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 The changing economic world is throwing new
challenges to the managers.
 The management concepts and practices are shaping
‘tomorrow’s history’.
 A number of changes are taking place which are
influencing the work of managers.
 Most of the countries are opening their borders to foreign
products as well as foreign producers.

 The companies of developed countries are entering

foreign countries by opening manufacturing facilities

 Management can license or franchise to another firm the

right to use its brand name, technology or product
 Managements of global companies are adjusting their
organizational structures as per the requirements of

 The managers are being taught to be global in approach.

 Generally, the executives from concerned countries are

given the responsibilities for running the subsidiaries.

 Some managers feel that diversity can be asset because it

brings a broad range of viewpoints and problem solving
skills to the company.

 It also gives a powerful competitive advantage.

 The challenge for management is to make their

organizations more accommodating to diverse groups of
people addressing different lifestyles, family needs and
work styles.
 Managers will have to shift their philosophy from
treating everyone alike to recognizing difference and
responding to those differences in ways that will
ensure employee retention and greater productivity.

 The managements of multinational and transnational

companies have to study the legal-political and cultural
environment of the host country and device managerial
practices and policies.

 Total quality management is the mobilization of the whole

organization to achieve quality continuously, economically
and in entirety.

 Quality cannot be improved through production process

only but possible through an improvement in purchasing,
marketing, after sale service and many other factors.

 Total quality can be achieved with the co-ordination of

various aspects related to purchase, production, sales etc.
 In Atkinson’s views, total quality is a strategic approach
to producing the best product and service possible
through constant innovation.

 Total quality control is an effort in which everyone and

every function of the organization participates.

 Every management has to take care of total quality

management otherwise its products will not find place
in present competitive world.
 The workers at present are considered more
knowledgeable and are relied to complete their work in a
better way. Sometimes workers are considered to be
performing better than even their managers.

 Managers now recognize that they can often improve

quality, productivity and employee commitment by
redesigning jobs and letting individual workers and work
teams make job- related decisions. This is called
empowering employees.
 Many organizations have achieved better results by
empowering employees and allowing them to plan and
execute their work.
 Human resource theorists have been criticizing over
specializing of employees and stifling their capabilities.
 Hallmark, AT & T, Motorola have successfully tried this

 The downsizing or reduction in force has been going on

in the last some years.

 Every company is restructuring its organization and

laying off those employees who are no more required.

 Downsizing does not mean that work has been reduced

in the organization.

 In fact work has increased and reduced number of work

force is doing up this work.
 Managerial layoffs create problems for the organization.

 Those who leave do not feel good and have resentment

against the management, those who remain in service
also become a worried lot.

 They are uncertain about their future and do not involve

themselves whole heartedly in the work.

 The work productivity and quality may suffer until

employees again feel secure about their jobs.
 These are part-time, temporary or freelance employees.

 Some labor experts contend that contingent workers make

up 13 percent of the work force, while others say that the
figure is as high as 30 per cent.

 The percentage of contingent workers is increasing every


 The companies have started downsizing their work force,

some of these employees try to get part-time jobs to earn
their living.
 The corporations are also of the view that the
employment of a contingent employee does not bring
much of financial liabilities as compared to regular
permanent employees.

 Managers have an additional responsibility to see that

contingent workers are treated properly at work place.

 The managers have to keep the whole work force

motivated and creatively involved in work.
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