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Teenagers today are socially pressured to be sexually active long before they have

been prepared educationally and psychologically to cope with the deeply personal

and highly charged nature of sexuality. The mass media are filled with romantic

images of male-female relationships. The myth it creates is that being carried away

by one’s sexual urges is a sure sign of love, justifying

Teenager a person who
sexual interaction. Sex is a major aspect of personality. is 13 through 19 years
It is closely related to emotional and social development
Teenagers face real
and can be best understood by connecting it to the total concerns, between 13
and 19 years of age, on a
adjustment of the individual in the family and society. The daily basis as this is the
most awkward growth
process of sexual development begins from birth to
stage of their lives.
adulthood thus it is a continuous developmental process

throughout life. The purpose of gender and human sexuality education is to promote

wholesome family and interpersonal relationships. It aims to provide you with the

knowledge and skills needed to establish and practice healthful behaviors. Finally,

it aims to produce students like you who can take responsibility for sexual health.

Effective sexuality education can provide you with culturally relevant and

scientifically accurate information that includes opportunity to explore attitudes,

values, and life skills to be able to make informed choices about sexuality.

Identity Crisis
Have you experienced being confused because you
are unsure of what you want and role in life?
Are you confused on who you are?

Identity crisis is a period of uncertainty and confusion

in which a person's sense of identity becomes insecure, typically, due to a change in their
expected aims or role in society.
In today’s rapidly changing world, complexities and array of options
make identity crisis more common. Conflicts are experienced not
only during adolescent stage but at various points in one’s life.
Identity formation is more likely to develop a caring and loving family
environment while encouraging the teen form responsible and
independent options. A stable family structure that gives support and
guidance can allow teens the flexibility and acceptance to flourish as
they develop their own sense of identity.

Erik Homburger Erikson (15 June 1902 – 12 May 1994)

was a German-American developmental psychologist
and psychoanalyst known for his theory on
psychological development of human beings. According to him,
identity is the failure to achieve one’s identity during adolescence.

Sexual Behaviours, Attitudes, & Practices

Adolescent sexual behavior is a complex concept that is influenced by

developmental processes across several domains. Contemporary perspectives
suggest that dividing adolescents into two categories: virgins/sexually
inexperienced/abstinent and non-virgins/sexually experienced/sexually active,
does not adequately represent this behavior. Many factors play a role in an
adolescent’s movement toward a first sexual experience including biological
sexual maturation, parent and peer values associated with sexual behaviors, and
environmental opportunities for engaging in sexual intimacies. The adolescent’s
sense of self, including sexual identity and self-esteem, and capacity for
cognitive reasoning also contribute to decisions about sexual behavior

What are the examples

of sexual behaviors,
attitude, & practices?

The example of sexual behaviors,
attitudes, and practices are
Premarital sex, teen pregnancies, and
abortion. Now, let’s talk about it below.

Premarital Sex
Premarital sex is any sexual activity with an opposite sex partner or with a
same sex partner before he or she starts a married life.

Teens today are too curious and often

experiment sex in unprecedented
numbers. Aside from the emotional
fallout of having sex at an early age,
teens also expose themselves to the
risk of sexually transmitted diseases in
addition to an unwanted pregnancy.
Teenagers must be trained to mingle
with the opposite sex in a mature and
responsible way.

1 Thessalonians 4:3–5 says, “For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain
from sexual immorality; that each one of you knows how to control his own body in
holiness and honour, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God.”

Teenage Pregnancies
Teenage pregnancy, also known as
adolescent pregnancy, is pregnancy in a
female under the age of 20. Pregnancy
can occur with sexual intercourse after
the start of ovulation, which can be before
the first menstrual period (menarche) but
usually occurs after the onset of periods.
Health risk associated to teenage
mothers are dangers of young
reproductive organs not ready for birth,
poor nutrition during pregnancy, and
maternal death due to high risk of
eclampsia, among others.
Reasons for teenage pregnancy include: unplanned sexual encounters, peer
pressure, lack of information on safe sex, breakdown of family life and lack of
good female role models in the family, and absence of accessible, adolescent-
friendly clinics.

Teenage pregnancy affects 5.99 percent of Filipino girls which is the second highest rate
in Southeast Asia based on Save the Children's Global Childhood Report (2019). An
estimated 538 babies are born to Filipino teenage mothers every single day, according
to Philippine Statistical Authority (2017).

Abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. It uses medicine or surgery to
remove the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus. The procedure is
done by a licensed health care professional. The decision to end a pregnancy
is very personal.
The intentional termination of
pregnancy after conception. It allows
women to put an end to their
pregnancies. Unintended pregnancy is
one of the main causes of abortion.
According to Article 256-256 of Revised
Penal Code, whether you are the
woman getting the abortion, the
abortionist, or someone assisting or
encouraging the abortion, you could get
in jail for one month to twenty years if
you commit the act on purpose.
The most commonly reported reason women cite for having an abortion is to
postpone or stop childbearing. The second most common reason—
socioeconomic concerns—includes disruption of education or employment;
lack of support from the father; desire to provide schooling for existing
children; and poverty, unemployment or inability to afford additional children.


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