Letter and Essay-1

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You have a full-time job and you are also doing a part-time evening course.

You now find that you cannot continue the course.

Write a letter to your teachers. In your letter

 describe the situation

 explain why you cannot continue at this time
 say what action you would like to take

Dear Sir,

I am a student of your Marketing for Professional course and I am writing to you regarding my
inability to continue the course at this moment due to a new job role which was assigned to me

My employer has assigned me with a special project and I am the head of the project. While the
project is very challenging, its success will be very beneficial for my career.

The deadline for the project is very short, but there are many things to be done in this short period of
time. As a result, we are working till the late nights. Since, our classes start in the evening, it is
becoming very tough for me to allocate my time for the classes.

As all our classes are very important it would be very critical for me to catch up with the course if I
miss any of them. Hence, I have decided to put the course on hold for now and resume the course
from the coming semester.

I hope you will consider my situation and permit me to discontinue the course for this semester only.

Sincerely yours,

Md. Mazharul Islam

Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish.

Why do you think this is happening?

What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

You should write at least 250 words.

Production of waste materials has touched zenith in recent time. According to me, overpopulation
and more disposable income are playing pivotal role behind this habit and government should
introduce effective waste management system and create awareness among general people to mitigate
this crisis.

The prime reason behind increased amount of waste is population boom. While the number of
population has reached the highest of all time, people are using more resources, and as a result they
are wasting more. For instance, a study by Dhaka City Corporation shows that the population of
Dhaka city has increased by 68% in last decade, and the amount of waste products has also increased
by 78% during this time. Moreover, the increased disposable income of the general people has also
accelerated the production of garbage. People are earning more than they require to meet their basic
needs. Hence, the use and throw behavior among the consumers are rising, which eventually plays a
great role in increasing trash.

Introducing effective waste management system may be the most effective solution to this rising
crisis. Since, majority of the garbage consist plastic products, which takes a long time to decompose
and responsible for polluting water and soil, if these products can be treated through a waste
management process, then the negetive impact of grabage will minimize by a large margin. For
example, Sweden has introduced plastic recycling policy, where all household plastics are recycled
and reused, this has brought down the plastic waste of the whole country by 58% in just one year. In
addition, government must undertake different awareness campaigns to educate the general people
about the adverse outcomes of junks.

In conclusion, while population explosion and more disposable income has proved to accelerate the
amount of garbage, authority should consider implementing well sought trash handling procedure
and increase awareness among mass people, to manage this problem.
Volume 1- Test 3

You and your family are living in rented accommodation in an English speaking country. You are not
satisfied with the condition of some of the furniture.

Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter

 introduce yourself
 explain what is wrong with the furniture
 say what action you would like the landlord to take

Dear Mr. Rasel,

I am Md. Mazharul Islam, a tenant leaving in your apartment number 203 with my family, and I am
writing to you regarding dire condition of some worn out furnitures in our apartment.

I have rented your fully furnished apartment option and moved in last week. Unfortunately, after
moving in we discovered that some of the furnitures are in very dated condition. To be specific, sofa
in the living room are very old, the fabric in the sofa are torn in places and springs are ruined, one of
the leg of the dining table in broken and paints of the table and chairs are worn off.

Now, I would request you to take necessary actions to repair the furnitures, so that they can be used.
The fabrics and springs of the sofa need to be replaced, the leg of the table also need to be repaired. I
would also request you to repaint the table and chairs, to retain their looks.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours truly,

Md. Mazharul Islam

Some people think it would be a good idea for schools to teach every young person how to be a good

Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Describe the skills a person needs to be a good parent.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

You should write at least 250 words.

Every parent was once a child. While some people believe that educational institutes should be the
place to teach youngsters about parenting, while some believes otherwise. In my opinion, I do not
agree schools should be the place for teaching parenting skills such as being kind and being respectful
towards opposite gender.

It is my belief that parents are the best tutor for a child to learn life skills from not any school,
because the early years are the best time for a child to learn and they spend majority of these years
with their parent. For instance, a study by UN Health Organization showed that children learn the
most during the first five years of their life and they prefer to imitate behavior of their parent. Hence,
we can see why parent should be the best medium to teach a child about parenting.

The prime skills a requires to become a good parent is to be empathetic to others and it is the best
thing human can pass down to the future generation.
You have just moved into a new home and are planning to hold a party. You are worried that the
noise may disturb your neighbour.

Write a letter to your neighbour. In your letter

 introduce yourself
 describe your plans for the party
 invite your neighbour to come

Dear Mr. Rasel,

I am Md. Mazharul Islam, your next door neighbor, we have just moved in to the apartment 505. I
am writing to inform you that we are going to have a house warming party on next Friday on 8 th
December 2019 and I would be delighted if your could come to the party.

Since we have recently moved in the apartment, we decided to invite some of our friends over at our
place for a small house warming party. The party will start in the evening, one of my friends is a very
good singer and he will sing for us that night, we also plan to play some board games. Then we will
have dinner together, and we will be having dishes from my home country.

I was hoping you could manage your time on that day and please attend the party, as it will allow us
the opportunity to know each other more. You will also get to know our friends and even be friends
with them.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours truly,

Md. Mazharul Islam

Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on your children.

Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

The rise of information technology is influencing the children to use computers on a daily basis. It is
believed by some that the adverse effects of such behavior outweigh its positive outcomes on the
children. According to me, I strongly agree with this viewpoint.

One of the prime set back of over-usage of computer is that it can reduce creativity in children. The
emergence of search engines such as Google has made acquiring information easier and less time
consuming. Moreover, there are websites such as Scribd, which have a huge database of premade
assignments. As a consequence, children are more tempted to copy from these sources rather than
researching through materials and creating something original using their creative skills. Moreover, it
can even destroy their ability to think and develop new idea; as a result, the world may get deprived
of numerous innovations.

Furthermore, another major setback of gorge use of computer is that, it is making youngsters
physically unfit. Computers offer various types of entertainment options such as video games, social
media, which are very addictive in nature and kids fall an easy prey to these. Hence, kids are less
interested to go outside to play and get involved in physical activities; as a result, children are losing
their agility and stamina.

In conclusion, even though the digital media have made the life of youngster easier, adverse impacts
of excess use of these can have hazardous impacts on children, which can even hamper their
intellectual skills and health. Hence, negative effects of excess use of computers surely outweigh its
positive outcomes.
You would like to participate in a work-related seminar in another country.

Write a letter to the person in charge of the seminar and ask for detailed information regarding the
dates, program, accommodation and cost.

You do NOT need to write any address.

Dear Sir,

I am Md. Mazharul Islam, working in ABC Banking Corporation and I am writing to you regarding
the details about the Anti Money Laundering seminar you are going to arrange in Dubai.

Firstly, in the advertisement the precise dates of the seminar were not mentioned. As the event will
be held in Dubai, I will need to take leave from my workplace and fly there. Hence, it would be a
great help if you could let me know about the exact dates of the seminar.

Furthermore, I am also eager to know about the detail itinerary of the program. I would like to know
about which aspects of the anti-money laundering will be covered in the seminar, so that I can
prepare myself with the necessary information. I was wondering whether you would be arranging
accommodation for the participants, or we need to arrange it individually.

Last of all, what will be the total cost for the seminar and whether there is any discount offers for
early registration?

I appreciate to get an answer from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Md. Mazharul Islam

Are famous people treated unfairly by the media? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price
of their fame an invasion into their private life?

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

Life of the celebrities has always been under the surveillance of media. While some believe that
popular people are also entitled to have a private life, some other believes that intrusion in their
personal life is only natural, and a byproduct of their popularity. In my opinion, popular figures also
deservers to lead a private life.

In one hand, celebrities are also people with the family and friends, and require spending quality
times with them. However, majority of the time media reacts unethically towards the personal lives
of popular figures by invading their privacy. For instance, Tahsan a famous singer recently came to
news while celebrating his daughter’s birthday with few of their family members, which was a family
outing and the media invaded the party anyhow, and they had to finish the party early and leave the
place. Hence, we can see that because of media’s unwanted intrusion stars are facing hard time
maintain a health work life balance and a line must be drawn.

On the other hand, a popular belief is that popularity comes at certain price and privacy is to be
sacrificed. Since, popular persons are the centre of attention of the general population; they feel the
urge to know about the private life of the stars. It is considered that a celebrity is a star only because
of the mass people, so they have the right to know everything about their life, and a star must be
ready to accept this fact if they want bask on the warmth of fame. I again oppose this idea as it is
unethical to poke around someone’s private matters for the sake of entertainment.

To conclude, in my opinion a line must be drawn by the authority regarding the way media
trespasses the personal life of famous people. Moreover, the media should also refrain themselves
from invading the lives of others just to increase the viewership of their news or channel.
Volume 2-Test 2

You took your family to a nearby restaurant. You were disappointed with the meal and wish to
complain to the manager. Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant.

In the letter:  

 explain why you were at the restaurant

 describe the problems
 write about the action you want the manager to take

Dear Sir,

I am a regular client of your restaurant and I am writing to express my discontent regarding the meal
and service I had with my family last Friday. I want you to take actions to improve the quality of
meal and service to maintain the reputation of the restaurant.

Recently, I had my birthday and I went to your restaurant with my family to celebrate. We ordered
four orders of fried rice, two shrimp, and two chickens. When the food arrived we discovered that
the chicken were undercooked, the shrimp had pungent smell to it and the all the food were cold.
When we informed the servers about the complain, they were very reluctant and they did not even
bother to apologise.

Now, I would like to elicit some suggestions. The authority and chef’s must be more cautious
regarding inventory management and cooking as raw and decomposed food can be fatal for human
body. I would also want you to undertake a training program for your servers regarding complain
management system.

I hope you would consider the suggestions and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Md. Mazharul Islam

Recently, abortion increases rapidly and becomes a controversial topic. Some people suppose that
abortion should be legal while others are against it.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or

The current exponential increase in abortion numbers has resulted in generating concern among
member of the society. Abortion is a highly controversial issue which has resulted into forming to
opposite views. While a group of people advocate about legalizing the procedure of abortion, another
group of people stand in opposition to it. This essay will explore both sides in depth.
You saw a brochure for a one-week walking tour in the mountains. You're very interested in taking
part, but you're not very fit and are worried you wouldn't be able to keep up. Write to the tour
operator. In your letter:

• Explain why you're interested in the tour.

• Ask for information about dates and prices.

• Express your concerns about your fitness level.

You do not need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you regarding the one-week walking tour in the mountains in Bandarban region you
have advertised in the Daily Prothom Alo on 13th December 2019. Although I am very eager to join
the tour, I need some information regarding the tour and I also have some concerns about my fitness.

I have learned about your tour from the newspaper, after watching the advertisement I started my
own research. While researching I discovered that a large number of my friends participated in your
tour previously, and all of them spoke very highly about your arrangements. Moreover, I am very
enthusiast about mountains, hill tracts and natural beauty of the mountain areas.

Furthermore, in the advertisement no precise dates were mentioned for the tour, as it is a one-week
long tour I have to arrange leave from my workplace in advance. Hence, it would be really helpful if
you could share the tour dates with me.

Lastly, I have concerns about my physical agility. I am not a very physically active person, and
recently I have become out of shape. I have not gone for such outing in recent time and I am worried
that I might not be able to keep pace with other members of the tour. Do you have any specific
physical requirement for the participants? I also want to know if you conduct any preparatory
sessions for novice participants such as me.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Md. Mazharul Islam

More children in developed countries are becoming overweight. This is a serious problem for wealthy

Discuss some causes and effects of this problem. Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

The numbers of obese children are on the rise in developed nations and it is becoming a major
constraint for rich nations. According to me easy availability of junk foods and lack of physical
activities are playing a pivotal role behind this, where weak immune power and poor adaptability are
its major consequences.

Fast food culture is the major reason behind youngsters in the developed countries becoming
overweight. Ingredients in these foods contains high amount of sodium, fat and additives, which
hampers the regular hormonal activity in human body. For instance, a study showed that an average
fast food burger contains a 5 different taste enhancer, consuming these chemicals for a long time can
cause damage to the human liver cells, affect the metabolism system and they are very low in
nutritional value. Moreover, due to urbanization in developed countries children are left with little to
no place to play, which have forced them with minimal engagement with physical activities. Hence,
rate of obesity is rising as children are unable to burn off the excess calories as they need to.

Due obesity children in these developed nations are suffering from weak immune and cognitive
system. As junk foods are loaded with additives and contain a low amount of food nutrients, they are
unable to meet the nutritional need of growing youngsters.
Under British and Australian laws a jury in a criminal case has no access to information about the
defendant's past criminal record. This protects the person who is being accused of the crime.

Some lawyers have suggested that this practice should be changed and that a jury should be given all
the past facts before they reach their decision about the case.

Do you agree or disagree? 

According to the British and Australian legal system, the previous crime history of the accused is not
revealed in order to give them protection. However, many legal professionals propose that jury
members should have the freedom to access all the pas information which would help them to take a
justified decision. In my opinion, I agree with the idea as it would illustrate whether the accused is a
repetitive offender and it may even suggest about innocence.

Knowing about the criminal legacy of a person can play a pivotal role while judging and making a
decision. For instance, a person with a history of committing serial crimes should receive stringent
punishment where as a person who has committed a crime under unfavorable circumstances and
with clean criminal record should not be punished equally. Hence, we can see that access to past
crimes provides a jury with the opportunity to make a just judgment.

Moreover, past crime report of a person can say a lot about their ability to commit a crime. Such
records can help a jury to differentiate between true criminal and innocent person. For example, if a
person accused of murder claims that the crime was done
Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams, like
football, while other people think that taking part in individual sports, like tennis or swimming, is
better. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

You should give reasons for your answer, and include ideas and examples from your own knowledge
and experience.

Sports can be segmented into two portions on the basis of the format they are played, such as team
and individual sports. While a group of people believe team games are benefitting, while some others
root for individual games. This essay will explore both views, before coming to the conclusion that
team sports are somewhat more beneficial.

Team sports such as football, cricket are the most popular and entertaining form of sports. However,
these games have much more efficacy than providing entertainment. Such sports train an athlete with
life skills such as interpersonal skills and leadership. Playing a team sports helps a person to learn how
to communicate efficiently with others. Moreover,
A friend you met last year has invited you to visit him/her in his/her country. You have never been
there before and need some information before you leave.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:

 request advise about a gift for his/her family

 ask about activities and clothing in his/her country
 find out about the food

Dear Tom

I have just received your letter, and I can’t thank you enough for such a heartfelt letter and for
inviting me to visit you in Switzerland. I was also sharing the experiences of your visit last year with
some of my friends a few days ago.

Since I have never been to Switzerland there are few things I was wondering about, and I am
expecting that you will be able to provide me with those information.

It is winter in Switzerland and I had read that there are lots to do there in winter. I wanted to know
if I can participate in activities such as snow-boarding, skiing and sledging, since I don’t have any
prior training. I also wanted to know about the type of clothing and shoes I need to bring to bear
with the cold there.

I am also curious about Swiss food. I have a very little idea about your cuisine, and I am very eager to
know about the most recommended dishes that I must test during my stay over there. You know that
I always want to try dishes from around the world.

Finally, I am in a dilemma about what should I buy as present for your family. As I have never meet
with your family, I don’t really know about their preferences. It would be great help if you can
suggest some ideas about the presents; I really want everyone to like the presents.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Warm wishes,

You are planning a short visit to a city where one of your relatives lives.

Write a letter to your relative. In your letter:

• Explain when and how long you will be in town.

• Ask whether you can stay at their home.

• Offer to pay for yourself.

You do not need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ...,

Dear Raju,

It has been a while I have last seen you. I hope you are doing well. You would be glad to know that I
will be visiting Berlin in the next month for some official purpose. My initial plan was to stay there
for 5 days; although I might just have to extend it for 10 days, because of the volume of the work.

While I was checking for hotels nearby my office in Berlin, I noticed that your house is just two
blocks away. Hence, I was wondering if it would not be a lot of trouble for you, can I stay at your
home. I would really appreciate it, as it would save me a lot of time traveling and I could use that
time spending with you and your family.

Lastly and most importantly, I would like you to accept a nominal fee for my stay as I will be allowed
allowance from my organization anyway. Also it would not make me feel that I am staying at your
place for free, especially because it is a business trip.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Take care,

Labour-saving devices such as dishwashers and communication tools such
as computers are supposed to make our lives easier. However, some people argue that these
devices only make them more difficult.

Does modern technology reduce or increase stress?

Emergence of technology has resulted in innovation of numerous labor reducing and communication
based gadgets. While it is believed by many that such modern appliances are designed for making our
everyday lives comfortable, some others hold an opposite idea. In my opinion, such latest machines
indeed make our lives less stressful.

The fast paced work culture has left us with less time to spend at home, and it has become a sturdy
task for the adults to manage time for family and friends while finishing chores. Machines which can
cut down labor, such as washing machine, can allow working people to manage some time for their
family as these machines are designed to perform those tasks automatically, as well as can give them
relief from physically stressful jobs. Moreover, because of the rapid development of communication
based gadgets, more and more people are gifted with the opportunity to work from home. As a
consequence, working parents are able to work and look after children simultaneously without
stressing out about their safety at home.

However, different reality also exists for such devices, where they may become a catalyst to induce
stress. For instance, electronic sales persons have reported that elderly people are more reluctant to
purchase the latest appliances, as they fear that they would not be able to operate those or break
those. Furthermore, as computer and the internet has made it easier to work away from office space,
many organizations sometimes demand to their employees to be available through email even when
they are on holiday, this can result them to get stressed.

To conclude, although there are some adverse impacts of the latest appliances especially on elderly
and high end professionals, the positive impacts are abundant as they enhance the quality of life and
increase opportunity to develop family bonding. In my opinion, the recent technological innovations
and appliances plays an immense role in reducing stress and increasing quality in our life.

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