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Introduction to Computer Application

Submitted to:
Muhammad Aslam

Submitted by:
Rabia Azhar

2nd Semester (Eve)

Department of Applied Psychology

Government College University Faisalabad
Q#1. What is software? Elaborate its types in detail with the help of diagram.
ANS: A software or computer software essentially a type of programs which enable the users
to perform some particular specific task or actually used to operate their computer. It
essentially directs all of the peripheral devices on the entire computer system- what exactly to
do and how exactly to perform a task. A software plays a key role of a mediator between the
user and the computer hardware. In the absence of software, a user essentially can’t perform
any task on a computer. A software product development company is the one which develops
software for the users.
Following is the layout diagram of types of Software.


System Application
Software software

Operating system Word Processors

Device Drivers Database Software

Firmware Multimedia Software

Utility Web Browsers

Detailed List of Types of Software

Generally, there are two main classifications of software, which are namely, System Software
along with the Application Software.
1. System Software
In case of a system software, it helps the user as well as the hardware to function and
even interact with each other easily. Essentially, it is a software which is used to
manage the behavior of the computer hardware in order to offer basic functionalities
which are needed by the user. In simpler word, it can be said that system software is
essentially an intermediator or even a middle layer between the user as well as the
These softwares sanction an environment or platform for the other software to easily
work in. Hence, it is the reason why the system software is quite important in the
management of the entire computer system. Whenever you turn on the computer first,
it is this system software which gets initialized and then gets loaded in the system’s
memory. A system software essentially runs in the background, and it isn’t actually
utilized by the end-users. Due to this reason, the system software is also known
popularly as “low-level software”. Companies usually hire the best software
development company to build a system software.
Few of the common system software examples are:
a. Operating System
Being a prominent example for system software, it is essentially a collection of
software which handles resources as well as offers general services for various other
application which actually run over them. There are different types of operating
systems like embedded, real-time, distributed, single-user, multi-user, mobile, internet
and much more. Full stack web development services develop apps to operate on a
mobile operating system like Android and iOS. Some of the key examples of
operating systems are as follows:
• MS Windows
• macOS
• Linux
• iOS
• Android
• CentOS
• Ubuntu
• Unix
b. Device Drivers
This type of software controls particular hardware which is essentially attached to the
system. Different hardware devices which require a driver to connect to a system
easily consist of displays, printers, sound cards, hard disks, keyboard, and mice. Few
of the examples of such drivers are:
• BIOS Driver
• Motherboard Drivers
• Display Drivers
• ROM Drivers
• Printer Drivers
• USB Drivers
• Sound Card Driver
• VGA Drivers

c. Firmware
It is actually a permanent software which is embedded in the system’s read-only
memory. It is essentially a set of instructions which are permanently stored onto to the
hardware device. It offers vital information regarding how a particular device interacts
with different other hardware. Some of the examples of firmware are:
• Computer Peripherals
• Embedded Systems
These software are designed to assist in analysing, as well as optimizing, along with
configuring and maintaining a given computer system. It provides support to the
computer infrastructure. Software like disk cleanup and management tools, anti-
viruses, defragmenters, compression tools etc. are all utility software. Some of its
examples are: Sign up for Newsletters Check out our popular newsletters and
Norton Antivirus
McAfee Antivirus
Piriform CCleaner
Windows File Explorer
Directory Opus
Razer Cortex
2. Application Software
They are also popularly known as end-user programs or even productivity programs
which assist the user in completing various tasks like conducting online research,
making notes, designing graphics, maintaining accounts, carrying out calculations or
even playing computer games. They essentially lie above the system software. They
are actually used by the end-user as well as have specific functionality or tasks which
they are designed to perform. These software are often developed through custom
software development, based on the requirements of the users. There is a variety of
application software. Some of them are:

a. Word Processors
Such applications are meant for documentation. It also assists in storing as well as
formatting and even printing of the documents. Key examples of such software are:
• MS Word
• Apple iWork-Pages
• Corel WordPerfect
• Google Docs
b. Database Software
It is used to create as well as manage a database and also known as Database
Management System or in short, DBMS. Such software assists in the data
organization. Some of the examples of DBMS are:
• MS Access
• FileMaker
• dBase
• Clipper
• FoxPro
c. Multimedia Software
This is a software which is able to play, create as well as record images, audio or even
video files. These softwares are utilized for animation, video editing, graphics as well
as image editing. Due to the high demand for such software, every software product
development company has vast avenues in developing them. Some of the examples of
such software are:
• Adobe Photoshop
• Picasa
• VLC Media Player
• Windows Media Player
• Windows Movie Maker
d. web Browsers
These software are utilized to browse the internet. Web browsers assist the users in
locating as well as retrieving data well across the web. Some of the key examples of
them are:

• Google Chrome
• Mozilla
• Firefox
• Internet Explorer
• Opera
• UC Browser
• Safari
Q#2. Describe classification of computer?
ANS: Computers differ based on their data processing abilities. They are classified according
to purpose, data handling and functionality.
According to purpose, computers are either general purpose or specific purpose. General
purpose computers are designed to perform a range of tasks. They have the ability to store
numerous programs, but lack in speed and efficiency. Specific purpose computers are
designed to handle a specific problem or to perform a specific task. A set of instructions is
built into the machine.
According to data handling, computers are analog, digital or hybrid. Analog computers work
on the principle of measuring, in which the measurements obtained are translated into data.
Modern analog computers usually employ electrical parameters, such as voltages, resistances
or currents, to represent the quantities being manipulated. Such computers do not deal
directly with the numbers. They measure continuous physical magnitudes. Digital computers
are those that operate with information, numerical or otherwise, represented in a digital form.
Such computers process data into a digital value (in 0s and 1s). They give the results with
more accuracy and at a faster rate. Hybrid computers incorporate the measuring feature of an
analog computer and counting feature of a digital computer. For computational purposes,
these computers use analog components and for storage, digital memories are used.
According to functionality, Type of computers are classified as :
Analog Computer
An analog computer (spelt analogue in British English) is a form of computer that uses
continuous physical phenomena such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to
model the problem being solved.

Digital Computer
A computer that performs calculations and logical operations with quantities represented as
digits, usually in the binary number system
Hybrid Computer (Analog + Digital)
A combination of computers those are capable of inputting and outputting in both digital and
analog signals. A hybrid computer system setup offers a cost effective method of performing
complex simulations.
On the basis of Size: Type of Computer
Super Computer
The fastest and most powerful type of computer Supercomputers are very expensive and are
employed for specialized applications that require immense amounts of mathematical
calculations. For example, weather forecasting requires a supercomputer. Other uses of
supercomputers include animated graphics, fluid dynamic calculations, nuclear energy
research, and petroleum exploration.
The chief difference between a supercomputer and a mainframe is that a supercomputer
channels all its power into executing a few programs as fast as possible, whereas a mainframe
uses its power to execute many programs concurrently.
Mainframe Computer
A very large and expensive computer capable of supporting hundreds, or even thousands, of
users simultaneously. In the hierarchy that starts with a simple microprocessor (in watches,
for example) at the bottom and moves to supercomputers at the top, mainframes are just
below supercomputers. In some ways, mainframes are more powerful than supercomputers
because they support more simultaneous programs. But supercomputers can execute a single
program faster than a mainframe.
Mini Computer
A midsized computer. In size and power, minicomputers lie between workstations and
mainframes. In the past decade, the distinction between large minicomputers and small
mainframes has blurred, however, as has the distinction between small minicomputers and
workstations. But in general, a minicomputer is a multiprocessing system capable of
supporting from 4 to about 200 users simultaneously.

Micro Computer or Personal Computer
• Desktop Computer: a personal or micro-mini computer sufficient to fit on a desk.
• Laptop Computer: a portable computer complete with an integrated screen and keyboard.
It is generally smaller in size than a desktop computer and larger than a notebook computer.
• Palmtop Computer/Digital Diary /Notebook /PDAs: a hand-sized computer. Palmtops
have no keyboard but the screen serves both as an input and output device.
A terminal or desktop computer in a network. In this context, workstation is just a generic
term for a user's machine (client machine) in contrast to a "server" or "mainframe."
Q#3. What is operating system? Elaborate it types and basic functions?
ANS: An Operating system (OS) is a software which acts as an interface between the end
user and computer hardware. Every computer must have at least one OS to run other
programs. An application like Chrome, MS Word, Games, etc. needs some environment in
which it will run and perform its task. The OS helps you to communicate with the computer
without knowing how to speak the computer's language. It is not possible for the user to use
any computer or mobile device without having an operating system.
Types of Operating system
• Batch Operating System
• Multitasking/Time Sharing OS
• Real Time OS
• Distributed OS
• Network OS
• Mobile OS
Batch Operating System
Some computer processes are very lengthy and time-consuming. To speed the same process,
a job with a similar type of needs are batched together and run as a group.
The user of a batch operating system never directly interacts with the computer. In this type
of OS, every user prepares his or her job on an offline device like a punch card and submit it
to the computer operator.
Multi-Tasking/Time-sharing Operating systems
Time-sharing operating system enables people located at a different terminal(shell) to use a
single computer system at the same time. The processor time (CPU) which is shared among
multiple users is termed as time sharing.

Real time OS
A real time operating system time interval to process and respond to inputs is very small.
Examples: Military Software Systems, Space Software Systems.
Distributed Operating System
Distributed systems use many processors located in different machines to provide very fast
computation to its users.
Network Operating System
Network Operating System runs on a server. It provides the capability to serve to manage
data, user, groups, security, application, and other networking functions.
Mobile OS
Mobile operating systems are those OS which is especially that are designed to power
smartphones, tablets, and wearables devices.
Basic Functions of an Operating System
In an operating system software performs each of the function:
Process management: Process management helps OS to create and delete processes. It also
provides mechanisms for synchronization and communication among processes.
Memory management: Memory management module performs the task of allocation and
de-allocation of memory space to programs in need of this resources.
File management: It manages all the file-related activities such as organization storage,
retrieval, naming, sharing, and protection of files.
Device Management: Device management keeps tracks of all devices. This module also
responsible for this task is known as the I/O controller. It also performs the task of allocation
and de-allocation of the devices.
I/O System Management: One of the main objects of any OS is to hide the peculiarities of
that hardware devices from the user.
Secondary-Storage Management: Systems have several levels of storage which includes
primary storage, secondary storage, and cache storage. Instructions and data must be stored in
primary storage or cache so that a running program can reference it.
Security: Security module protects the data and information of a computer system against
malware threat and authorized access.
Command interpretation: This module is interpreting commands given by the and acting
system resources to process that commands.

Networking: A distributed system is a group of processors which do not share memory,
hardware devices, or a clock. The processors communicate with one another through the
Job accounting: Keeping track of time & resource used by various job and users.
Communication management: Coordination and assignment of compilers, interpreters, and
another software resource of the various users of the computer systems.
Q#4. Elaborate computer system architecture with the help of diagram and its function
Ans: A computer system is basically a machine that simplifies complicated tasks. It should
maximize performance and reduce costs as well as power consumption. The different
components in the Computer System Architecture are Input Unit, Output Unit, Storage Unit,
Arithmetic Logic Unit, Control Unit etc.
A diagram that shows the flow of data between these units is as follows

The input data travels from input unit to ALU. Similarly, the computed data travels from
ALU to output unit. The data constantly moves from storage unit to ALU and back again.
This is because stored data is computed on before being stored again. The control unit
controls all the other units as well as their data.
Details about all the computer units are

Input Unit
The input unit provides data to the computer system from the outside. So, basically it links
the external environment with the computer. It takes data from the input devices, converts it
into machine language and then loads it into the computer system. Keyboard, mouse etc. are
the most commonly used input devices.
Output Unit
The output unit provides the results of computer process to the users i.e. it links the computer
with the external environment. Most of the output data is the form of audio or video. The
different output devices are monitors, printers, speakers, headphones etc.
Storage Unit
Storage unit contains many computer components that are used to store data. It is
traditionally divided into primary storage and secondary storage. Primary storage is also
known as the main memory and is the memory directly accessible by the CPU. Secondary or
external storage is not directly accessible by the CPU. The data from secondary storage needs
to be brought into the primary storage before the CPU can use it. Secondary storage contains
a large amount of data permanently.
Arithmetic Logic Unit
All the calculations related to the computer system are performed by the arithmetic logic unit.
It can perform operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc. The control
unit transfers data from storage unit to arithmetic logic unit when calculations need to be
performed. The arithmetic logic unit and the control unit together form the central processing
Control Unit
This unit controls all the other units of the computer system and so is known as its central
nervous system. It transfers data throughout the computer as required including from storage
unit to central processing unit and vice versa. The control unit also dictates how the memory,
input output devices, arithmetic logic unit etc. should behave.
Q#5. Define software engineering and write in detail SDLC with diagram?
ANS: The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) refers to a methodology with clearly
defined processes for creating high-quality software. in detail, the SDLC methodology
focuses on the following stages of software development:
• Requirement analysis
• Planning

• Software design such as architectural design
• Software development
• Testing
• Deployment
Definition of SDLC
SDLC or the Software Development Life Cycle is a process that produces software with the
highest quality and lowest cost in the shortest time possible. SDLC provides a well-structured
flow of phases that help an organization to quickly produce high-quality software which is
well-tested and ready for production use.
The SDLC involves six phases as explained in the introduction. Popular SDLC models
include the waterfall model, spiral model, and Agile model.
The following figure is a graphical representation of the various stages of a typical SDLC.

Stage 1: Planning and Requirement Analysis

Requirement analysis is the most important and fundamental stage in SDLC. It is performed
by the senior members of the team with inputs from the customer, the sales department,
market surveys and domain experts in the industry. This information is then used to plan the
basic project approach and to conduct product feasibility study in the economical, operational
and technical areas.

Planning for the quality assurance requirements and identification of the risks associated with
the project is also done in the planning stage. The outcome of the technical feasibility study is
to define the various technical approaches that can be followed to implement the project
successfully with minimum risks.
Stage 2: Defining Requirements
Once the requirement analysis is done the next step is to clearly define and document the
product requirements and get them approved from the customer or the market analysts. This
is done through an SRS (Software Requirement Specification) document which consists of all
the product requirements to be designed and developed during the project life cycle.
Stage 3: Designing the Product Architecture
SRS is the reference for product architects to come out with the best architecture for the
product to be developed. Based on the requirements specified in SRS, usually more than one
design approach for the product architecture is proposed and documented in a DDS - Design
Document Specification.
This DDS is reviewed by all the important stakeholders and based on various parameters as
risk assessment, product robustness, design modularity, budget and time constraints, the best
design approach is selected for the product.
A design approach clearly defines all the architectural modules of the product along with its
communication and data flow representation with the external and third party modules (if
any). The internal design of all the modules of the proposed architecture should be clearly
defined with the minutest of the details in DDS.
Stage 4: Building or Developing the Product
In this stage of SDLC the actual development starts and the product is built. The
programming code is generated as per DDS during this stage. If the design is performed in a
detailed and organized manner, code generation can be accomplished without much hassle.
Developers must follow the coding guidelines defined by their organization and
programming tools like compilers, interpreters, debuggers, etc. are used to generate the code.
Different high level programming languages such as C, C++, Pascal, Java and PHP are used
for coding. The programming language is chosen with respect to the type of software being
Stage 5: Testing the Product
This stage is usually a subset of all the stages as in the modern SDLC models, the testing
activities are mostly involved in all the stages of SDLC. However, this stage refers to the

testing only stage of the product where product defects are reported, tracked, fixed and
retested, until the product reaches the quality standards defined in the SRS.
Stage 6: Deployment in the Market and Maintenance
Once the product is tested and ready to be deployed it is released formally in the appropriate
market. Sometimes product deployment happens in stages as per the business strategy of that
organization. The product may first be released in a limited segment and tested in the real
business environment (UAT- User acceptance testing).
Then based on the feedback, the product may be released as it is or with suggested
enhancements in the targeting market segment. After the product is released in the market, its
maintenance is done for the existing customer base.
The most common SDLC examples or SDLC models are listed below.
Waterfall Model
This SDLC model is the oldest and most straightforward. With this methodology, we finish
one phase and then start the next. Each phase has its own mini-plan and each phase
“waterfalls” into the next. The biggest drawback of this model is that small details left
incomplete can hold up the entire process.
Agile Model
The Agile SDLC model separates the product into cycles and delivers a working product very
quickly. This methodology produces a succession of releases. Testing of each release feeds
back info that’s incorporated into the next version. According to Robert Half, the drawback
of this model is that the heavy emphasis on customer interaction can lead the project in the
wrong direction in some cases.
Iterative Model
This SDLC model emphasizes repetition. Developers create a version very quickly and for
relatively little cost, then test and improve it through rapid and successive versions. One big
disadvantage here is that it can eat up resources fast if left unchecked.
V-Shaped Model
An extension of the waterfall model, this SDLC methodology tests at each stage of
development. As with waterfall, this process can run into roadblocks.
Big Bang Model
This high-risk SDLC model throws most of its resources at development and works best for
small projects. It lacks the thorough requirements definition stage of the other methods.

Spiral Model
The most flexible of the SDLC models, the spiral model is similar to the iterative model in its
emphasis on repetition. The spiral model goes through the planning, design, build and test
phases over and over, with gradual improvements at each pass.



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