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Shock Electrolysis : A New Path to the Hydrogen Age ?

Article  in  IEEE Power and Energy Magazine · May 2019

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Fabrice David


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Shock Electrolysis:
A New Path to the Hydrogen Age?

Fabrice David,* Pierre Roulier and John Giles

Abstract: The coming of the “Hydrogen Age” following the “Oil Age” is slowed by the low yield of the
classical reaction of splitting of water by electrolysis. The author describes a new type of electrolysis
reaction, which appears at high current intensity with a plasma cathode.

O ur Russian friends inherited from Soviet times a differ-

ent way of doing science: Even among academics, there
are no “taboo” subjects. The fatal notion of “Voodoo
Kanarev, who did research on improving the electrolysis of
water at Krasnodar University.2 Many of these scientists are
now working with extremely modest financial means and
Science” is unknown in Russia and researchers are free to are often forced to make their own experimental equipment,
choose new research topics that would seem strange or but in return, they can work in an atmosphere of remarkable
incongruous in the West. Examples include the first indus- academic freedom.
trial wind turbine of more than 100 kW in Balaklava, the At the end of the 1990s, Russian researchers G.D.
first communication experiments with dolphins, the deliv- Shabanov, A.I. Egorov and S.I. Stepanov observed the forma-
ery of babies under water, nuclear powered aircraft, fast neu- tion of curious luminous phenomena during the discharge
tron space nuclear reactors cooled by bismuth, Lorin engine of high-voltage capacitors in water. Under certain condi-
jet planes, cruise missiles and divergence of the first nuclear tions, a luminous sphere forms which slowly rises in the air
reactor during World War II, ionic space thrusters in the for about a second or two.3-5 (Photo 1 shows Dr. Shabanov
1960s, space propulsion without propellant, etc... Let’s not in front of a plasmoid.) Russian researchers have described
forget the first Tokomaks: Alexander Sakharov first thought this phenomenon as a “plasmoid.” For our Russian friends,
of these thermonuclear reactors as space engines. Opening “plasmoid” is a synonym for “ball lightning.” The annual
the base of the torus directly into space, at the stern of the Russian conference on cold fusion (“cold transmutation” in
spacecraft, allows the escape of heavy ions and fast ions in Russian) is also devoted to the study of this mysterious mete-
space. This allows the self-purification of the plasma and the orological phenomenon. In a multidisciplinary spirit,
cooling of the polished tungsten plates of the inner wall sim- Russian scientists believe that these two very different phe-
ply by radiation in vacuum. nomena—low energy nuclear reactions and ball lightning—
Also worth mentioning is the remarkable work of the deserve to be discussed at the same time. The Russian
Georgian and Russian teams in the field of phagotherapy. Academy of Sciences organizes the annual Russian
Phagotherapy is the fight against bacterial infections with Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation and Ball
the help of bacteriophage viruses. Russians have proposed Lightning (RCCNT-BL), which brings together researchers on
alternative cancer therapies, and there’s also the daring
hypotheses of geologists Anatoly Shestopalov and Gennadiy
Tarasenko. The Russians have also successfully applied the
fusion of deuterium and lithium to the extinction of oil
wells erupting. In the field of low energy nuclear reactions
we must quote the remarkable works of Yuri Bazhutov,
Alexander Karabut, Vladimir Vysotskii, Alexander
Parkhomov and Ekaterina Belousova. It will be remembered
that the great Félix d’Hérelle began his career by studying
low-energy biological transmutations,1 then he discovered
bacteriophages, before developing his discovery in the USSR
alongside George Elavia, because of the lack of academic sup-
port in the West. Unfortunately, during World War II, Beria
had Elavia arrested and deported, and d’Hérelle was forced to
flee to France, where the Wermacht intelligence service
arrested him and put him in prison. Félix d’Hérelle died
shortly after the war. I am forgetting the names of many
Russian researchers who deserve to be quoted, such as Philip Photo 1. Dr. G.D. Shabanov in front of a plasmoid.


Plasma Physics,8 University of Illinois,9 U.S. Air Force labo-
ratories10 and Los Alamos.11 Numerous studies, particularly
on absorption and emission spectrometry in the visible and
infrared domains, have been carried out, and precise meth-
ods of plasma diagnosis such as mass spectrometry and var-
ious probes have been used, with sometimes contradictory
Some teams measure a gas temperature just above ambi-
ent,12 others measure much higher temperatures (900K and
higher).13 Some authors describe luminous objects with a
cold interior and a hot wall14 while other authors show
opposite conclusions.15 Other authors have measured a sig-
nificant temperature difference between ions and elec-
trons.16 This last observation is not surprising because this
decoupling is quite common in plasmas, but also in
flames.17 Most teams agree to note that the color of the
“Gatchina plasmoids” depends on the nature of the metal
ions present in the solution.18
I am an experimenter, but also a biochemist. In discus-
Photo 2. Transparent lucite shield. sions with Dr. Shabanov in Russia, I realized that the “plas-
moids” described by Russian authors may have been a total-
ly different physical phenomenon.
the shores of the Black Sea.
Ball lightning has been known since time immemorial,6
and the phenomena known today as “plasmoids” have been Materials & Methods
described for many years, notably by the great Tesla, but the We use a capacitor bank of 200 microfarads loaded at 4000
word “plasmoid” was coined by Winston H. Bostick, for volts. The Russian authors observed reproducible results
whom a “plasmoid” is a plasma-magnetic entity (metastable with 800 microfarad capacitors, but we have already
structure of plasma and magnetic fields). Bostick wrote: observed comparable luminous phenomena with only 100
...the experimental observations suggest that the plas- As a safety measure, the containers holding the aqueous
ma travels (even in field-free space) not as an amor- solution are enclosed in a transparent lucite shield (Photo 2).
phous blob, but as a structure (called a plasmoid) Figure 1 shows the high voltage switch (a) is operated by a
whose form is determined by the magnetic field it pedal (b) connected to it with an insulated plastic cable (c),
carries along with itself.7 to reduce the risk of electrocution. The containers are
removable and can be plugged inside the polymethacrylate
Shabanov’s “plasmoids” have been reproduced by many shield (Photo 3). Various shapes of containers can be easily
teams around the world, including: Max Planck Institute for changed out as part of the test. The containers consist of

Figure 1. Electrical schematic: (a) high voltage switch; (b) pedal; (c) insulated plastic cable;
Photo 3. The containers are removable (d) anode; (e) cathode; (f) glass rod; (g) copper or graphite; (h) small amount of liquid; (i) high-
and can be plugged inside the poly- voltage capacitor; (j) inductance (3 milliHenrys); (k) resistor (50 milliOhms); (l) safety key (300
methacrylate shield. ohms resistor); (m) high voltage transformer; (n) safety resistors and inductances.


plastic bowls of varying depth. The anode (d) is a copper ring
immersed in the solution and the cathode (e) consists of a
glass rod containing a conductor made of copper or graphite
(Figure 1). A space of 3 mm high above the conductor allows
the drop of a small amount of solution in the insulating tube.
The experiment will use two types of high-voltage capacitors
(f): commercially available capacitor banks consisting of 100
capacitors of 1 microfarad each, and capacitors of 100 micro-
farads specially constructed to have a very low inductance.
With these low inductance capacitors, the electric dis-
charge produces a loud detonation, therefore a small induc-
tance (g) of about 3 milliHenry and a resistor (h) of 50
milliOhm, which will make the phenomenon less noisy and
more reproducible.
The solution consists of either tap water or a solution of
copper sulfate of varying concentration. The best results are
obtained with tap water.

When closing the circuit, if the part of the glass tube emerg- Photo 4. A “Pointolite” lamp obtains an extremely powerful point light
ing from the solution is completely dry, small precursor dis-
charges are established gradually, which are probably caused
by the progressive creeping of a film of water along glass.
High voltage currents are known to stabilize “water bridges”
between two vessels. When the water film from the anode
touches the surface of the water, the main discharge takes
place, producing a powerful flash followed by the appear-
ance of a more or less spherical luminous phenomenon that
rises in the air for a few fractions of a second.
If the glass tube has been previously moistened—for
example, if the cavity located above the cathode has been
filled with an excess of liquid immediately before the dis-
charge—the main discharge takes place as soon as the circuit
is closed. The luminous object rises, and is therefore lighter
than the air.
In order to estimate the density of the gas or the plasma
contained in the luminous object, we have manufactured a
special container to carry out optical observations of the
“pseudo-Schlieren” type. We use a “Pointolite” lamp to Photo 5. Container designed specifically for these optical methods.
obtain an extremely powerful point light source
(Photo 4).
The Siemens Ediswan Pointolite lamp is the
nearest approach that has yet been achieved in
the production of a theoretical point source of
light before the invention of the laser. The light
source of the Pointolite lamp takes the form of a
Tungsten bead which acts as the positive elec-
trode of an arc discharge in an atmosphere of
inert gas, at a low pressure contained in a glass
bulb. This electrode is rendered incandescent by
the discharge, and as no adjustment to the arc is
necessary, the lamp can be left unattended for
any length of time. During the 1940s and 1950s,
the Pointolite lamp has been successfully used for
many years in many scientific and industrial lab-
oratories, and its numerous applications include
microscopy, metrology, mineralogy and patholo-
gy. (See Figure 2.)
We can bring the level of the solution precise-
ly at the edge of the container designed specifi-
cally for these optical methods (Photo 5). The Figure 2. White screen attached to the wall.


light beam of the Pointolite lamp passes just over the liquid
level and the shadow of the luminous object is projected
onto a white screen attached to the wall (Figure 2). During
preliminary tests of this device, it is thus possible to see the
hot air of a candle rise, or to see a flow of helium escape
from a pressure tank. Conversely, carbon dioxide can be seen
flowing to the ground from a beaker filled with dry ice. After
the discharge, we can clearly see the shadow of the luminous
object in ascension (Figure 2). In this case, it is difficult to see
the luminous object itself, because its brightness is hidden
by the blinding glare of the Pointolite lamp. In comparison
with the hot air of a candle and the appearance of the shad-
ow of a helium jet, we estimate that the density of luminous
objects is less than or equal to that of helium.
After the discharge, a centripetal surface wave is clearly
visible, departing from the vessel wall and converging
around the cathode. This is not the reflection of a centrifu-
gal wave starting from the cathode: we do not observe any
centrifugal wave after the discharge. It appears that the aque-
ous meniscus along the wall of the vessel is briefly attracted
Figure 3. A laser beam conducts the movement of the luminous objects.
upward, and then falls rapidly, causing this centripetal wob-
ble. A model of the formation of luminous objects will have
to explain this fact.
The luminous objects have paradoxical properties: they
are stopped by sheets of paper, without setting it on fire.19
We checked this observation. On the other hand, platinum
thermocouples are heated to red.20 Metal wires of reference
alloy metal rated to 470 degrees Celsius are melted. Thin
wires of copper or nichrome are also melted in the luminous
objects.21 In a strange way, a low-intensity laser beam seems
to distort and to conduct the movement of the luminous
objects.22 (See Figure 3.) It’s surprising, because the visible or
infrared photons aren’t supposed to interact significantly
with the plasmas. This effect is very reproducible and it must
be explained in priority. We know that it is possible to trig-
ger lightning with laser pulses,23 but it is high power pulses
that are able to cause sparks, and the chain of sparks act as a
lightning rod. Instead, a simple helium-neon laser is able to
significantly change the shape of the luminous objects of
We have passed the luminous objects next to a powerful
permanent electromagnet that we had manufactured to
Photo 6. Electromagnet for cavitation under magnetic field. study the phenomena of cavitation under magnetic field
(Photo 6). Surprisingly the luminous objects are little deviat-
ed by the strong magnetic field. It’s strange if these objects
are made of a plasma. Indeed, the laws of magneto-hydro-
dynamics predict a strong interaction between plasmas and
magnetic fields. This part of physics called magneto-hydro-
dynamics will probably have important applications in the
future, mainly in the aerospace field.24
In fact, the formation of these luminous objects takes
place in five successive phases:

1) In the first phase, the electric field causes the creeping of a

film of water along the insulation, and when the film is suf-
ficiently thick, the main discharge is established (Figure 4a).
2) During the second phase, the arc discharge is forming and
a creeping discharge spreads over the surface of the water
(Figure 4b).
3) During the third phase, the magneto-hydrodynamic
effects due to Laplace forces blow the plasma to form a kind
Photo 7. A kind of plasma umbrella (Photoshopped). of umbrella (Photo 7). Note: This picture is Photoshopped to


show the 3D shape of the plasma. The plasma sweeps the 5) The Laplace magneto-hydrodynamic forces blow the dis-
surface of the liquid and is pushed towards the wall of the charge and it stops (Figure 4e). Then the electric field disap-
container. (See Figure 4c and Figure 5.) pears and the meniscus falls down, producing the centripetal
4) During the fourth phase the discharge stabilizes at the surface wave that converges towards the center of the con-
meniscus, and the high electric field causes the meniscus to tainer.
rise along the wall (Figure 4d). (It is possible to highlight this
effect by adding colored ink in the solution.) We passed the “Gatchina plasmoids” through a laser
beam (a single red diode laser pointer and a green laser
pointer made of an infrared diode and a frequency doubler
crystal) and we filmed the impact of the laser in both cases
on a sheet of graph paper located 10 meters from the plas-
moid generator. We first observed the rapid rise of the laser
spot, then a reverse movement, before the spot returns to its
original position. Everything happens as if a divergent lens
in ascent passed in front
of the laser beam. This
observation makes sense
if the density of
“Gatchina plasmoids” is
lower than that of air.
(See Figure 6.)
After sealing the door
(a) (b) slots with clear tape, we
filled the lucite shield
with carbon dioxide and
Figure 5. The 3-finger law of Laplace. discharged the capacitor
under carbon dioxide.
Surprisingly, no luminous phenomenon is observed to rise,
but the laser spot was deflected in the same way, though in
an even more pronounced manner. An invisible object rises
in the gas and deflects the laser beam. We repeated the
experiment by discharging the capacitor under tetra-
chloroethane: we saw a greenish flash around the cathode,
but no luminous object in ascension. Like into the CO2, the
laser beam is always deflected briefly by an invisible object
that behaves like a divergent lens.
It is surprising that a physical phenomenon of an electric
nature depends as much on the nature of the gas in which it
takes place. Carbon dioxide has electrical properties similar

(d) (e)

Figure 4. Luminous objects take place in four successive phases. Figure 6. Lumnous objects are divergent lenses.


to those of air. (We did not find information on the electri-
cal properties of tetrachloroethane.) It seemed useful to us to
make discharges in argon. Indeed, this gas differs from air in
that it is much easier to initiate a disruptive discharge in
argon. While discharging in argon, the initial flash was
brighter, but the object that deflects the laser beam remains
invisible. The brightness of the “Gatchina plasmoids” there-
fore depends on the chemical properties of the gas in which
the discharge takes place.
These surprising observations lead us to formulate a new
hypothesis: the “Gatchina plasmoids” would not be “plas-
moids” in the sense of Bostick, but could simply be very pure
hydrogen bubbles in ascension. In the air, these bubbles
would be consumed in contact with oxygen and the light
observed would be only the result of the flame caused by the
combustion of hydrogen, stained by the metal ions con-
tained in the solution.
The logic of following this hypothesis should show the
size of the luminous object decrease until it disappears. Now,
like all authors, we have noticed that luminous objects keep Figure 7. Structure of the luminous object.
a roughly constant size. It must therefore be admitted that
aerodynamic phenomena combine themselves to keep lumi-
nous objects constant in size. We explain this fact by form- dle). A second after the discharge, there is the reappearance
ing the hypothesis that the discharge behaves first of all like of a luminous phenomenon in contact with the flame. (See
a plasma electrode. By sweeping the surface of the water, this Figure 8.) This is the hydrogen bubble that comes on after
virtual cathode causes the formation of hydrogen by elec- crossing the carbon dioxide layer. However, its shape is no
trolysis. But the bell-shaped discharge is enlarged by the longer perfectly spherical: it is due to the fact that the hydro-
magneto-hydrodynamic forces, and it expands by pushing gen bubble is deformed by moving away from the middle of
back the air and sucking up the hydrogen layer present on the tube and sliding on the wall thereof.
the surface of the water, forming a pure, near-spherical We had formed the project to confirm these preliminary
hydrogen bubble. (See Figure 7.) Then, the oxygen in the air results using a higher value capacitor bank (up to 1000
oxidizes the hydrogen at the air/hydrogen interface, and a microfarads) but unfortunately, the French authorities
film of laminar water vapor slides on the hydrogen bubble. closed and dismantled our modest laboratory before the end
The density of cold water vapor is already lower than that of of our work. This is what motivates the publication of these
air. As this water vapor resulting from the combustion of incomplete results.
hydrogen is very hot, its density is still lower, and the vapor
does not flow down below the
bubble, but it rises inside this
one, replacing the hydrogen as
it burns, without mixing with
it. This hot vapor still contains a
little oxygen, so the combustion
continues inside (Figure 7).
To test this hypothesis, we
constructed a “plasmoid” gener-
ator consisting of a long cylin-
drical glass tube (Photo 8). The
water is placed at the bottom
and it is possible to lower the
electrode system. Plastic screws
make it possible to ensure a sta-
ble and horizontal position to
the electrodes, and also to pre-
cisely adjust the height of the
cathode above the level of the
water (Photo 9). This glass tube
is 20 centimeters in diameter
and 1 meter high. It can be
filled with gas heavier than air,
such as carbon dioxide. A small
flame is kept above the carbon Figure 8. Reappearance of a luminous phenome-
dioxide layer (a small wax can- non in contact with the flame. Photo 8. Long cylindrical glass tube.


Discussion very simple device without moving parts making it possible
If the luminous phenomenon discovered by the Gatchina to isolate the diluted peroxide solution. After its rise, the
researchers is only a hydrogen bubble surrounded by a lam- solution charged with peroxide falls into a slot and a small
inar flame, this could explain the interaction with a helium- part is isolated and flows out of the container. (See Figure
neon laser beam. It is likely that chemical species strongly 10.) This could have an industrial application, because
absorbing light (e.g., free radicals) are excited by the near- hydrogen peroxide, even diluted, is more expensive than
infrared laser lines, and they transmit this excitation by col- oxygen. This would be an appreciable byproduct of hydro-
lision with the gas molecules, catalyzing the combustion of gen production. (It remains to be seen whether this method
hydrogen. Thus, the flame seems “attracted” or “conducted” would be competitive compared to conventional methods of
by the laser, whereas it is simply the combustion that takes preparing hydrogen peroxide.)
place preferentially in the area illuminated by the laser. The A question arises: how is it possible to explain that this
low energy of the laser is sufficient to catalyze the reaction, new form of electrolysis has never been described in the sci-
with a large macroscopic effect. entific literature, whereas high-voltage discharges into water
But if this new type of electrolysis using a plasma cathode have been carried out for at least two centuries? Gaston
produces a large amount of hydrogen, it should also be Planté, inventor of lead batteries and the Marx-Arkad’ev gen-
forming oxygen bubbles in contact with the metal anode. erator, was the first scientist to perform electric discharges in
However, there is no gas evolution on the anode. Where liquids. For example, the generators of the team of Dr.
goes the oxygen that should be produced according to the Haines, at SANDIA Laboratories, produce underwater dis-
classical reaction 2H2O → 2H2 + O2? charge of several million volts between capacitors immersed
It must be admitted that this oxygen is produced in in a pool of distilled water. But in this particular case, the
another form, probably in the form of hydrogen peroxide two electrodes are both immersed in ultrapure water: there is
according to the reaction: no plasma electrode, there is no arc regime on the cathode.
And of course, a strong polarization of the cathode prevents
2H2O → H2 + H2O2 the occurrence of the “shock electrolysis” phenomena: if the
oxygen could be released in the form of hydrogen peroxide,
We propose calling this reaction “shock electrolysis.” hydrogen must form bubbles during electrolysis if the cath-
At what level is this hydrogen peroxide formed? It could ode is underwater. The occurrence of this insulating layer of
appear at the surface of the anode or the surface of the water. bubbles is called “polarization.”
To determine the place of the peroxide synthesis, we We believe that the observation of the phenomenon of
added a commercially available chemiluminescent mixture shock electrolysis requires an asymmetrical device, with an
to the solution. In contact with hydrogen peroxide, an exot- anode located in the liquid, and a negative electrode locat-
ic carbon oxide is formed, often called “dioxetane” in the ed above, which will generate a plasma virtual cathode.
scientific literature (Figure 9). This dioxetane is a dimer of It is important to understand that the effect which limits
carbon dioxide that splits spontaneously into two molecules the efficiency of conventional electrolysis is the “polariza-
of carbon dioxide. One of these molecules is in an excited tion” of the electrodes: a thin layer of small gas bubbles cov-
state and this energy can be transmitted by quantum effect ers the electrodes, and much of the energy is lost in pure loss
to a fluorescent compound. With the particular compound to overcome the resistance of this layer of bubbles. Thus, the
we use, a red light is emitted. efficiency of the storage of wind energy in hydrogen by elec-
This effect could lead to the trolysis never exceeds 40%.
construction of powerful If we try to raise the voltage in order to overcome the
chemical CO2 lasers, but the resistance of the gaseous layer, a large amount of electro-
most important application
today is the luminous neck-
laces worn at birthday parties
and night concerts, as well as
emergency signaling sticks.
Be that as it may, we have
not been able to determine
Figure 9. Carbon dioxide dimer. where the hydrogen peroxide
formation zone was, because
we have not been able to solubilize the commercial mix we
used. Indeed, the precursor of dioxetane and the fluorescent
molecule are dissolved in a fluorinated oil. We planned to
order reagents soluble in water but the authoritarian closure
of our laboratory ended our experiments.
However, we believe that the formation of peroxide takes
place on the surface of the solution, in contact with the plas-
ma electrode. As this plasma electrode is stopped by the wall
of the container and remains stuck thereto for some time, it
is likely that most of the peroxide is formed near the wall.
The meniscus is briefly attracted upwards by the electric field Photo 9. Apparatus for precisely adjusting the height of the cathode
and this mechanical effect makes it possible to imagine a above the level of the water.


magnetic radiation and heat is produced, and the yield then the solution, the electrons must jump from one molecule to
falls to ridiculous values (Wehnelt-Wollaston effect). another, taking advantage of the fact that the molecules of
With a gaseous electrode, there is no polarization: the water are bonded to each other by hydrogen bonds, to form
hydrogen produced ionizes, and becomes part of the plasma branched aggregates that occupy the entire volume of the
cathode. However, it will be necessary to explain how the liquid. For reasons that will have to be explained theoreti-
electrical energy passes from the anode to the surface of the cally, this particular discharge mode in a liquid is observed
liquid. At high energy density, a kind of equivalent of the only when one of the two metal electrodes is located out of
disruptive discharge in the gases is probably formed; but in solution. Because the whole liquid is cold, this particular dis-
charge is not luminous.
It is possible that the yield of the hydrogen produc-
(a) tion using this process is much higher than the effi-
ciency of the conventional electrolysis process, and
this could therefore have favorable consequences for
the storage of renewable energies in the form of hydro-
gen. Indeed, the development of wind turbines and
solar power plants is slowed by the fact that it is diffi-
cult to store the electrical energy produced from an
economic point of view. This is why we propose to aca-
demic and industrial laboratories to confirm our exper-
imental results as quickly as possible.
Please notice that our hypothesis would provide a
credible explanation for the phenomenon of “ball
lightning.” A lightning strike of negative polarity
falling on the surface of a lake or puddle will behave
like a plasma cathode: a large volume of hydrogen will
be produced and it will rise by burning gently in the
air. Admittedly, in this case, there will be no spreading
(b) of the plasma in the form of an “umbrella” by the mag-
neto-hydrodynamic forces. However, the volume of
hydrogen produced will be greater than during our
modest laboratory experiments; it will not mix with
the surrounding air, and the effect will still be spectac-
Our results therefore suggest that ball lightning— a
mysterious phenomenon observed for centuries—
could be at the base of a new process of storage of elec-
trical energy in the form of hydrogen, and could allow
the fast development of renewable energies, of which
the world is in urgent need.

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About the Author
15. Versteegh, A., Jüttner, B., Noack, S. and Fussmann, G.
Fabrice David is a molecular biologist, and also an inde-
2008. “Analysis of Long-Living Plasmoids at Atmospheric
pendent researcher in the field of new energies.
Pressure,” AIP Conference Proceedings, 993, 129.
16. Friday, D. 2014. “In Pursuit of a Chemical and Pierre Roulier is an environmental activist and filmmaker.
Phenomenological Understanding of Long-living Atmospheric
Pressure Water-based Ball Plasmoids,” M.S. Thesis, University John Giles is an oil engineer and independent researcher in
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. the field of new energies.
17. Petit, J.P. and Doré, J.C. 2013. “Velikhov Electrothermal
Instability Cancellation by a Modification of Electrical *Email:
Conductivity Value in a Streamer by Magnetic


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