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User Manual
MM – Purchasing

My SAP ECC 6.0



Dhaka, Bangladesh

Page 1 of 145

Revision History
1 1.0 09.11.201 -NA- Initial -NA- Abu
3 Version Mohammad

Page 2 of 145

R Required entry field

(used in the end-user procedures)
O Optional entry field
(used in the end-user procedures)
C Conditional field
(used in the end-user procedures)

Page 3 of 145
Table of Contents
Create Purchase Requisition..........................................................................................8
Display Purchase Requisition.......................................................................................12
Release Purchase Requisition......................................................................................15
Collective Release of Purchase Requisition....................................................................19
Assign Source PR.......................................................................................................23
Order Assigned PR.....................................................................................................29
Create Purchase Order from PR...................................................................................38
Create Request for Quotation......................................................................................41
Display Request for Quotation.....................................................................................52
Release RFQ..............................................................................................................56
Maintain Quotation.....................................................................................................59
Display Quotation......................................................................................................63
Price Comparison.......................................................................................................68
Create Purchase Order for Stock Material......................................................................72
Change Purchase Order for Stock Material....................................................................77
Display Purchase Order..............................................................................................80
Release Purchase Order..............................................................................................83
Create Outline Agreement...........................................................................................88
Release OLA............................................................................................................100
Maintain Delivery Schedule.......................................................................................103
Display Scheduling Agreement Schedule.....................................................................107
Message Output Scheduling Agreement......................................................................109
Message Output(PRINT) – Purchase Order..................................................................112
Output Messages (PRINT) 0LA...................................................................................117
Maintain Service Entry Sheet.....................................................................................120
Create Message RFQ................................................................................................124
Change Message RFQ...............................................................................................131
Display Message RFQ................................................................................................137
Create Message Purchase Order.................................................................................138
Change Message Purchase Order...............................................................................143
Display Message – Purchase Order.............................................................................144

Page 4 of 145
Sequential operation of MM-PURCHASING module in SAP

1. Create Purchase Requisition using Transaction ME51n. A purchase

requisition is a request or instruction to Purchasing to procure a certain
quantity of a material or a service so that it is available at a certain point
in time.

2. Release the Purchase Requisition using Transaction ME54n. (When

you release the Purchase Requisition, the system recognizes that Purchase
Order can be raised using the requisition.

3. Create Request for Quotation using Transaction ME41. A request for

quotation (RFQ) is an invitation extended to a vendor by a purchasing
organization to submit a quotation (bid) for the supply of materials or
performance of services.

4. Release the Request for Quotation. (When you release the Request
for Quotation it can be sent to the Vendor.

 Request for Quotation can be sent to approve Vendors.

 Request for Quotation can be created with reference to Purchase
Requisition and if the source is determined in the requisition the RFQ is
created for the Vendor.

5. Maintain Quotation using Transaction ME47. A quotation is an offer

by a vendor to a purchasing organization regarding the supply of materials
or performance of services subject to specified conditions.

6. Price Comparison using Transaction ME49. You can compare the

prices from all quotations received as a result of a competitive bidding
process using the price comparison list. The comparison list ranks the
quotations by item from lowest to highest price.

7. Create Purchase Order using Transaction ME21N

 A purchase order is a formal request or instruction from a purchasing

organization to a vendor or a plant to supply or provide a certain quantity
of goods or services at or by a certain point in time.
 A procurement type is defined for each of the document items. The
following procurement types exist:

o Standard
o Subcontracting
o Consignment
o Stock transfer
o External service
 Purchase Order can be classified using the different Document Type such
as NB for Standard Purchase Order

8. Release Purchase Order using Transaction ME28 / Me29n

Page 5 of 145
 The release conditions determine the release strategy in accordance with
which a requisition or an external purchasing document is to be released.

 The release strategy defines the approval process for purchase orders or
external purchasing documents. The strategy specifies the release codes
necessary and the sequence in which releases have to be effected. You
can define a maximum of eight release codes.

 The assignment of the release strategy to a requisition or a Purchase

Order is based on the release Codes as per DOA.

Create Purchase Requisition


Release Purchase Requisition


Create and Release RFQ


Maintain Quotation

Price Comparison

Create Purchase Order

Page 6 of 145
Release Purchase Order

Page 7 of 145
Title: Create Purchase Requisition Code
Document No. Responsibility Version Supersedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad


Direct requirements from a project, cost center , sales order or work order

Business Process Description Overview

A requisition defines the need for a material or service. It is the primary instrument for
identifying materials or services that must be either procured outside the company or
manufactured internally. It authorizes the Purchasing department to purchase materials in
specific quantities within a specified time frame. It is an internal document and is not used
outside of the company.

Requisitions can be created for materials with or with out a material master. When creating
the requisition with a material master, The part number must be referenced, and a flag
must be placed in the account assignment field. This will bring up a pop-up window to
assign the material to an account.

Requisitions do not need a material master. If processing a requisition for material that does
not have a material master, the account assignment must be flagged with the proper key
to charge the item to a cost center, project, or an order.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Document Type Type of requisition (ZNB)

Delivery date date item is required

Plant Plant requiring material

Purchasing Group Buyer or group that will purchase material

Account assignment A flag that determines the account where financial

transactions are charged.

Output - Results Comments

Approved requisitions Authorization to Purchasing department to proceed with

Tips and Tricks

Page 8 of 145
 When you enter the item category, account assignment, delivery date, plant,
storage location, Purchasing group, material group on the initial overview
screen, this information defaults to each item number on the item screen
eliminating duplication of typing effort. In the item screen any of these fields
can be changed using a requisition tracking number or entering a
requisitioned allows grouping for easy monitoring. If you specify an account
assignment, do not reference a storage location, because the item is being
charged off and will not go into inventory.

 Set up the user defaults for each user to force the system to plug in default
data, i.e. plant, purchasing organization.

Procedural Steps

1. Access transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics>Materials

Via Transaction Code ME51N
2. On screen “Create Purchase Requisition: Initial Screen”: enter
information specified in the table below:

Fields Description R/O/ User Action and Values Comments

Document Type Defines whether a R Enter type (ZNB) for
requisition or regular purchase
agreement is to be requisition

Page 9 of 145
Purchase Number that uniquely O Leave blank. Number
requisition identifies a requisition assigned by system.

Source Flag that determines O

determination whether automatic
sourcing of materials
from a vendor is to be
Item Number that uniquely R Defaults
identifies an item
within a purchase
Item Category Denotes specific O
features of an item
(example - material is
Account key specifying whether R Choose either Project, Projects,
assignment accounting for an item (P), Order (O), or orders and
is to be effected via an Cost Center (K) to cost centers
auxiliary Account charge costs if will have
account assignment is assigned
used numbers

Material Name or number that R Enter name

uniquely identifies a
Short Text Description of Material O Required for materials
with no material
Qty requested Quantity to be ordered R Enter number of units
UN Unit of measure in R Defaults from material
which the requested master
material is to be
Delivery date Date on which the R Enter date material is date format
goods are to be required may vary by
delivered. If delivery configuration
date is sooner than the
system calculated lead
time, a warning will be
Matl Group Material Group O Enter material group

Plant Plant requiring material R Enter plant where

material is to be
Storage Key for determining O
location storage location for a
specific plant
Purchasing The Buyer responsible R Identify the buyer who will
Group for purchasing the purchase
specific material
Requisitioner Indicates for whom the R
material is ordered
Req. tracking This number can be O

Page 10 of 145
number used to facilitate the
monitoring of
material procurement

Repeat above for each item in Purchase Requisition

3. Click on the save folder to produce a numbered requisition, or hit Control

+ S.

Page 11 of 145
Transaction Code
Title: Display Purchase Requisition ME53N
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Requirement for information and the status of requisitions

Business Process Description Overview

There are two methods for Displaying requisitions - Display and list Display.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Requisition number
Output - Results Comments
Purchase Requisition

Tips & Tricks

List display is a more comprehensive method of displaying requisitions.

Procedural Steps

1. Access Display Function by:

Via Menus Logistics>Materials

Management>Purchasing>Requisition> Display
Via Transaction Code ME53N
2. On Screen “Display Purchase Requisition: Initial Screen” enter
required information in table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Purchase Purchase requisition R Enter number
Requisition number

R = Required, O = Optional, C = Conditional

Page 12 of 145
3. On screen “ Display Purchase Requisition: Overview” Screen;
select from the following menu items from the “Goto” menu:

Menu Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Details Item Details O Displays every detail from
the item overview screen
such as material, qty,
material master data, plant
Statistics item statistics O displays statistics on status
of Pr and also the changes
made to the requisition
Text Text Overview O Displays any text fields in
Overview the Purchaser requisition
Release Purchase requisition approvalO displays strategy for purchase
strategy approval

4. Access List Display Function by:

Via Menus Logistics>Materials

Page 13 of 145
Management>Purchasing>Requisition> List
Display>**see below**
Via Transaction Code ME5A
5. On screen “List Display Purchase Requisition” initial Screen: select
one of the following menu items:

Field Description R/O User Action and Values Comments

Name /C
General General find criteria O Multiple or individual The more
choices in the find function criteria the
less display.

Page 14 of 145
E.g. By
material will
display all
for every
Account Purchase requisitions by O Cost center, work order,
assignme acct. assignment project account.
For Purchase requisitions by O Service master
Service Service Master
Trans. Per Employee number (example) O Use whatever tracking number
tracking # used when creating purchase
Resubmis Makes use of the O Enter a number of days,
sion resubmission interval to representing the time
determine which of the period within which the
requisitions whose purchasing department is
materials have not yet been to process the requisition
processed. after its release.
Archived Archived purchase O Lists of archived purchase
Purchase requisitions requisitions

Transaction Code
Title: Release Purchase Requisition ME54N
Document No. Responsibility Version Supersedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb

Page 15 of 145
A Purchase Requisition that is subject to a release procedure needs to be released
by the required releasing authority.

Depending on the purchasing group, the material group, the value of the
requisition, or some other proscribed procedure, the requisition will proceed
through a proscribed release procedure that will ensure that a proper level of
authority will approve the requisition order before it will be released to the
purchasing department. The release procedure will be automated and it will be
necessary for all persons responsible for approving requisitions to understand
how to release them in a timely manner so that goods and services can be
procured efficiently.

Releases can be processed by either line items on the requisition or at an overall

release [company-specific]

Business Process Description Overview

The process of setting up release procedures consists of three activities. First, in the IMG,
Must be maintained. Second, characteristics must be created. And, third, a class must be
Incorporating the characteristics that were earlier created.
All personnel who are release points in the release procedure must be cognizant of the daily
That their position entails.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Release Code The applicable Release Code that the user is releasing
the requisition with.

Output - Results Comments

Requisition is released Releasing the requisition results in a changed Requisition.

Tips and Tricks

Procedural Steps
1. Access transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management Requisition 

Release  Individual Release
Via Transaction Code ME54N
2. On screen “ Release: Purchase Requisition: Initial Screen”; enter
information in table below:

Page 16 of 145
Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Purchase Purchase requisition R Conduct match-code
Requisition number search to find valid
requisition for release.
R = Required, O = Optional, C = Conditional

Press <Execute>

3. On the “Release: Purchase Requisition: Item’ screen:

 This screen allows you to view the items on the requisition, how much is being
requisitioned and other items from the original requisition.
 Release procedure for each item is displayed in the Release Strategy Tab.
 The requisition belongs to Release Group XX. All release authorities belong to
a release group that acts as an electronic chain of command that
electronically approves requisitions.
 Next, press the “Release Options” button to determine what is possible.
 In the event that you are the release point, you have two options.
 You may release the items on the requisition by pressing the button, and
saving the document. This will release and save the changed requisition.

Page 17 of 145
 The requisition will move to the next release point or will be available to be
converted into a purchase order.

4. To exit from Requisition releases, press the Yellow “Exit” button or Shift +

Page 18 of 145
Transaction Code
Title: Collective Release of Purchase Requisition ME55
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb

Several Purchase Requisitions that are subject to a release procedure needs to be
released by the required releasing authority.

Depending on the purchasing group, the material group, the value of the
requisition, or some other proscribed procedure, the requisitions will proceed
through a proscribed release procedure that will ensure that a proper level of
authority will approve the requisitions before they will be released to the
purchasing department. The release procedure will be automated and it will be
necessary for all persons responsible for approving requisitions to understand
how to release them in a timely manner so that goods and services can be
procured efficiently.

Business Process Description Overview

The process of setting up release procedures consists of three activities. First, in the IMG,
configuration must be maintained. Second, characteristics must be created. And, third, a
class must be created incorporating the characteristics that were earlier created.

All personnel who are release points in the release procedure must be cognizant of the daily
requirements that their position entails.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Release Code The applicable Release Code that the user is releasing
the requisition with.

Output - Results Comments

Requisition is released Releasing the requisition results in a changed Requisition.

Tips & Tricks

Release strategy may be set up for either line item release or overall release,
depending on the document type used.

Procedural Steps
1. Access transaction by:

Page 19 of 145
Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management Requisition 
Release  Collective Release
Via Transaction Code ME55
2. On screen “ Collective Release of Purchase Requisitions”; enter
information in table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Release Code Code with which the R Enter your release code
items of a purchase
order may be released
Release Contains one or more O Select Release code from
Group release strategies. drop down menu
Release Determines whether or O Set the indicator if you
Prerequisite not the suggested only wish to see the
Fulfilled purchase requisition purchase requisition items
items or purchasing or purchasing documents

Page 20 of 145
documents must fulfill that you can release
the release prerequisite (approve) immediately.
for the specified release Do not set the indicator if
code. you also wish to see the
purchase requisition items
or purchasing documents
that you cannot yet
release (approve).
Requisns. for If you set this indicator, O Depending on the
overall the system lists all scope-of-list
release purchase requisitions parameter, you see
that have to be either all items
released (approved) in belonging to a
their entirety. purchase requisition or
only one "header line"
per requisition item.

If you see all items and

release one of them, the
entire requisition is
Requisitions If you set this indicator, O
for item the system lists all
release purchase requisitions
that have to be
released (approved)
per line item.
Purchase Requisition number O Enter numbers if known
Material Material master number O Use to narrow search if
Material Material group code O Choose from pull-down
Group menu
Purchasing Purchasing group code O Use to narrow search if necessary
Scope of List Determines format of search
R You may choose from list of drop-
“F” (Collective Relea
report down is the standard defa
Plant Plant to which delivery O To narrow search, select
is to be made plant from drop down
Document Type of purchasing O Use to narrow search if
Type document necessary
Item category Type of Requisition O Use to narrow search if

Acct. Account where costs O Use to narrow search if

assignment are allocated necessary
Delivery Date Date that the items are O Use to narrow search if
scheduled to be necessary
Release Date Date that the ordering O Use to narrow search if
should be processed necessary
based on parameters
set in material master.

Page 21 of 145
Materials/Plan Number of the MRP O To narrow search, select
ner Controller controller who is MRP controller from drop
responsible for this down menu
Processing Key specifying the currentO To narrow search, select plant
Status processing from drop down menu
status of the requisition
Fixed Vendor Vendor number O Use to narrow search if necessary
Requisitioner Note on the requisition O Use to narrow search if
identifying who the necessary
material is being
purchased for.
Short Text Short description of the O May use to narrow search
material parameters for
consumable material.
Sort Indicator Specifies the way the R You may choose from list of drop-
“1” is the default for
list of requisitions is down requisitions
sorted items
Cost Center O
WBS Element O
Order O
Asset O
Asset sub- O
Network O
Operation O
Sales order O
Sales order O
R = Required, O = Optional, C = Conditional

Press <Execute>
3. On the “Collective Release of Purchase Requisitions” screen:

Page 22 of 145
 This screen allows you to view what is being requisitioned, how much is being
requisitioned, the release strategy, release indicator, and release option.
 To view the release procedure for each requisition, press the check box in the
left-hand margin and press the “Release Strat.” radio button.
 The requisition belongs to Release Group XX. All release authorities belong to
a release group that acts as an electronic chain of command that
electronically approves requisitions.
 The Release Strategy informs the user of the top level of approval that will be
 The Release Code depicts the necessary level of approval that the requisition
requires before moving on to the next release point.
 The Release Indicator depicts the status of the requisition.
 Next, you can either simulate the release or close this pop-up menu.
 To view the requisition, check the box to the left of the item and press the
magnifying glass radio button (“Display”)
 To view some detailed data for each requisition, press the puzzle piece radio
button (“Detailed Data”).
 To release the requisition, press the check-box for the requisition and press
the save button. The requisition will proceed to the next release point or will
be available to convert into a purchase order.
 Upon doing this, the Release Option will read, “Release Affected.”
 In effect, the requisition has been changed.
 Since you will be only one point in the release process your task is now

4. To exit from Purchase Requisition releases, press the Yellow “Exit” button
or Shift + F3.

Transaction Code
Title: Assign Source PR ME56
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Purchase requisitions require sources of supply assigned to each item

Business Process Procedure Overview

Once purchase requisitions have been released to the buyer for further processing, the next
step in the procurement cycle is to determine a vendor source for the required material or
service and to allocate the requisition to the source. Sources are maintained in the system
via Outline agreements, Schedule agreements, Source lists and Purchasing information

Page 23 of 145
records. The two components of this procedure are Assign and Process. Requisitions are
allocated to a source of supply or selected for RFQ if no source exists. When sources are
assigned to purchase requisitions the second step is to generate Purchase orders, Delivery
schedules or RFQ’s.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Scope of list Distinguishes the different types of requisitions

Output – Results Comments

Source of supply assigned to If no source available item should be flagged for RFQ
each item

Tips & Tricks

As in all display screens, it should be noted that the more criteria the user enters,
the less entries he/she will have to review in the display screen.

Example: Should the user choose by Purchasing group without the plant number
the system will display all Purchase requisitions for all plants, rather than for one

Procedural Steps
1. Access “Assign Source of Supply to Purchase Requisition” by:

Via Menus Logistics>Materials

Via Transaction Code ME56

Page 24 of 145
2. On screen “Assign Source of Supply to Requisitions”: Selection
Screen , enter information as specified in the fields in the table

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Scope of Distinguishes the different R Select scope via table See Tips &
List types of requisitions Tricks
Selection Requisition number O Enter as appropriate
Criteria from/to.

Page 25 of 145
Purchasing Group O
Materials: from/to. O
Material Group: from/to O
Requirement tracking O
Plant: from/to. O
Document type O
Item category O
Account assignment O
Delivery date O
Release date O
Materials O
Processing status O Enter as appropriate
Fixed vendor O
Requisitioner O
Short text O
Cost Center O
WBS Element O
Order O
Asset O
Network O
Activity Number O
Sales Order O
Sales Order Number O

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)
3. On screen “Assign Source of Supply to Requisitions” (results
screen), enter the information as specified in the fields in the table

Page 26 of 145
Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Material Material Number R Defaults from Purchase
Short text Short description of R Defaults from Purchase
material requisition
Pur. Grp Purchasing group R Defaults from Purchase
Mat. Grp material group R Defaults from Purchase
Plant Plant number R Defaults from Purchase
SLOC Stores Location R Defaults from Purchase
Purch. Purchase requisition R Displays Purchase
Req number Requisition number
Requested Quantity required R Defaults from purchase

Page 27 of 145
qty. requisition
Item Purchase requisition item R Defaults from purchase
number requisition
Un unit of measure R Defaults from Purchase
Delivery Date material required R Defaults from Purchase
date requisition
Requester Name of requisitioner on R Defaults from Purchase requisition
S Status of purchase R review status
C Requisition created R Defaults from Purchase
manually or through MRP requisition
R Release indicator R Defaults from Purchase
OTy Order type R Defaults from purchase
I Item category indicator R Defaults from Purchase
shows that additional requisition
features relate to item
A Account assignment R Defaults from Purchase
category requisition
Ordered Displays if partial qty R Defaults from Purchase
qty ordered requisition
Release date Purchase requisition R Defaults from Purchase
date was released requisition
Trackg. Usually an employee R Defaults from Purchase
No. number or unique requisition
identification number to
MC MRP controller R Defaults from Purchase
SPl Supplying plant R Defaults from purchase
4. On screen “Assign Source of Supply to Purchase Requisitions”
(results screen) enter the information as specified in the fields in
the table below:

Further Processing

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Assign Assign Supply Source key R Select item and use assign
Automatic supply source key and
ally supply source will default
from source lists.
Information records or
existing contracts
Assignme Overview of display O Review the assignments
Save Save folder R Source of supply are
assigned to PR items and

Page 28 of 145
Transaction Code
Title: Order Assigned PR ME58
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Kotswara Rao R

Page 29 of 145

Need to transform an assigned requisition into a purchase order.

This BPP will demonstrate how a buyer or buyer/planner takes assigned

requisitions and converts them to purchase orders.

Business Process Procedure Overview

A purchase order is a legal document used to record an individual purchase (negotiated

terms, conditions and pricing) with the vendor or arrange for a delivery based on prior
agreement. It also provides the vendor with a reference document to link to shipping (goods
receipt) and invoicing (invoice verification) processes.
The purchase order is a commitment to a vendor for a given material, in a specified quantity
at a pre-determined price and delivery date.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Vendor Vendor number

Date Purchase Order date

Purchasing Organization Should default

Purchasing Group Code of buyer who will make purchase

Output - Results Comments

Printed purchase order Can be Printed / faxed or EDI (for fax and EDI need

Tips and Tricks

This process solely relies on the requisition as the source of information that
populates the relevant fields (material, plant, quantity, and delivery date) on the
purchase order.

Procedural Steps
1. Access “Ordering: Assigned Purchasing Requisitions” by: enter information
in table below:

Via Menus Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing >

Requisitions > Follow on Functions > Create Purchase
Order > Via Assignment List

Page 30 of 145
Via Transaction Code ME58
2. On screen “Ordering: Assigned Purchasing Requisitions”: enter
information in the table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Purchasing Purchasing Group Code O Select buyer code from Most likely, this
Group drop down menu will be the way
that the buyers
will commence
their daily
process to
requisitions to

Page 31 of 145
Purchasing Purchasing organization O Use to narrow search if
Organizatio number necessary
Vendor Vendor number of the O Use to narrow search if
assigned source necessary
Outline Outline agreement O Use to narrow search if
Agreement number that establishes necessary
the relationship between
the vendor and material
Plant Plant to which delivery is O To narrow search, select
to be made plant from drop down
Supplying Plant that furnishes the O Used for stock transport
Plant material orders
Delivery date expected for O Use to narrow search if
date delivery of material necessary
Release The system-generated O Use to narrow search if
Date date that depends on the necessary
material’s ordering time
Scope of Determines format of searchR You may choose from list of drop-
“A” is the standard
List report down Default
Processing Key specifying the O Use to narrow search if
Status current processing status necessary
of the purchase
Contracts Check the box if the O In the default setting, the box is
search includes contracts Checked
Scheduling Check the box if the O In the default setting, the box is
Agreements search includes checked
scheduling agreements
Press the “Execute” key
R = Required, O = Optional, C = Conditiona

Page 32 of 145
3. On the “Ordering for Assigned Requisitions: Overview of Assignments”

 To process the assignment into a PO, put the cursor on the white last white
line and click on the “Process Assignment” button.
 The following pop-up screen, “Process Assignment: Create PO,” appears.
 Press the green check mark and the conversion from assignment to PO will
take place with the vendor assigned to the PO.

3. On screen, “Create Purchase Order: Selection List: Purchase

Requisition” do the following:

Page 33 of 145
 Press “Adopt + Details” radio button.
 The Item Overview screen will appear.

4. On screen “Create Purchase Order: Item Overview”: enter

information in table below:

Page 34 of 145
Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Item Purchase Number C Will be populated when No action required
Material Material Number C Defaults when conversion No action required
from Req. to PO
Item C Defaults when conversion No action required
Category from Req. to PO
Material C Defaults when conversion No action required
Group from Req. to PO
Acct. C Defaults when conversion No action required
Assignment from Req. to PO
Plant C Defaults when conversion No action required
from Req. to PO
Storage C Defaults when conversion No action required
Location from Req. to PO
Order O The amount from the Change if required.
Quantity requisition will populate
this field. If the quantity
needs to be changed,
change it here.
Net Order O The amount from the Change if required.
Price requisition will populate
this field. If the price or
order denomination needs
to be changed, change it
Quantity O Defaults from material
Conversion master
Info Record O Leave default value “B” in
Update this field.
Estimated O Do not check box Leave box blank
Print Price O Keep box checked No user action requir
Delivery O The date defaults from the Change if required.
date requisition
Stat. Date used to calculate data O
for The date defaults from the Change if required.
Delivery vendor evaluation requisition
Reminder 1 O No action required
Reminder 2 O No action required
Reminder 3 O No action required
Conf. O No action required
Control Key
Acknol. No O No action required
Tracking O No action required
Vendor Mat. O Will default from info No action required
record if available
GR O Will default from info No action required
Processing record if available
Underdel. O Will default from info No action required

Page 35 of 145
Tol. record if available
Overdel. O Will default from info No action required
Tol. record if available
Tax Code O Will default from info No action required
record if available
Shipping O Will default from info No action required
Instr. record if available

5. On screen “Create Purchase Order: Header Details” (Menu Path: Header

Details) enter information in table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

PO Purchase Order Number C Will be inserted after PO is No user action
saved required
Vendor C Defaults from initial screen No user action
Co. Code C Defaults from initial screen No user action
Doc. Type C Defaults from initial screen No user action
P. Group C Defaults from initial screen No user action
P. Org C Defaults from initial screen No user action
Order Date C Defaults from initial screen No user action
Language C Defaults from sign in No user action
Validity O No user action
Start required
Item O No user action
Interval required

Page 36 of 145
Sub-item O No user action
interval required
Validity End O No user action
GR Message O Select if the buyer wishes
to be notified whenever a
goods receipt is posted
against the PO.
Complete O Select of single delivery is
Delivery required
Warranty O No user action
Terms of Vendor terms O Will default from Vendor No user action
payment Master required.
Change if
Incoterms Transfer of ownership O Will default from Vendor No user action
point Master required.
Change if
Currency Currency vendor deals in O Will default from Vendor Master No user action
required. Change if

Exchange Exchange rate of currency ifR Will default from Vendor No user action
rate applicable Master required. Change
Quotation O No user action
Date required
Your O No user action
reference required
Our O No user action
reference required
Supplying O No user action
Vendor required
Quotation O No user action
Salesperson O Will default from Vendor No user action
Master required. Change
Telephone O Will default from Vendor No user action
Master required. Change
Inv. Party O No user action
Press Save

A message will be received as follows: “Standard PO created under the number


6. To exit from this area, press the Yellow “Exit” button or Shift + F3.

Page 37 of 145
Transaction Code
Create Purchase Order from PR ME59
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Need to transform a requisition into a purchase order in a semi-automatic


This BPP will demonstrate how a buyer or buyer/planner takes requisitions and
converts them to purchase orders in a semi-automatic fashion.

This process will only work if the “Automatic PO” field has been flagged on both
the material master and vendor master. Also, the assignment has to have
happened manually (ME56) or the “Source Determination” field needs to be
flagged on the requisition.

Business Process Procedure Overview

A purchase order is a legal document used to record an individual purchase (negotiated

terms, conditions and pricing) with the vendor or arrange for a delivery based on prior
agreement. It also provides the vendor with a reference document to link to shipping (goods
receipt) and invoicing (Invoice Verification) processes.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

None are required, but the
system will process this
transaction more efficiently if
you enter more specific search

Output – Results Comments

Printed purchase order Can be manually sent, faxed or EDI

Page 38 of 145
Tips and Tricks

This process solely relies on the requisition as the source of information that
populates the relevant fields (material, plant, quantity, and delivery date) on the
purchase order.

Procedural Steps
1. Access “Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from Requisitions” by:
enter information in table below:

Via Menus Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing >

Requisitions > Follow on Functions > Create Purchase
Order > Automat. via PReqs.
Via Transaction Code ME59

Page 39 of 145
2. On screen “Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from
Requisitions”: enter information in the table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Purchasing Purchasing Group Code O Select buyer code from Most likely, this will
be the way that the
Group drop down menu
buyers will
commence their
daily process to
convert requisitions
to PO’s
Purchasing Purchasing organization O Use to narrow search if
Organization number necessary
Vendor Vendor number of the O Use to narrow search if
assigned source necessary
Contract Contract number that O Use to narrow search if
establishes the necessary
relationship between the
vendor and material
Plant Plant to which delivery is O To narrow search, select
to be made plant from drop down
Supplying Plant that furnishes the O Used for stock transport
Plant material orders
New PO per Check box O Use to narrow search if
purchasing necessary
New PO per Check box O Use to narrow search if
plant necessary
New PO per Check box O Use to narrow search if
item necessary
Set reqs. to Determines whether O Use to narrow search if
“c “closed” indicator will be necessary
set for Req.
Exclude Check box O Use to narrow search if
faulty items necessary
Detailed log Check box O Use to narrow search if
Test run Check box O Check this box in order to
conduct a test-run of this
Material Material group code O Use to narrow search if
group necessary
Release Date The system-generated O Use to narrow search if
date that depends on necessary
the material’s ordering
time parameter
Delivery date expected for O Use to narrow search if
date delivery of material necessary
Materials Number of the MRP O Use to narrow search if
Planner/Cont controller responsible for necessary
roller this item
Document Type of purchasing O Use to narrow search if
Type document necessary
Item Type of purchase order O Use to narrow search if

Page 40 of 145
category necessary

Acct. Account where cost are O Use to narrow search if

assignment allocated necessary
Processing Key specifying the O Use to narrow search if
Status current processing necessary
status of the purchase
Requisitioner Note on the requisition O Use to narrow search if
identifying who the necessary
material is being
purchased for.
Short Text Short description of the O May use to narrow search
material parameters for
consumable material.
Contracts Check the box if the O In the default setting, the box is
search includes checked
Press the “Execute” key

R = Required, O = Optional, C = Conditional

3. On the “Automatic Creation of Purchase Orders from Requisitions”

 The following information is displayed: the vendor number, purchasing

organization, order type, contract number (if available) and a message field.
 In the event that the purchase order is successfully processed, the field turns
green and the PO number is displayed.
 In the event that the purchase order is unsuccessfully, processed, the field
will turn red and an error message will be displayed.

4. To exit from this area, press the Yellow “Exit” button or Shift + F3.

Transaction Code
Title: Create Request for Quotation ME41
Document No. Responsibility Version Supersedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Page 41 of 145
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


 Purchasing determines a quotation is required from vendors

Business Process Procedure Overview

SAP provides the capability of creating and issuing single or multiple items Request for
Quotations (RFQ’s). Options include the ability to insert standard clauses and other stored

Vendors must have master records created or be categorized as one time vendors.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

RFQ Type Default is ‘AN’ for standard RFQ
Language Default is ‘EN’ for English
RFQ Date Default is creation date
Quotation Deadline Must be prior to required delivery date specified
Purchasing Org Enter Purchasing Organization identifier
Purchasing group Enter Purchasing group (buyer) number

Output - Results Comments

Saved RFQ Each RFQ per vendor will receive a separate document

Tips & Tricks

The collective number in the header screen of the RFQ is an important method to
link the copies of the RFQ issued to the different vendors. SAP treats each
issuance to a different vendor as a separate RFQ document and this collective
number can be used to search as a match code and to provide comparison

Page 42 of 145
Procedural Steps

1. Access Transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics > Material Management > Purchasing >

RFQ/quotation > RFQ
> Create

Via Transaction Code ME41

2. On screen “Create RFQ: Initial Screen”, enter information in the

fields as specified in the table below:

Page 43 of 145
Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
RFQ Type Default is ‘AN’ - standard R Enter RFQ type
Language Default is ‘EN’ - English R Language may be changed
if other languages are
maintained in system
RFQ Date Default is creation date R May be changed if required The RFQ can
be created for
Note that SAP
will release it
on that date

Page 44 of 145
Quotation The due date for vendor R Enter the due date in the If the
Deadline quotations date format assigned in the deadline is
system stated as a
date after the
delivery date,
the user will
be given an
when the
delivery date
is entered.
RFQ Externally numbered RFQ C If allowed, user can assign Not
numbers RFQ number. Note: each recommende
vendor’s RFQ is assigned a d. “Collective
separate number. number” of
screen is an
means to
capture and
track RFQ’s.
Purchasin Purchasing Organization R Enter or select Purchasing
g Org. responsible for RFQ Org. from table
Purchasin Buyer or Buying group R Enter or select Purchasing
g group Identifier group number from table
Item Key defining how the R Enter Item Category or use
Category procurement of a material matchcode
or service item is
Delivery Date on which the goods O Enter delivery date
Date are to be delivered or the
service is to be
Plant Key for a production O Enter Plant
facility or branch office
within the company (that
is, company code).
Storage Number of the storage O Enter Storage Location
Location location where the
material is stored. A plant
may contain one or more
storage locations.
Material Key that you use to group O Enter material group or use
Group together several materials F4 (match code)
or services with the same
attributes, and to assign
them to a particular
material group.
Requisitio Number that facilitates O Enter requisition tracking #
n Tracking monitoring of the
# procurement process for
required materials or

Page 45 of 145
services. This number can
relate to an external
"need note" (notice of
requirements) that was
not generated in the
Note: On the above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = required, “O” = Optional,
“C” = Conditional)

Note: The ‘Default Data for Items’ fields will carry these values against all items
on the RFQ. Although carried onto the Item screens, these values may be
changed within the transaction. Useful if the majority of the items have common
data (delivery date, plant, etc.). Enter the appropriate data if desired.

3. On screen” Create RFQ: Header Data”, enter information in the

fields as specified in the table below:

Page 46 of 145
Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
RFQ RFQ number R System will display saved Grayed out
document number unless
externally assigned
Company Company code R Supplied from initial screen Grayed out
Purchasin Purchasing group R Supplied from initial screen Grayed out
g group
RFQ type RFQ type R Supplied from initial screen Grayed out
Purchase Purchase organization R Supplied from initial screen Grayed out
Vendor Vendor number C Will be displayed if vendor Grayed out
number was added before
this step.
RFQ date RFQ date R Supplied from initial screen Grayed out
Item Item interval R Supplied by system

Coll. No. Collective number O Enter a number to track Important

vendors of the same RFQ field
Languag Language R Supplied from initial screen

Page 47 of 145
Sub-item Item interval for sub items C Currently not used by SAP.
inter. For future enhancements.
Qout. Quotation deadline R Supplied from initial screen
Validity Validity start O Enter date quotation will
start start
Validity Validity end O Enter date quotation will
end end.
Applic. Application date O Enter closing date of Bids
Warranty Warranty O Enter warranty information
Bindg. Binding period O Enter date period is binding
Target Target Value O Enter total value of all
val materials that can be
Your Your reference O Enter Vendors reference
reference number/name
Salespers Salesperson O Enter Salesperson name
Our Our reference O Enter your reference
reference number/name
Telephon Telephone O Enter telephone #

4. On screen “Create RFQ: Item Overview”, enter information in the

fields as specified in the table below:

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Item Item Category - determines if
R Enter or select from table. Default
Category standard is
purchase or other such as 3 blank - standard purchase
order, etc.

Page 48 of 145
Material Material Number R Enter material number or All stock
use matchcode to select material
must have
Short Text Short Description of N/A Defaulted in from material
Material master
RFQ Quantity of Material R Must be numeric
Quantity requested for quotation
Delivery Date required if ordered R Must be in correct date
Date format
Material Group of material which N/A Defaulted in from material
Group this material belongs master
Plant Plant where material is O Enter or select Plant from Plant may
required table. be left
Note: the material master blank to
must exist for that plant. signify a
Sloc Storage Location where O Enter or select Storage Strictly
material will Location from optional.
be delivered and stored if table Storage
ordered Location
may be
later at the
time of P.O.

5. If additional details are required for the items, select these items and click
on the <Details> button with a puzzle piece symbol.

 To proceed to the screen to specify the vendors invited to

quote, click on the <Vendor Address> button.

6. On screen ‘Create RFQ: Vendor Address’, enter information in the

fields as specified in the table below:

Page 49 of 145
Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Vendor Vendor number R Enter valid vendor number If vendor
does not
exist, use a
number (if
Title Possible titles are stored O Enter title or use match
in a check table. They are code
language dependent.
Name Vendor Name C Up to 4 lines available Only
required if
from vendor
Search This field contains only O Enter search terms
Term 1 & upper-case letters. All
2 entries are automatically

Page 50 of 145
converted to upper-case
letters. There are two of
these fields for search
Street & Street address and/or C Only
House # House # required if
from vendor
Postal Postal code and city / town /C Only
Code & village required if
City One-time
from vendor
Country Name of country C Table validated / selection Only
required if
from vendor
Region In some countries, the C Table validated / selection Only
region forms part of the required if
address. The meaning One-time
depends on the country. vendor.
from vendor
PO Box Post Office Box Number C Only
required if
from vendor
Postal Zip Code / Postal Code C Only
Code required if
from vendor
Company Postal code which is C Only
Postal assigned directly to a required if
Code company. This field is One-time
used in countries in which vendor.
large companies can have Defaulted
their own postal code. from vendor
Language Language C Only
required if

Page 51 of 145
from vendor
Telephone Telephone # C Only
required if
from vendor
Fax Fax # C Only
required if
from vendor
E-mail E-Mail address C Only
required if
from vendor
Standard Communication type with C Only
Comm. which you can exchange required if
Type documents and messages One-time
with a business partner. vendor.
from vendor

7. Save the RFQ. (Select yellow file folder or F11). This will refresh
the Create RFQ: Vendor Address screen to allow creation of the
same RFQ data to a new vendor by following the steps outlined in
1.4 above. The system will display the message RFQ Created under
the number ___________.

8. Return to Main Purchasing Menu. (Select Yellow up Pointing Arrow, Shift F3)
Transaction Code
Title: Display Request for Quotation ME43
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Need to display an existing request for quotation (RFQ).

Business Process Description Overview

Page 52 of 145
This BPP will discuss the process of displaying a RFQ.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

RFQ number RFQ number

Output - Results Comments

RFQ is displayed.

Tips and Tricks

13.3 Procedural Steps

1. Access “Display RFQ: Initial Screen” by:

Via Menus Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing >

RFQ/Quotation > RFQ > Display
Via Transaction Code ME43

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

RFQ RFQ number R If number is not known,
conduct a match-code
search to find the contract.
Press <Enter>

(Note: On the above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = required, “O” = Optional,
“C” = Conditional)

2. On the “Display RFQ: Item Overview” screen proceed as follows:

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Item Key defining how the C Select from drop-down

Page 53 of 145
category procurement of the menu if contract is for
material or service is subcontracting,
handled. consignment or other type.
Will default from original
screen if information has
been entered.

Material Material master number C

Short Text Description of the C Defaults from material
material or service to be master.
RFQ The quantity of material C Enter the number of pieces
quantity required or amount of service for
the contract.
OUn Order Unit C Defaults from material
Delivery Date that the material will C Defaults from RFQ
Date be due
Material Material group that the C Defaults from material
Group item most closely belongs master.
Plant Plant number C Defaults from RFQ
Storage Storage location number C Will default from material
Location master if it has been
D Deletion indicator C Field will be marked only if
the item has been deleted
from the RFQ.
Press <Enter>

Upon entering all of this information, you have the option to use the radio buttons
to view more information that pertains to the contract.

Button Name View Maintain

Header details X
Vendor address X
Partners X
Release strategy X
Messages X
Item details X
Additional data X
Item Texts X
Delivery address X
Delivery Schedule X
Services X

3. In the event that Header Data needs to be displayed, go to Header

 Details (or use the radio button). On the “Display RFQ: Header
Data” screen proceed as follows:

Page 54 of 145
Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
RFQ RFQ number C
RFQ Type Type of RFQ C Standard RFQ is AN
Vendor Vendor number C
Company Company code C
Purchasin Purchasing group code C
g Group
Purchasin Purchasing organization C
g number
RFQ date Date of RFQ creation. C
Language Language of the RFQ C
Validity Start of the period in C
start which the RFQ may be
Item The way the line items C
number are numbered.
Sub-item Not used C Do not use.
Validity End of the period in which C
end the RFQ may be
Warranty Date defining the C
warranty period
Payment Terms stipulated by C Defaults from vendor
terms vendor master. Change if
Collective Number used to C
number collectively group RFQ’s
Quot. Date by which the vendor C
dead. is to submit the quotation
Applic. by Date by which the bidder C
is to express an interest

Page 55 of 145
in submitting a bid.
Bindg. Date for which the C
per. quotation is valid and
Your The internal reference C
reference number of the vendor
Salespers Name of vendor’s C Defaults from vendor
on salesperson master. Change if
Our Reference number or C
reference code
Press <Enter>

Transaction Code
Title: Release RFQ ME45
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


 Any approval needed for company authorized procurement

Business Process Procedure Overview

The strategy for any internal or external release of a purchasing document such as Purchase
Order , RFQ ,or Requisition

Input – Required Fields Field Value/Comments

Release Code Assigned by internal systems administrator

Output – Results Comments

RFQ Released RFQ is released to create PO, outline agreement ,
delivery schedules ,contracts

Tips and Tricks

Simulating Release

In the list of purchasing documents awaiting release, you can display the
assigned release strategy and simulate release.

1.Position the cursor on a purchasing document.

2.Choose Goto  Release strategy.

Page 56 of 145
The dialog box with information on the release strategy appears.
You can simulate release in this box.

Procedural Steps
1. Access transaction by:

Via Menus LogisticsMaterial


Via Transaction Code ME45

2. On screen ”Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents”, enter

information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Field Description R/O User Action and Values Commen

Name /C ts
Release Code with which an R Enter the code assigned to
Code individual can process a your department for releasing
purchase document within purchasing documents

Page 57 of 145
the relevant release
Release Contains one or more O Enter release group
Group release strategies
Set Indicator: whether release O Check if applicable
Release prerequisite must be
Cancel Indicator: cancel release O Check if applicable
Release Indicator: set if you wish to O Check if applicable
prerequi see the purchase req items
site that can be released
List with Indicator: list with items O Check if applicable
Scope Key that determines O Enter scope of list
of List whether certain information
is displayed with the item
Purchasi Identifier that allows you to O Enter purchasing doc category
ng Doc differentiate
Catagor between various kinds of
y purchasing
Purch Organizational unit that O Enter purchasing org
Org. negotiates the
general conditions of
purchase for
several plants or a single
Docume Uniquely defines a O Enter document number
nt purchasing document
Docume Identifier allowing O Enter document type
nt Type differentiation between the
various kinds of purchasing
documents in SAP
(PO, RFQ, scheduling
Purchasi Key for a buyer or group of O Enter purchasing group
ng buyers
Vendor Vendor number O Enter vendor
Supplyi Plant from which the O Enter supplying plant
ng Plant ordered material is supplied
Docume Date in which the O Enter document date
nt Date purchasing document is
Click <Execute>
(Note: On the above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)

3. Once program is run in step 1.2, the system returns a list of RFQ’s to be

You can cancel (revoke) the release and reinstate the previous release status.

Page 58 of 145
To do so, choose Edit Release  Cancel

Transaction Code
Title: Maintain Quotation ME47
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Need to maintain existing quotation.

Business Process Description Overview

This BPP will discuss the process of maintaining quotation.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

RFQ number RFQ number

Output - Results Comments

Quotation is maintained.

15.2 Tips and Tricks

Procedural Steps

1. Access “Maintain Quotation: Initial Screen” by:

Via Menus Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing >

RFQ/Quotation > Quotation > Maintain
Via Transaction Code ME47

2. On the “Maintain Quotation: Initial Screen” screen proceed as


Page 59 of 145
Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
RFQ RFQ number R If number is not known,
conduct a match-code
search to find the contract.
Press <Enter>

(Note: On the above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = required, “O” = Optional,
“C” = Conditional)

3. On the “Maintain Quotation: Item Overview” screen proceed as


Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Item Item within RFQ Displa Defaults from RFQ
Number y
Material Material master number Displa Defaults from RFQ
Short Text Description of the Displa Defaults from material
material or service to be y master.
RFQ The quantity of material Displa Enter the number of pieces
quantity required y or amount of service for
the contract.
OUn Order Unit Displa Defaults from material
y master.
Delivery Date that the material will Displa Defaults from RFQ
Date be due y
Price R Enter the Net Price
Per The manner in which the Displa Defaults from quotation
material is priced. y
Material Material group that the Displa Defaults from material
Group item most closely belongs y master.
Plant Plant number Displa Defaults from RFQ
Storage Storage location number Displa Will default from material
Location y master if it has been
D Deletion indicator Field will be marked only if
the item has been deleted
from the RFQ.
R Rejection indicator If checked, and output has
specifying that the vendor been set for rejection
is to receive a rejection letters, a rejection letter
letter in respect of his will be sent to output when
quotation. changes are saved.
Press <Enter>

Page 60 of 145
Button Name View Maintain
Header details X
Vendor address X
Partners X
Release strategy X
Messages X
Item details X
Additional details X
Pricing conditions X
Text overview X
Delivery address X
Release documents X
Account assignments X
Services X

4. In the event that Header Data needs to be displayed, go to Header

 Details (or use the radio button). On the “Maintain Quotation:
Header Data” screen proceed as follows:

Page 61 of 145
Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
RFQ RFQ number Display Only
RFQ Type Type of RFQ Display Only
Vendor Vendor number Display Only
Company Company code Display Only
Purchasin Purchasing group code Display Only
g Group
Purchasin Purchasing organization Display Only
g number
RFQ date Date of RFQ creation. Display Only
Language Language of the RFQ Display Only
Validity Start of the period in Display Only
start which the RFQ may be

Page 62 of 145
Item The way the line items Display Only
number are numbered.
Sub-item Not used Display Only
Validity End of the period in which Display Only
end the RFQ may be
Warranty Date defining the Display Only
warranty period
Payment Terms stipulated by Display Only
terms vendor
Collective Number used to Display Only
number collectively group RFQ’s
Quot. Date by which the vendor Display Only
dead. is to submit the quotation
Applic. by Date by which the bidder Display Only
is to express an interest
in submitting a bid.
Bindg. Date for which the Display Only
per. quotation is valid and
Payment Terms stipulated by Display Only
terms vendor
Payment X amount of days Display Only
Payment X amount of days Display Only
Payment X amount of days Display Only
Target val Target value of the Display Only
Exch. rate Exchange rate of the Display Only
Incoterms Freight terms stipulated Display Only
by vendor
Your The internal reference Display Only
reference number of the vendor
Salespers Name of vendor’s Display Only
on salesperson
Our Reference number or Display Only
reference code

5. To exit from this area, press the Yellow “Exit” button or Shift + F3.

Transaction Code
Title: Display Quotation ME48
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date

Page 63 of 145
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Need to display an existing quotation.

Business Process Description Overview

This BPP will discuss the process of displaying a quotation.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

RFQ number
RFQ number

Output – Results Comments

Quotation is displayed.

Tips and Tricks

Procedural Steps

6. Access “Display Quotation: Initial Screen” by:

Via Menus Logistics > Materials Management > Purchasing >

RFQ/Quotation > Quotation > Display
Via Transaction Code ME48

7. On the “Display Quotation: Initial Screen” screen proceed as


Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

RFQ RFQ number R If number is not known,

Page 64 of 145
conduct a match-code
search to find the contract.
Press <Enter>

(Note: On the above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = required, “O” = Optional,
“C” = Conditional)

8. On the “Display Quotation: Item Overview” screen proceed as


Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Item Item within RFQ Displa Defaults from RFQ
Number y
Material Material master number Displa Defaults from RFQ
Short Text Description of the Displa Defaults from material
material or service to be y master.
RFQ The quantity of material Displa Enter the number of pieces
quantity required y or amount of service for
the contract.
OUn Order Unit Displa Defaults from material
y master.
Delivery Date that the material will Displa Defaults from RFQ
Date be due y
Price The price that the vendor Displa Defaults from quotation
has quoted for this item y
Per The manner in which the Displa Defaults from quotation
material is priced. y
Material Material group that the Displa Defaults from material
Group item most closely belongs y master.
Plant Plant number Displa Defaults from RFQ
Storage Storage location number Displa Will default from material
Location y master if it has been
D Deletion indicator Field will be marked only if
the item has been deleted
from the RFQ.
R Rejection indicator If checked, and output has
specifying that the vendor been set for rejection
is to receive a rejection letters, a rejection letter
letter in respect of his will be sent to output when
quotation. changes are saved.
Press <Enter>

Button Name View Maintain


Page 65 of 145
Header details X
Vendor address X
Partners X
Release strategy X
Messages X
Item details X
Additional details X
Pricing conditions X
Text overview X
Delivery address X
Release documents X
Account assignments X
Services X

9. In the event that Header Data needs to be displayed, go to Header

 Details (or use the radio button). On the “Display Quotation:
Header Data” screen proceed as follows:

Page 66 of 145
Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
RFQ RFQ number Display Only
RFQ Type Type of RFQ Display Only
Vendor Vendor number Display Only
Company Company code Display Only
Purchasin Purchasing group code Display Only
g Group
Purchasin Purchasing organization Display Only
g number
RFQ date Date of RFQ creation. Display Only
Language Language of the RFQ Display Only
Validity Start of the period in Display Only
start which the RFQ may be
Item The way the line items Display Only
number are numbered.
Sub-item Not used Display Only
Validity End of the period in which Display Only
end the RFQ may be
Warranty Date defining the Display Only
warranty period
Payment Terms stipulated by Display Only
terms vendor
Collective Number used to Display Only
number collectively group RFQ’s
Quot. Date by which the vendor Display Only
dead. is to submit the quotation
Applic. by Date by which the bidder Display Only
is to express an interest
in submitting a bid.
Bindg. Date for which the Display Only
per. quotation is valid and
Payment Terms stipulated by Display Only
terms vendor
Payment X amount of days Display Only
Payment X amount of days Display Only
Payment X amount of days Display Only
Target val Target value of the Display Only
Exch. rate Exchange rate of the Display Only
Incoterms Freight terms stipulated Display Only
by vendor
Your The internal reference Display Only

Page 67 of 145
reference number of the vendor
Salespers Name of vendor’s Display Only
on salesperson
Our Reference number or Display Only
reference code

10. To exit from this area, press the Yellow “Exit” button or Shift + F3.

Transaction Code
Title: Price Comparison ME49
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


 Compare prices from all quotations received as a result of a competitive

bidding process.

Business Process Procedure Overview

You can compare the prices from all quotations received as a result of a competitive bidding
process using the price comparison
list. The comparison list ranks the quotations by item from lowest to highest price.

Input – Required Fields Field Value/Comments

Purchase Organization Price comparison can be executed by entering one or
more of the following data
Quotation, Collective RFQ, Vendor or Material

Output - Results Comments

Price Comparison

Tips and Tricks

If possible, each quotation should have pricing data for the same item. Only then
is the correct interpretation of the mean and total values possible.

Page 68 of 145
If quotations 1 and 2 have pricing data for item 1, but quotation 3 only has price
information for item 2, then the system does not have enough information to
accurately compare the prices of all three quotations.

Page 69 of 145
Procedural Steps

1. Access transaction by:

Via Menus LogisticsMaterials

ManagementPurchRFQ/QuotationPrice Comparison

Via Transaction Code ME49

2. On screen “Price Comparison List”, enter information in the fields as

specified in the table below:

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Commen

Name ts
Purch Organization unit that R Enter Purchasing Org
Org. negotiates the general
conditions of purchase for
several plants or a single
Quotation Purchasing document R Choose either quotation or
number collective RFQ number in
combination with Purchasing
Coll.RFQ Call for bid number or bid R Choose either quotation or
invitation number collective RFQ number in
combination with Purchasing
Vendor Vendor Number O

Page 70 of 145
Material Material Number O Enter material #
Maximum Shows the maximum R Defaults to ‘12’
# of amount of quotations that
Quotation are displayed next to
s per each other.

(Note: On the above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = required, “O” = Optional,
“C” = Conditional)

3. Choose the comparison values to be used.

Reference quotation
You can compare the quotations within the list with a sample quotation. The
system displays the percentage deviation between each quotation in the list and
the sample quotation.

Mean/minimum value quotation

The price comparison list can also display a "fictitious" quotation reflecting the
average or minimum value of all quotations. Select either the "Mean value" or
"Minimum value" quotation field to choose the type of fictitious quotation.

Percentage basis
The price comparison list displays the percentage of each item in relation to the
maximum, minimum, or average price. To determine the display type, enter one
of the following:

+ the highest value for each item is the 100% value

- the lowest value for each item is the 100% value

"_" the mean value for each item is the 100% value

Price computations
Select the appropriate field to determine which of the following should be included
in the determination of the comparison price:

– Cash discount

– Delivery costs

– Effective price

1.2.2. Click <Execute>.

4. On screen “Price Comparison List in Currency $$$”, view the Price Comparison

Page 71 of 145
5. Perform any of the additional tasks, by selecting one or more of the following
radio buttons:

 <Maintain Quotation>

 <Display Material>

 <Display Vendor>

 <Additional Info>

6. <Save> the Comparison

Transaction Code
Title: Create Purchase Order for Stock Material ME21N

Page 72 of 145
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Demand for a Stock Material, which has to be procured externally.


A purchase order is a legal document used to record an individual purchase (negotiated
terms, conditions and pricing) with the vendor or arrange for a delivery based on prior
agreement. It also provides the vendor with a reference document to link to shipping (goods
receipt) and invoicing (invoice verification) processes.
The purchase order is a commitment to a vendor for a given material, in a specified quantity
at a predetermined price and delivery date.

Input – Required Fields Field Values/Comments

Vendor Vendor number

Date Purchase Order date

Output - Results Comments

Printed purchase order Can be manually sent, faxed or EDI

Tips and Tricks

The purchase order is a commitment to a vendor for a given material, in a specified quantity
at a predetermined price and delivery date. Purchase Order can be adopted from Purchase
Requisition or another Purchase Order.

Procedural Steps

1. Access Create Purchase Order: Initial screen by:

Via Menus Logistics>Materials Management>Purchasing>Purchase Order>

Create>Vendor Known

Page 73 of 145
Via Transaction Code ME21N
2. On screen “Create Purchase Order”, enter information as specified
in the fields in the table below:

Field Name Description R/O/ User Action and Values Comments

Vendor Vendor number R Vendor number known or
via match code selection
Order type Order type code R Standard PO,Service
PO,Import PO,Sub
contract PO etc the same
can be selected based on
the requirement.
Date Purchase order date NA Date PO created defaults
to today’s date
Purchase Purchase Order Number NA Number is internally Assigned
Leave blank
Order automatically if internally
Purchasing Purchasing Organization R EB01,CB01.EF01 etc ,the
Organization code same can be selected as
per requirement
Purchasing Purchasing Group Code R 100,100 etc the same can
Group be selected as per the
requirement .
Item Type of purchase R Standard ,Service ,stock
category transfer, Sub contract etc

Acct. Account where cost are R Cost center or

assignment allocated maintenance order for
category which the material is
being ordered.
Delivery Date Delivery date category R Indicates whether the
category delivery date is to be
entered and displayed as
a calendar day, week, or
Delivery date Date expected for R Can default from material
delivery of material master or be entered

Page 74 of 145
Plant Plant to which delivery is R Select plant number
to be made
Storage Where stock is stored O Select storage location
Location assigned to above plant
Material Material group code O Will default from material
Group master
Req. tracking Number that facilitates O Can be used in List Potential
number monitoring of the display to list all PO’s entry is
procurement of required created by a certain buyer employee
materials number
Acknowledgm determines whether the O Turn on button if
ent required purchasing document acknowledgment is
(PO) is to be required .
acknowledged by vendor

Press enter.

3. On screen “Create Purchase Order”: enter information as specified

in the fields in the table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Item Item number of purchase R Defaults
order item
Material Material number R Material master known or
via match code selection
or via PR

Page 75 of 145
Quantity Required units or R Enter qty. required
Net Price Vendors Price R Vendors current price Note: if
should be entered here material is
price not
current price
Date Date material is required R Will default Initial screen if
entered or entered item
wise manually or can be
changed using fast change
key if uniform for all items
Plant Plant code R Enter plant to which stock
material is to be delivered

4. On screen “Create Purchase Order: Item Details”, enter

information as specified in the fields in the table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Info record Used to specify how O
update vendor’s info record will
be updated in the system
Reminder 1, Reminder (in days) O
2, 3
Confirmatio Determines which O
n control confirmation categories
key are expected
Underdelive Tolerance allowed for O
ry tolerance under delivery (in %)
Overdeliver Tolerance allowed for over O
y tolerance delivery
(in %)
Unlimited Indicates any quantity is O
allowed to be received
against PO
Tax code Determines taxability of R
Shipping Used to indicate how O
instructions goods are to be shipped
IR Indicator specifying that R
PO is expecting invoice
GR-based Indicator specifying that R
IV invoice receipt can be
posted for each individual
goods receipt (rather
than for each PO line

Page 76 of 145
5. On screen “Create Purchase Order”, enter information as specified
in the fields in the table below under the Header Tab:

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Terms of Vendor terms R Will default from Vendor
delivery and Master or manually
payment entered
Incoterms Transfer of ownership R Will default from Vendor
1&2 point Master or manually
Currency Currency vendor deals in R Will default from Vendor
Exchange Exchange rate of currency ifR Will default from Vendor Leave blank if intern
rate applicable Master or manually ally assigned; fill in i
entered external assignment
References References documents O Quotation number, date
Text Additional information O Shipping instructions ,
Overview unloading point etc
Salesperson Contact person at vendor O Will default from Vendor
site Master or manually
Telephone Telephone number of O Will default from Vendor
contact person Master or manually
Invoicing Vendor master number O Will default from the
Party used to denote the remit- Vendor master or
to (or pay to) address manually entered
for the vendor
CtrySlsTxNo Country of sales tax ID C
. number
Note: On the above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = required, “O” = Optional, “C” =

Press the <save> icon or Ctrl-S.

Result: PO created under the number 45xxxxxxxx.

Transaction Code
Title: Change Purchase Order for Stock Material ME22N
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Page 77 of 145
Changes in purchasing requirements that cause the information on the Purchase
Order to be modified.


Ability to change or delete a purchase order depends on the “status of the purchase order”.
The quantity, price & delivery date information can be changed as long as there are no
goods receipts against the PO. If a partial good receipt is done on the PO, the quantity can
still be changed, however, the new quantity can not be less than the goods receipt quantity.

Input – Required Fields Field Values/Comments

Purchase Order number Can be found using Display function or List display
Identifies what can be changed or deleted

Output - Results Comments

Purchase Order changed or See business process Overview

Tips and Tricks

If the Purchase Order number is unknown, use the match code search feature to access the

If the items on the purchase order have been shipped and received, they should notify the
receiver and Invoice verification of any potential changes.

In some cases if quantity is being increased and receipt and payment are already under
way, it may be more efficient to create another purchase order with reference to the
existing one.

Procedural Steps

1. Access transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics>Materials Management>Purchasing>Purchase

Via Transaction Code ME22N
2. Standard PO XXXXXXX Created by XXXXX: Enter information as
specified in the fields in the table below:

Page 78 of 145
Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Purchase Purchase Order number R Purchase Order known or
Order via match-code selection
Header Header details O User can press header
Details details button to proceed
to header details screen
Item Item Overview O User can press item
Overview overview button or enter
button to proceed to item
overview screen
( Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”; R = Required; O-Optional; C =
Conditional )

3. Change Purchase Order Item Overview Screen:

Change quantity, price, date required, text etc.

Page 79 of 145
Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Item Item number R Selects the item(s) that
Number need to be modified
Details Item Details O Review details
Change Change appropriate field O Enter fields where change Only fields
field is needed highlighted in
white can be
Save Save item button R Purchase order will be

Transaction Code
Title: Display Purchase Order ME23N

Page 80 of 145
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Requirement for information and the status of Purchase Orders


There are two methods for Displaying Purchase Orders - Display and list Display.

Input – Required Fields Field Values/Comments

Purchase Order number

Output - Results Comments

Purchase Order displays

Tips and Tricks

List display is a more comprehensive method of displaying Purchase Orders,

because it will allow for detailed searches on various criteria.
26.3 Procedural Steps

1. On Access Display Function by:

Via Menus Logistics>Materials Management>Purchasing>Purchase Order> Display

Via Transaction Code ME23N

2. Display Purchase Order: Initial Screen: enter information specified

in the fields in the table below:

Page 81 of 145
Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Purchase Purchase Order number R Number known or via
Order purchase Order

Note: On the above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = required, “O” = Optional, “C” = Conditional)

3. On Display Purchase Order: Item Overview Screen: enter

information as specified in the fields in the table below:

Page 82 of 145
Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Details Item Details O Displays every detail from the
item overview screen such as
material, qty, material master
data, plant etc.
Header Header Details O displays Header details such
Details as Vendor terms, Incoterms,
currency and reference
Text Text Overview O Displays any text fields in the
Overview Purchaser Order
Vendor Vendor information O displays vendors information such as
address address, contact, phone number etc.

Transaction Code
Title: Release Purchase Order ME28

Page 83 of 145
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Purchase Order that is subject to a release procedure needs to be released by the

required releasing authority.

Depending on the purchasing group, the material group, the value of the
requisition, or some other prescribed procedure, the purchase order will proceed
through a proscribed release procedure that will ensure that a proper level of
authority will approve the purchase order before it will be released to the vendor.
The release procedure will be automated and it will be necessary for all persons
responsible for approving requisitions to understand how to release them in a
timely manner so that goods and services can be procured efficiently.

Business Process Procedure Overview

The process of setting up release procedures consists of three activities. First, in the IMG,
Must be maintained. Second, characteristics must be created. And, third, a class must be
Incorporating the characteristics that were earlier created.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Release Code The applicable Release Code that the user is releasing
the requisition with.

Output - Results
Purchase Order released Released PO results in changed PO

Tips and Tricks

Procedural Steps

Page 84 of 145
1. Access transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management Purchasing 

Purchase Order  Release
Via Transaction Code ME28
2. On screen “ Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents”; enter
information in table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Release Code with which the R Enter your release code
Code items of a purchase order
may be released
Release Contains one or more O Select Release buyer code
Group release strategies. from drop down menu
Set Release Determines whether or O Set the indicator if you Check the box
not the suggested only wish to see the to view all PO’s
purchase requisition purchase requisition items that depend on
items or purchasing or purchasing documents your approval
documents must fulfill that you can release at this time.
the release prerequisite (approve) immediately.
for the specified release
code. Do not set the indicator if
you also wish to see the
purchase requisition items
or purchasing documents

Page 85 of 145
that you cannot yet
release (approve).
Cancel Determines whether or O Set the indicator if you Check the box
Release not the suggested only wish to see the to view all
purchase requisition purchase requisition items canceled
items or purchasing or purchasing documents releases.
documents must fulfill that you can release
the release prerequisite (approve) immediately.
for the specified release
code. Do not set the indicator if
you also wish to see the
purchase requisition items
or purchasing documents
that you cannot yet
release (approve).
Release Determines whether or O Set the indicator if you
Prerequisite not the suggested only wish to see the
Fulfilled purchase requisition purchase requisition items
items or purchasing or purchasing documents
documents must fulfill that you can release
the release prerequisite (approve) immediately.
for the specified release
code. Do not set the indicator if
you also wish to see the
purchase requisition items
or purchasing documents
that you cannot yet
release (approve).
List with Key that determines O
Items which information is to
be displayed in the list.
Scope of Determines format of searchR You may choose from list of drop-
“BEST” (Purchase
List report down Orders isis the
items standard default
Purchasing Identifier that allows you R You may choose from list of drop-
“F” (Purchase
Document to differentiate different down Order) is the
Category purchasing document items standard
types default
Purchasing Purchasing Organization O Choose relevant
Organizatio number purchasing organization
Document PO Number O Use to narrow search
Document Type of purchasing O Use to narrow search if
Type document necessary
Purchasing Purchasing group code O Use to narrow search if necessary
Vendor Vendor number O Use to narrow search if necessary
Supplying Plant from which delivery O To narrow search, select Used for stock
Plant is being made plant from drop down transport orders
Document Date that the document O Use to narrow search if
Date was originally created necessary

R = Required, O = Optional, C = Conditional

Page 86 of 145
Press <Execute>

3. Please view the “Release Purchasing Documents with Release

Code XX” screen:

 This screen allows you to view what is being bought, how much is being
bought, the purchase price, the release strategy, release indicator, and
release option.
 To view the release procedure for each requisition, press the check box in the
left-hand margin and press the “Release Strat.” radio button.
 The requisition belongs to Release Group R1. All release authorities belong to
a release group that acts as an electronic chain of command that
electronically approves PO’s.
 The Release Strategy informs the user of the top level of approval that will be
required. This is more graphically depicted on the row “Final Release.”
 The Release Code depicts the necessary level of approval that the purchase
order requires before moving on to the next release point.
 The Release Indicator depicts the status of the purchase order.
 Next, you can either simulate the release or close this pop-up menu.
 To view the purchase order, check the box to the left of the item and press
the magnifying glass radio button.
 To view some detailed data for each purchase order, press the puzzle piece
radio button
 To release the PO, press checkbox for the PO and press the save button. The
PO will proceed to the next release point. In effect, the PO has been changed.
 Since you will be only one point in the release process your task is now

4. To exit from Purchase Order releases, press the Yellow “Exit” button or
Shift + F3.

Page 87 of 145
Transaction Code
Title: Create Outline Agreement ME31K
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Business needs should be defined through a requisition. If the requisitioner is

requesting a contract, they will use a requisition type “RV”. A contract

Page 88 of 145
establishes a long-term agreement with a vendor to supply a material or service.
Contracts may either be value contracts or quality contracts. Value contracts
have a ceiling that is a monetary amount that should not be exceeded. A
quantity contact specifies a ceiling of goods or services that the vendor will
provide to us. Contracts do not specify delivery dates, this is determined when
“release orders” are issued against the contract.

Business Process Description Overview

This procedure outlines the steps involved in creating a standard quantity or value contract
in R/3 for stock material.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Vendor Vendor number

Agreement Type “MK” for quantity contracts, “WK” for value contracts,
and “DC” for distributed contracts
Purchasing Organization Purchasing Organization code

Purchasing Group Purchasing Group code

Plant Plant for which the material is procured for. If the

contract is to be used by more than one plant, leave this
field blank.
Validity end Date on which the contract will expire

Quantity Quantity for which the contract is valid for (if this is a
value contract, this is optional)
Target Value Total amount of the contract (if this is a quantity contract
this is optional)
Material Material number for the item to be purchased

Price Unit price valid for the contract item

Output – Results Comments

Contract document

Tips & Tricks

By providing as much input information as possible when creating contracts, the

user can save time by minimizing the inputs at the time of the order release

36.3 Procedural Steps

1. Access Create Contract by;

Via Menus Logistics>Materials Management>Purchasing>Outline

agreement >Contract >Create
Via Transaction Code ME31K

Page 89 of 145
2. In the “Create Contract: Initial Screen”, enter information as specified in
the fields in the table below:

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Vendor Vendor for which the R Vendor number known or
contract is for via matchcode search
Agreemen Specify what kind of R For quantity contract this
t type outline agreement will be “WK”.
For value contract this will
be “VK”
For distributed contract
this will be “DC”
Agreemen Date of the contract R Defaults today’s date into
t Date this field
Agreemen Agreement number C Leave blank, if the system This number
t is configured to assign will be
numbers internally determined

Page 90 of 145
Purch. Organization for which the R Select from drop-down menu
Organizati contract
on is valid
Purchasin Purchasing Group for R Select from drop-down
g Group which the contract is menu
Item Key defining how the O Select from drop-down
category procurement of the menu if contract is for
material or service is subcontracting,
handled. consignment or other type.
Account Key to determine who will O Select from drop-down
Assignme be paying for the menu
nt consumable material or
Category service.
Plant Plant number O Enter plant here if you wish
for the plant number to be
defaulted into all line items
for the contract. Also, you
only specify the plant if the
contract is plant-specific.
Storage Storage location number O Will default from material
Location master if it has been
Material Material group O Will default from material
Group master.
Req. Tracking number assigned O
tracking on requisition.
Vendor Subdivision of vendor’s O
sub-range product range.
Acknowle Check box if document is O
dgement to be acknowledged by
required the vendor
Press <Enter>

3. On the “Create Contract: Header Data” screen, enter information

as specified in the fields in the table below:

Page 91 of 145
Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Validity Beginning date of contract R Defaults today’s date into
start period. the field. Change if
Item The way the line items O
number are numbered.
Validity Date that the contract R Enter the date until the
end expires. contract will be valid
Sub-item Not used O Currently not used. Do not
inter. use
Payment Terms stipulated by O Defaults from vendor
terms vendor master. Change if
Payment X amount of days O Defaults from vendor
in master. Change if

Page 92 of 145
Payment X amount of days O Defaults from vendor
in master. Change if
Payment X amount of days O Defaults from vendor
in master. Change if
Target val Target value of the O/R Required for value
contract. contracts
Exch. rate Exchange rate of the O Change if necessary
Incoterms Freight terms stipulated O Defaults from vendor
by vendor master. Change if
Quotation Date of the quotation O
Quotation Quotation number O
Our Your company's internal O
reference reference number or
Your The internal reference O
reference number of the vendor
Salespers Name of vendor’s O Defaults from vendor
on salesperson master. Change if
Our Reference number or O
reference code
Suppl. Key identifying the vendor O
Invoicing Number of the invoicing O
Party vendor
Press <Enter>

4. On the “Create Contract: Item Overview” screen, enter

information as specified in the fields in the table below:

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Item Key defining how the O Select from drop-down
category procurement of the menu if contract is for
material or service is subcontracting,
handled. consignment or other type.
Will default from original
screen if information has
been entered.
Account Key to determine who will O Will default from original
Assignme be paying for the screen if information has
nt consumable material or been entered.
Category service.
Material Material master number R
Short Text Description of the C Defaults from material
material or service to be master. Enter a text for
procured material not maintained in
the material master (ex.

Page 93 of 145
Non stock materials)
Targ. qty. The quantity for which the O for Enter the number of pieces
contract is valid “WK” or amount of service for
R for the contract.
Material Material group that the C Defaults from material
Group item most closely belongs master.
Oun Order Unit C Defaults from material
Plant Plant number O You only specify the plant
if the contract is plant-
specific. Will default from
initial screen if it has been
Storage Storage location number O Will default from material
Location master if it has been
Net price The price for which the R Enter the contract price
material is to be bought here
Per How the material/service C Per 1, 10, 100, 1000, etc…
is priced Defaults from material
master or info record.
Press <Enter>

5. Upon entering all of this information, you have the option to use the radio
buttons / icons on the menu bar to update or view more information that
pertains to the contract.

Button Name View Maintain

Header details X X
Vendor address X
Partners X
Release strategy X
Messages X X
Item details X X
Additional details X X
Pricing conditions X X
Text overview X X
Delivery address X X
Release documents X
Account assignments X X
Services X X

6. On screen “Create Contract: Item XXXXX”: enter information in the

fields as specified in the table below:

Access Create Contract: Item Details by:

Via Menus Select the line item by clicking on the box in front of the item number.

Page 94 of 145
Field Name Description R/O/ User Action and Values Comments
Target Defaults from header R Defaults from header
Release order Defaults from header R Defaults from header
Net Order Defaults from header R Defaults from header
Price per unit Defaults from header R will default from material Master
price date Effective date of price R will default from material
Quantity Denominator of order R Enter denominator for
conversion price to order quantity conversion
Reminders Letters or reminders in O Enter number of days
regards to shipments between reminders
Confirmation displays only indicates if O Default from vendor

Page 95 of 145
Control key type of confirmation master
Acknowl. Acknowledgement O Check if
Reqd Required Check box Acknowledgement is
Acknowledgm Vendor’s O
ent number Acknowledgement
number can be displayed
Estimated Check box if price is an O
Price estimate
Vendors External number to SAP O Vendors internal material
material number
Print Price Indicates whether price O Set print price indicator to
is to be printed on PO “on” if price is to be
Under Under delivery tolerance O default from material
delivery % master
Over delivery Over delivery tolerance O default from material
% master
Quality Indicates material O default from material
inspection requires quality master
Unlimited indicates unlimited over O default from material
indicator delivery can be accepted master
on this item
Tax Code Category of item R Includes federal, state,
reporting to government municipal tax etc.
tax department
Invoice Invoice indicator O Indicates if invoice receipt
receipt is necessary
GR/IR Indicates if invoice O
indicator verification is based on
goods receipt
Shipping Indicates packing and O Indicator should be
instructions shipping instructions to turned on if required
be issued to vendor

7. On screen “ Service Specifications : Contract specs for Item

maintain” ; enter information in the fields as specified in the table

Page 96 of 145
Field Name Description R/O/ User Action and Values Comments
Service R
Quantity R
Gross Price R

8. On screen Display C: Additional data for Item; enter information in

the fields as specified in the table below:

Access Create Contract: Additional Data for Item by:

Via Menus Click on Additional Data Button (magnifying glass)

Page 97 of 145
Field Name Description R/O/ User Action and Values Comments
Planned Time in days in which O Defaults from Material
delivery time delivery can be achieved Master
unless entered
differently in this screen
GR Lag time in days in O Defaults from Material
processing which goods receipt is Master
time expected after physical
Net Weight Weight of item O Net weight per unit of
Gross weight Gross weight of unit O
Condition Used to create master O
group conditions between a
certain material and a
certain vendor
No cash The indicator would be O set indicator if required

Page 98 of 145
discount set if no cash discount
indicator were offered.
Sub-range Vendors sub range O defaults from Vendor
conditions master
Price Control Indicates price control O Default from Vendor
Incoterms Point of transfer of O Defaults from Vendor
ownership Master

9. Press <Save> icon, contract will be created and contract number will be

Page 99 of 145
Transaction Code
Title: Release OLA ME35
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


An Outline Agreement that is subject to a release procedure needs to be released

by the required releasing authority.

The outline agreement is subject to a prescribed release procedure that will

ensure a predefined level of authority will approve the outline agreement before it
will be released to the vendor. This procedure will depend upon the purchasing
group, the material group, the value of the outline agreement, or some other
prescribed procedure. The release procedure will be automated. It will be
necessary for all persons responsible for approving outline agreements to
understand how to release them in a timely manner so that goods and services
can be procured efficiently.

Releases are processed by the line items on an outline agreement. If an outline

agreement has three line items, each line will need to be released if subject to a
release procedure.

Business Process Description Overview

The process of setting up release procedures consists of three activities. First, in the IMG,
configuration must be maintained. Second, characteristics must be created. And, third, a
class must be created incorporating the characteristics that were earlier created.

All personnel who are release points in the release procedure must be cognizant of the daily
requirements that their position entails.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Release Code The applicable Release Code that the user is releasing
the outline agreement with.

Output – Results Comments

Outline Agreement released Releasing the Outline Agreement results in a changed
Outline Agreement.

Tips & Tricks

Page 100 of 145

Procedural Steps

1. Access transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management Purchasing 

Outline Agreement  Contract  Release
Via Transaction Code ME35

2. On screen “ Release (Approve) Purchasing Documents”; enter

information in table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Release Code with which the R Enter your release code
Code items of a purchase order
may be released
Release Contains one or more O Select Release buyer code
Group release strategies. from drop down menu

Page 101 of 145

Set Release Determines whether or O Set the indicator if you Check the box
not the suggested only wish to see the to view all
purchase requisition purchase requisition items Outline
items or purchasing or purchasing documents Agreements
documents must fulfill that you can release that depend on
the release prerequisite (approve) immediately. your approval
for the specified release at this time.
code. Do not set the indicator if
you also wish to see the
purchase requisition items
or purchasing documents
that you cannot yet
release (approve).
Cancel Determines whether or O Set the indicator if you Check the box
Release not the suggested only wish to see the to view all
purchase requisition purchase requisition items canceled
items or purchasing or purchasing documents releases.
documents must fulfill that you can release
the release prerequisite (approve) immediately.
for the specified release
code. Do not set the indicator if
you also wish to see the
purchase requisition items
or purchasing documents
that you cannot yet
release (approve).
Release Determines whether or O Set the indicator if you
Prerequisite not the suggested only wish to see the
Fulfilled purchase requisition purchase requisition items
items or purchasing or purchasing documents
documents must fulfill that you can release
the release prerequisite (approve) immediately.
for the specified release
code. Do not set the indicator if
you also wish to see the
purchase requisition items
or purchasing documents
that you cannot yet
release (approve).
List with Key that determines O
Items which information is to
be displayed in the list.
Scope of Determines format of searchR You may choose from list of drop-
“RAHM” (Outline
List report down Agreements ) is the
items standard default.
Purchasing Identifier that allows you R You may choose from list of drop-
“K” (Contract)
Document to differentiate different down is the standard
Category purchasing document items default
Purchasing Purchasing Organization O Choose relevant
Organizatio number purchasing organization
Document PO Number O Use to narrow search
Document Type of purchasing O Use to narrow search if
Type document necessary

Page 102 of 145

Purchasing Purchasing group code O Use to narrow search if necessary
Vendor Vendor number O Use to narrow search if necessary
Supplying Plant from which delivery O To narrow search, select Used for stock
Plant is being made plant from drop down transport orders
Document Date that the document O Use to narrow search if
Date was originally created necessary
Press the “Execute” key

3. Please view the “Release of Outline Agreements” screen:

 As you can see, this screen allows you to view what is being bought, how
much is being bought, the purchase price, the release strategy, release
indicator, and release option.
 To view the release procedure for each outline agreement, press the check
box in the left-hand margin and press the “Release Strat.” radio button.
 The outline agreement belongs to a release group. All release authorities
belong to a release group that acts as an electronic chain of command that
electronically approves PO’s.
 The Release Strategy informs the user of the top level of approval that will be
required. This is more graphically depicted on the row “Final Release.”
 The Release Code depicts the necessary level of approval that the outline
agreement requires before moving on to the next release point.
 The Release Indicator depicts the status of the outline agreement.
 Next, you can either simulate the release or close this pop-up menu.
 To view the outline agreement, check the box to the left of the item and press
the magnifying glass radio button.
 To view some detailed data for each outline agreement, press the puzzle piece
radio button (detailed data).
 To release the Outline Agreement, press check-box for the Outline Agreement
and press the save button. The Outline Agreement will proceed to the next
release point. In effect, the Outline Agreement has been changed.
 Since you will be only one point in the release process your task is now

4. To exit from Outline Agreement releases, press the Yellow “Exit” button or
Shift + F3.

Transaction Code
Title: Maintain Delivery Schedule ME38
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Page 103 of 145

After a scheduling agreement has been created, it is necessary to schedule the
deliveries. Maintaining the schedule allows you to schedule the amount of
material that is to be delivered.

Business Process Description Overview

This BPP will discuss the process of maintaining the scheduling agreement delivery schedule
in R/3 for stock material.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Agreement Scheduling agreement number

Category of the delivery date Determines whether the delivery should be entered and
displayed as a calendar day, week, or month.
Delivery date Date that the material should be delivered

Scheduled quantity Amount of material to be delivered on the delivery date

Output - Results Comments

Scheduling Agreement schedule
is created and scheduling
agreement is changed.

Tips & Tricks

Procedural Steps

1. Access “Maintain Sch. Agr. Schedule” screen by:

Via Menus Logistics>Materials Management>Purchasing>Outline

agreement >Scheduling Agreement >Delivery Schedule
Via Transaction Code ME38

Page 104 of 145

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Agreemen Scheduling agreement R Conduct matchcode search
t number. if number is not known.
Press <Enter>

(NOTE: On the above table in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required. “O” = Optional,
“C” = Conditional)

2. On the “Maintain Scheduling Agreement Schedule: Item Overview” screen

proceed as follows:

Page 105 of 145

Highlight the line item that you wish to maintain.
Go to the Delivery Schedule screen, by hitting the radio button labeled
“Delivery Schedule” or use the menu path, Item  Delivery Schedule.
A more detailed screen appears. Make your necessary changes in the fields

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

C Determines whether the R Typically, “T” is used.
delivery should be
entered and displayed as
a calendar day, week, or
Delivery Date that the material R
date should be delivered
Scheduled Amount of material to be R
quantity delivered on the delivery
Time-spot Specific time on the date O Put in time if it needs to be
that the delivery is exact.
Firm/trad Specifies the periods in O
e-off zone which the delivery
schedule lines are
classified as firm or semi-
Creation Show whether the O
Date scheduling agreement
schedule line was created
manually or
Stat.d.dte Date for the calculation of C Used for statistical
the delivery time. analysis. The delivery date
will default into this field.
Press <Enter>

Page 106 of 145

(NOTE: On the above table in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required. “O” = Optional,
“C” = Conditional)

3. Press <Save>, the scheduling agreement will be changed.

Transaction Code
Title: Display Scheduling Agreement Schedule ME39
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


After a scheduling agreement has been created, it is necessary to schedule the

deliveries. Sometimes, you may find it necessary to display the delivery schedule.

Business Process Description Overview

This BPP will discuss the process of displaying the scheduling agreement delivery schedule
in R/3 for stock material.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Agreement Scheduling agreement number

Output - Results Comments

Scheduling Agreement schedule
is displayed.

Tips & Tricks

Procedural Steps

1. Access “Display Sch. Agr. Schedule” screen by:

Via Menus Logistics>Materials Management>Purchasing>Outline

agreement >Scheduling Agreement >Delivery Schedule
> Display
Via Transaction Code ME39

Page 107 of 145

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Agreemen Scheduling agreement R Conduct matchcode search
t number. if number is not known.
Press <Enter>

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” =

2. On the “Display Scheduling Agreement Schedule: Item Overview” screen

proceed as follows:

 Highlight the line item that you wish to display.

 Either push the radio button “Delivery Schedule” (F2) or on the menu
path, Item  Delivery Schedule.
 A more detailed screen appears. The fields are:

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

C Determines whether the C Typically, “T” or “D” is
delivery should be used, for day format
entered and displayed as
a calendar day, week, or
Delivery Date that the material C
date should be delivered
Scheduled Amount of material to be C
quantity delivered on the delivery
Time-spot Specific time on the date C Put in time if it needs to be
that the delivery is exact.
Creation Shows whether the O Example:
ind. scheduling agreement R – real-time (manual)
schedule line was created B – Requirements planning
manually or
Stat.d.dte Date for the calculation of C Used for statistical
the delivery time. analysis. The delivery date

Page 108 of 145

will default into this field.
Press <Enter>

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” =

3. Press <Exit> (Yellow arrow or Shift + F3), to exit this transaction.

Transaction Code
Title: Message Output Scheduling Agreement ME9E
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


A Scheduling Agreement Schedule needs to be printed or transmitted

Page 109 of 145

Business Process Procedure Overview
This procedure details how to print or transmit a scheduling agreement schedule created in

Input – Required Fields Field Value/Comments

Message Application Details the type of message to print or transmit

Output - Results Comments

A successfully printed or
transmitted scheduling

Tips and Tricks

Unless otherwise directed, after each section press enter or the green check to
advance to the next screen.

Page 110 of 145

Procedural Steps

1. Access transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics>Materials Management>Purchasing>Outline

Agreement>Scheduling Agreement>Delivery Schedule>

Via Transaction Code ME9E

2. On screen “Message Output”, enter information in the fields as

specified in the table below:

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Commen

Name ts
Purchasin Scheduling Agreement O Enter Scheduling Agreement
g Schedule # Schedule #
Purchasin Purchasing Organization O Enter Purchasing Organization
g # #
Document Identifier allowing O Enter Document Type or use
Type differentiation between matchcode
the various kinds of
purchasing document in
the SAP system.
Purchasin Purchasing Group # O Enter Purchasing Group #
g Group
Vendor Vendor # O Enter Vendor #
Document Date on which the O Enter Document Date
Date purchasing document was
Message Details the type of R Defaults to ‘EL’ – Purchasing
Applicatio message to print or Outline Agreement
n transmit
Click <Execute>

Page 111 of 145

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C” ; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” =

3. On screen “Message Output” select the appropriate scheduling

agreement(s) and perform the following:

 Click <Output Message> or

 Click <Display Message> or

 Click <Message Details> or

 Click <Trial Printout>

Transaction Code
Title: Message Output(PRINT) – Purchase Order ME9F
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date

Page 112 of 145

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb

Need to print/transmit a Purchase Order.

Business Process Description Overview

This process demonstrates a function that allows you to print/transmit a purchasing
document to a Vendor. This function allows you to generate a screen print of how the
document with look when the output occurs.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

None required, but to expedite
processing, specify the Message

Output - Results Comments

Output sent to printer or
transmitted or screen print is

Tips and Tricks

The more search parameters that are entered makes the search more efficient.

Page 113 of 145

Procedural Steps

1. Access transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management  Purchasing 

Purchase Order  Messages  Print/Translate
Via Transaction Code ME9F
2. On screen “Message Output”; enter information in table below:

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Purchasing Purchasing document number
O Conduct match-code search if
Document necessary
Purchasing Purchasing organization O Choose from pull-down
Organizatio number menu
Document Purchasing document O Choose from drop-down
type type menu
Purchasing Purchasing group code O Use to narrow search if necessary
Vendor Vendor number O Use to narrow search if
Document Date on which the purchasing
O Enter if necessary
Date document was created.
Message This field determines O The default setting is Recommendation:
Overview whether or not the with the flag on. Keep
messages satisfying the flag on
selection criteria are to

Page 114 of 145

be listed prior to
Further selection is then
possible from this list.
With Indicator that determines O On the initial screen for
message whether message detail message output, you
function functions are to be can use this parameter
detail possible. to determine whether
the function "Message
details" is to be
activated on the
subsequent list.
If the indicator has not
been set (message
detail function
inactive), the list is
compiled considerably
faster. In this case, you
do not need to limit the
list to a document
number interval.
If the indicator has
been set, you must
limit the list to a
number interval.
Generate This indicator is for O
and save the purpose of
messages generating and saving
messages for all
purchasing documents
for which reminding or
expediting is
This occurs before the
list of these
purchasing documents
is outputted. The list
is then for information
If this indicator is not
set, the list of
purchasing documents
for which reminders or
urging letters
(expediters) are
appropriate is
allowing the user to
decide which messages
are to be created and
Message Sub-divides the use of a R Enter the applicable EF = Purchase
Application condition (e.g. message application Order
determination) into
individual sub-areas (e.g.

Page 115 of 145

sales and distribution,
shipping, purchasing, or
Message Specifies the kind of output O
to Choose from one of the drop-
Type be down
produced. selections.
Processing Time when the message O Choose from one of the drop-
time-spot should be sent. down
Processing Indicates the status of the O Choose from one of the drop-
status message. down
The processing status indicates selections.
success of the processing
From The date that the message was
creation created.
From The time that the message was
creation created.
Press the “Execute”

3. On screen “Message Output”; you may do the following:

Page 116 of 145

 If you wish to view a print preview of the document, press the check-
box in the left-hand column next to the document and press the “Displ.
message” button.
 If you would like to generate a trial printout of this document, press
the “Trial Printout” button.
 If you wish to send the output to the vendor, press the “Output
message” button.

4. To exit from this area, press the Yellow “Exit” button or Shift + F3.

Transaction Code
Output Messages (PRINT) 0LA ME9K
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


A contract needs to be printed or transmitted

Business Process Procedure Overview

This procedure details how to print or transmit a contract created in R/3

Input – Required Fields Field Value/Comments

Message Application Details the type of message to print or transmit

Page 117 of 145

Output - Results Comments
A successfully printed or transmitted

Tips and Tricks

Unless otherwise directed, after each section press enter or the green check to
advance to the next screen.

Page 118 of 145

Procedural Steps

1. Access transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics>Materials Management>Purchasing>Outline

Agreement>Contract> Messages>Print/Transmit

Via Transaction Code ME9K

2. On screen “Message Output”, enter information in the fields as

specified in the table below:

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Commen

Name ts
Purchasin Contract # O Enter Contract #
Purchasin Purchasing Organization O Enter Purchasing Organization
g # #
Document Identifier allowing O Enter Document Type or use
Type differentiation between matchcode
the various kinds of
purchasing document in
the SAP system.
Purchasin Purchasing Group # O Enter Purchasing Group #
g Group
Vendor Vendor # O Enter Vendor #
Document Date on which the O Enter Document Date
Date purchasing document was
Message Details the type of R Defaults to ‘EV’ – Purchasing
Applicatio message to print or Outline Agreement
n transmit
Click <Execute>

(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C” ; “R” = Required, “O” = Optional, “C” =

Page 119 of 145

3. On screen “Message Output: Contracts”, select the appropriate
contract(s) and perform the following:

 Click <Output message> and/or

 Click <Display message> and/or

 Click <Message detail> and/or

 Click <Trial Printout>

Transaction Code
Title: Maintain Service Entry Sheet ML81N
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date

Page 120 of 145

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Requirement for recording services performed by service provider

Business Process Description Overview

This document describes the procedure for creating a service entry sheet. Within
purchasing, this service entry sheet document is designed for the recording of the services
which have been performed by the service provider. The service entry sheet is a list of all
planned services that have actually been performed. It can also be used to lust and specify
unplanned services that have been performed and whose precise scope and nature were
unknown at time of planning phase.

Input Required Fields Field Value/Comments

Purchase Order Number for Enter the purchase order you wish to reference
(Item Category = D)

Output - Results Comments

Service Entry Sheet

Tips and Tricks

Procedural Steps

1. Access transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics>Materials Management>Service Entry

Sheet>Service Entry Sheet>Maintain OR
Logistics>Materials Management>Purchasing>Purchase
Order>Follow on Functions>Service Entry
Via Transaction Code ML81N

2. On screen “Service Entry Sheet”, enter the information in the

fields as specified in the table below:

Page 121 of 145

Field Name Description R/O/ User Action and Values Comments
Purchase Enter Purchase Order R Enter Purchase Order Number
Order Number for
Number Services

Click on the Create Icon.

3. On Screen “ (Entry Sheet Number): Create Entry Sheet”: enter

the information in the fields as specified in the table below:

Page 122 of 145

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Short Text Short text of service entry R Enter description of service
sheet entry sheet
From Menu Bar, choose:
This accesses overview screen
for the Service Entry Sheet to
enter services performed
4. On Screen” Entry Against PO xxxxxxxx Line item xxx
Maintain”: enter the services that have been performed:
Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Service Key which uniquely R Enter Service number
No. defines service
(service master number)
Short Text Description of Service O Field populates when service
no. entered
Quantity Qty of service performed R Enter qty of service performed

Un of Unit of Measure for O Field populates when service

Measure service no. entered

Price Price of service performed R Enter price of service


Page 123 of 145

5. The system determines whether the entry of the relevant service is
allowed in each case. It checks whether the service that has been

 Relates to PO Item
 Relates to a contract
 Is covered by a limit in a contract

6. Save the Service Entry Sheet by clicking on the yellow file folder
icon, or F-11)

Transaction Code
Create Message RFQ MN01
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date

Page 124 of 145

Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


If a new vendor, document type or purchasing organization is created, it may be

necessary to run this transaction.

Business Process Description Overview

Automatic output will streamline and possibly eliminate the clerical duty of manually
sending purchasing documents to the vendor. Also, it will enable a company to migrate to a
more work-less paper environment.
Purchasing Documents will automatically be populated with all the necessary information to
output the document.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Document Type You must know the purchasing document (NEU: New,
MAHN: Reminder, or ABSA: Rejection)
Vendor Number The vendor must have a vendor number in SAP

Partner Function For output, the partner function VD will usually be used

Medium 1 = Printing 2 = Faxing 6 = EDI 7 = SAP Office

Tips and Tricks

The purchasing department should set a policy as to what method of transmission

will be used for the output of purchasing documents. The choices are printing,
faxing, SAPOffice, and/or EDI. You can set the output up per vendor or per
document type.

A document can have more then one output configured, i.e. print and fax. This
requires extra configuration (An extra output type).

Page 125 of 145

Procedural Steps

1. Output Determination for RFQ’s: Access transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management  Purchasing Master

Data Messages  RFQ  Create
Via Transaction Code MN01

2. On screen “Create Output-Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ”,

progress in the following manner:

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Output Purchasing document for R Enter NEU for an RFQ This is based
Type output The drop-down menu on
contains all of the possible
selections NEU is
(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”, “R”= Required, “O”= Optional, ”C”=

Select the “Key Combination” radio button.

A pop-up screen will appear with three choices (in standard configuration). The three
choices are:

 Purchasing Output Determination: Purch. Org/Vendor for EDI

 Purchasing Output Determination: Doc. type/Purch. Org./Vendor
 Purchasing Output Determination: Document type

Page 126 of 145

3. On the “Create Condition Records: Fast Entry” Screen, enter
information in the fields as specified in the below table:

Field Name Description R/O/ User Action and Values Comments

DOC. TYPE Document Type C Enter Doc. Type if a User must
key combination that enter AN
contained Doc. Type for RFQ’s
was chosen.
Purch. Purchase Organization C Enter Purchase
Organizatio organization if a key
n combination that
contained Purch, Org,
was chosen.
Vendor Vendor C Enter Vendor if a key
combination that
contained Vendor was
PartF Partner Function R See drop-down menu.
Most likely, VD will be
the partner function
used for all output to
Partner Recipient of output as defined in SAP
O Enter recipient of the
Office output document
Medium Medium through which the R There are possible
purchasing document will be choices, most likely, 1
sent to the vendor (printing) and 2
(faxing) are most
Tim Timing: When the document will R 1: Send with the next
be output selection run eg.
RSNAST00 Online
2: Send with time
specification eg.
RSNAT00 as
background job
3: Explicit request eg.
via function of
4: Immediately (in
application update)
L Language R Enter language that

Page 127 of 145

will be used to display

Next, put a check box in the margin and press the “Communication” Button.

If the output is print, see the following table:

Field Name Description R/O/ User Action and Values Comments

Output Printer that the output will be R Select the applicable
Device sent. printer
Number of Amount of documents to be O If left blank, one
Messages printed document will be
Spool The name is determined by the O
Request user who makes the request or
by the program in which a

Page 128 of 145

Name request is generated. There is
no naming convention enforced
upon you.

Suffix 1 Second part of the three-part O

name of a spool request. The
name is determined by the user
who places the order or by the
program in which an order is
generated. There is no
necessary naming convention.

Suffix 2 Third part of the three-part O

name of a spool request. The
name is determined by the user
who places the order or by the
program in which an order is
generated. There is no
necessary naming convention.

SAP Cover This field determines whether to O ' ' : No cover sheet
Sheet include a cover sheet containing 'X' : Output cover
information such as recipient sheet
name, department name, ‘D’: Cover sheet
format used, etc. output depends on the
setting of the output
device (printer) being
Recipient This field contains the spool O
request recipient's name that
appears on the cover sheet of
hardcopy printouts. The default
value for the name of the
recipient is the current user
Department This field contains the name of O
the department originating the
spool request. On hardcopy
printouts, the name is displayed
on the cover sheet.
Text for This field contains a description O
Cover Sheet of the spool request. It may
consist of any number of letters,
digits, special characters and
Authorizatio This field contains the O
n authorization for the spool
request. Only users with this
authorization are allowed to
display the contents of the spool
Print This field contains the O Check box for
Immediatel authorization for the spool immediate printing
y request. Only users with this from the spool
authorization are allowed to
display the contents of the spool

Page 129 of 145

Delete after Switch for deleting a print job. If O
Output the switch is set, the spool job
is deleted immediately after
printing. Otherwise it remains in
the spool file after printing and
can be printed again if required.
Press SAVE

If you are setting up RFQ’s to be faxed, please view the following table.

Address No. In output control the fax O This information will Leave this
number that can be used for be defaulted form the field blank.
this address is defined. A default Vendor Master record.
fax number is used. The fax
number can be entered into the
address management.
Please note that a fax number
from the partner master data
can overwrite this fax number.
Send Time Either immediately or at night R

Print Switch for printing immediately. R Check the box for

Immediatel Printing is immediate if this immediate output.
y switch is set. Otherwise the
output is held in the spool.

Release Switch for deleting a print job. If O

after output the switch is set, the spool job
is deleted immediately after

Page 130 of 145

printing. Otherwise it remains in
the spool file after printing and
can be printed. Otherwise the
output is held in the spool.

Press SAVE

Transaction Code
Change Message RFQ MN02
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


A change in an existing condition is needed.

Business Process Description Overview

Automatic output will streamline and possibly eliminate the clerical duty of manually
sending purchasing documents to the vendor. Also, it will enable a company to migrate to a
more work-less paper environment.

Page 131 of 145

Purchasing Documents will automatically be populated with all the necessary information to
output the document.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Document Type You must know the purchasing document (NEU: New,
MAHN: Reminder, or ABSA: Rejection)
Vendor Number The vendor must have a vendor number in SAP

Partner Function For output, the partner function VD will usually be used

Medium 1 = Printing 2 = Faxing 6 = EDI 7 = SAP Office

Tips and Tricks

The purchasing department should set a policy as to what method of transmission

will be used for the output of purchasing documents. Most likely, the choices will
be printing, faxing, SAPOffice, and/or EDI. You can set the output up per vendor,
purchase organization and document type. A document can have more then one
output configured, i.e. print and fax. This requires extra configuration (An extra
output type).

Page 132 of 145

Procedural Steps

1. Output Determination for RFQ’s: Access transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management  Purchasing Master

Data Messages  RFQ  Change
Via Transaction Code MN02

2. On screen “Change Output-Condition Records: Purchasing RFQ”,

progress in the following manner:

Field Name Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Output Type Purchasing document for output R Enter NEU for an RFQ This is based on
The drop-down menu contains all configuration.
of the possible selections NEU is standard
(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”, “R”= Required, “O”= Optional, ”C”=

Select the “Key Combination” radio button.

A pop-up screen will appear with three choices (in standard configuration). The three
choices are:

 Purchasing Output Determination: Purch. Org/Vendor for EDI

 Purchasing Output Determination: Doc. type/Purch. Org./Vendor
 Purchasing Output Determination: Document type

3. On the “Change Condition Records: Fast Entry” Screen, enter

information in the fields as specified in the below table:

Page 133 of 145

Field Name Description R/O/ User Action and Values Comments
DOC. TYPE Document Type C Enter Doc. Type if a User must
key combination that enter AN
contained Doc. Type for RFQ’s
was chosen.
Purch. Purchase Organization C Enter Purchase
Organizatio organization if a key
n combination that
contained Purch, Org,
was chosen.
Vendor Vendor C Enter Vendor if a key
combination that
contained Vendor was
PartF Partner Function R See drop-down menu.
Most likely, VD will be
the partner function
used for all output to
Partner Recipient of output as defined in SAP
O Enter recipient of the
Office output document
Medium Medium through which the R There are possible
purchasing document will be choices, most likely, 1
sent to the vendor (printing) and 2
(faxing) are most
Tim Timing: When the document will R 1: Send with the next
be output selection run eg.
RSNAST00 Online
2: Send with time
specification eg.
RSNAT00 as
background job
3: Explicit request eg.
via function of
4: Immediately (in
application update)

Page 134 of 145

L Language R Enter language that
will be used to display

Next, put a check box in the margin and press the “Communication” Button.

Field Name Description R/O/ User Action and Values Comments

Output Printer that the output will be R Select the applicable
Device sent. printer
Number of Amount of documents to be O If left blank, one
Messages printed document will be
Spool The name is determined by the O
Request user who makes the request or
Name by the program in which a
request is generated. There is
no naming convention enforced
upon you.

Suffix 1 Second part of the three-part O

name of a spool request. The
name is determined by the user
who places the order or by the
program in which an order is
generated. There is no
necessary naming convention.

Suffix 2 Third part of the three-part O

name of a spool request. The
name is determined by the user
who places the order or by the
program in which an order is
generated. There is no
necessary naming convention.

SAP Cover This field determines whether to O ' ' : No cover sheet
Sheet include a cover sheet containing 'X' : Output cover
information such as recipient sheet
name, department name, ‘D’: Cover sheet
format used, etc. output depends on the
setting of the output
device (printer) being
Recipient This field contains the spool O
request recipient's name that
appears on
the cover sheet of hardcopy
printouts. The default value for
the name of
the recipient is the current user
Department This field contains the name of O
the department originating the

Page 135 of 145

spool request. On hardcopy
printouts, the name is displayed
on the cover sheet.
Text for This field contains a description O
Cover Sheet of the spool request. It may
consist of any number of letters,
digits, special characters and
Authorizatio This field contains the O
n authorization for the spool
request. Only users with this
authorization are allowed to
display the contents of the spool
Print This field contains the O Check box for
Immediatel authorization for the spool immediate printing
y request. Only users with this from the spool
authorization are allowed to
display the contents of the spool
Delete after Switch for deleting a print job. If O
Output the switch is set, the spool job
is deleted immediately after
printing. Otherwise it remains in
the spool file after printing and
can be printed again if
Press SAVE

Page 136 of 145

Transaction Code
Display Message RFQ MN03
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Check display output conditions.

Business Process Description Overview

Automatic output will streamline and possibly eliminate the clerical duty of manually
sending purchasing documents to the vendor. Also, it will enable a company to migrate to a
more work-less paper environment.
Purchasing Documents will automatically be populated with all the necessary information to
output the document.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Document Type You must know the purchasing document type (from
Vendor Number The vendor must have a vendor number in SAP
Partner Function For output, the partner function VD will always be used

Medium 1 = Printing 2 = Faxing 6 = EDI 7 = SAP Office

Tips and Tricks

1. Display Output Determination for RFQ’s: Access transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management  Purchasing Master

Data Messages  RFQ  Display
Via Transaction Code MN03
On screen “Display Output-Condition Records: RFQ”, progress in the
following manner:

Page 137 of 145

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments
Output Purchasing document for R Enter NEU NEU is
Type output standard
(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”, “R”= Required, “O”= Optional, ”C”=

This BPP has been written under the assumption that we are displaying for the output
medium for a specific vendor.

Select Key Combination radio button. The following screen appears:

A pop-up screen will appear with three choices (in standard configuration). The three
choices are:

 Purchasing Output Determination: Purch. Org/Vendor for EDI

 Purchasing Output Determination: Doc. type/Purch. Org./Vendor
 Purchasing Output Determination: Document type

2. View the current information on the “Display RFQ (NEU) Selection”

screen. Press execute (F8) to go to the next screen.

 Enter your search parameters.

 Press the Execute key.

Transaction Code
Create Message Purchase Order MN04

Page 138 of 145

Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


If a new vendor, document type or purchasing organization is created; it may be

necessary to run this transaction.

Business Process Description Overview

Automatic output will streamline and possibly eliminate the clerical duty of manually
sending purchasing documents to the vendor. Also, it will enable a company to migrate to a
more work – less paper environment.
Purchasing Documents will automatically be populated with all the necessary information to
output the document.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Document Type You must know the purchasing document type (from
Vendor Number The vendor must have a vendor number in SAP

Partner Function For output, the partner function VD will usually be used

Medium 1 = Printing 2 = Faxing 6 = EDI 7 = SAP Office

Tips and Tricks

The purchasing department should set a policy as to what method of transmission

will be used for the output of purchasing documents. Most likely, the choices will
be printing, faxing, SAPOffice, and/or EDI. You can set the output up per vendor,
purchase organization and document type.
A document can have more then one output configured, i.e. print and fax. This
requires extra configuration (An extra output type).

Page 139 of 145

Procedural Steps

1. Output Determination for Purchase Order: Access transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management  Purchasing Master Data

Messages  Purchase Order  Create
Via Transaction Code MN04
2. On screen “Create Output-Condition Records: Purchase Order”,
progress in the following manner:

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Output Purchasing document for R Enter NEU for a Purchase This is based
Type output Order. on
The drop-down menu configuration.
contains all of the possible NEU is
selections standard
(Note: On above table, in column “R/O/C”, “R”= Required, “O”= Optional, ”C”=

Select the “Key Combination” radio button.

A pop-up screen will appear with three choices (in standard configuration). The three
choices are:

 Purchasing Output Determination: Purch. Org/Vendor for EDI

 Purchasing Output Determination: Doc. type/Purch. Org./Vendor
 Purchasing Output Determination: Document type

Page 140 of 145

3. On the “Create Condition Records: Fast Entry” Screen, enter
information in the fields as specified in the below table:

Field Name Description R/O/ User Action and Values Comments

DOC. TYPE Document Type C The code that has User
been assigned to should
purchasing document enter NB
type will be entered for
here. Select from standard
drop-down menu. PO, UB for
orders, and
FO for
Purch. Purchase Organization C Enter Purchase
Organizatio organization if a key
n combination that
contained Purch, Org,
was chosen.
Vendor Vendor C Enter Vendor if a key
combination that
contained Vendor was
PartF Partner Function R See drop-down menu.
Most likely, VN will be
the partner function
used for all output to
Partner Recipient of output as defined in SAP
O Enter recipient of the
Office output document
Medium Medium through which the R There are ten possible
purchasing document will be choices, most likely, 1
sent to the vendor (printing) and 2
(faxing) are most
Tim Timing: When the document will R 1: Send with the next
be output selection run eg.
RSNAST00 Online
2: Send with time
specification eg.

Page 141 of 145

RSNAT00 as
background job
3: Explicit request eg.
via function of
4: Immediately (in
application update)
L Language R Make choice from
drop-down menu (EN
= English)


Next, put a check box in the margin and press the “Communication” Button.

If the output is print, see the following table:

Field Name Description R/O/ User Action and Values Comments

Output Printer that the output will be R Select the applicable
Device sent. printer
Number of Amount of documents to be O If left blank, one
Messages printed document will be
Spool The name is determined by the O
Request user who makes the request or
Name by the program in which a
request is generated. There is
no naming convention enforced
upon you.

Suffix 1 Second part of the three-part O

name of a spool request. The
name is determined by the user
who places the order or by the
program in which an order is
generated. There is no
necessary naming convention.

Suffix 2 Third part of the three-part O

name of a spool request. The
name is determined by the user
who places the order or by the
program in which an order is
generated. There is no
necessary naming convention.

SAP Cover This field determines whether to O ' ' : No cover sheet
Sheet include a cover sheet containing 'X' : Output cover
information such as recipient sheet
name, department name, ‘D’: Cover sheet
format used, etc. output depends on the
setting of the output
device (printer) being

Page 142 of 145

Recipient This field contains the spool O
request recipient's name that
appears on the cover sheet of
hardcopy printouts. The default
value for the name of the
recipient is the current user
Department This field contains the name of O
the department originating the
spool request. On hardcopy
printouts, the name is displayed
on the cover sheet.
Text for This field contains a description O
Cover Sheet of the spool request. It may
consist of any number of letters,
digits, special characters and
Authorizatio This field contains the O
n authorization for the spool
request. Only users with this
authorization are allowed to
display the contents of the spool
Print This field contains the R Check box for
Immediatel authorization for the spool immediate printing.
y request. Only users with this
authorization are allowed to
display the contents of the spool
Delete after Switch for deleting a print job. If O Will not be used
Output the switch is set, the spool job
is deleted immediately after
printing. Otherwise it remains in
the spool file after printing and
can be printed again if required.
Press SAVE

If you are setting the output to be faxed, please view the following table.

Transaction Code
Change Message Purchase Order MN05
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb

Page 143 of 145


A change in existing condition is needed.

Business Process Description Overview

Automatic output will streamline and possibly eliminate the clerical duty of manually
sending purchasing documents to the vendor. Also, it will enable a company to migrate to a
more work-less paper environment.
Purchasing Documents will automatically be populated with all the necessary information to
output the document.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Document Type You must know the purchasing document type (from
Vendor Number The vendor must have a vendor number in SAP

Partner Function For output, the partner function VD will usually be used

Medium 1 = Printing 2 = Faxing 6 = EDI 7 = SAP Office

Tips and Tricks

The purchasing department should set a policy as to what method of transmission

will be used for the output of purchasing documents. Most likely, the choices will
be printing, faxing, SAPOffice, and/or EDI. You can set the output up per vendor,
purchase organization and document type.
A document can have more then one output configured, i.e. print and fax. This
requires extra configuration (An extra output type).
Procedural Steps

1. Change Output Determination for Purchase Order: Access

transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management  Purchasing Master Data

Messages  Purchase Order  Change
Via Transaction Code MN05

Transaction Code
Display Message – Purchase Order MN06
Document No. Responsibility Version Supercedes Issued Effective Review
on Date Date
Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by
Abu Mohammad Shoyeb


Display output conditions.

Page 144 of 145

Business Process Description Overview

Automatic output will streamline and possibly eliminate the clerical duty of manually
sending purchasing documents to the vendor. Also, it will enable a company to migrate to a
more work-less paper environment.
Purchasing Documents will automatically be populated with all the necessary information to
output the document.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Document Type You must know the purchasing document type (from
Vendor Number The vendor must have a vendor number in SAP

Partner Function For output, the partner function VD will always be used

Medium 1 = Printing 2 = Faxing 6 = EDI 7 = SAP Office

Tips and Tricks

1. Display Output Determination for Purchase Orders: Access

transaction by:

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management  Purchasing Master

Data Messages  Purchase Order  Display
Via Transaction Code MN06

Field Description R/O/C User Action and Values Comments

Output Purchasing document for R Enter NEU NEU is
Type output standard

Page 145 of 145

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