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Abdullah Abbas
Roll No:
Information Technology
Submitted To:
Sir Junaid Muzaffar
1.How icloud iservices iare imeasured?
Cloud icomputing iprovides ithe iservices ito ithe iorganizations iso ithey ican irun itheir iapplications
iand iinstall ithem ion ithe icloud. iVirtualization iis iused ito ideploy ithe icloud icomputing imodels ias
iit iprovides ia ihidden ilayer ibetween ithe iuser iand ithe iphysical ilayer iof ithe isystem. iThe icloud
iservices iare imeasured iin iterms iof iuse. iPay ias imuch ias iyou iuse ithat ican ibe ibased ion ihours ior
imonths ior iyears. iCloud iservices iallow iusers ito ipay ifor ionly iwhat ithey iuse iand iaccording ito
ithe idemand, ithe icharges ior ithe iprices iget iincreased.

Cloud itechnology iis ibringing iin imany ibenefits ito ithe iorganizations iand ithe iservices iare
imeasured iin iseveral iways.

• Elasticity: iCloud ican icreate imore iresources ito ienhance iperformance ifor ia isingle iuser ior
inumerous iusers iat ia isingle ipoint iof itime.

• Instant iprovisioning: iVirtualization iof iinfrastructure ieliminates ithe ineed ito ideploy
iapplications iinto idevices ior ion-premises ilocation.

• Cost-effective: iThe icloud iadopts ithe ipolicy iof ipay-as-you-use iand ithere iis ino iupfront
iinvestment ito ibe imade. iThis idiffers ifrom ithe itraditional ipolicy iof ipay iand iuse.

• Better iusage: iConsumers iuse ithe iservice iwithout ithe ineed iof iplanning ifor iwhat ithey imay
irequire iand iwasting ithem iif inot iutilized.

• Utilization: iThe ivital ibenefit iis iit iremoves ithe idrawbacks iof iunder-provisioning iand iover-
provisioning ithat igenerally iwastes ia ilot iof imoney ifor iorganizations.

• On-demand: iYet ianother ifeature iof ithe icloud ihosting iis ithe ion-demand iself-service iwhich
igives ithe iuser iability ito iautomated iservices iwith ijust ia ifew iclicks.

• Access iflexibility: iCloud inetwork iallows iaccess ito inetworks ifor ia iwide irange iof idevices
ilike ismartphones, itablets, iPCs, iwithin ia icorporate ifirewall. iIt iallows iaccess ito idata iand
iapplications ifrom iany ilocation iat iany itime.

• Control: iUsers ihave ithe ioption ito iselect iand iconfigure ithe iapplications iand iinfrastructure
ithat ibest isuits itheir ibusiness ineeds.

Cloud ioffers ihigh iflexibility iand ibetter idata isecurity iand irecovery isolutions iand igives ian iedge
iover ithe icompetition ifor ibusinesses.
2.Business iConsideration ion icost ifor iin ihouse iIT iresources iand iCloud-Based
iIT iresources.

Ans: iIn-House iIT iresources: i

The iCloud iwasn’t ieven ia iviable ioption ifor ismall iand imedium-sized ibusinesses
i(SMBs) ia ifew iyears iago. iSo ihistorically, iSMBs ihave iused iin-house iservers i(meaning ione
ilocated iwithin ithe icompany) ito ihost iapplications, ifile isharing, iemail, iand iother ioffice
iessentials. iBut ieven inow ithat ithe iCloud iis ian ialternative, isticking iwith ian ion-site iserver
imay istill ibe ithe ibest ibet ifor iyour iSMB. iHere iare ia ifew ireasons iwhy. i

Advantages iof iIn-House iIT iresources: i

When iyour iserver iis iin-house, iyou ihave icomplete icontrol iover iit. i
You idon’t ihave ito irely ion ia iCloud iservice ifor isecurity iand iyou ican ibuild ia isolution
ithat’s itailed icompletely ito ithe ineeds iof iyour ibusiness. i

You ican iupgrade iyour iserver ito imeet ithe ineeds iof iyour icompany ias iit igrows ior
ichanges iand iyou iwon’t ipay imonthly ihosting ifees. i

Disadvantages iof ithe iIn-House iIT iresources: i

An iin-house iserver irequires ia isizable iinitial icapital iinvestment iinto iequipment iand
isoftware. i

You’ll ialso ipay ifor iat ileast ia ipart-time iIT iprofessional iand ibe iresponsible ifor ithe
icosts iassociated iwith irenewing isoftware ilicense iand ihardware iupgrades. i

Cost iconsiderations iof ithe iIn-House iIT iresources: i

An iin-house isolution iis isomething imore itraditional icompared ito itoday’s icloud-based
isoftware isolutions. iIt iis itypical ithat iat ithe ibeginning iwhen ian iin-house isolution iis iacquired
iin iuse iit iinvolves imore iexpenses ias iyou ineed ito ibuy ia ilicense iand iget ithe ihardware
iinfrastructure i(e.g. iservers, idevices) iin iplace. i

Naturally, ithe ioperative iexpense iwill ibe ithere ias iwell iand iyou ineed ito itake icare iof ithe
imaintenance iof ithe isystem, isoftware i(and isometimes ieven ihardware) iupdates, ifixing iand
iresolving iproblems iwith ithe isystem, iand iprobably imany iother ismaller itasks ithat ieventually
imake ia ifinancial iburden ito iaccumulate. i i

The ibest iand ithe imost isuitable ideployment ioption iwhether iit iis ia ifull iin-house isolution iwith
iyour iown idevices, iservers, iand iother iinfrastructure i– ior ifully ihosted ifor iyou, idepends ion
ivarious iaspects. iFor iexample, iif iyou iare iOK ito ishare idevices iwith ieveryone ielse, ithen ithe
ipublic ideployment ioption iwill iwork iyou ilike ia icharm. iAlso, iyou ihave iaccess ito iall ithe
ilatest iand igreatest idevices iglobally. i

Cloud-Based iIT iresources i

i iA icloud-based iserver iutilizes ivirtual itechnology ito ihost ia icompany's iapplications ioffsite.
iThere iare ino icapital iexpenses, idata ican ibe ibacked iup iregularly, iand icompanies ionly ihave
ito ipay ifor ithe iresources ithey iuse. iA iCloud-based ione ioffers iseveral iadvantages iand ia ifew
idrawbacks. i i

Advantages iof ithe icloud-Based iIT iresources: i

If iyour iSMB ihas ia ihigh ipercentage iof ivirtual iworkers ior idemanding iinternal iIT icosts, ia
iCloud iserver icould isave iyour icompany imoney. i i

With ithe iCloud, iyou’re irelieved iof ithe istress iof imanaging ithe iserver. iThis iis iparticularly
iuseful ifor ibusinesses ithat ican’t iafford ia idedicated iIT istaff imember ior ithose iSMBs ithat
iwould iprefer ito iuse ithe icapital ithat ifunds ia ihefty iIT isalary iin iother iways. i

A icloud iserver iis ithat iit ioffers ian ieasily iscalable isolution ithat ican ibe imodified ito imeet
ithe ichanging idemands iof iyour ibusiness. i

For iexample, ibecause iyou idon’t ipurchase isoftware, iyou’re imore ilikely ito iupgrade iwhen
inecessary. i

Disadvantages iof ithe icloud-Based iIT iresources: i

The icloud iserver irequires ia idependable iInternet iconnection. i

If iInternet iaccess iis idown, iyou iwon’t ibe iable ito iconnect ito iyour iserver. i
Cloud iservers ihave ia ireputation ifor ibeing ihighly isecure, iyou imay ihesitant ito iuse ithe
iCloud iif iyour icompany ihandles iespecially isensitive iinformation ilike icustomer’s
ihealth irecords ior ifinancial idata. i

When iconsidering ia iCloud iserver, iyou ican’t ioverlook ithe icost iof imonthly ihosting
ifees, iso imake isure iyour ibusiness iis iprepared ifor ithat iexpense. i

Cost iConsiderations iof ithe iCloud-Based iIT iresources: i

Cloud isolutions iprovide ian iinstant iway ito ibuild imobile idevelopment iand itesting ilabs. iThe
igreatest ibenefit iof ithese isolutions iis ithat iyou idon’t ihave ito iset iup iany iserver ihardware ior
iconnect iany iphysical imobile idevice ito iuse ithem iseamlessly ias ia ipart iof iyour idevelopment
iprocess. i

The imajority iof ithe icosts irelated ito icloud-service iare iincluded iin ithe ilicense ifee i(price) iof
ithe iservice. iYou ivery irarely ieven ineed iany iother isoftware ito ibe ipurchased ito iuse ithese
iservices. i

In ithe icase iof iCloud-Based iIT iresources iyou ineed ito ihave idevice iaccess iinstantly iand ionly
ishare ithose idevices iwith iyour iteams, ithe iprivate icloud iversion iwill imake iyour ilife ia ilot
ieasier. i

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