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The auditor 135 may 1977

Volume 14, May 1977, Published Monthly for the Church of Scientology of California, The American Saint Hill Organization, 2723 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, California 90026, (213) 380-0710.
2nd Class postage paid in Los Angeles, California


bv L Ron Hubbard
A principal contribution of Scientology is the One can be audited quite a ways. Then he
technology necessary to change people so that had better get trained from zero on up.
they progress into higher states of ability when My job is to give you the materials to make
processed on the exact processes required, by an Releases and the skill to make Clear. I have
auditor qualified by training to apply the done and will do everything I can to help
processes exactly. anyone attain these hitherto unreachable heights
It is not only general ability that increases, of life and ability.
but renewed livingness and the skill and ability The Bridge is not only in, it is functioning
to better self and conditions. every hour right now. Book early. The traffic is
THE BRIDGE heavy already. And auditors are the scarcest and
most valued beings on this planet.
This is the famous bridge mentioned at the
end of Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental
It is now complete and is functioning. The
being enters it from somewhere in the minus
regions as a Beginning Scientologist and moves
on up. At about Grade II he has definitely
reached Homo Novis. He becomes a RELEASE
somewhere between II and V. And he becomes
CLEAR at the top of VI. The state of Operating Clear A thetan who can be at cause knowingly and at will over
matter, energy, space and time as regards the first dynamic
Thetan is attained above VI and is a Grade (survival for self).
VII. Dianetics DIA (Greek) through, NOUS (Greek) soul; deals with
a system of mental image pictures in relation to psychic
The preclear moves safely on the proper (spiritual) trauma.
OT Operating Thetan, a Clear who has been refamiliarized with
bridge and somewhere along the line must be his capabilities.
trained in the classifications that match his *Taken from the Dianetics and Scientology Technical Dictionary
by L. Ron Hubbard.
Grade. Then (and only then) can he make it
all the way.

Dozens of taped lectures by L. Ron Hubbard ?nA
many special bulletins by Ron previously unavailable
are being added to make the Saint Hill Special Briefing
Course more complete than ever before!
The new checksheet, just issued from Flag, exactly
parallels L. Ron Hubbard's Technical Volumes from
The Senior Briefing Course has been broken down
into subject units for each special rundown in which
the Class VI Auditor must be expert.
When the student first arrives at ASHO, he will now
be given a consultation by a trained Saint Hill Specialist.
An individual practical program is drawn up for each
student to handle weak areas found.
Although students may receive auditing during their
daily practical and auditing time. L. Ron Hubbard has
always intended the SHSBC to concentrate on raising
the student's skill in application up to Saint Hill
To help the student get his own auditing cycles
completed, a Post Graduate Co-Audit Unit is now
being set up at ASHO where students can co-audit
after graduation without the intense demands of
professional training.
Remodeling is proceeding well in the new nine-building complex now being made ready to house the Bridge to Clear and OT in Los AT 213-380-0710 FOR FULL DETAILS ON THE
Angeles. Ron has had it designed so that you can see your next step up the Bridge from any organization in the complex! This tremendous EXCITING BENEFITS OF THIS NEW LINE-UP!
expansion, the largest in Scientology history, has been created by Ron to speed the entire United States and Canada across the Bridge. The
American Saint Hill Organization (ASHO), home of Power Processing and training from Class V to Class IX, will have its own four story
building here.
On the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, Ron takes you on the
journey of Scientology right from the beginning. It is from this
wealth of data that the material on the Academy Levels is taken,
but there is more than 11 times as much data on the Briefing
Course as on all the lower levels up to this point combined. The
data you hear on Ron's Briefing Course tapes isn't available
anywhere else! That's why the graduate of Class V (the Saint Hill
Special Briefing Course) has a full philosophical and technical
grasp of Scientology so far beyond that of any lower level, and the
ability to use Scientology technology as a natural part of life. On
this course, and this course only, Ron lays out the path to
ever-expanding ability as a being, for oneself, for others, for all
Mankind. This course is the most important training level for any
On Class VI, the Senior Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, you become highly professional at rapidly Your Class VI Internship at ASHO is demanding, but nothing can beat the feeling of certainty you
and correctly handling any difficulties a preclear may be having in his auditing up to Full Grade IV have when you graduate as a proven, permanent Class VI Auditor from ASHO!

Meanwhile, your auditor training at ASHO continues with Ron's famous Class VIII Course. Your
Class VIII Supervisor keeps a very watchful eye on your progress to be sure it is 100% Standard Tech
all the way. Class VIII training raises your awareness of STANDARD tech to an entirely new level.

On HSST, Hubbard Specialist of Standard Tech, the Class VIII Case Supervisor's Course, you learn to
supervise the auditing of others to keep in Standard Tech on lower classed auditors. Your apprentice-
An exhilarating part of your adven- ship and later internship under ASHO's Flag-trained Senior Case Supervisor gives you practical
ture at ASHO is Power Processing, experience and further training.
Grades V and VA. On this grade of
Release, you gain certainty of your-
self and a tremendous expansion of
viewpoint. Grades V - VA, giant
steps in your route up the Bridge,
are given to you at 50% discount as
an active Class VI Auditor. The
privilege of wearing the gold Power
Release pin is yours once you have
completed Grade V.

As a fully trained Class VI Auditor, you go confidently into your first solo session on
Grade VI at the Advanced Organization (AOLA). Your auditing skills will stand you in
good stead all the way through to Clear and the OT sections.

As a fully trained Class VIII Auditor and Case Supervisor, you are able to refer other auditors, word standard Scientology working throughout your area. As a respected Class VIII graduate from ASHO,
clearers, course supervisors and case supervisors, to the exact bulletin by Ron that answers their you live up to this responsibility with confidence and pride.
questions. Ron entrusts you, as he does each Class VIII, with the honor and responsibility of keeping

The first day you put on your new silver Clear bracelet is an exciting day! You continue your smooth progress up the OT levels as a well-trained auditor.
Class IX is the first course you do with the Class VIII viewpoint. You review key basics of Scientology technology and
learn recently released special rundowns. You have an exterior view of Scientology and of the world as a polished Class IX
graduate. You are ready to succeed wherever you go - onto the broad communication lines of society, starting your own
Scientology Mission in your home town, or joining the staff of a Scientology organization as a senior executive or a
member of the highly dedicated Sea Organization which manages all higher levels of Scientology delivery around the world. The Bridge to Clear and OT that stands so strong today was built by the caring research and years of untiring work by L. Ron Hubbard, reknowned humanitarian and founder of Dianetics and Scientology. The
Whichever career you choose, you are assured the world will be a better, saner place because you have been there and Bridge was built so that you could travel to Clear and OT rapidly and with ease. Take your next step up the Bridge today!
applied your knowledge of Scientology technology !
. V . . .

Training Auditing
At your local Church of Scientology
Hubbard Qualified Scientologist Course $140.70 Co-audit objectives and Self Analysis
Student Hat Course FREE with
next major cc
Dianetic Training Package 1050.00 Co-audit Dianetics
Dianetic Internship (for permanent certificate) 175.89
Class 0-IV 1827.12 Co-audit word clearing and
Grades 0-IV
Class IV Internship (for permanent certificate) 351.77
Senior Class IV (optional) 1339.71
Senior Class IV Internship (optional) 670.05

At Continental Churches or at ASHO

Expanded Dianetics Course (optional) 1407.11 Co-audit if needed
Expanded Dianetics Internship (optional) 703.55
(Can be done after Class VI)

SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE (CLASS V) 1090.5 1 continue co-audit as needed
($525 base, plus $262.50 for each of the following courses not
previously taken: Confessional Course; PTS Detection, Routing
and Handling, Course; Co-Audit Supervision Course; Interiorization- '»-•• minium HI "

Exteriorization Rundown Course.)

CLASS VI INTERNSHIP 527.67 Power Processing at ASHO,
50% discount: $844.25

Solo Audit Course at 50% discount:
Grade VI: $703.55
CLASS VII (5 year contract staff or Sea Org Members only) 1090.51
Clear: $1125.68


2723 West Temple Street, Los Angeles, California 90026 (213) 380-0710.
Reserve your place at ASHO. Write today. (5% discount for full donations
made well in advance.)

Note: Co-auditing has been positioned to show at what point you are qualified to co-audit eachle
It is NOT REQUIRED that this be done before mpving on to your next training course. There are
case requirements for progressing on the training'-side of the Bridge. The only exception is Class
(which does require that the auditor be on the Clearing Course because Class VII training deals w
confidential Power Processes); however, Class VII is available only to contracted staff and is
required for enrollment on Class VIII.


May, 1977
FOUNDER: L. RON HUBBARD Published by the Church of Scientology of California,
. Editor: Diane Colletto Publications Organization, 2 7 2 3 W. Temple Street,
Assistant E d i t o r : Leticia Smith Los Angeles, California 9 0 0 2 6 .
P h o t o g r a p h e r : Jim Cox Copyright (c) 1958, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1977 by L.
C o n t r i b u t i n g P h o t o g r a p h e r s , Lloyd Greenburg, Herb Ron Hubbard. All rights reserved. The Church of Scien-
Dreiwitz. tology of California is a non-profit organization. Scientology
is an applied religious philosophy. Scientology® and
P h o t o of Pyramids courtesy of Egyptian G o v e r n m e n t Dianetics® are registered names.
Tourist Office.
After reading DIANETICS, people come in you reading this who have not started on the faction I feel on having the privilege to work
to Scientology Churches and Missions to find Road to Clear will have one more person there with the people concerned with this course (and
out more! soon ready to help. Scientology).
Here are a few success stories from individuals S.W. The Communication Course is only the begin-
who have come in as a result of a Dianetics ning for me but I can feel the power of the
campaign in their area: The Communication Course has been simply principles I am learning. I know these are lasting
fantastic for me. I came out of it feeling as if values.
My first direct experience with Scientology I had climbed a mountain. It's great to be on If there were no other reasons, the devotion
was because I liked John Brodie's face. During top! to students by staff is ample proof that the
the commercial break, watching a late-night J.S. practice of Scientology is the only philosophy
movie, I listened to what he had to say. The to live by.
commercial showed children experiencing joy Thank you for having me here.
and enthusiasm. I believed John Brodie when he What a win! I am totally secure in the fact H.T.
said that it was possible to know those joys that I can now study . . . I know HOW to study!
again. I wrote in and was referred to the local After 12 years of school plus 4 more of college One day about five months ago, my wife and
Scientology mission. it took L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology to I visited a young couple who are friends.
Since that time, my life has not been the teach me really how to learn without fighting Our friend knew that I was interested in the
the material or falling asleep! I am very happy philosophy of life and she had recently pur-
same, nor has that of my wife and children. I
to have dorje this course. chased a copy of Dianetics, Modem Science of
have experienced the joy of knowing that there
is hope. After so many years of looking up blind J.K. Mental Health. She offered to let me read the
alleys and almost resolving that there were no book and I accepted.
answers, it is wonderful to feel like a child with Wow! I haven't felt this good about myself in I read about 4 or 5 chapters and decided to
a fresh start. I don't know how many years. get the hard cover, because I wanted it for my
D.R. I know I feel terrific about where I'm at, but personal library and it had larger print.
other people have said "You. seem much Having read the book I was very impressed.
happier." I'm overjoyed to tell them why. I wanted more, so I want to the nearest Scien-
It's hard to believe that such a simple tech- tology Mission and bought other books on the
Because of the practice I've had confronting
nique (simple to comprehend) as auditing can subject.
people on the Communication Course, I am
do so much for me (of course, you too!). I So now I'm on my way to the top of the
much better able to face most situations.
feel so happy right now. A lot of excess baggage mountain and the sunshine. I'm tired of the filth
I was carrying around just dispersed and you I am anxious to spread the word.
I can't wait to start my next course because and chaos. I know now that it can only get
know I don't miss it a bit! better. Some day there might be a place for me,
I also want to thank Ron for the tech and I know lots of good things will happen.
N.S. so I too can help raise someone up out of the
Kathy Nickey, my auditor, for delivering it. mire. f
I have decided to join the staff here to deliver Thank you for taking time to read this. My
the tech as soon as I am able; therefore those of It seems impossible to put in words the satis- name is Bob.

Get more people

started on
the Bridge to
Clear and OT
with Dianetics!


5 0 % DISCOUNT on orders 25 or more

DIANETICS is the handbook of the human the Publications Organization. Sell copies to • Yes! Send copies of that bestseller,
friends, family, co-workers, people you meet. DIANETICS, The Modern Science of Mental
Health by L. Ron Hubbard!
More and more people you run into these days FREE! Attractive bright yellow display kit
I enclose $ (S2/each full price, 50% discount
have heard of it and want to know about this vital comes with your bulk order. Put it on your hall on orders of 25 or more)
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Put their feet squarely on the Bridge. Sell a at work. kit FREE, with my bulk order.
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keep it in stock! of California, Publications Organization, 2723 W. California, Publications Organization, 2723 W.
Temple, Los Angeles, California 90026.
Get. this paperback edition in lots of 25 or Temple, Los Angeles, California 90026.
more, at 50% DISCOUNT, by ordering direct from
Hits #1
on the

SEE Dianetics Campaign Wins
HEAR Special tape by L Ron Hubbard
ENJOY Music by Jimmie Spheeris

Pasadena Civic Auditorium - 7:00 p.m. Sharp - Sunday, May 8th - $ 2.00
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Church of. Scientology of California, tions Organization.
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DICK KILLION, Class VIII graduate that's what I learned. I discovered for
from ASHO now OT HI on his Class VIII myself the primary mechanism of entrap-
Internship, says he wouldn't have chosen ment and the ease with which the traps
,any other route up the Bridge than the can be sprung, thanks to L. Ron Hubbard
training route. and the Class VIII Course. I will never
Dick spotted Scientology in 1968 and lose the data I have learned. Regardless
immediately walked in to find out about of any possible upheaval, catastrophe,
it. He had known for a long time there or setback that could ever occur, I know
must be more to existence than what he beings will go free because of my applica-
was aware of, but hadn't found anyone tion of Standard Tech - and yours. Ron
who knew what it was! When his ques- gives you that knowledge and certainty
tions were answered in books by L. Ron on the VIII Course."
Hubbard, he knew he had found what Dick is now auditing his wife Dora on
he was looking for. her expanded grades while he does his
After doing his Dianetics Course, he Class VIII Internship at ASHO.
came to the Los Angeles Church of
Scientology for his Academy levels and
started the Saint Hill Special Briefing
ASHO graduate Dick Killion still finds new understanding of the basics in L. Ron Hubbard's earliest
books, such as Dianetics, The Original Thesis, his personal favorite. Course at ASHO in 1974.
He followed graduating from the
Recent ASHO
Class VI Course with going over to the
Advanced Organization to go Clear. "My
Vital Statistics At Minneapolis, Minnesota
training really helped my own auditing,"
he says. "If I had it to do over I would SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING
MARRIAGES announce their engagement to be married on COURSE
At Las Vegas, Nevada never consider going any other route
May 21, 1977. CARMEL SULLIVAN, now co-auditing;
RITA GONZALES and AL FARR were married At Dallas Texas
than the training route through the
Briefing Course. If you go up only the JIM PATTERSON, on Senior Briefing
At Seattle, Washington would like to announce their intentions to be processing route you can attain a high on Senior Briefing Course.
SUZANNE DIX and TOM BRACELAND were married in Dallas, Texas on May 21, 1977. state but if you don't know how you
married on November 13, 1976 by the Rev. BIRTHS got there you can still be vulnerable in
David Peters. At Minneapolis, Minnesota the future." SENIOR BRIEFING COURSE
Auditing as an interned Class VI CHRISTOPHER; ALICE DAYTON, now
son, SHEM, born on March 27, 1977. Weight: under the supervision of Class VIIIs
were married on January 1, 1977 by the Rev. 8 lbs., 9 ozs. on Class VI Internship; VIN LEE, now on
Carl Hansen. At Los Angeles, California soon brought him to realize there was a co-audit; RUTH KNUDSEN, on Class VI
At Seattle, Washington To CHARLOTTE and BILL CHANDLER a real difference between his level of Internship; ASTRID NEAL, on OT levels;
WENDY OSTROWSKI and BOB WEBB were daughter, CHRISTINE CARRIE, born on ability and Class VIII. So he returned to TED CORMIER, on Class VIII at ASHO.
married on January 16, 1977 by the Rev. November 15.1976. ASHO for his own Class VIII and Case
David Peters. Supervisor training. CLASS VI INTERNSHIP
At Seattle, Washington "The Class VIII Course was every- KURT DAMBACHER; VIN LEE.
thing I expected plus a lot more," says
married on March 14, 1977 by the Rev. Pat
Daugherty. Dick. "I wanted to know the precise
At New York, New York points of aberration from which all the
CATHERINE McCORMICK and FRANCIS limitless types of dramatization stem, and
"BUFF" BACON III, were married on April
4, 1977 by the Rev. Joan Saks and Rev.
Richard D. Alexander.

You will use your E-Meter as an auditor from

Dianetics to Class IX. You will use it to audit
yourself at the advanced levels of Clear and OT!
Auditing with your E-Meter will assist your pre-
clear to free himself from barriers that hamper
his life and livingness.
The complete E-Meter now comes with cans,
leads, calibration resistors, charge cord and a full
If you are a Scientology minister, ministrial
student, or Grade VA Release seeking higher
spiritual state, you can easily purchase your
E-Meter today. Just send signed evidence of the
above, along with $288.12, $230.50 for HASI
and College of Scientology Members, to: The
Church of Scientology of California, Publica-
tions Organization, Dept. 135, 2723 West
Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA. 90026.


The Hubbard E-Meter is a religious artifact developed for the exclusive use
of ordained Ministers and theological students who are trained in its use in
Church ministrations. It is not intended for and is forbidden by the Church to
be used in any medical or physical treatment or the diagnosis, treatment or
prevention of any disease. By itself it does nothing and is strictly not to be
employed for medical or scientific purposes. Its purpose is to assist the
minister to locate in his parishioner areas of travail so that he can assist in the
relief of spiritual suffering. The existence and use of the E-Meter is sanctioned
by law and the copying of it or attempts by unqualified persons, doctors,
scientists, psychologists, or psychiatrists, to obtain or use one are actionable
under law in the United States. To obtain an E-Meter one must be a sincerely
enrolled student of the Church of Scientology or a fully qualified Minister of
the Church and must undertake as well to become wholly skilled in its pur-
pose and use. No other persons are permitted to have E-Meters. The Church
permits the E-Meter to be sold, possessed, or owned only under these conditions.
T h e peace of mind of Clear . . . t h e
free spirit of OT . . . t h e calm ability to
handle life that c o m e s from w i s d o m .
L. Ron H u b b a r d vividly describes
these states in his b o o k s .
Now there is a Bridge t h a t leads to
t h e m . It starts at y o u r local C h u r c h of POWER PROCESSING
Scientology, where y o u receive training Everything is in place in my space now and
and auditing up to Class IV A u d i t o r and I feel totally exhilarated. I have the certainty
Grade IV Release. now that I can make the goals I've postulated
on up the Bridge a reality. My determinism is
Y o u r next step is A S H O , t h e American at full speed because I know I have the power
Saint Hill Organization in Los Angeles, to keep it there. GRACE GINELLA
where you receive d y n a m i c Power Pro-
cessing (Grades V and V A ) and standard Looking back on Power, the thing that stands
training from Class V A u d i t o r to Class out is that I became very much myself. I
IX! realized there was nothing in my way to going
Power Processing w a s so n a m e d by Clear and OT. I am OT III Expanded now but
I got my first real look at OT on Power.
Ron simply because it is so very power-
ful. This grade of release e x p a n d s y o u r
viewpoint to give y o u t h e deep certainty TRAINING
of self t h a t makes it possible for y o u to Coming here to ASHO to do the Saint Hill
audit yourself to Clear and OT. The Special Briefing Course was the smartest thing
giant boost of this grade could be des- I ever did. This is THE Course in Scientology.
cribed as a make-break point for any CAROLYN BURGESS
being: after Power, y o u will never look
back but only forward to greater and I truly feel that any individual that has this
data has the technology of life and without it
greater success as y o u go on to t h e would have a rough time handling his life and
Advanced Organization for Clear and environment. I now have the basics of Dia-
the OT sections. netics and Scientology and feel very competent
Training to Class IX Auditor is the as an auditor. I have gotten ALL the questions
Class IX is t h e first course y o u do ASHO FOUNDATION FOR THE I've had about life, auditing, and the techno-
other half of becoming OT. with t h e Class VIII viewpoint of STAN- logy answered on this course. I urge all Scien-
Class V and VI ( t h e Saint Hill Special D A R D . Here y o u review key basics and WORKING SCIENTOLOGIST tologists to do the Saint Hill Special Briefing
Briefing Course and Senior Briefing emerge w i t h polished self assurance Scientologists w h o m u s t hold d a y t i m e Course as soon as possible! LEE EVANS
Course) gives y o u t h e t e c h n o l o g y of backed up by certainty on y o u r ability to j o b s in L o s Angeles take advantage of t h e
clearing t h a t is Scientology. On this get results with Scientology. opportunity at ASHO Foundation to do I've done longer training cycles than Class
course, y o u s t u d y t h e t e c h n o l o g y from its training in t h e evenings and on weekends. V, but never learned so much nor had so many
Case Supervisors and Course Super- changes in myself occur. My ability to handle
beginning up to t h e present, right from visors are also trained at A S H O to bring All A S H O services are offered in t h e same
L . R o n H u b b a r d ' s o w n b o o k s , bulletins building d u r i n g these h o u r s by a separate preclears is way up. My ability to handle my
R o n ' s Standard Tech to t h e field. own life and those around me is way up and I
and live lectures to s t u d e n t s , n o w r e c o r d e d A S H O is t h e h o m e of all these essen- qualified staff.
consider this is just a beginning - a basic
on tape. This is R o n ' s briefing to auditors tial training courses which give y o u t h e training for my future which is going to be
seeking to get Clear and OT. As a result t o o l s to o p e r a t e and e x p a n d as an OT.
YOUR FUTURE expanding. That's the end of the downward
of this course, y o u n o t only have a Y o u r training and auditing at A S H O spiral! Thank you L. Ron Hubbard!
t h o r o u g h u n d e r s t a n d i n g of t h e Bridge to ASHO DAY: STANDARD TECH'S are t h e building blocks for y o u r future BEATRICE PAYNE
Clear and OT for y o u r o w n e x p a n s i o n , FASTEST ROUTE TO THE TOP success a n d e x p a n s i o n in all y o u r
y o u are t h o r o u g h l y trained as a superb R o n w a n t s y o u to get up t h e Bridge endeavors to improve y o u r o w n life and The Class VIH Course at ASHO has been
a u d i t o r w h o can bring o t h e r s to Clear lives of o t h e r s . my greatest training to date. I am realizing
faster, and so do all t h e staff at A S H O
and OT. more than ever the privilege of knowing and
Day. Write t h e A S H O L e t t e r Registrar n o w applying Standard Tech. Thank you Ron and
Class VII, available to five-year con- T h e intensive all day training schedule for i n f o r m a t i o n on services available to thank you to all who make the course available
tracted Church staff and Sea Org offered by t h e A S H O Day organization is y o u at A S H O . Reserve y o u r registration and who made my wins possible.
m e m b e r s , teaches t h e precision of admin- y o u r fastest possible r o u t e up t h e Bridge t o d a y for t h e greatest, m o s t rewarding BETTY MAGNAN
istering the Power Processes. because it gives y o u m o r e t i m e on course. a d v e n t u r e of y o u r life — at A S H O , where
Class VIII gives y o u t h e m e a n i n g of Highly trained technical staff at A S H O y o u move up R o n ' s Bridge toward Clear The Class IX Course was wonderful! I have
Day give personal a t t e n t i o n to ensure and full O T . attained and have no further attention on my
S T A N D A R D T E C H : w h a t it is, why it is competence as a technical specialist.
vital, h o w y o u can apply this in y o u r o w n w h a t y o u learn is c o m p l e t e l y 100%
life and in getting o t h e r s up t h e Bridge. Standard Tech.

Help Yourself and others up the

Bridge with L Ron Hubbard's
Volunteer Minister's Handbook
The Volunteer Minister's Handbook Price: $25.52 10% discount for
shows you how to USE Scientology Scientology members.
technology to cope with and handle Order today from Dept. 135,
situations that come up in life! Church of Scientology of California,
In this vital book L. Ron Hubbard Publications Organization, 2723 W.
covers such topics as: Temple, Los Angeles, CA. 90026.
*how to assist an injured person
*how to get projects COMPLETED
improving communication in the
"handling the dangerous environ-
and more than 50 other essential living
This book is easy to obtain. It will
prove invaluable to you in helping you
move up the Bridge faster to Clear and


DECIDE FOR YOURSELF - Join the people who are moving
up the Bridge to Clear and OT
The Monthly Journal of Scientology
READ Join the Hubbard Association of Edition for the Americas
Scientologists International, the fastest Volume 14, Issue 135
L. RON HUBBARD'S growing self-improvement movement in May, 1977
the world today. FOUNDER: L. Ron Hubbard
Get 10% discount on Scientology
books, 20% discount on E-Meters and Assistant Editor: Leticia Smith
Have you lived before? Is it old question of past lives. tape-recorded lectures by L. Ron Copyright (c) 1961, 1965, 1973, 1977
by L. Ron Hubbard. All rights reserved.
possible that the life you live This book can be yours for Hubbard.
Published monthly by the Church of
now is only one in a chain of $7.04 a copy. Easy to join. Apply to Membership Scientology of California, Publications
Officer, Church of Scientology of Organization, 2723 West Temple Street,
many? Order from: The Church of California, ASHO, 2723 West Temple, Los Angeles, California 90026. 213/
Have You Lived Before This Scientology of California, Publi- Los Angeles, CA 90026. 380-0710.
Life by L. Ron Hubbard gives cations Organization, Dept. 135, A non-profit organization. Scientology is
First 6 months is free. an applied religious philosophy. Scien-
you the details of 42 encounters 2723 West Temple Street, Los If your membership has expired, tology® and Dianetics® are registered
with past life experiences. Angeles, CA. 90026. send $20.11 to renew for this year. names.
Read these factual accounts 2nd Class postage paid at Los Angeles,
and answer for yourself the age- Join Today
L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics. Modern science
of Mental Health rockets to bestseller list
AGAIN on 27th Anniversary of Publication!
As of April 25, 1977, DIANETICS, Mankind.
THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL No organization, had there been one,
HEALTH by L. Ron Hubbard is Number could have withstood the crush of
1 on the prestigious bestseller list of Dianetic enthusiasts clamoring for pro-
Ingram West, the West Coast's largest fessional training and more information.
book distributor! Probably most surprised of all was the
For a book to soar back onto the author himself, who had been calmly
bestseller list twenty seven years after it preparing a trip overseas when the public
first appeared there is a history-making began smashing a highway to his door!
feat. But then, L. Ron Hubbard's DIA- But rising to the situation with seemingly
NETICS, THE MODERN SCIENCE OF boundless energy, Ron took on a
MENTAL HEALTH is a history-making schedule that would have challenged a
book! dozen men. Writing, lecturing all over the
First published May 9, 1950, DIA- U.S., doing demonstrations, answering
NETICS was expected to sell at best a towering stacks of correspondence, he
few thousand copies. Instead, word of strove to meet public demands for
this new breakthrough in human under- Dianetics.
standing spread like wildfire and it began FURTHER RESEARCH
to sell a thousand copies A DAY almost But the task facing L. Ron Hubbard
at once. over the next quarter century proved to
Its electrifying popularity startled the be even greater.
literary and scientific world. DIANETICS While carrying forward the research
leaped onto the New York Times Best- begun with Dianetics ever deeper to
seller List in June and just stayed there plumb the very depths of the human soul,
for 26 solid weeks. Ron codified his discoveries so others
And now, on its 27th Anniversary of could more easily use them with pre-
publication, this amazing book has dictable results and built strong, vigorous
streaked to the top of the bestseller organizations capable of delivering the
lists again. needed training, auditing and dissemina-
NATIONAL CRAZE tion of the work—all at the same time!
Original release of Dianetics started a Results of this mountain of research
national craze in 1950. have been released in more than 25
More than 750 non-professional Dia- popular books, hundreds of hours of live
netic groups sprang up overnight as lectures now on tape, and two multi-
people from all walks of life - doctors, volume reference sets of bulletins and
housewives, lawyers, engineers, writers, policy letters. These form the body of
teachers, teamsters — started trying out material studied on Scientology and
Dianetics. Dianetic training courses today.
Torrents of articles spontaneously DIANETICS RETURNS
appeared in the press. More than 25,000 TO THE BROAD PUBLIC
letters, telegrams and phone calls poured Throughout all these years, DIA-
in to the publisher from all over the NETICS has .continued to sell more
world, congratulating the author of copies than the average bestseller in Executives of the DIANETICS campaign at Publications Organization accept a plaque for L. Ron
any given year. But sold primarily Hubbard from representative of Ingram West, honoring DIANETICS, THE MODERN SCIENCE
DIANETICS for his contribution to OF MENTAL HEALTH, their Number One bestseller.
continued from preceding page

through outlets of the Church of Scien-

tology, for many years it escaped broad
public attention and recognition.
Within the last two years, DIANETICS
has been returned to the public market,
now in paperback form. Advertising on
television and radio in California that '
DIANETICS was now available in paper-
back sparked an incredible demand not
seen since 1950! Within a very short time,
DIANETICS was climbing the bestseller
list again.
Bookstores from B. Dalton, Pickwick
and Waldens chains in southern
California have recently had these com-
ments to make about DIANETICS:
"We keep running out Close up of the plaque awarded to L. Ron
"Many of our customers ask for it. We Hubbard. It reads "DIANETICS, THE
try to keep it in stock, but we do run out MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH,
because we sell so many." on the Anniversary of the 27 year bestseller,
"The book is selling fantastic for me 1977, Ingram West."
DIANETICS is No. 1 of all the self-
help, philosophy books."
"DIANETICS sells here like crazy . . . a more glorious victory than gutted
there are always people asking for it." towns and radiation-burned dead.
"The DIANETICS book has done There is freedom and happiness and
remarkably well. In fact for a book of plenty and a whole Universe to be
that type, it's been the biggest one we've won.
ever had." He would not see it is far from
"It sells really, really fast . . . . . . " " worthy to rule. He would indulge his
Not surprisingly, DIANETICS has hates is too insane to advise.
found as much interest in neighboring How much can Man conquer? He
countries. In Canada, the first French loses if he conquers Man. He wins if

edition was sold out 3 weeks after hitting he conquers his own fears and con-
the market. The Spanish edition in quers then the stars."
Mexico has sold out repeatedly since As timely now as then, these words
released. are today being read by more individuals

Have You Read It Yet?

THE FUTURE than ever before. If enough people can be
In 1950, L. Ron Hubbard wrote reached, the goals of DIANETICS in
toward the close of DIANETICS: creating a world at peace will soon be
"There is a higher goal, a better goal, attained.
All your life you have wondered how your
mind works.
You've wondered what causes those fears that
won't go away. What makes you feel edgy. Why,
without even touching you, someone you love
or hate can make your ears tingle or your head
By reading DIANETICS, you will join the
millions of people who have found out.
Did you know, for example, that right now
more than 80% of your mental and emotional
capacity lies sleeping? DIANETICS shows you
Your Help is Needed
You can help with a Dianetics Campaign in your area!
the first workable way to awaken your FULL To find out what you can do, send your^name, address,
potential. The effectiveness of this method has special skills and interests, and time you have available to
National Dianetics Campaign In Charge, Church of Scien-
been thoroughly validated and proven over more tology of California, Publications Organization, 2723 W.
than a quarter century. Temple, Los Angeles, California 90026.
In the spell-binding pages of DIANETICS you
also read why other people do what they do.
And so you can understand, cope with, and yes,
even help them.
DIANETICS is for sane people who think the
whole world should be a saner place.
You owe it to yourself to read DIANETICS. National Dianetics Campaign In Charge
Church of Scientology of California
Publications Organization
READ YOUR COPY NOW! -2723 W. Temple
Los Angeles, CA 90026
If you don't have this book on your shelf,
you should.
Order now direct from Dept. 135, Church of d Yes, I'd like to help out on a Dianetics campaign in my area.
Scientology of California, Publications Organiza- Please send me information on who to contact and what I can do
tion, 2723 W. Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA to help.
90026. Name
$9.85 per copy, hardcover. 5% discount for Address!
members of the Hubbard Association of Scien- City State Zip—, Phone
tologists International. This is the book for your Special Skills
friends too. Buy it in half dozen copy lots. Special Interests
That's $59.10 for six ($53.19, H.A.S.I. member Time Available



Training IS the route Ron, recommends! To "The best way to get Clear is to be a The crudest thing you could possi-
see why, read these excerpts from lectures he good auditor . . . . Those people who do bly do would be to audit somebody
has given: not give good auditing, oddly enough, through to Clear, not train him, not have
are those who are making the least him know anything about being an
"The best way and the most sure fire progress. It gets averaged out along the auditor, not know anything about the
way to get to be OT is to be a top rank line." Bank, not know anything about his
auditor. . . . Saint Hill Special Briefing Course life, not know anything about himself,
A non-Scientologist is so surrounded lecture of November 22, 1962 not know anything about anything. Now
by confusion that his present time is he has this terrific potential to know and
insufficiently calm for him to have any you haven't made it possible for him to
progress in the direction of OT. "A cleared person with no reality on assimilate the technology which has
Training is definitely, definitely, what has happened is enormously brought him to this state."
definitely a part of the route to OT. inferior to somebody that has the data Saint Hill Special Briefing Course
Definitely. This is something that it is and goes Clear." lecture of June 10, 1965
not 'nice' to be a part of. This is Saint Hill Special Briefing Course
something that is a vital part of lecture July 12, 1962
becoming OT." Start the Training Route to Clear and OT at
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course your nearest Church of Scientology right now.
lecture of November 7, 1963 "Oddly enough, the best time to Continue right on to ASHO to become a top-
study auditing is when you're aberrated trained auditor!
— when the thing looks impossible, To learn more about the abilities you will
"If you want a good auditor at Grade when you can achieve subjective reality gain at each step of the way, read the picture
VI and VII, why, become one!" on the grimness of it." story that follows in this special pull-out supple-
ment to The Auditor Journal.
Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Ability Magazine, 1958
lecture of July 26, 1966
Your progress up the Bridge has begun when a friend first
MENTAL HEALTH by L. Ron Hubbard!

Then, on your Student Hat Course, you learn L. Ron

Hubbard's breakthroughs in the field of study. You gain
the ability to study and apply what you learn .. . and you
learn ho' .o help others study better too!

Special communication drills on your first course in Scientology improve your ability to confront people. This communication course gives you the ability to communicate in life more
easily and relaxedly than ever before.

Next is your training in Dianetic technology where you

learn to handle the spiritual trauma or stress connected
with injuries and emotional losses. As a Dianetic Auditor,
you can apply Dianetics to help another become a well
and happy human being.

After your training on Dianetics, you complete an

internship in the Hubbard Guidance Center of your
nearest Scientology Church. Here you perfect your
skills and gain certainty on your ability to apply what
you have learned without error. The gold seal shows
Your second course at your local Scientology Church or Mission, the Hubbard Qualified Scientologist Course, gives you you have earned your permanent certificate as an
Soon after you have begun your journey up the Bridge, you begin corres- a greater ability to reach out and direct others. intern graduate. Each level of training from this point
ponding with the Letter Registrar at ASHO, who sends you information on forward is followed by an internship for permanent
services you will be taking as you move up to ASHO. The ASHO Letter certificate.
Registrar is there to answer your questions and help you plan your route
up the Bridge.
At Class IV, you learn to bring another to Ability Release, which is Grade IV. An Ability
Release is free of fixed conditions and can learn new things. The technology you leain at this
level is broadly useful in helping people you meet in life to try new ventures or activities..

Now you're on to your Academy Levels, Class 0 to Class IV. Each Class teaches you to audit a preclear to one Grade of Release. A Class 0 Auditor learns about Communication and
gains the ability to improve communication in any situation. Class 0 now also includes the technology of word clearing.

Your Class IV Internship gives you plenty of practice in applying your skills to this point, and producing
On the training route up the Bridge, you receive your auditing from fellow students at no the expected results of Scientology counseling.
additional expense. Knowing the technology behind the auditing makes it that rmuch more
enjoyable and rewarding!

Class I deals with problems. You learn to audit another to Grade I, Problems Release, with the ability Class II dleals with Overt Acts (actions of commission or omission which are harmful or damaging]
to see the source of problems and make them vanish. Your understanding of the anatomy of problems Withholds (holding back that one has committed what he considers to be an Overt Act) and th
gives you the ability to help others resolve their own problems in life too. ,, effects of these on the individual. A Class II Auditor can bring another relief from past hostilities an
sufferings of life. It's hard to fool a Class II Auditor! »

Your arrival at ASHO in Los Angeles is the day you have been eagerly awaiting! A warm welcome from a friendly ASHO registrar makes you feel right at home. Having completed your
registration papers by mail in advance, you are speedily on your way to starting Ron's Saint Hill Special Briefing Course.

Class III teaches about upsets and how to handle these breaks in affinity, reality, communication or understanding.
YOU CAN Donation figures listed are as of May, 1977.
Note that all donations are increased at the rate
ALWAYS WRITE of 5% monthly at midnight on the last day of
each month.
For current donation, multiply by 1.05 for
TO each month passed. Fractions are rounded up.
Where the donation for any item or service
is made in full in any month but not taken until
RON ABOUT some later time, it will be delivered for the
donation already made.
Full donations sent by mail, if postmarked
"I just finished Power. In pictures it looks like this." Dan Koon
YOUR CASE OR prior to midnight of the last day of the month
will be accepted at that month's rates.
Mail orders postmarked prior to midnight
BE CERTAIN OF YOURSELF PROBLEMS of the last day of the month will be accepted at
that month's rates.
Usual discounts apply on the full price for
Get Power Processing at ASHO! Write care of your local Church or ASHO.
that month.

Any letter will be sent to Ron within 24

hours of receipt.
Move up the Bridge to Grade V and Donation: $1688.53 (5% discount
VA (Power Processing)! Power Pro- for donations made well in advance)
cessing releases you from deeply- Write or call Registrar: Church of
rooted barriers to your abilities. You Scientology of California, ASHO,
find yourself doing more after Power 2723 West Temple Street, Los Angeles,
Processing then you've done before. CA. 90026, (213) 380-0710.
Receive Power Processing by a highly
trained Class VII Auditor. One is NOW IS THE TIME
waiting for you now! FOR YOU TO START!

GO CLEAR THE Now There Are

As a trained auditor you can co-audit
your way to Grade IV, then come to
5928 Clears
ASHO for the Saint Hill Special Briefing Clear 5918 BILL C A V A L L E R A N O ,
Course and Power. Your next step is the Albuquerque
Advanced Organization for Clear. Ron Clear 5919 B E V E R L Y P A R K ,
has mapped the Bridge and made it Vancouver
easy to get Clear! Clear 5920 M A R I O N E. F U M E N T O ,
Money you save co-auditing to Grade Santa Clara
IV can be applied to your training and Clear 5921 S C O T T S K O D N E K ,
Clearing courses. New York
Clearing frees you from the Reactive Clear 5922 B A R B A R A B E C K L E Y ,
Mind, returning your full self-deter-
minism and individual integrity. A Clear Los Angeles
who is also TRAINED has far greater Clear 5923 B E T S Y E V A N S ,
ability to understand and work with Miami
others from this new viewpoint. Clear 5924 P A T R I C K M. M U R R A Y ,
Donation $1072.08. Los Angeles
Contact Registrar, Church of Scien- Clear 5925 P A U L H A G G I S ,
tology of California, Advanced Organ- Toronto
ization, 1845 N. Bronson, Hollywood, Clear 5926 T E R R Y B A L A M A C I ,
CA 90028, (213)464-5192. New York
Clear 5927 DON B U R G E T T ,
New York


Church of Scientology Church of Scientology The Hubbard Scientology Church of Scientology Church of Scientology
W A S H I N G T O N , D.C. of Michigan of Portland Organization of Malmo in South Africa (Pty.) Ltd.
The Founding Church of 390S Rochester 333 South West Park 68 Tottenham Court Road Skomakaregatan 12 College House
Scientology Royal Oak, Mich. 48073 Portland, Ore. 97205 London Wl. England S-211 34 Malmo, 57 College Lane
2125 " S " Street N.W. Sweden Durban, South Africa 4001
The Church of Scientology STOCKHOLM PRETORIA
Church of Scientology Church of Scientology Church of Scientology
LOS A N G E L E S of Texas of Pennsylvania of Manchester 224 Central House
Church of Scientology of Stockholm Corner Central &
2804 Rio Grande 8 West Lancaster Ave. 48 Faulkner Street Kammakaregatan 46
of California Austin, Texas 78705 Ardmore, Penna. 19003 Manchester Ml 4FH Pretorius Streets
New American Saint Hill 111 60 Stockholm, Pretoria,
2723 West Temple Street SEATTLE ILLINOIS Sweden South Africa 0002
Los Angeles, Calif. 90026 Church of Scientology The Church of Scientology Scientology Plymouth
of Washington of Illinois 39 Portland Square HOLLAND
Church of Scientology
of California
1531 4th Avenue 1555 Maple Sherwell, Plymouth, Scientology Kerk AUSTRALIA
Seattle, Wash. 98101 Evanston, 111. 60201 Devon PL 4 6DJ
The New Los Angeles Nederland ADELAIDE
Organization LAS V E G A S Singel 289 Church of Scientology
2005 West 9th Street Church of Scientology CANADA SCOTLAND Amsterdam C. Holland 57 Pulteney St.
Los Angeles, Calif. 90006 of Nevada Adelaide 5000, S. Australia
2108 Industrial Road TORONTO EDINBURGH
Church of Scientology Las Vegas, Nev. 89102 Church of Scientology H.A.P.I. Scotland GERMANY MELBOURNE
Advanced Organization of Toronto Fleet House Scientology Kirche Munchen
1845 North Bronson Ave. Church of Scientology
MIAMI 124 Avenue Road 20 South Bridge 8000 Munchen 2 724 Inkerman Road
Hollywood, Calif. 90028 Church of Scientology Toronto, Ontario. Canada Edinburgh, Scotland Lindwurmstrasse 29 North Caulfield 3161
of Florida M5R2H5 EH1 ILL Munich, Germany Victoria, Australia
Church of Scientology
Celebrity Centre 120 Giralda
Coral Gables, Fla. 33134 OTTAWA SYDNEY
1551 North La Brea Ave. Church of Scientology DENMARK FRANCE
Hollywood, Calif. 90028 MINNEAPOLIS Church of Scientology
of Ottawa Church of Scientology
Church of Scientology 292 Somerset W. COPENHAGEN 1 Lee Street
Manor Hotel for Church of Scientology of Paris Sydney 2000,
of Minnesota Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Scientologists 730 Hennepin Avenue of Denmark 12 rue de la Montagne Ste. New South Wales, Australia
5930 Franklin Ave. K2P 9Z9 Hovedvagtsgade 6 Genevieve, 75005 Paris,
Minneapolis, Minn. 55403
Hollywood, Calif. 90028 1103 Copenhagen K France PERTH
NEW Y O R K MONTREAL Denmark Church of Scientology
SAN F R A N C I S C O Church of Scientology Church of Scientology Pastoral House
Church of Scientology of New York 15 Notre Dame Ouest Church of Scientology SOUTH AFRICA 156 St. George's Terrace
of California 28-30 West 74th Street Montreal, Quebec, Canada of Copenhagen JOHANNESBURG Perth 6000, W. Australia
414 Mason Street New York, New York 10023 H2Y 1B5 Frederiksborgvej 5. Church of Scientology
San Francisco, Calif. 94102 2400 Copenhagen NV, of South Africa (Pty.) Ltd.
Church of Scientology The Church of Scientology Church of Scientology Johannesburg,
New Buffalo Organization of British Columbia Church of Scientology AUCKLAND
of Sacramento South Africa 2001 Church of Scientology
819 19th Street 1116 Elmwood Avenue 4857 Main Street Advanced Organization
Buffalo. New York 14222 Vancouver, British and Saint Hill PORT ELIZABETH of Auckland
Sacramento, Ca. 95814 Church of Scientology
Columbia. Canada Jernbanegade 6 Suites 1-4, 2nd Floor
BOSTON HAWAII V5V 3R9 2 St. Christopher's Imperial Building
Church of Scientology 1608 Copenhagen V
Church of Scientology Denmark 27 Westbourne Rd. 44 Queen Street
of Boston of Hawaii
Port Elizabeth. S. Africa 6001 Auckland I, New Zealand
448 Beacon Street 143 Nenue Street ENGLAND CAPETOWN
Boston, Mass. 021 15 Honolulu, Hawaii 96821 SWEDEN
Hubbard College of Church of Scientology RHODESIA
ST. LOUIS SAN DIEGO Scientology Church of Scientology of South Africa (Pty.) Ltd.
Church of Scientology Church of Scientology Saint Hill Manor of Sweden Garmor House BULAWAYO
of Missouri of San Diego East Grinstead Mugasinsgatan 1 2 127 Plein Street 508 Kirrie Bldgs.
Sussex. England S-411 18 Goteborg. Capetown, Abercorn Street
3730 LindellBlvd. 926 " C " Street South Africa 8001
RH194JY Sweden Bulawayo. Rhodesia
St. Louis. Missouri 63108 San Diego. Calif. 92101

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