OB Care Plan: Assessment Data

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Care plans are based on individual clients.

They are designed to allow the student to critically think about each client and develop
interventions for that specific client.

 If the student is assigned to postpartum (couplet care setting) their care plan should be on the postpartum mother.
 If the student is assigned to L&D their care plan should be on the laboring mother.
 If the student is assigned to the Nursery their care plan should be on the baby.
Neonatal information may be included when appropriate in the SBAR reports.

OB Care Plan
Student: Alexandria Casarez Date: 7/7/2020

Course: 432-CC Instructor: Jasmine Gayongala

Clincial Site: online Client Identifier L.S. Age: 28

Reason for Admission: Patient was addmitted to the hospital for induction of labor due to preclamsia.

Medical Diagnoses: (Include Pathophysiology and Risk Factors): Clinical Manifestation(s):

The patients has a diagnosis of preeclampsia.The pathophysiology of Signs and symtoms in a patient with preeclampsioa includes
preeclamsiam begins in the placenta and is resolved when the placenta is protineuria, and hypertension after 20 weeks of of gestation in a
expelled. It is cause by disruptions in placental perfusion and endothelial woman that had not previouly had these conditions (Wilson et. al,
cell dysfunction (Wilson et. al, 2018). Risk factors for preeclampsia 2018). My patient is presenting with elevated blood pressure upon
include nulliparity, age of greater than 40, pregnancy with assisted initial assessment and has elevated protein in her urine.
reproductive techniques, family history of preeclampsia, obesity,
gestational diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia in previous pregnancy, chronic
hypertension, and type 1 diabetes mellitus (Wilson et. al, 2018).
Assessment Data
© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Rev 2.17.18
Subjective Data: Patients states that she is not feeling well, and states that “something is wrong”. She is complaining of blurry vision and
shortness of breath.
VS: (upon arivail) Labs: Diagnostics:
T : 37.2 C RBC-2.53 L (5-6.25) Daignostics for this patient includes a category 2 fetal
monitoring strip.
BP: 128/83 HGB- 6.8 L (>11)
HR: 110 HCT- 24.5 L (>33%)
RR: 18 Platelets- 100,000 L (150,000-400,000)
O2 Sat: 99% on room air Urine Protient to Creatinie ratio- 300 mg H
VS: (one hour later) Listed in paranthesis is the normal lab values for
T : 37.4 C a pregnant woman. These abnormal labs listed
above can be seen in pregnant women who have
BP: 100/ 50 or preeclamsia.
HR: 110
RR: 20
O2 Sat: 93% on room air

Assesment: Orders:
Neuro-Patient was drowsy and oriented x4 patients speech was clear Ambulation as tolerated after anesthesia wears off.
and appropriate. Patients pupils were equal, round, reactive to light, and
accommodation was notted. Eyes opened to verbal commands, and Regular diet.
patient complained of visial disturbances Monitor the paitients intake and output.
Cardio- Heart sounds were auscultated for all valves, S1 and S2 were Assess vital signs every hour.
noted with regular rate and rhythm. Patients radial pulses were noted at
2+ billaterally, and pedal pulses were noted at 2+ billaterally.
Respiratory- Patients O2 was 99% on room air, patients lung sounds
were clear throughout all lobes with shortness of breath.
GI/GU- Patient has distended look to stomach due to having recently
delivered a baby, and patient has difficulty identifying when she has to
Vaginal exam- 7 cm dialated, 90% effacement, and -2 station.
Negative Homan’s sign.


Name Dose Route Frequency Indication/Therapeuti Adverse Effects & Nursing
c Effect Side Effects Considerations

4 mu/in IV Continuous Induction of labor and term, Coma, seizures, intracranail Assess character
Oxytocin and potpartum control of hemorrhage, asphyxia, hypoxia, frequency and duration
bleeding. hypotension, and arrythmias of uterine contractions,
resting uterine tone,
and fetal heart rate
Monitor the maternal
BP frequently and FHR
continuously durring
50 ml/ hr IV Continuous Treatment and prevention of Drowsiness, decreased respiratory rate, Monitor the newborn
Magnesium hypomagnesmia, prevention arrythmias, hypotension, diarrhea, and for hypotension,
Sulfate of seizures associated with muscle weakness hyporeflexia, and
severe ecclampsia and respiratory depression
preeclampsia if the mother had
received mag sulfate.
Tylenol 1000mg PO Q6hrs PRN Treatment of mild pain and Hepatotoxicity, anxiety, HA, fatigue, Preform a pain
fever. dyspnea, hypertension, and constipation assessment including
type, location, and
intensity pior to
administrations and 30
minutes after
1000 ml IV Continuous Source of water and Abdominal pain, swelling, dizziness, Monitor patients vital
Lactated electrolyte used for headache, fever, and confusion. signs including BP
ringers hydration. durring administration.
Penicillin G 3 mil. Units/ 50 ml IV Q4 hrs Treatment of infection and Seizures, diarrhea, epigastric distress, Observe for signs and
Potassium prohpylaxis. nausea, vomiting, rash, urticaria, pain, sypmtoms of
and phlebitis at the IV site anaphlaxis which
includes rash, pruritus,
larengeal edema, and
wheezing. Discontinue
drug if reaction occurs.

Nursing Diagnoses and Plan of Care
Goal Expected Outcome Intervention(s) Rationale Evaluation
Client or family focused. Measurable, time-specific, Nursing or interprofessional Provide reason why intervention Was goal met? Revise the
reasonable, and attainable. interventions. is indicated/therapeutic. plan of care according the
Provide references. client’s response to current
plan of care.
Priority Nursing Diagnosis (including rationale for choosing this as the priority diagnosis)
Altered tissue perfusion to the placenta related to hypertension as evidence by the diagnoses of preeclampsia.
1.Educate the patient to 1. Educating the patients to
The goal for this patient Expected outcome will be report any signs of vaginal report the signs is The goal for this
includes increasing oxygen that the patient will bleeding, uterine important because patients was met, by
to the placenta. understand the need to tenderness, abdominal immediate attention is educating the patient
maintain perfusion to the required. about her condition,
pain, and decreased fetal
placenta and will 2. Position changes are asking her to report any
partcipate in the important because it can signs of harm, and
2. Position changes for the
interventions to increase increase perfusiomn to the having the patient
mother. change her position.
perfusion by the end of placenta.
the shift. 3. Noting the fetal response
3. Note fetal response to
is important because
medications administered,
depressant effects on the
like MgSO4.
fetus can include decreased
4. Utilize an
fetal HR and RR.
ultrasonography to assist
4. Monitoring the placental
with the assesment of
size can aid in
placenta size.
dertermining the health of
the placenta.

Secondary Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for infection related to the labor process as evidence by the paitents SROM with thick meconium at 1700.

Expected outcomes for 1. Monitor and record the 1. Recording the patients The goal for this patient
The goal for this patients this patient includes is that patient’s themperature temperature is important was meed by decreasing
is to reduce the risk of the patient will maintain every 2 hours (because the because temperature the risk of infection by
good hygiene, patient will membranes are ruptured.) elevation is an early sign monitoring the patient and
infection. remain free from infection, 2. Use continuous fetal of infection. keeping them clean and
and patients temperature monitoring to assess FHR 2. Monitoring is important dry.
will remain within normal and variability, report HR because FHR over 160
range for the remainder of greater than 160 and bpm and minimal
their hospital stay. variability under 3-5 beats/ variablity may indicate
min. maternal fever.
3.Maintian good patient 3. Kepping the area clean
hygiene by cleaning the and dry reduces the risk of
perineal area by wiping infection.
front to back and keep area
Definition of Client-Centered Care: Care that is unique to the age/developmental stage, gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic
status, cultural and spiritual preferences of the individual and focused on providing safe, evidence based care for the achievement of
quality client outcomes.”

C, D.W.M.H.S.P.K.A.D.L.M. C. (2018). Maternal Child Nursing Care. [Pageburstls]. Retrieved

from https://pageburstls.elsevier.com/#/books/9780323549387/

Phelps, L. (2017). Sparks and Taylor's nursing diagnosis reference manual (10th ed.). Hagerstown, MD: Lippincott, Williams &

Wilkins/Wolters Kluwer. ISBN-13: 9781496347817

Vallerand, A., Sanoski, C., & Deglin, J. (2017). Davis’s drug guide for nurses (15th ed.). 

Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.

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