Colorectal Lung Metastasis Surgery

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Surgical Management of Colorectal Lung

P. James Villeneuve, M.D.1 and R. Sudhir Sundaresan, M.D.1


Colon cancer is a systemic disease in 19% of patients and metastasizes most

frequently to the liver and the lung. Survival is enhanced with complete surgical resection
of pulmonary metastases. Comprehensive restaging and verification of preoperative
fitness must precede resection. The operative approach is dictated by the anatomic
location of the metastases, whereas the extent of resection remains a balance between
complete removal of metastatic deposits while preserving as much lung parenchyma as
possible. The presence of metastatic involvement of hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes is
ominous. Multidisciplinary care is highly recommended. An evidence-based algorithm
for the identification assessment and treatment of patients with pulmonary metastases is

KEYWORDS: Pulmonary metastases, colorectal cancer, surgical management,


Objectives: On completion of this article, the reader should have an appreciation for the role of metastasectomy for pulmonary
metastases from colorectal cancer, understand the importance of restaging and preoperative cardiopulmonary assessment, and apply
the algorithm for identification and referral of patients for consideration of metastasectomy.


Colorectal cancer (CRC) is an extremely prevalent FOR PULMONARY METASTASECTOMY
cancer, with greater than 1 million cases identified in The first reported case of pulmonary metastasectomy
the world yearly. Of these cases, 19% present with stage dates back to 1882, when Weinlechner performed pul-
IV disease. Colorectal cancer metastases are most com- monary resection for two incidental lesions found during
monly found in the liver; lung is the second most resection of a sarcomatous chest wall lesion.4 This was
common site. Overall survival with untreated stage IV followed by a planned resection of pulmonary metastases
disease is 11.3% at 5 years,1 although in a selected by Divis5 in 1927. Long-term survival was observed in
patient population, resection of isolated pulmonary 1934, as Edwards6 reported 18-year survival after resec-
metastases can increase survival rates up to 40% at tion of metastatic osteogenic sarcoma. Barney and
5 years.2,3 Churchill7 then reported 23-year survival after resection

Division of Thoracic Surgery, The Ottawa Hospital, University of Colorectal Cancer; Guest Editor, Robin P. Boushey, M.D., Ph.D.
Ottawa Faculty of Medicine, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Clin Colon Rectal Surg 2009;22:233–241. Copyright # 2009 by
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: R. Sudhir Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY
Sundaresan, M.D., Ottawa Hospital–General Campus, 501 Smyth Rd., 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Rm. 6361, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1H 8L6 (e-mail: ssundaresan@ DOI 10.1055/s-0029-1242463. ISSN 1531-0043.

Figure 1 Computed tomographic (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET) images from a 62-year-old man who
underwent resection of a T3N0 sigmoid colon carcinoma 2½ years prior. (A) CT image showing the typical peripheral location
of a pulmonary metastatic lesion in the posterior basal segment of the right lower lobe (arrowhead). (B) Whole body PET scan
shows a solitary focus of uptake in this nodule, confirming the presence of a solitary pulmonary metastasis (arrowhead) without
hilar or mediastinal lymph node involvement. The patient underwent successful right video-assisted thoracoscopy procedure
with wedge resection of this metastasis.

of pulmonary metastases from renal cell cancer. The first acquisition across the entire thorax at 1-mm slice
resection of pulmonary colorectal metastases was re- thickness during a single breath hold. Older generation
ported by Blalock8 in 1944. In the intervening years, (single detector) CT scans were 100% sensitive for
multiple series have demonstrated that durable survival nodules as small as 6 mm, whereas smaller parenchymal
benefits are obtained with surgical resection of meta- nodules were only accurately characterized in 66% of
static disease – the current aggregate survival at 5 years cases. Pleural nodules were found to be more difficult to
stands at approximately 35% (with variations depending assess, as only 17% accuracy was achieved for nodules
on the tissue of origin of the primary tumor).9 In the 6 mm or less in size. Increased sensitivity up to 98% can
remainder of this article, the critical issues pertaining to be obtained using intravenous contrast and objectively
pulmonary metastasectomy for colorectal metastases will measuring nodular Hounsfield units.11 PET scans are
be presented. now the imaging modality of choice for detection of
occult metastases (patients with elevated CEA and no
evidence of disease on imaging), unsuspected pulmonary
RESTAGING STUDIES AND ASSESSMENT or hilar lymph node disease, and for assessing extra-
OF THE METASTATIC BURDEN thoracic disease burden (Fig. 1).12–14
Patients treated for colorectal cancer undergo regular Published estimates suggest that 20% of meta-
physical examinations, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) static nodules are not detectable preoperatively.15 This
serum levels, colonoscopy, and cross-sectional imaging has relevance for the growing enthusiasm for application
of the abdomen and pelvis as a part of routine surveil- of minimally invasive surgical approaches to metastasec-
lance set out in the National Comprehensive Cancer tomy, in that these approaches do not allow the operat-
Network (NCCN) guidelines.10 If recurrent or meta- ing surgeon to bimanually palpate the lung parenchyma.
static colorectal carcinoma is suspected, restaging is Several strategies have therefore been proposed to en-
indicated. This includes colonoscopy, computed tomog- hance intraoperative identification of smaller nodules.
raphy (CT) of the thorax/abdomen/pelvis, and the These include preoperative placement of hookwires,16,17
consideration of a positron emission tomography methylene blue,18 and most recently, metallic coils19
(PET) scan if CT imaging and colonoscopy do not using image-guidance. The published experience has
localize the site of recurrence.10 In the case of pulmonary been small, and the net benefits inconclusive, especially
metastases, a multidetector CT scan is considered a first- when one considers periprocedural complications (pleur-
line test. Present CT technology allows for image itic pain, pneumothorax, and dislodging of markers).

Intraoperative ultrasound,20 image-guided stereotactic Table 2 Selection Criteria for Pulmonary

navigation,21 and the use of technetium radiotracer Metastasectomy
scintigraphy22 have also been examined. These tech- Colorectal primary controlled, or
niques may have utility in delineating metastatic If present, is considered resectable
burden, but seem to be ideally suited for localizing Absence of extrathoracic disease, or
solitary pulmonary nodules for video-assisted thoraco- If present, is resectable or ablatable
scopy (VATS) biopsies, rather than for multiple Pulmonary metastases are completely resectable
metastasectomies. An R0 resection is the goal
It is our practice to routinely secure preoperative Patient has adequate cardiopulmonary reserve
diagnosis of pulmonary nodules by fine-needle aspiration Adapted from Greelish, Friedberg25 and Pfannschmidt et al.54
biopsy (FNAB), as this facilitates appropriate workup
and operative planning. In patients presenting with
pulmonary nodules after a long disease-free interval severity of functional impairment will dictate the extent
from their primary colorectal cancer resection, and who of pulmonary resection that may be considered. Inclusion
have specific risk factors for another primary cancer of preoperative pulmonary rehabilitation and neuraxial
(for example, a significant smoking history or asbestos analgesic strategies26 such as epidural or paravertebral
exposure), it is prudent to determine the tissue of origin. blocks serve to optimize postoperative recovery of
FNAB samples showing positive immunohistochemical respiratory function, as do newer surgical approaches
staining for TTF1 (thyroid transcription factor 1) rep- such as VATS and muscle-sparing thoracotomy.27
resent lung parenchymal origin (91% sensitive, 98%
specific); CDX2 staining (caudal type homeobox tran-
scription factor 2) represents colonic tissue origin (83% INDICATIONS FOR PULMONARY
sensitive, 96% specific).23 This distinction is particularly METASTASECTOMY
relevant, as the staging workup and resection of primary The goal of resection in metastatic CRC is to achieve a
lung cancer is significantly different from that necessary complete extirpation of intrathoracic disease without
for colorectal metastases. sacrificing excessive amounts of normal lung paren-
chyma. Guiding principles (see Table 2), outlined by
Thomford, Woolner, and Clagett28 in 1965, an exten-
PREOPERATIVE ASSESSMENT sion of earlier work by Alexander and Haight29 in 1947,
OF PULMONARY RESERVE are still considered30 to provide appropriate patient
A detailed assessment of the patient’s medical status selection criteria. There should be no doubt that the
must be undertaken prior to conducting metastasectomy. ultimate goal is a complete (R0 – no gross or microscopic
In addition to general medical fitness, a close examina- residual disease) resection: following complete metasta-
tion of cardiopulmonary fitness must be assessed by sectomy, the median survival is 35 months, whereas
testing pulmonary function and exercise tolerance. following incomplete resection, the median survival is
Fitness criteria24 recommended by the American only 15 months.3
College of Chest Physicians are outlined in Table 1.
Smoking status must be determined and smoking cessa-
tion advocated if indicated. Details of prior neo- and CONTROVERSIES IN CHOICE
adjuvant treatments must be sought out25 in the history, OF OPERATIVE APPROACH
as certain chemotherapy regimens are toxic to lung AND EXTENT OF RESECTION
parenchyma (glycopeptides such as bleomycin), whereas
others are cardiotoxic (anthracyclines such as doxorubi- Choice of Incision and Approach
cin). Any history of external-beam radiotherapy should The surgical approach to R0 resection of pulmonary
prompt thorough pulmonary function testing. The metastases is dictated by the size, number and distribu-
tion of individual tumor deposits. The bilateral thora-
costernotomy (‘‘clamshell’’ incision), popularized initially
Table 1 Fitness Parameters for Pulmonary Resection
for lung transplantation and later applied to bilateral
Forced expiratory volume (FEV1) metastasectomies, entails bilateral submammary thora-
Greater than 2 L suitable for pneumonectomy cotomies with transverse division of the sternum. This
Greater than 1.5 L suitable for lobectomy incision provides excellent exposure to the hilum and all
Carbon monoxide diffusion (DLCO) 80% or greater of predicted lobes of the lung, including both lower lobes.31 How-
Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) should be determined ever, postoperative complications are significant and
if FEV1 or DLCO are less than 60% of predicted include nonunion and displacement of the transverse
Minimum of 15 mL/kg/min sternotomy, as well as migration or infection of fixation
Adapted from Bapoje et al.24 hardware. Median [midline] sternotomy is commonly

used for cardiac surgical procedures and has applicability the subject of controversy for some time to come or until
in pulmonary surgery. The main advantage is the access more data are available. However, Roth,34 and more
to both lungs (albeit reduced access to the lower lobes, recently Nakajima36 have published their experiences
especially the left), with lower morbidity (decreased showing that the operative approach does not appear
intercostal nerve and muscle injury).32 Anterior and to influence overall outcome.
lateral thoracotomies currently represent the standard
incision for open pulmonary surgery; however, VATS
procedures are rapidly gaining popularity. VATS resec- Extent of Resection
tions utilize laparoscopic-style instruments introduced Metastases are most commonly located peripherally in
via trocars, resulting in smaller incisions and reduced the lung parenchyma and more frequently in the lower
postoperative morbidity.33 lobes. This allows for relatively straightforward non-
Data supporting bilateral resections, via clamshell anatomic resection (Fig. 1), as reflected in the frequen-
or median sternotomy may have been influenced by the cies of this type of resection in larger series, such as the
suboptimal imaging modalities of an earlier era (linear International Registry of Lung Metastases (IRLM). The
tomography and early CT scan technology). The routine most common pulmonary metastasectomy performed3
necessity for bilateral exploration with bimanual palpa- was a nonanatomic wedge resection (67% of patients
tion of lung parenchyma has been brought into question registered in the IRLM), followed by lobar resections
by improvements in current-era imaging modalities such (21%), segmentectomies (9%), and pneumonectomy
as helical multidetector CT scans and PET scans. It may (3%).
be for these reasons that prior to 1979, lateral thoracot- Pneumonectomy is rarely performed as the initial
omies were performed for metastasectomy; afterwards, procedure for metastasectomy. This is related to several
the median sternotomy dominated.34 factors including a postoperative mortality rate ap-
VATS procedures were reported in the early proaching or exceeding 5%; the lack of conservation of
1990s and have gained momentum ever since.35 Most lung parenchyma; and a 5-year survival rate of only
published reports suggest equivalent outcomes with 16%.40 Completion pneumonectomy as a second proce-
open and thoracoscopic approaches; VATS appears to dure remains controversial.41 In patients who are not
achieve equivalent postoperative and 5-year survival operative candidates from a pulmonary reserve stand-
rates,36,37 with reduced perioperative morbidity. Cancer point, there is recent evidence that radiofrequency abla-
recurrence at VATS port sites has not been widely tion may serve to control metastatic disease,42 although
reported: a single study reports38 four recurrences in repeated rounds of ablation are likely required.43
26 cases, with all recurrences occurring within the first Patients whose disease pattern includes both hep-
5 postoperative months. A second study39 reports three atic and pulmonary metastases have been shown to
port site recurrences in 36 cases. These reports encom- benefit from either sequential or simultaneous liver and
pass results from early VATS procedures – increasing use lung resections, with a 51% 5-year survival rate.44
of wound protectors and specimen extraction bags37 has Factors predictive of good outcome included younger
reduced this risk significantly. The consideration of age, solitary metachronous liver metastases preceding
minimally invasive operative approaches should be based lung metastases, and a long disease-free interval.45 In
on adherence to identified predictors of a successful these cases, assessment by a hepatobiliary surgeon in the
VATS approach to pulmonary metastases.15 These pa- context of multidisciplinary cancer care is recommended;
rameters, evaluated by Cerfolio and colleagues, include close consultation is required to decide between staged or
the number, size, and location (central versus peripheral; concurrent resection strategies (Fig. 2).
upper versus lower lobe) of the metastatic deposits, and
are summarized in Table 3.
The choice of operative approach and specifically OUTCOME FOLLOWING PULMONARY
the use of minimally invasive approaches will likely be METASTASECTOMY
The results of several small series of patients undergoing
Table 3 Patterns of Pulmonary Metastatic Spread metastasectomy have been reported – however, we will
and Suggested Operative Approach focus on data from the largest series from 1991–1995,
Operative Approach and a more contemporary meta-analysis of published
Characteristics VATS Thoracotomy reports from 1995–2006.
The IRLM is a database of pulmonary resections
Number (n) 1–3 >3 performed for metastases from all cancer types at 18
Size (cm) <1.5 cm >4 cm thoracic centers worldwide over the years 1991–1995,
Location Peripheral Central representing an accrual of 5206 separate cases.3 This has
Lobe involved Upper, middle Lower generated robust data regarding postoperative outcomes,
Adapted from Cerfolio et al. 15
VATS, video-assisted thoracoscopy. survival, and the determination of adverse risk factors.

Figure 2 Computed tomographic (CT) images of a 56-year-old woman who underwent left colon resection of a T4N1 colon
carcinoma one year prior. (A) Lung windows show a peripheral metastatic deposit in the left lower lobe (arrowhead).
(B) Abdominal CT image showing a metastatic deposit in the left lobe of the liver (arrowhead). The patient underwent
successful surgery for synchronous resection of these metastases, through a left video-assisted thoracoscopy approach
followed by laparotomy.

The disease-free interval strongly affects outcomes, as patients with CRC metastases, and had a profound
patients presenting with early pulmonary metastases impact on long-term survival. Although overall 5-year
(within the first year) had a median survival of survival rate was found to be 48%, the survival rate rose
29 months, whereas those presenting with metastases to 60% in the absence of nodal disease. In the presence of
3 years or more after their primary treatment had a peribronchial/hilar nodes, survival was reduced to 17%.
median survival of 49 months. Multivariate analysis of No patients with mediastinal lymphadenopathy survived
this data allowed for identification of adverse risk factors 5 years.46 These findings have been corroborated in
and survival grouping. Resectability of metastases, the another recent meta-analysis.2,30
disease-free interval, and number of metastases (single Preoperative elevation of CEA level (greater than
versus multiple) all had significant influence on long- 10 ng/mL47) is also an adverse risk factor. Patients with
term outcome, with resectability having the most pro- normal serum CEA levels preoperatively had a 5-year
found impact (Table 4). survival rate of 60%, whereas those with high CEA levels
The Heidelberg group2 has published a meta- had only an 18% survival rate. Other negative prognostic
analysis of 14 studies of pulmonary metastasectomies for factors include a tumor doubling time of less than
colorectal cancer, incorporating 1684 patients in series 100 days,48 and the presence of several histopathologic
published from 1995–2006. Perioperative mortality markers: presence of p53 staining, vascular invasion,
ranged from 0–2.5%, confirming that metastasectomy presence of alveolar floating cancer cell clusters, and
is a safe procedure. The majority of the patients reported positive E-cadherin staining have all been related to
underwent unilateral procedures (n ¼ 886) involving reduced survival.49,50
wedge resections. The overall survival rate in this series There are conflicting data supporting the efficacy
was 48% at 5 years. of repeat pulmonary metastasectomy for metastatic
In this study, peribronchial and mediastinal CRC. Welter’s group51 reports that the number of
lymph node metastases were observed in 9.8% of cancer metastases present at the first resection is the most

Table 4 Adverse Risk Factors and Prognostic Grouping for Pulmonary Metastases Based on Multivariate Analysis of
the IRLM Data
Group Resectable? Number of Risk Factors Median Survival (Months)

I Yes 0 61
II Yes 1 34
III Yes 2 24
IV No N/A 14
Risk factors: Disease-free interval less than 36 months, multiple metastases. N/A=not applicable.
Adapted from The International Registry of Lung Metastases (IRLM).3

important determinant of overall survival. A Japanese in selected patients. The authors propose an evidence-
group52 has reported decreased survival with two or more based approach applicable in this circumstance (Fig. 3).
resections, suggesting the first pulmonary metastasec- Suspicion of pulmonary metastases should
tomy is the most effective, while Kim and colleagues53 prompt thorough restaging studies, which include CT
show that 5-year survival is not different between of the thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. Consideration
patients undergoing single or multiple pulmonary should be given for a PET scan for assessment of intra-
resections. thoracic (hilar or mediastinal) lymphadenopathy as well
as occult recurrence at the primary site or elsewhere in
the abdomen or pelvis. Patients with isolated thoracic
RECOMMENDATIONS disease should then be further assessed for resection,
Pulmonary metastasectomy is currently an accepted with the planned extirpative procedure anticipating an
mode of treatment for metastatic colorectal carcinoma R0 resection. The extent of pulmonary resection will

Figure 3 An approach to the patient with suspected pulmonary metastases.


further guide the magnitude of preoperative workup: local and distant recurrence as outlined in the NCCN
patients requiring a pneumonectomy will necessarily guidelines.10 Controlling for pulmonary recurrence and
require a greater level of cardiopulmonary reserve as postoperative complications is most effective with con-
compared with patients requiring wedge resection(s) trast enhanced CT scans of the thorax.
For patients whose metastatic disease is unre-
sectable, or whose cardiopulmonary reserve is insuffi- CONCLUSION
cient, nonresectional treatments are appropriate. Pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer represent
There is limited experience in ablative techniques a challenging situation, where metastasectomy carries
(such as radiofrequency ablation) for lung metastases, genuine benefit in carefully selected patients. Key
but early results are encouraging.42 The role of che- factors to consider include adherence to oncologic
moradiotherapy is not yet defined for pulmonary principles, technical feasibility of the proposed resec-
colorectal metastases because historically, these lesions tion and the overall fitness of the patient to undergo
did not respond well to adjuvant treatments. The pulmonary resection. Although patient selection and
current era of chemotherapy10 has shown impressive determination of operative fitness must be highly in-
responses in primary colorectal cancers to such regi- dividualized, an evidence-based algorithm to guide
mens as FOLFOX (fluorouracil, leucovorin and ox- patient selection, assessment and operative approach
aliplatin) and FOLFIRI (fluorouracil, leucovorin and is proposed.
irinotecan), with or without the addition of biologic
agents such as bevacizumab (anti-vascular endothelial
growth factor; VEGF), cetuximab and panitumumab REFERENCES
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