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Dr. Arunachalam V
Associate Professor, SENSE
How to contact me off the class hours?
• TT 130 A (First floor TT )
• 9443038445 (if any urgency, SMS me)
• Open Hours
– On every Tuesday between 10.00 AM to 11.50 PM
– On every Thursday between 03.00 PM to 04.50 PM
• My area of interests are :
– High Performance data dominated VLSI Systems
– Reconfigurable Systems design ( not only FPGA)
– Embedded Systems (Tightly coupled HW/ SW systems)
General issues in Computer Arithmetic
• Representation of the numbers to process in a digital computer.
– Integers (Binary),
– Mixed fractions (Fixed point or Floating point),
– Application specific binary coded numbers (Greay code, BCD, Excess 3, redundant
number system, residue number system
– Signed numbers (2’s complement or sign magnitude)
• ALU design – High speed, low area / power, cost effective, etc
• Basic arithmetic operations:
– Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, (LSB first arithmetic) ( Carry ahead or high speed
arithmetic )
– Division (MSB first arithmetic)
• More complex arithmetic operations:
– LCM, GCD, Square root, logarithmic, trigonometry, etc..
• Error analysis / control (Pentium FDIV bug)

Lecture: 2 hours/week : Mondays and Wednessdays

Tutorials : 1 hours/week ; Fridays
Total credits : 3
Module 1 & 2
Module 1 Introduction to computer Arithmetic:
• Review of Numbers and arithmetic.
• Redundant number systems.
• Residue number system.
Module 2 Integer Arithmetic:
• Addition and Subtraction.
• Multiplication.
• Division.
• Roots.
• Greatest Common Division.
• Base Conversion Algorithms: Quadratic & Sub quadratic.
Module 3 & 4
Module 3 FFT and Modular Arithmetic:
• Representation: Classical Representation, Montgomery's Form,
Residue Number Systems,
• MSB vs LSB Algorithms, Link with Polynomials.
• Addition and Subtraction.
• Multiplication: Barrett's Algorithm, Montgomery's
Multiplication, McLaughlin's Algorithm, Special Moduli, Fast
Multiplication Over GF (2)[x].
• Division and Inversion, Exponentiation, Chinese Remainder
Module 4 Floating Point Arithmetic:
• Floating point representation.
• Floating point operation (Add / sub, Multiplication).
• Errors and Error control.
• Precise and certifiable arithmetic.
Module 5, 6, 7 & 8
Module 5 Function Evaluation:
• Square-Rooting Methods.
• The CORDIC Algorithms .
• Variations in Function Evaluation.
• Arithmetic by Table Lookup
Module 6 Implementations:
• High throughput arithmetic,
• Low power arithmetic,
• fault tolerant arithmetic.
Module 7 Error Analysis:
• Absolute Versus Relative Error, Significant Digits.
• Uncertainty in Data.
• Chopping off and Rounding off.
• Truncation Error.
• Loss of Significance.
Module 8 Contemporary Issues: Lecture by Industrial expert
Text and Reference
Text Books:
1. Behrooz Parhami, “Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware
Design”, (2/e) Oxford University Press 2015.
2. Richard P Brent and Paul Zimmerman, “Modern Computer Arithmetic”,
Cambridge University Press 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Mircea Vladutiu, “Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware
Implementation”, Springer 2012.
2. Ulrich W. Kulisch “Computer Arithmetic and Validity: Theory,
Implementation, and Applications”, De Gruyter; 2 edition, 2012
Useful web links:
1. A companion website to the book "Computer Arithmetic Algorithms" by
Israel Koren.
Plan for Grading
Components Marks Important Dates Portions
CAT 1 (1.5 Hours) Module 1, 2 and
15 18 to 25-Aug-2019
Closed book ype portion of 3
CAT 2 (1.5 Hours) 29-Sep to
15 Module 3, 4 and 5
Open book type 6-Oct-2019
Issue: 2-Aug-2019
DA 1 10 Module 1 and 2
Due: 16-Aug-2019
Issue: 18-Sep-2019
DA 2 10 Module 3 and 4
Due: 27-Sep-2019
Issue: 16-Oct-2019
DA 3 10 Module 5,6 & 7
Due: 08-Nov-2019
FAT ( 3 Hours)
40 10 to 24-Nov-2019 All modules (1 to 8)
Closed book type
Total 100
• Digital Logic Design
• Computer Architecture and organization
Fields of Applications
• Computer architecture
• Digital signal / image processing
• Cryptography
Possible outcomes
• Understand different algorithms for the most useful arithmetic algorithms
in the DSP, DIP and Cryptography.
• Compare different algorithms for an arithmetic operation and select one
among these for implementation (SW/HW).
• Able to design systems incorporating these arithmetic units.
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