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Ausarce Caeuts Maxims ‘Note 717 Slope Fes §7.1—Slope Fields We know that Antidifferentiation, Indefinite Integration, and Solving Differential Equations all imply the same process. The differential equations we've seen so far have been explicit functions of a single , y ble, like variable like = x? + 4x or f(x) =sinx or even h"(#)= getting back to either y= or f(x) = or h(r) required an initial condition and meant we had to find C Solving these equations meant ‘The general solution meant +C. The particular solution Many times, differential equations are NOT explicit functions ofa single variable, and sometimes they are not even solvable by analytic methods. Fear not, there is a way to graphically solve such (and any) differential equation. Definition: A Slope Field is a graphical general solution to a differential equation. Recall that a derivative function gives us the slopes of a function at a point. When we work with differential equations, we are dealing with expressions in which the derivative appears as a variable. For example, we might be asked to analyze the differential equation: a de If we replace the 4 in the above equation with what it represents, we get the following statemei slope at any point (x, ») = Itis possible to learn a great deal about a differential equation, even when we don't know how (or deliberately pretend that we don’t know how) to solve the equation, by looking at a picture of its trajectory space or Slope Field. In particular, a solution is unique if no two curves in a trajectory space, or slope field intersect. Imagine several functions whose only difference is a different C value, so that all the graphs are “parallel” and differ only by a vertical shift. It is actually quite easy to visualize a trajectory space (henceforth exclusively referred to by “Slope Field” and as an occasional “Veetor Field”) by sketching the slope field (sometimes also called a “flow field” or “direction field”) of the differential equation. Page 1 of 9 Coteus Maas Note 7.17: Slope ede ’ In general, the slope field of the differential equation y = &~ is defined inthe following manner To every point (x,y) in the domain of f, assign a small piece of a tangent line with a slope of f"(x,») 4 The slope field at that point will be a small (0) piece ofa tangent line with a slope of (x,y) tangent to a curve that passes through the point (x,y) For our example, we're seeking a function whose slope at any point in the (x, y)-plane is equal to the value of x?at that point, Let's illustrate that by examining a few selected points, At the point (1,2), the slope would be 1? At the point (5,3), the slope would be 5? = 25 At the point (—3,11), the slope would be (-3)” It would be impossible to produce a slope field covering the entire, infinite, Cartesian plane. Instead, for our example, let's restrict the section of the plane we consider to the following intervals: x (2,2) and » [-2.2] using the integer coordinates. Let’s try to make one: Example 1: Draw a slope field for the differential equation: 2 ? at the indicated points. > yt ae x20 $= : he wl al wt ny els Sel yer Hoe Page20f Cates Maximus Notes. Shape ik *Note: When drawing a piece of the tangent line at a point, draw the line long enough to see, but not so long that it interferes with the other tangent lines, **Note: Be sure your slopes of 0, 1, -1, and « are spot on. All other slopes must be at a steepness relative to these slopes and the others around it. Ifwe continue doing this for many more points and plot a small piece of a tangent line at the give point having the calculated slope, we may get a picture that may look a little like this: / Example 2: Sketch the graph of the solution of the initial value problem: yexty, y(0)=1 (ro Cuol= 4'l (I-2) i 2xty ch (uta) (22) tye pet dy-yds> xl mHe3e Loy SepaURLe Der EQ. Cates Maxis Noes 7.17: Slope Fick Example 3: Sketch the slope field for the differential equation y passes through the origin. +y? =1, then sketch the solution curve that ‘The more tangent line pieces we draw in a slope field, the better the picture of the solutions, In fact, if our line segments were so small that they were indistinguishable from points, we'd have the actual graph or the solutions. It is, however, very tedious and undesirable to compute and draw all those by hand, Our graphing calculators and computers are well-designed to do this. Below is a slope field of the previous problem done with a computer. Notice how we can now, with more confidence and accuracy, draw particular solutions, such as those passing through (0,~2), (0,-1),(0,0), (0,1), and (0,2) 3 3 1 Vt | \ Page 4069 Clea Maxims [Notes 7.17: Slope elds Example 4: Yericorre Match each slope field with the equation of the general solution it could represent. 1 7 t (ysl B)y=x in x @ y=cosx (HM) y=Inlx| Example The slope field from a certain differential equation is shown at right. Which of the following could be a specific solution to that differential equation? (A) y=x? (B) y=e" (©) y=e™* — (D) y=cosx (@y=inx Example 6: Match the slope fields with their differential equations. A) (8) SSRIS EIN rrr RASAAS FAAS Riiissfessiii See SS NYA sSto 75004 ARCA RUA USS F274 GT Tada ad Ret iyste sari Pe a ii (D) () Rope 7S TTY t ey F857 9] LOTS NAAN ASSERSSOTIEE! SENT RUNNER 7 7 C7 oN NT PENS PT oa wz D ay wv am” ae ATE 25S nme So Ouey LOO ary Page 09 Caletas Maxis Notes 7.17: Slope Fk Example 7: ‘Match the slope fields with their differential equations. (A) ®) PET TRE we © @) berecr deere R177 7eEN NY LECCERLL ILS: base See Ryvvstezii a SSSR RESSSShe2 771 z& 4 a 1 fl. =5; = Hxt+ MM Ba sy AG Barty Example 8: reeeeeeagererens The slope field for a differential equation is shown at right, Which rrrereriarriett statement is true for all solutions of the differential equation? Pe For x <0, all solutions are decreasing. Aree eeeasrerrad All solutions level off near the x-axis. FOCTTTTAATOETA For y>0, all solutions are increasing RRR RHA a 10st (B) only AEFI only Vy ayyy yyy e p Vader varvyyvay (D) and If only 271,11, and IL Vere bpri eying Victrccreryyees Vuuienegereyans Example 2g 2 Ycet2y=0 The slope field for the differential equation & -2-¥*)” wilt have vertical segments when hetey i de 4x42y tyete : 2 2 y= 2x (A) y=2x (® 2x (C) y=-x? only (D) y=O only (E) p= 0 or y=—x? Example 10: Which statement is true about the solutions, y(x) , ofa differential equation whose slope field is shown at right? 1. If »(0)>0, then lim y(x)=0 Ml, If-2 (a) On the axes provided, sketch a slope field for the given differential equation, (b) Let f be the function that satisfies the given differential equation. Write an equation for the tangent line to the curve _y = f(x) through the point (1, 1). Then use your tangent line equation to estimate the value of (1.2) (©) Find the particular solution y= f(x) to the differential equation with the initial condition f(1)=1. Use your solution to find f(1.2). (@) Compare your estimate of f (1.2) found in part (b) to the actual value of / (1.2) found in part (¢). Was your estimate from part (b) an underestimate or an overestimate? Use your slope field to explain why. we 2 out ed 0 Epobeg Example 12:( U Go" dv é . dy 1 edetxty-l AP 2007B-5 Consider the differential equation 7 = 5x+y~1 f Lo ye + = dety- 2 (a) On the axes provided, sketch a slope field for the given Ye Sor core #56 . differential equation at the nine points indicated. Prtove Le 4 Ez, 2 (b) Find, a in terms of x and y. Describe the region in the xy- a K plane in which all solution curves to the differential equation are concave up. (©) Let y = f(x) be a particular solution to the differential ess ge equation with the initial condition f (0) =1. Does fhave a relative minimum, a relative maximum, or neither at x = 0? Justify your answer. (@) Find the values of the constants m and b, for which y= mx + is a solution to the differential equation. 1 Bigg HDs 9 (od #3 RE Or Mee *d) qe bed me twene Be fou) So met b= t fleas (70) Page 7 0f9 =139 0 672" Deeww TRA, Sor-Conve Fas A tee Mw ar ©!) Cletus Maxis [Notes 7.17: Sloe Fields Example 13: Consider the differential equation given by 2 y (a) On the axes provided, sketch a slope field for the given di 7 equation. 7 liye Fee dye dee 4e gt xt tC Ep ben. Soe a fete” “if o/s v (b) Sketch a solution curve that passes through the point (0, 1) on your slope field. (©) Find the particular solution y= f(x) to the differential equation with the initial condition (0) (@ Sketch a solution curve that passes through the point (0,—1)on your slope field py 4g (cy (©) Find the particular solution y= f(x) to the differential equation withthe initial = condition f (0) =-1 Yee Example 14: Consider the differential equation given by & =—2% +l (a) On the axes provided, sketch a slope field for the given differential equation. (b) Sketch a solution curve that passes through the point (0, 1) on your slope field. (c) Find the particular solution for your curve from part (b) 2. (@) Find “ 2. For what values of x is the graph of the solution y= f(x) concave up? Concave down? Page 8 of Clee Maxims Example 15: 2000—BC6 Consider the differential equation given by 2 =x(y-1) Noles 7.1T: Slope Fields (a) On the axes provided, sketch a slope field for the given differential equation at the eleven points indicated. (b) Use slope field for the given differential equation to explain why a solution could not have the graph shown below. nee y= oo Me Have A lone The (©) Find the particular solution y = f(x) to the given differential equation with the initial condition f(0 (d) Find the range of the solution found in part (c).. Example 16: 2002—BCS Consider the differential equation 2 yd. (a) The slope field for the given differential equation is, provided. Sketch the solution curve that passes through the point (0,1) and sketch the solution curve that passes through the point (0,-1) (b) Find the value of } for which y=2x-+b is a solution to the given differential equation. Justify your answer. (©) Let g be the function that satisfies the differential equation with the initial condition g(0)=0. Does the graph of g have a local extremum at the point (0,0)? Ifso, is the point a local maximum or a local minimum? Justify your answer. Page 9 of ' | | S | . ' SS ' S38 i svt { sth I Mh Sat i STAT i SU ; WI ; SEN ; ST + SERRE a t SSR PESIIIIII A SSIS fsi/s Clete Masa “WS 21 Slope Feds name LEY Date. Period, Worksheet 7.1—Slope Fields Show all work on a separate sheet of paper. Graphs can be done on this sheet on the given grids. Short Answer and Free Response: ‘Draw a slope field for each of the following differential equations 1 * sat] \No \N+ yo? yf » 3, Be xty ele 1 i seaune guid y ae “7 \ NON Oak origin es Yu Poge FoF vey [732/65 Clo Mosinae W971: Slop Fells For 7— 12, match each slope field with the equation that the slope field could represent, Or-¥F) (>) »=4s* (Notused) @ 5A © yasinx (Abt used) © y= cos] @ y=nblfT| Pogo? ots key $a:2/5 Culelu Maxi W741: Slop Fete For 13 ~ 16, mateh the slope fields with their differential equations 13. 14, Zero slopes ah X22. (2 17. The calculator-drawn slope field for the differential equation 2 = x+y is shown in the figure below. a) Sketch the solution curve through the point (0,1) .on graphy b) Sketch the solution curve through the point (-3.0). 9% 4 ra ph c) Approximate y(-3.1) using the equation of the tangent line to y = f(x) at the point (~3,0). Page of bey pa./s Colas Mai W824: Slop Fitts 18, Consider the differential equation 2 =2y-4x, 4) The slope field for the differential equation is shown below. Sketch the solution curve that passes through the point (0,1) and sketch the solution curve that goes through the point (0,~1). oA graph b) There is a value of b for which y= 2x+ dis a solution to the differential equation, Find this value of b. Justify your answer. ©) Let g be the funetion that satisfies the given differential equation with the inital condition g(0)=0. Ttappears from the slope field that g has a local maximum at the point (0,0), Using the differential equation, prove analytically that this is so, 4 *Dy- tty becomes 22 2¢2u4vy-tx 8 27 4X t2b- 4% y 2-eb ‘ t L i v t 1 i 7 L ig isthe yoink of the line. Loaf + this Bor cueve. tom Ca) 4 t t L a ’ 15 the Solve i fig 20-0 © SoXz0 sacritiaal m olee pb 9A. 49 MN dey hy Th) [g21) OF ZRH 2 m= 2, aks Oe t a4 Yaad fe 9 -0.3 -0db 104 Loh eFC 1.94 WS B2- Euler's Metro — CAL-CvLUS MAxinnus |ra-2/2 z 6, ? Ait ~ — Ox 2)= ee 65, t0))= feo OF 2124, Poet, moa, Hl-06) Leb (0) for, axe orl, # pe a2y-tx (0) ycavsb, ‘woe ceed p (a) (0), new, 4 ial er [a 7ev : 25 ont ee Neaned o . po zp ort be [Ben — o2| he | $0 oayeiiX’ : (Bet \ Malo -te #1, 7 tt #"2 sin c9py iseerealpket Ke) "We 4 d thie 3-234, Tas © Me Dx (ptisraseneanetbanspton) Oktori nto LEB] th has a Local Min ef x=) x 4 23S + = (a) + 7 7 ' a se oo at xz hnl®) pn bn A O52. 2. Ree rab Halabi, “A aie 2-40, 5 g has a (real sane af 49 ti) 4, 7x4 ¥ All elecar weld Hom Euler's Mobled tales place in i: a4 4 Quadrant TE, whore X<0 and yro. For dhese valve S Wy 4 oF wand 4, Hy go yond 15 concave yp 11 oy 0, 2 f? ay . 2-bx-4) quadran} x, oe dburefore our apereyimate of 182 le 2 2-2e+y inorgroinae £(-0-4), Rosa Her ‘caleuls Maximus ‘Noes 7.37: Separble Dif EQ §7.3—-Separable Differential Equations We have looked at first-order differential equations from the graphical (slope fields) and numeric (Euler's method) perspective. Now it’s time to approach them from the symbolic, or analytic, perspective ‘A separable differential equation is one in which all x and d's can be separated from all the y and dys For most of the equations we've worked with, this was not possible, but sometimes, they can. Itis very, very, very important, when solving separable differential equations, to SHOW THE SEPARATION OF THE VARIABLES. Example 1: The graph of several solutions to the differential equation 2 2 is shown, Solve the equation, then find the y particular solution that satisfies the initial conditions y(0)=2, »(0)=-2, and »(0)=0 Paget ors . Aeveveg ASteo TO SOLVE A Aev-Sepacnnce Eguprtou ( Clee Maxims ‘Notes 7.37: Separable Dist EQ Example 2: Find the general and particular solutions to the separable differential equation % = xy given the initial conditions MO)n-2m fmt Llyelez @) when fo\=-2 fees feta “eee dnl ge *C - fe re So, y=-2e Isl=e Sg b) wien, f=! d x ° ° cseheee Iylee ee° fete? [= Ce ere Il= Cem . Sly Oly Geotmy 95 Ge FSR SUYHE AP 1998-4 Let fbe a function with f(1) = 4such that for all points (x, y)on the graph of f, the slope is given by ay Be +1 ay a) Find the slope of the graph of fat the point where x =1. (0) b) Write an equation of the line angent to the graph of fat x = land use it to approximate f(1.2). () 7 is 7 . ion & 32° +1 with the initial (S) ¢) Find /(2) by solving the separable differential equation “= with the initial (S y condition f() = 4. 4) Use your solution from part (c) to find f(1.2), CL) aay). BELT fesdy oBdA) Ec TE ave las _ % y= 4x tC fede td b) (ht), 2 gr ederetc Liv)=4 +46e) artis YET EHC bq. lez) £L Luz) =A £62, Ge= 2+ cal Sys TA Page ofS clos Maxis Note 737: Sep DATE Law of Exponential Change For exponential growth functions, the more you have, the more you get. For exponential decay functions, the less you have, the less you lose. Quantities that grow/decrease by a factor or a percentage at regular intervals, are exponential. ‘This can be stated equivalently as: ‘The rate of change of a quantity is directly proportional to that quantity itself. dq 5 Mathematically, we state this as & = ky, where kis ether a growth or decay constant, i Example 4: Solve the separable differential equation —- J {k [dag fhde claly Ske * c _ phere | lyl-e tac | na c [ylzeure MEMORIZE. MEMORIZE. MEMORIZE. then y= Ce’, where C is the initial amount present (y-intercept of the graph). Wit €= O ve dt Example 5: (Calculator Permitted) Bacteria in a culture increased from 400 to 1600 in three hours. Assuming that the rate of increase is directly proportional to the population, 7 E‘rPow eves & (@) Find an appropriate equation to model the population. (b) Find the number of bacteria at the end of six hours using the equation found above. a (2 vsiaays, 1 FOO?) G00 - a> a) yoCet® ceoraared (04 08) 4) y(e)= yoo”) = Cer) {00e. =Coo (iG Yoo = Ce 5019 (tla)nd ) ae y= Hoe ys = 6,YOo Gactée 4 qooe = YOOe wos oF yesees ts In U lne y= 4004 & YU =la Bh uy let 145) alae $lnr9 Int ‘or the exponential growth/decay or other similar problems, it is often better to solve for e* rather than k since the result can be obtained faster by using ¢* directly age of 5 Caleutus Maxis [Note 7137: Sepaable DIT EQ Example 6: (Calculator Permitted) Radium-226 (736Ra ) loses its mass at a rate that is directly proportional to its mass. fits half-life is 1590 years, and if we start with a sample of radium-226 with a mass of 100 mg, (@) Find the formula for the mass that remains after years, s (b) Find the mass after 1000 years. (100) (1540, 56) (©) When will the mass be reduced to 30 mg? Aah (ees BE a) y= Ce So, y=l00e “BEE b)yllorsd= 0O-€ at 7S chylaz = O4iboSe5, 2100e cleo cur oo eA nr ©) 30=(00(4) / : a isto. 7 in b=he™ yore a * aye £2 590.% serene ) in 3 We MjeccdglnB)aidoln? 9 tea =e In) Ae= zag | wiolhZ 2 Te ae © Example x i Wes rs nl Suppose the amount of oil pumped fiom one ofthe canyon wells ix Whittier, California, decreases atthe continuous rate of 10% per year. When will the well’s output fall to one-fifth of its present level? = 100(.9)* In b= E Lined) - * £ la 20 = 100 G4) = las 2 Fn oO egy tes wt aaa Example 8: ‘Suppose that a population of fruit flies grows in proportion to the number of fruit flies in the population. If there were 100 flies after the second day and 300 flies after the fourth day, how many flies were in the “jee (2100) (4,36) 3e02Ce* 7403) as = Cer# loo Ce le zh iso Ce Ind she [00> 3 [nd=2h c= 2335 Ccrloula Maxis ‘Notes 7.37: Saprble Di EQ Example 9: AP 2008-5 Consiter the differential equation 2 =F} where x40. * (@) Onthe axes provided, sketch asipe fed forthe given differential equation at the nine points indicated. (2 (b) Find the particular solution y = f(x) to the ren equation with the initial condition f(2)=0. (6) (©) For the particular solution y = f(x) described in part ©), find tim f(x). C1) , d _ -| _. Ha ) ds a So, Yy a Jsray feds yar’ oer’ Me =the lala . c) jw -e we +] Yer 0 litre . ~Cm #9 [yeh eve fy-tl=Ce™ = -Verloa Ve Hthe y-l= Ce Gees: y>Ce we Ar(zo): OF cee Page sof 5 WS 7.3- Sep BM ES Cheeveus winnie, [iA LE “nike €4 > o fF 1000.6 yes ely oe. ye ae ag eye - Aahire. Joo « tata a a G02 /20/0,01 ve we Lei) = (4/09) ‘ee \? Y= /00, (91,50) hel) = (0. on Gos joe Pep 2 Addy (y= tie 4:(00) “Lee 199k e* f° (We 2 5 both be Miele -21957 snip (90100 @ pot) k= 7kg bald) ) Wha, K-30 hes ta 29.992 UKE] @® du ® oh = Ky he. of Lorin @ 4 Cel 5 (2G y= Ce irae t fer aCe tT piu aud. bg eb Co ae kip, OR) = ys a hen ert Ne OES cay ae. { Ce ke c-2ay" uf ee 2ca@" ze, a mo % y= 24 4 a it =. € Se want 4M) a BEEP a (acy =2(%), mes 208 a a TE, ond TE tee y(t): 2A) x Jootar)E | Gee & yar dy dQ —— [9 Of hyo OB bso Wey Sade {dy ede qe Orly |= Ohl 4 ly \ ghkit® all yete! Stole, (el co es EE) & gral «nates Thema? a3 © ie. yes, qo)--1 Fae Fes By bowen ty (2nd yey bove Be one Brae gin Solr Laigh> 3S il yote “(Z) hi oe hi 0 peasy ate ha Or OP-9= Ok (YF. el (+20 (YF. 3e"( ie en =o hegticaler WS 3 ~ Sep Dile COP EQ (Oe ves O4 e? = C06 t)29 (f sia (4 b/g © 4 ay” le * gl a fseyly: fle 44, a che om 4 fe ty foe oy t Ale: 2 eee , OF a = -2yy yl db y, 025 b. oe ae @ tbe yl"! ‘i , mip iL = pete 4 i , wipe bled HOR Ie 7 146,073 eee) | ie es ts @ st: K 7y k ke Gince. WIC ZE gryle® (DA Keh5, yl) #22 OF ie & y =(bn*»)" ie dole ae pet (Ons. Hy Ok prerwasge | ees 55> C¢K em on ks ue ol gy? ble jee ‘h y) 1b0e ny 0051 Soo) WS 43> Sep DE Bq CAC BUS MA UES (A344 () u 5-27-32 ,W(0)* 50 (a) Woe fay () vl)=-20 0 db-200) WE (Hel) 39--a6*-te Le fe 72a : - tid “2a L 24g) fea Golvsif= ete te a use 2& +e = o- lb MeP te ae Kthe Slowest speed 5k ° M feet tM chae — Ee bhAeIxe 75 Io £t porseennal cz L070 sta \ Store ash (i) Sv@se= SAE ae srreosill hl = eet +e it Mo-2.000; 20007 /Pte, 67 /9B3 52| Wey fom —— where =/2 vii23.9879* {6 thal M8 50 hav speed ad He time the hits the ground 0s Vo Chicas, $0 4 US sabe for her #8 Puch Journ, ©) dp, KEL Playa Pst Sydy heen? = Toe) Org Brre® O ede fral 4 iE RDKHO points sabolying yor mraure ) 7 ook] Suede Heal ‘0 © WS 43> Se bil Ba CALCULUS MAKIMUS, (r97¢ 2 2 1 xte, & 4 is Heh ta)at Cle, since Combe OD 5 + Ml since a mate Oye 1 tide 5 ofpeomte hulp! bre D iD yl e Daf #e- Je él] -{ tid & ) = 0-1, E22) Haba | peaBl-2 elke seaph of He soba So Domain iS (By! Prixeo) Ay ay. Oy 4 wei-t ©) ee-BB fene-t ® 4 x Ile % Syd: St KP ft hep WET) Dis oy +e@P cal vty : ne Z Huds yey - ‘ baer ) Art ree a Ye gep = ere = ee a i" TD ek E35) -Ea8)) lywee Ley Cletus Maxims ‘Was AT legion by Pas §7.4—Integration by Parts In the best movie of all time about a high school calculus teacher, Stand and Deliver, Edward James Olmos, portraying Jaime Escalante, says, “Calculus is not meant to be made easy, it already is.” He also says, in my favorite scene in Silver Screen history, “Do you want me to do [the math problem] for you?” (student {quickly says yes) "YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO SAY ‘NO"!”. “It’s as easy as Tic ... Tac... Toe.” ‘Olmos's character was referring to two things: Ganas and Integration by Parts. The problem Tito was trying to do in the movie was the following: fe? sinxde This integral doesn’t fit any of our patterns so far, nor can we, through clever algebraic manipulation, get it into one of our recognizable patterns. There is, in fact, a new pattem we want to take notice of, and itis this. We have two factors. We know how to differentiate one (or both) of them and we know how to integrate the other one (or both) of them. ‘When you see this pattern, it's time for integration by parts, We'll start with an example easier than the one from the movie, We'll also talk about backwards Zorro. ‘Example 1: Evaluate fxcos xd =X ag dvstornd= dd=olx— v = $1ex = XSOK~ Jsureolx 2 x SWX+COSx +C Zé = Sy xt X COS ~ SUX =x COSX age 1 of cies ou 147 ny Why the heck does that work? Remember the product rule of differentiation (don’t answer that if you don’t). FLrWeW]=/' e+e") Rearranging and integrating both sides, we get: [recover [1e)e'@te= FEE e)e (w]e [© )8'(@)ae= S()2(s)- JF") (x)ee If we, for the sake of simplicity, let v = f(x) and v= g(x), we get fucty = wo» = fr Example 2: a u Evaluate axes Z)xe ax 4 Zz em | + eae t "de -afire “fe “Le| ducdyS v= Ge™ te othe 14 pic] z aad nef tee afte'Tec [exe ge" ec) 0 Example 3: ao] Bt nade = 4lnyx- tSxdx Wem pe 2) ucla dvzx de dur day vote * telny-tfdeJac ¢ ek ent Evaluate fin xdx =ylny - (+-x% ucla dvzldx cdi Se de duck yey e¥lnen J te xlnv-x+C\ Page 20f6 Caos Maxims Notes 7.47: norton by Pars Example 5: Evaluate farctan xox = KQCTHOYX - Sa “ Ucareme x Av= Ld wr ae { du= ark yex Jyarceane~ £ ln he ul +C - ‘Example 6: Evaluate frarctan xd 7 U=arctauy d= xd rs z = dus abode ve tx Example 7: . et Evaluate fosce™ ed0 etosecte - 4f _o __ do . ursete dv> Ode ZO ee fee uo! v= 46" ec! au> 26d8 digger ~porse'e-4[ Teds) “ -46% see -L(4)C) (er Perc alL etsato- $ (67-1) "+ Cl Page 3 0f6 sf Coteus Maximus Noes 7.47: negation by Pars Let's revisit the one from the movies: Example 8: Evaluate [x sin xd. In the movie, Tito was using the “backwards Zorro” method, and chose w= sin.x and dv = x°de. Use Tito’s method and feel his frustration. Learn from it. UES wy dusty Uz" = duesuex oe usc yet" due brdde v= 8s UK dv *Cosede VE SOX zor Sswedr Seen anewen fens (Ox +COSK tC Tcoset CKSIW¥ +2 COS «| t a Pees 42S nce ax a ye swx- & J Prose ‘The “Tic-Tac-Toe” a.k.a. the Tabular Method In general, we like to choose our polynomial term as u. The exception would be if there is a log or inverse trig factor. When our polynomial is degree two or higher, we can abandon the “repeated backwards Zorro” ‘method for the Tabular method. It’s as easy as Tic-Tae-Toe, Example 9: Evaluate fx? sin xd using the tabular method, ~ fiwans Sencers w[ Ae ee 2cosx + 2x Sux +2cos« tC Page sof Cletus Maxims [Note 74 itgation by Pas Y Coens w/d Tae MEMted Example 10: a Evaluate fi‘e%dr io3 ettsfe + Solve <= x3 nx, if z=Swhen x=1 ak S debe? (me dy e= b x4 ne 4 (1? che a= tela 7 ix? +C Wwieas tis) S= BA ly Cs # So, Ie Example 12: ‘ . If f(x)=x° cos2x, * the average value of fon the interval [oz]. Verify on your calculator. 2 = } f&\dy e Avo Vecce = } - J Ne Cos zed 2 {deers td Keone Este Se + or 3 b-a f-o J x"cos ecb -2ffo-a(#)-0 +8)---e-8) _— ‘Nos 741 nagtn by Pas Example 13: Evaluate few seox x ap cosx Ax fe% “ =e : «x j 0% cosy de = CCS +E "5x ~ Se cose ox K " 1c 2S ekcosndy = cosx te ™Swx Se * cosecle = LO* ose +4EUK+ C Page 608 WS Bit Int by Bre EY cacevees Meyimss [08:13 OSelase dy = ha) Pesan 4 — ose a ho sesine AK Oy anti de wy ad |e z oo K ee ujdv pA x sin 2 eh Ki | + 2 [he casey + 0 ‘oh Up euelsye 0 | ~sing: OF dala * seine + axeose-28ing chiy)-(~ _—r (Spent Basar’ ] coh) I te Moz wince axles asi 2eyelone + 29 “re Spends) + w3iden) (A hee eyging +e Be © He lay Oli \vé"de ‘ i crag * wa = ayn (eat dk Ye ity = vee cbnice (C} Li is pater ( Sisal ©) Ssinee * (2) Ss) de +f- u te ue = %. F y (bw) i by ie St \* spel Fil -_— a a4 dr — fee ede = sin sey 24, me ~ fade die ont es oy ~ Aeulax HC ig Te] Phase Dba 24) -E eof) + a sit) Beate Ws tht ty fir, KEY CALE LUS MAXI AUS (Ps . ar Qe Carefanlll dee Oo) Veen bose dv oe ‘a , l ett B ie = tacclnltl)~ ae 7+ 2 Lerdtan(dB) ae Earctanl4O) ~ & de [wrt THe Vs Fog pe (o+») “1E) + (i ert -Leatatie) 3 ay ee ey t NL Ste xO re il a a a : o ayel-2e"}| = oe (hace } 26 "(x= t-2x-Dh, - ¥ “fx ‘ = tee - —Sorttar)" de . ot: 2¥-h, ~ fox - 4) : sre eer |! = gl(-r-2-3)-EO) MN ab ie = el Co) 2 (Be 6-1) = arte ¥cusAVh -E#) = Bad = meloe- 9), fe “5 -Oe9 2 RE Sy st WS Bb-Int by Parts Ke f y Chee OU MAMAS, [(#3/ LB @ dy oe, >} shen x0 Oy eHSiNL, WS XS ZI ¥stice Sing xo ¥ue(Gom) lige obese vent—de bee x2 teers (et? 4 ‘ae dk » 5 oP Ide > Alt) + Bletz) = x45 Car reed wer “et Let X= | Alo) BG) =O b> B=2 Ler ye-zrAcseelo)= B9ASH (foe Efe flea VEZ a Tin bee +2ln Peril # C Page 2066 Coleus Maxine [Notes 7.57: Paral Fractions & Logie Growth In order for partial fraction decomposition to work, the degree of the denominator must be greater than that of the numerator. When it's not we'll use our tried and true method of long dividing first. p2a3t A PE +1 Example 4: pum? dev (2) 4 ge Evaluate PX Nae Seek wel 3K we o3 7 (397434 dx ™ §(3x% 3+ abe ide ° {Ges +f 4B obi AGI) eG EN : = y= “ler xele Ace) soel=d>Ae-2 6 (3x3 = Be tye 2B=2 Ler vats Ao) +8@ t > [E243 Conk + atte ” Ei O43n + 2ln] [ae Bel te tone Mover You Have, THe Fret ea > peste for corres ComeR Am PLY Fopaccees rel AU Capes Pru be Root sense BRIE Cave deD, Tene TS as Coople 1 Pee tint TOTHE # OF i KawPea> oe cre Ceencity OF TE Ful touKen™ Example 5: Solve the differential equation 4 =hy(L-y) Te You wieGeme You Ger Q> Cee Page of 5 Cobol Maxims [Nots 7ST: Paral Facons & Logi Growth Memorize the solution: Logistic Growth 12 wiy(-)), then y= — 1+Ce4" Think “Lice Minus Licked.” It's gross, but it works. ey *****Notice the prominence of our carrying capacity value L in each form of the equation. This is very important, especially when asked for the limit at infinity OR when asked to find the y-value when the y~ values are increasing most rapidly (i.e. the inflection value: y = é i Example 6: (Calculator) The population of Alaska since from 1900 to 2000 can be modeled by the following logistic. equation, Py = 895598 1571 57e° where P is the population and ¢ years after 1900, with t= 0 corresponding to 1900. a) What is the predicted population of Alaska in 20207 b) How fast was the population of Alaska changing in 1920? In 1940? In 1999? c) When was Alaska growing the fastest, and what was the population then? 4) What information does the equation tell us about the population of Alaska in the long run? a) e(t20) = FF1,293 Avascans (7 F1/UU8 Care?) b) P! (20) = nveciv (ir i 20) > Hes cies ee) rag) 2 a Daze (Sloee40)9 423 People (e ak et (2e = pdec Gh 10? ge rece ie( 0 ee esas = pS ae B 544 3,909 Aensenus 0 Sse Ee ae ein) 98523 on Py Rate 4 PoruLA rian Te ALACEH LUns Grau dhe THe FASTEST anceet See iehe shes PePULATiOU At kar Tomeluns © UAH 399. 1S fou Eermarocate As t 2 i) —_ “ai 548 Base o Ov Tass Azone. Thee. oe ensen SHON [gm Plee § L=8457 srreaci ze A fnout $15.60 Rae Ey lowo lees Ee Aumioog te Woe (quer Be Cretan sce Hae 2 BP, 35 = io, noes: t CAAGM LILLE, Dery Der TOs Hay YANBLES THA CO ee (Caleuls Maxims [Notes 7ST: Partial Fractions & Logs Orowth ‘The AP exam loves to ask questions that require you to recognize the parameters of logistic growth for either the equation or the differential equation written in a DIFFERERNT FORMAT. This requires you to ‘manipulate the equation to fit one of the two standard forms below: (2 Constnot L b(L-y) > =e Le Caceres Carrer te A= Grownt CousTret Example 7: The growth rate of a population P of bears in a newly established wildlife preserve is modeled by the differential equation ¢ = 0.008P(100- P), where t measured in years a) What is the carrying capacity for bears in this wildlife preserve? 'b) What is the bear population when the population is growing the fastest? c) What is the rate of change of population when itis growing the fastest? a) [00 Beaa> ) Te Behe Porc ation TS Crews THe fastest Wien Fr Ts " THe Canine Chenery 50 beans- C)w ren PF 50, de> = ,00% ($0) (100-50) = 20 Beaes/Ye - Hace Example 8: ‘Suppose that a population develops according to the logistic differential equation é =0.2P-0,002P", where r is measured in weeks, 12 0. a) If P(0)=5, whatis lim P(e)? (00 b) If P(O)=60,, whatis lim P(e)? |0© ©) If P(Q)=120, what is lim P(@)? (od. 4) Sketch the solution curves for a), b), and c). Which one has an inflection point? de. 2°- au aoe ez o 2 o(10 °) [L=(00 d’p P_ zo ae ae lo de ~ ia? Paesore wads HF (200 4p) Q= 0(Por) Css Macs ‘Noss 7ST: atl tn & Logi roth ‘Example 8: ‘The rate at which the lu spreads through a community is modeled by the logistic differential equation & =0.001P(3000~ P), where sis measured in days, 1>0 a) If P(0)=50, solve for P as a function of ¢. 1b) Use your solution to a) to find the size of the population when t= 2days, c) Use your solution to a) to find the number of days that have occurred when the flu is spreading the fastest. Le « = PR = a) > obi eCcco-r) be = P= ee i- ds) _ 3e0d-S0 = 3900, = 3P Cl ~ Feo0 : Pp 1s Se FB foe Booms =$q p) 9C2 ise 2 2619.23% Pare c) P= S85 (500 _ 3000 (SOO™ Thsge- 1500 + 5B500E ** =3000 SEsooe Ft = [50d eo xb Ine? © (n (soe -3¢= In (sem. t= In (&®) 3 € 2 h359DeiS Page 6086 WS “2:5 Partial Fractions KLeqistic oO _ 828. b+ 59ee* ® 00 = liwrt a g cout? L disuse gous fastest wher “2 - Pi 0) bine Sope Field has zero Slopes whim A>? and ate yo the Solubons ett, Sp oe diflerentiel equation is key CMCULUS MiytiMUS [tel/s = lag . 4 SIGE pret Olean 24 lor M0) is limit togrouth, -Ly, 6 tly it Bowe “VG yx) NS booted Uaving on! abel = x2 | yo 4p remain unintected (E) ou| | Pe = wt ay bn & = ee i), P(0)=300 = Bn yt te deg Plaamo- P) Of firme , K (Ly) 2/0,900__1E Daly ah est me Lim = loe0? OL: 3P- aah at -6P-o002?” e 2 0. “ 2. P ey, se b, gor hleg00— ,) xz, Legltdz 200 () MA (a) /f Po) ofa, PQ=ZELO asm ary goal’ faatestuhn P60 tele) Pis ine. bye sine wane om 300, is inereasts 7 " hs Xe) Wit flo) =180, 4, Pls) = 2500. soo « Pis ‘Me wheres Pe > B0o Gife Oe Sit a = pe -P) (a) oe age 100 o> Ta alone), 20> 7B (C=4 eo THe fend TE 700 (opie 200 = ies ae t= dnl 5 te ee a Pisine deren since PO)S?H2 COE Ploy= = 3000 /od Pee >: ee Pie Herons re Norse ie figtest whon (Top 15 gross hah 2 indo bears are in the js J ohace Pisa madaun peck: pois WSF S-Prt fine Wlyishic LEY — encaun mevanvs SE pos p—0,005t Oa - ages Pegee P K la) [200 stadtrrts( 222) hel ” doer Wh te Tuleh F () Med * Tae Pit) = —2222-— jele™ at (yg). G2 222. nese ee — al (ip -2222. =| a) 143990 oO ee ggtt 2/000 Alam) Ee Gp nlaaMhrs aber Iam £% 0,99bWS cen, Of = esse see Ploy % 1995. 00 stdout QAP. sp-at= ap(|- de 73? a> gro P) @) (0). Pie ine forall O} IE ithe long run) a5 67) Pay 7 DZ. Ponly bes intlechion pis For Oc Plo)

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