Reemplace Los Sustantivos Utilizando Un Pronombre Sujeto (I, You, He, She, It, We

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1 Reemplace los sustantivos utilizando un pronombre sujeto (I, you, he, she, it, we,
they). Replace the nouns using one of the pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they)

Cat and horse – they Mary- she tom- he

Jack and I- we Books- it sister- she
You and dave- they plane- it sunshine-it
Cheese- it cactus- it parents-they
Pamela- she News- it Scissors-it
Geese- it Flowers- it Piano- it
School- it daughter- she milk-it
Children- they sugar- it Feet-it
Bicycle- it Ann and kate-they Tennis-it
Son-he Mice- it sky- it
Shop- it Buses- it papers- they
Mr.Green-he Brother in law- they picture-it
Friendship- it Dolphin-it the Riggs Family- they

4.7.2 Complete el texto utilizando Verbo to be. Complete the text using verb to be.

Mary is (+) twenty-five years old. She is from Dorset. Her hair is (+) long and brown. She has brown eyes. She
has a cat and a dog. Her pets is very lovely. Pat, the dog isn´t (-) small, he is (+) very big. Mary’s cat, Fluffy is (+)
3 years old. Mary’s mother is (+) Jane. She isn´t (-) a teacher, she is (+) a nurse. She is (+) thirty-six years old.
Her husband is (+) Nick. He is (+) thirty-eight. He isn´t (-) a bus driver, he is (+) a mechanic. Mary has two
siblings, they aren´t (-) in the country now because they are (+) living in Miami. Her friends Richard and Amanda
aren´t (-) bad friends, actually they are (+) really good people because they always visit Mary. Richard is (+) tall
and thin but Amanda isn´t (-) as tall as Richard, she is (+) short and chubby. I am (+) Mary’s cousin Wendy, and I
can tell you she is (+) great! I am not (-) in the same city but anyway we are (+) still good friends.
4.7.3 Encuentre los errors y reescriba las oraciones utilizando verbo to be. Find the mistakes and rewrite
the sentences using verb to be.

1. London aren’t a country. ….London isn’t a country……..

2. The United States aren’t a city. The United States in´t a city
3. An elephant am not a small animal. An elephant is not a small animal
4. English and Turkish isn’t sister languages English and Turkish aren´t sister languages
5. Mercedes aren’t a bike. Mercedes isn´t a bike
6. Is I a student? Is I am student
7. Mrs. Stuart aren’t a poor woman Mrs. Stuart isn´t a poor woman
8. Cigarettes isn’t good for people. Cigarettes aren´t good for people
9. The North Pole am not hot. The North pole is not hot
10. Simon are from United Kingdom. Simon is from united Kingdom

4.7.4 Escoja la respuesta correcta. Choose the correct answer.

1. Maggie and Carol …………… good friends.

a) am b) are c) is d) isn’t

2. Sue ………. a science teacher.

a) are not b) is c) are d) am

3. Mark Steven ………….. a student at Kennedy High School. It …….. an old school.
a) am / is b) are / is c) is / am d) is / is

4. Margarita ……….. from Spain. I ………….. from Turkey.

a) is / am b) are / is c) am / is d) is / are

5. You and I ……………… at the same age.

a) am isn’t c) are d) is

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