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Application form for


Technical Campus
Date of Birth: Gender:
Institute: Branch: BTech/Dual:
Mobile Number:
Permanent Address:

Telephone Number:
E-mail ID:
JEE Rank:

Institution/College Board Month & Year of %

Class X
Class XII

Semester Month & Year of Passing SPI/SGPA

1 GRE Score
2 CAT Score
3 GMAT Score

Father’s name & occupation: (Include designation and name of the organization he is associated with. In case
of family business, mention the name of the enterprise, nature and size of the business)

Mother’s name & occupation: (Include designation and name of the organization he is associated with. In case
of family business, mention the name of the enterprise, nature and size of the business)

KITES – Knowledge, Initiative & Talent Placement
Excellence Series is2021
the Summer Internship Programme of ITC
Limited, designed to provide budding leaders of tomorrow a stepping board to success
Siblings’ name & occupation: (Include designation and name of the organization he is associated with. In case
of family business, mention the name of the enterprise, nature and size of the business)

Projects/Summer Internships:

Extra Curricular Activities:

Positions of Responsibility:

What are your short term and long term objectives? (Max. 150 Words)

KITES – Knowledge, Initiative & Talent Placement
Excellence Series is2021
the Summer Internship Programme of ITC
Limited, designed to provide budding leaders of tomorrow a stepping board to success
Why would you like to do a project with ITC & how do you think you can add value to ITC & to
yourself? (Max 150 Words)

What do you think is your most significant achievement? Please give reasons for the same. (Max.
150 words)

Give an instance where you put Mind Over Matter. (Max. 150 Words)

KITES – Knowledge, Initiative & Talent Placement
Excellence Series is2021
the Summer Internship Programme of ITC
Limited, designed to provide budding leaders of tomorrow a stepping board to success
KITES – Knowledge, Initiative & Talent Placement
Excellence Series is2021
the Summer Internship Programme of ITC
Limited, designed to provide budding leaders of tomorrow a stepping board to success

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