their culture. For example, various festivals are
celebrated with drug, alcohol & cigars; which increases the risk of physical abuse. Religion. This

is prominent to health care institutions, clinic or care homes. For example, a Muslim woman in
many countries doesn't go to male doctors for their religious views. Discrimination based on
age, country, gender or religion is seen among caregivers. This makes the victim emotionally
abused & lowers their self-esteem.
Relationship Factors: Institutional Care provides nursing & caregiving services to those who
are unable to take care of themselves. Mainly elderly & disabled persons take their services. But
instead of a caring relationship, they get negligence, verbal abuse from the caregivers even
within the family due to their inability & poor health condition. In some extreme cases, these
victims even face domestic violence. To protect victims of abuse certain actions must be taken
to protect them from harm. In Healthcare institutions, Medicals, Nursing homes anti-
discriminatory policy should be adopted to remove ethnicity. A strict prospectus of caregiving
services has to be maintained. For those who don’t open up about abuse, better communication
system should be applied (National Citizen Service, 2017). The abuser should be identified &
they must go through exemplary punishment. A transparent channel of communication &
monitoring system can contribute to gaining a safe & efficient care setting.
Elderly group of people, physically mentally challenged adults are most vulnerable to the factors.
The risk factors help social workers to identify the vulnerable or victim, the reason behind abuse
& put an end to abuse in care setting like Day Center in the UK.

1. 3 Analysis of the impact of social and cultural factors on several types of

mistreatment & impact on service users.
Risk Factors can help to identify abuse on victims or sometimes alleviates the probability of
abuse. This is mainly true for social & cultural factors. The impact of social & cultural factors on
adult abuse in the UK is described below.

Social Factors: Marginalization makes victims self-esteem lower because normal people don't
accept him/her as a part of their life after an event. For this cause, many victims don't want to
come out with their problems. Isolation is another social process that makes victim mentally
weak. The victim feels like an outcast among everyone. Which may increase the further chance
of abuse in future? Disablement has the visible effect on the victim. He/she becomes frustrated
by his inability. This increases the risk of self-harm on the victim. In the UK these social
processes are exercised more often than the abuse itself. Due to Lack of Education in the Health

& Social care context, many victims don't even reach out to social service workers or caregivers.
The ignorant situation makes the abuse even worse for victims.

Figure 2: Social Factors or Risk

Source: (Szilassy et al., 2016)
Cultural Factors: Ethnicity becomes a risk factor to abuse when the various practice of culture
is harmful to human nature. In some culture usage of tobacco, weed, alcohol is known as part of
celebration; but this increases the risk of alcohol & drug abuse. Discrimination is done mainly
in the caregiving homes. Age, gender, cultural discrimination prevents a victim from taking
proper services. In future, this may lead to dependency, lower self-esteem & emotional
withdrawal (Preston-Shoot, 2010). Religion has various restrictions that become abusive to
victims for the application. This directly leads to physical, emotional abuse.

C Figure 3: Cultural Factors of Risk
Source: (Nazarko, 2011)
Day Center works in minimizing this social process that may be of disadvantage to victims. A
Health & Social Care professional must be able to identify these factors & help victims to
maintain their lifestyle in a healthy manner.

Task 2 Appreciate present legislation, policy and professional
participation concerning abuse in health and social care contexts
The legislation is commandment and laws which have been enacted and enforced by any
governing body or any authority. A policy which is implemented as a process or practice by a
governance body or authority is a conscious structure of principles to direct decisions and attains
rational results.

2.1 Examine the strengths and weaknesses in existing legislation and policy
connecting to those vulnerable to abuse
There are many legislation and policies regarding the health care and social care sector. To make
the script easy a very short list about the legislation and policies are determined before going a
short description about the strength and weakness of those laws.

Figure 4: legislation of Health and social care

Source: (, 2017)
Strength: A nationalized legislation, The Mental capacity act 2005 is dealing with physically
weak or adult peoples. The main focus of this act is the people who hold less mental aptitude or
intellectual disabilities. Along with other regular facilities, those people are providing with
safeguard and safety measures. Through the implication of this act, actual authorities are helping
the abused dependent vulnerable persons and group to attain social facilities such as
consciousness of health, culture, education, and knowledge, authorized legal help, transportation
facilities and shelter facility. Among rising policies and strategies Health Care act 2014 is a
very important policy. Health Care act 2014 is also liable for ensuring the excellent health and
physical situation. Through 13 factsheets this policy or law empowered the healthcare support to
the vulnerable peoples.
Policies and legislation related with the vulnerable to abuse also include Safeguarding
Vulnerable Groups Act 2006. It's an association of local administrative government to promote
the safety for the vulnerable group. This act helps the abused victim with the first aid facilities in
the came home along with the transportation facilities in a specified locality (, 2017). In a
time of emergency authority related to this act help the vulnerable group mentally and
economically. Sexual Offences Act 2003 plays mostly as a core activity for the victims. Along
with the execution of this act, the whole helpless group is ensured with the sexual safety by
dropping the risk factors of being sexually harmed. many cases of abused or sexually are coming
before us beside the protection and prevention activities are taken by the legal authorities,
mental support for the victims of Rape, physical attack by diffusion, Sexual stabbing, Child sex
offenses are given by the authority under this act. They are also providing the economical as well
as social securities along with the other social facilities.

Weaknesses: From Department of Constitutional Affairs, the mental capacity act 2005 is a
nationwide act. Sometimes it is quite impossible to support the physically chaotic people is quite
impossible by the execution of this act. As the act is only dealing with the psychologically
disordered group. Another vital act Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, a local
administration act. The persistence and conservation of this act and system are so luxurious for
some little healthcare institutions. Sometimes it becomes beyond their capacity to run those acts.
So the security and protection of the mistreated group are left behind insecure from time to time.
Health Care Act 2014 is dealing with the physical condition of targeted people. It is performing
in the field of mental support, economic support or others throughout this act. In this point of
view, the act is only cover the half field of abused group. This act is unable to support the
vulnerable people with financial or psychologically abuse (Pritchard, 2015). Like above laws
Sexual Offences Act, 2003 also deals with a single sector of the abuse.

2.2 How key professionals are occupied in the defense of individuals

vulnerable to abuse
Several professionals are included in the safeguarding of health and social care for the abused
victims. Some of them are National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
(NSPCC), NHS center, Psychologists, Social worker, Quality officers & Health
Professionals and Mencap.

a Figure 5: Key professionals in Heath and social care
Source: (, 2017)
Mencap, as the principal education disability aid organization, is well-known in the UK. It holds
so many memberships from different institutions. As a member of National Council for
Voluntary Youth Services (NCVYS) as well as Learning Disability Coalition and
approximately 14 more institutes it is performing its task. The core job of this authority is to
collaborate with the disable peoples and with their families with the help of the helping
institutions. To promote equal right among society people ensure healthy living quality and
employment, the assistance of services, advocacy and legal aid from the group and other
authorities Mencap works.
To control the crime related to the children NSPCC was established. National Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Children or commonly recognized as NSPCC is the peak children
and organization in the UK. They constantly grow to be triumphant in reducing child trafficking.
Through their working capacity, they also control the abuse of children like rape, support
mentally abused children etc. the most helpful health care provider and supportive institution in
the UK is NHS center. As a database NHS center holds many kinds of knowledge directions
about the health. It provides right of entry for the people of UK to communicate directly with
the authority of these centers. NHS is doing their performance throughout the UK by their 66

centers in the UK (Eberts and Gisler, 2015). They also provide tips and assistance on out of the
ordinary health situation.

Psychologists are one of the key professionals who is occupied in supporting to the weak
peoples who are ill-treated or injured by others. They help to decrease the brunt of an awful
incident of a victim by serving them to bear the soreness. They also assist the victims to overlook
all the past awful stories. Community nurse is the field workers who directly have relation with
the victims in order to serve them with assistance. 24/7 supervision, monitoring and providing
them with the required affection and care is the core functions of that Community nurse. On
additional Health, professionals include the doctors and nurses who ensure health care and offer
services like psychiatric therapy, medicine, counseling, other therapies, support and various STS
heal for the vulnerable abused people. Quality officers are considered as the key professions in
this segment as they perform their task to maintain the standard of the service quality. For this
reason, they get assistance from different legal authority. Monitoring and investigation of the
different organization about their performance and compare them with the standard is the core
task for Quality officers. Through this, they ensure reduction of abuse.

Task 3 Evaluate working practice and strategies used to minimize
abuse in health and social care contexts
3.1 Explicate existing operational practices and strategies designed to curtail
abuse in health and social care contexts
To reduce the abuse of the victim's health and social care organization takes several practices and
strategies. In this script the discussion about the strategies and practices are mentioned here:

Figure 6: Existing practices in health and social care

Source: (Mandelstam, 2010)
Implementation approaches to adult protection: Within entire UK several rules and
regulation are formed and implemented in order to reduce of being abused by the adult people.
To maintain quality for the vulnerable group in health and social care so many laws are
introduced such as Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA). POVA is come to in enforcing in
2004 with the assistance of Care Standard act, 2000. Through this act, a formal database with
360-degree information is developed and in this list, all the vulnerable parties in the society are

Risk assessment & anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice: Risk assessment is

mostly fundamental practices on the ground of sinking the ill-treatment of adults other groups in
the UK. Risk factor includes mal-nourishment, emotional desertion and shining, ill-fated streak

and other risk factors from surroundings of the weak people etc. through the updated database of
risk assessment safety about the weak helpless people and their needs, freedom, and dignity to
live in a society is identified. Anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice is maintained
as practice in order to encourage and execute equal, non-oppressive and indistinguishable
community relationships within the entire society (, 2017). Several
legislations are familiar for caring the helpless community as well as to sustain both the anti-
oppressive and anti-discriminatory practice such as Children's trust, Health act 1999, the
Personal health budget and Care trust.

Performing in partnership among caretakers: For being efficient in serving the abused
victims with social and health care much organization regarding this issue collaborate together.
The existence of the partnership among those institutions is essential to provide perfect services
to the abused group of the society. Weaknesses and gaps in laws established in the UK can be
abridged with the help of the partnership of different institutions. Recently a trendy approach
educational approach is commencing in the UK.

Example 1: Imperial Hospital takes into account the risk assessment strategy by the healthcare
professionals in order to give the patients with better services of health care. for this reason, the
professionals appraise the state and risk of each one of their patients by analyzing their mental
condition, story, surroundings condition, family diseases, habits, physical situation etc. through
this implication of such strategies the hospital reduce to being abused and increase service

Example 2: for example, Social Care Source and Royal Hospital collaborate together and
make partnership among them in order to reduce the abuse and introduce better services. For
undertaking the healthcare planning and actions for asthma, cancer, diabetes, stroke, mental
health illness, or heart disease, the healthcare professionals belong to the royal hospital talk
about healthcare arrangement and procedures for heart disease, mental health illness cancer,
diabetes, stroke, mental health other illness etc with nurses and other caretakers. Thus, the
partnership among caretakers introduces best health care for the victim of abuse.

3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of working practices and strategies used to
minimize abuse in health and social care contexts
Recently Health & social care organizations are focusing on the reduction the abuse of
individuals and group. For this issue, the service providers are offering training to a certain group
of the society about consciousness. But before taking something any action the effectiveness is
mandatory. So for this purpose, the effectiveness of those practices is mentioned below the

Figure 7: Effectiveness of working practices and strategies

Source: (Carnwell and Buchanan, 2013)
This working practices & strategies have helped a great deal to Safeguard vulnerable group
including the aged, kids or sufferer by offering them protection. Laws like Care Act 2014,
Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) 2004 & Mental Capacity Act 2005 are playing their
The Acts & Legislations including Children Act 1989, Children Act 2004, and Working
together to safeguard children 2015 plays a vital role regarding diminishing discrimination.
The inequity is normally based on economically solvency, religion, gender, race, ethnicity &
community class (Baginsky, 2015). A partnership among caretakers will increase the sharing of
information and views regarding the abused. On the other hand, caretakers who are serving the
abused will get appropriate information about the patients. So through this way, the system

Better understanding of them is ensured. With the help of better communication and sharing of
resources, the authorities can get the better picture of the condition of a victim. With the best
safety and security in every sector, the caretaker can earn the faith of the vulnerable people. In
this way, they become more open to the nurses, doctors or social healthcare providers. In this
way, the attitude of the professionals about the victims will be positives. Not only the attitude
of professionals but also the society will be positive about the victims and their suffering.
Through the reduction of abuse is possible in the society.

3.3 Discuss possible improvements to working practices and strategies to

minimize abuse in health and social care context
In the previous task, it is clear that the reduction of abuse is possible only by the perfect
execution of practices and strategies. Though this division in enriched throughout the years. But
further improvement is possible with the help of strictly implication of Acts & Legislation. Such

Figure 8: Possible improvements to working practices and strategies

Source: (Nurse, 2016)
Working Practices: When a population is conscious of the risk and its factors the minimization
of abuse is possible. For this reason Educating about Abuse to the victims is very essential.
Vulnerable group like children, female, elderly or young people must be educated regarding that
risk. Widely implication of such practice has the light potentiality to lessen abuse. Training,

counseling, the conference can be widely held by the help of authority like National Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), NHS center and Mencap.
Organizational Policies & Training is a core practice in the field of reducing abuse.
Organizations like NHS & NCS must make their policies more strict focusing on the betterment
of care services given. Strictly maintenance of those policies will result from the more
progressive report on this segment. Emphasize on the execution of operation under rules, a
training program for nurses & caregivers promote the result upward. Through this programs, the
care providers are directly involved with the victims. In this way, the victims are involved in the
Decision making choices and meetings. Primary care trust & Health Professionals, NHS
center and the Social worker must have to interact with the victim's to get acknowledged about
the overall scenario of the system. On the other hand, each discussion invites view of the chief
level caregivers which will help to develop tactical decisions.

Strategies: Full disclosure of treatment & Information is one of the most appreciated
strategies of an association. Caregiver likes Doctors, nurses, NCS and NHS frequently discover
lack of clarity of information as the reason of victim's abuse. The caregivers must deal with the
disclosure of each & everything of actions, in order to resolve it (, 2017).
Without the strict system by the key professional's improvement can't be possible. Healthcare
institutions also can undertake several strategies besides practices to reduce the risk of abuse of
the victims. To limit the risk in practices also can be removed by those strategies. To provide the
victim group with the quality services the institution should improve the service capacity by
training the staffs and maintain standards in operation. It will help to reduce the mistake and gaps
of the organization and operate appropriately with the standard of plan and procedure.

Diminishing abuse has become one of the priorities in the UK. Elder people, adults, children &
women are a large portion of a nation which is becoming more & more abused each day. Even
though the country has adopted many acts, legislation & practices; but without the proper
application & controlled monitoring, none of these can help. Along with proper monitoring,
practices need to be updated; more research conducting on abuse may help identify risk factors
early. This can save lives of many victims. Social workers & caregivers need to raise more
awareness among victims so that they become vigilant.

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