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NetEpic Hardware Book I

Armies of the Imperium

V 0.9.0
Legal Disclaimer
Adeptus Titanicus, Space Marine, Titan Legions, Epic: 40000 and Epic: Armageddon
are registered trademarks of Games Workshop Limited. The likeness of all miniatures
displayed in this book is copyright of Games Workshop Limited. All the unit names
used in this book are trademarks and/or copyright of Games Workshop Limited. Said
names and the pictures of miniatures and of Games Workshop publications and web
pages showing said miniatures are used without permission and are intended for the
sole purpose of providing a visual guide. No challenge is intended to the status of any
intellectual property rights of Games Workshop Limited, including, but not limited to,
trademarks and copyrights of Games Workshop Limited.

This work is neither connected to, nor endorsed in any way by Games Workshop

Special Thanks

This work would never have reached this stage without the help and support of many
people, who provided encouragement, enthusiasm, informations and pictures which
made the book possible in the first place:

The DeAynes Galleries

Quite simply one of the best Epic galleries you can find on the net, and a very precious
source for this book.

Mark's site
Another excellent source of pictures and info; Mark's E:40K catalogue helped me a lot
while rebuilding the history of many models.

The Mercenary Brush

If you're half as hopeless as me with a brush, you may want to check out Tuffskull's
site for an alternative. Paul was kind enough to allow me to use the many excellent
pictures displayed on his site. Since each one of these is worth a thousand words,
there isn't much else I can add, except this: if you see some miniature painted to a
ludicrously high standard (like the Capitol Imperialis), chances are it's one of his

And, of course...

The NetEpic Group

– for all the help, the info, the pictures, the support, and the game
– for having kept the flame alive during the darkest years
– for being so cool
– for existing

You guys rock.

Introduction......................................5 Leviathan........................................57
A question of marks...........................7 Lightning Attack Fighter....................58
Ongoing Research..............................8 Lightning Strike Fighter.....................59
Baneblade.........................................9 Manticore........................................60
Basilisk...........................................11 Marauder........................................61
Blitzen............................................13 Medusa...........................................62
Bombard.........................................14 Mole...............................................63
Bruennhilde.....................................15 Mole Mortar.....................................64
Bulldozer Blades..............................16 Ordinatus Armageddon.....................65
Capitol Imperialis.............................17 Ordinatus Golgotha..........................66
Chimedon.......................................18 Ordinatus Mars................................67
Chimera..........................................19 Predator.........................................68
Chimerax........................................20 Ragnarok........................................71
Chimerro.........................................21 Rapier............................................72
Command Tanks..............................22 Razorback.......................................73
Deathstrike.....................................23 Reaver Titan....................................75
Dreadnoughts..................................25 Rhino..............................................76
Drop Pods.......................................27 Robots............................................77
Dropship.........................................28 Rough Riders...................................78
Earthshaker.....................................29 Salamander.....................................79
Emperor Class Imperator Titan..........30 Sentinel..........................................80
Emperor Class Warmonger Titan........31 Shadowsword..................................81
Griffon............................................32 Siegfried.........................................82
Gorgon...........................................33 Space Marine Bike............................83
Gotterdammerung............................34 Space Marine Infantry – Line Troops. .84
Hellbore..........................................35 Space Marine Infantry (officers and
Hellhound.......................................36 special units)...................................87
Hunter............................................38 Space Marine Infantry Sprues............88
Hydra.............................................39 Space Marine Tank Sprues................89
Imperial Guard Bike.........................40 Stormblade.....................................90
Imperial Guard Infantry - Line Troops.41 Stormhammer.................................91
Imperial Guard Infantry (officers and Stormsword....................................92
special units)...................................42 Tarantula........................................93
Imperial Guard Infantry Sprues.........43 Termite...........................................94
Imperial Hatches..............................44 Thudd Gun......................................95
Knight Baron...................................45 Thunderbolt.....................................96
Knight Castellan...............................46 Thunderhawk..................................97
Knight Crusader...............................47 Titan Variants..................................98
Knight Errant...................................48 Trojan...........................................105
Knight Lancer..................................49 Valkyrie........................................106
Knight Paladin.................................50 Vindicator......................................107
Knight Warden.................................51 Vulture..........................................108
Land Raider.....................................52 Warhound Titan.............................109
Land Speeder..................................53 Warlord Class Psi-Titan...................110
Landing Craft...................................54 Warlord Class Titan........................111
Leman Russ....................................55 Whirlwind......................................112

The 1:300 sci-fi miniature wargame known today as Epic Armageddon has a long and
rather complex history.

Things began in the now distant 1988 when a boxed set depicting giant humanoid
robots engaged in battle appeared on the shelves of game stores across Europe. That
set was called Adeptus Titanicus, and marks the beginning of the Epic game line.

We can summarize Epic's life as being subdivided in four distinct ages:

First Era – Adeptus Titanicus and Space Marine 1st ed.

At first, only Warlords existed. The AT box contained six of them, and the game was
supposed to represent battles between companies of loyalist vs renegade titans. The
whole game line consisted of it and a box (“Battle Titans”) containing 6 more warlords
to be added to the basic game. This is the Warlord Class Titan Mark I, with the plastic
weapon sprue you can find at the end of the Titan Variants entry.

The first expansion came under the form of a booklet called Codex Titanicus (a reprint
of various WD articles plus other material), containing rules for Orks and Eldar titans
and introducing the very first tanks (like the Mark I Predator and Vindicator), light
vehicles, walkers etc. At this stage, though, the spotlight was still quite clearly on
titans, with the rest of the units providing support roles.

It was not until Space Marine 1st edition that massed infantry formations made their
appearance on the Epic fields. The availability of plastic infantry sprues allowed
players to throw huge numbers of little men (orks, eldar, squats..) against each other.
The focus of the game gradually drifted away from battles between titans, and it soon
reached the stage where it still stands today: epic battles between massed armies,
with titans being just one among the many implements of destruction available to a

Second Era (“The Golden Age of Epic”) - Space Marine 2nd ed. and Titan

The game' s increasing success (not to mention the necessity of a streamlined ruleset)
convinced GW to release a second edition of the game (the only localized one ever
released for Epic). With SMII the game reached its maturity, with the rules now
focusing on infantry and tanks. During this period, Epic sales reached an high point,
reaching the same order of magnitude as the two GW “big games”. An astounding
number of different units was produced and released, allowing players to field
incredibly diverse armies, and the Tyranids made their official appearance in the Epic
universe. Most of the models you can find in these books was produced during these

In the latter stage of the game's life, a second boxed set was released under the
name of Titan Legions. The box could be used as an expansion of the main game (the
rules were mostly the same, barring minor modifications and adjustments here and
there) or as a game in its own right. The box reintroduced the titans on a grand scale,
adding the two “super-titans” (the Imperator and the Mega-Gargant) while also

introducing imperial knights and a few new units for the various races.

GW kept producing and releasing new models (most of the flyers made their
appearance in the latter stage of this era); new units were on schedule with their
moulds already cast (like the Eldar Exodites), when GW announced a change in
internal policies: only the two main games were to receive continuing support, with a
third one being rotated yearly between all the other “minor” games. Epic was thus
discontinued, at the apex of his glory.

Third era – Epic 40000

The game was put back in schedule a couple of years later, under the new name of
Epic 40000. Unfortunately the new design philosopy (simplify things and streamline all
the wrinkles and inconsistencies the rules had accumulated in many years), while
sound on principle, was judged to be taken a little too far by many fans of the old
system, resulting in “bland” armies. This and a slew of rather weird marketing
decisions by GW (Chaos being basically unavailable until the very end of the product's
life, steeply increased prices on blisters containing less units, especially infantry)
resulted in disappointing sales, and the game was axed again after a brief and rather
unsatisfactory run.

For the purpose of these books, the most interesting point to be made is the peculiar
decision by GW to provide “modular” models for the game; basically the whole range
(barring infantry and, strangely enough, titans) sported miniatures composed of many
parts which could be assembled in a variety of ways. Finding pictures of every single
combination is a practical impossibility; thus the decision was made to present images
of the single parts, plus a picture to represent the single Mark assigned to these

Fourth era – Epic Armageddon

The current incarnation of the game; for a while it looked like Epic could be brought
back to its former glory. Unfortunately, with Fanatic's reorganization, the range is
suffering from a two-pronged “Shortage of Death”: the archive service has been
discontinued, due to the supposedly “impending” new range; and the new range has
been put “on hold”, due to the limited capabilites of the new Specialist Games division.
This means that core armies like Chaos and Tyranids are totally unavailable at the
time of this writing (February 2005) and will likely stay so for years. Needless to say,
this (and the Specialist Games downsizing) doesn't bode well for the future of the

Of course, the NetEpic group has endured two dark ages unfazed... another one won't
be the end on the world.

A question of marks

A brief explanation on the criterion used to classify the miniatures: as a general rule, I
kept the “official” names as found in the various publications at the time of the
model's release. I added a mark for each subsequent different variant, with an A-B-C
or I-II-III identification for multiple simultaneous unnamed releases.
Where the models are distinguished by proper names (e.g. the zillion Leman Russ
variants produced by Forgeworld), I used a mark + name designation. This results in a
classification loosely based on the four ages mentioned before although, of course,
plenty of exceptions exist.

The current Epic Armageddon range is mostly composed of what amounts to recasts
of the old E:40K model range. GW put together the most “vanilla” components,
produced new moulds so to be able to cast the model in one piece (or less pieces than
before, at any rate), and put them on sale as the current range.
This of course results in E:A and E:40K miniatures looking almost exactly the same (at
least for the “basic” E:40K variant). Despite this, I chose to assign a new mark for E:A
models because these are indeed produced using new moulds (albeit “mimicry” ones).
Note that most of the current infantry range is produced with the same criterion,
except the moulds have been “cut” to allow for separation – plastic for the most basic
type, metal for the specialist troops.

Ongoing Research

These are the models, marks, variants etc. which I've not yet been able to obtain full
info about:

Bombard: variants needed. The Bombard Mark II is an E:40K era vehicle, and thus
should come with modular components (and the picture confirms this). I need info and
images of all the components.

Chimera: the current Mark II is the E:A model. A Chimera blister was sold during the
E:40K era. I need to know if the E:40K Chimera, too, came with modular components
and variants. If this is the case, such a model would be the “real” Mark II, displacing
following marks, and the relative variants would need to be added.

Gorgon: does current Mark I really exist? I got a message telling me the current Mark
II (which is identified as a Mark I in the catalogue) was the second Gorgon to be
produced, and a previous piece was the real Mark I. So far, I've not been able to
confirm its existence. If it does not exist, Mark I has to be deleted and subsequent
marks displaced.

Hydra: same as Chimera above. Need info about the E:40K version, eventually adding
a new Mark II and the relative variants.

Imperial Guard Infantry Sprues: I need the full details on the models included in the

Manticore: same as Chimera and Hydra above. Need info about the E:40K version,
eventually adding a new Mark III and the relative variants.

Predator: there may be one more variant between Mark I and II. If this is the case, a
new Mark II has to be included. No luck so far in tracking this down, though.

Space Marine Bike: Mark I – C would be a bike displaying a rider with a chainsaw,
shown in an ancient WD; this was probably a conversion though, and not a proper
model. I need conclusive info (either way) on this.

Space Marine Infantry Sprues: I need the full details on the models included in the

Mark I Mark II Mark III Mark IV “Lucius

Mark IV “Mars

Mark II - Battlecannon Turret Variants

Turret I Turret II Turret III

Mark II – Hull Variants

Hull I Hull II Hull III

Mark II – Left Lascannon Variants
Left Lascannon I Left Lascannon II Left Lascannon III

Mark II – Right Lascannon Variants

Right Lascannon I Right Lascannon II Right Lascannon III

Mark II – Tracks Variants

Tracks I Tracks II Tracks III

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable; Mark III currently available from GW; Mark IV (all
variants) currently available from FW

Mark II is the E40K version, and as almost every other E40K-era vehicle it sports a
modular design with several variable components which had to be combined. Along
with one each of the shown variants, the Mark II Baneblade needs one Heavy Bolter
Turret and one of the Imperial Hatches variants (see relevant entry)

Mark I Mark II Mark III Mark IV
Image missing

Mark V Mark VI

Mark IV – Earthshaker Cannon Variants

Eartshaker Cannon I Eartshaker Cannon II Eartshaker Cannon Eartshaker Cannon

Mark IV – Hull Variants

Hull I Hull II Hull III Hull IV

Mark IV – Tracks Variants
Tracks I Tracks II Tracks III Tracks IV

Tracks V

Avail.: Mark I, II, III and IV unavailable; Mark V currently available from GW; Mark VI
currently available from FW

Mark IV is the E40K version, and as almost every other E40K-era vehicle it sports a
modular design with several variable components which had to be combined. Along
with one each of the shown variants, the Mark IV Basilisk needs either the first or the
third of the Bulldozer Blades variants (see relevant entry). Also note that the first
Tracks variant is the same as the first Tracks variant for the Mark II Deathstrike and

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I currently available from GW

Mark I Mark II Mark III

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable; Mark III currently available from GW

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I currently available from GW

Bulldozer Blades
Bulldozer Blade I Bulldozer Blade II Bulldozer Blade III

Avail: Mark I unavailable

This is not a unit, but a component of several vehicles released during the E40K era
placed here to avoid repetition in each of the relevant entries. The following vehicles
require one of the Blade variants:
Basilisk Mark IV (can only use Blade variants I and III)
Deathstrike Mark II
Hellhound Mark II
Leman Russ Mark III
Predator Mark IV (both of the Predator variants use the Blade)
Razorback Mark II
Vindicator Mark III

Capitol Imperialis
Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Mark I Mark II Mark III Mark III – Heavy

Mark III – Heavy


Avail.: Mark I unavailable; Mark II currently available from GW; Mark III currently
available from FW (all variants)

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Command Tanks
Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Mark I Mark II Mark III

Mark I – Missile Variants

Missile I Missile II

Mark II – Tracks Variants

Tracks I Tracks II Tracks III Tracks IV

Tracks V

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable; Mark III currently available from GW

Mark II is the E40K version, and as almost every other E40K-era vehicle it sports a
modular design with several variable components which had to be combined. Along
with one of the Tracks variants, the Mark II Deathstrike needs one Deathstrike Missile
Launcher Hull, one Deathstrike Missile Launcher Missile and one Deathstrike Missile
Launcher Ramp; it also needs one of the Bulldozer Blades variants (see relevant
entry).Also note that the Tracks variants of the Deathstrike Mark II are the same of
the Hellhound Mark II, and the first one is in common with the Basilisk Mark IV too

Mark I “Contemptor” Mark I “Contemptor” Mark I “Deredeo” Mark I “Furibundus”
with banner

Mark II Mark III Mark IV Mark V – Grey

Image missing

Mark III – Body Variants

Dreadnought I Dreadnought II Dreadnought III Dreadnought IV

Mark III – Right Arm Variants
Arm Sprue I Arm Sprue II Arm Sprue III

Mark III – Left Arm Variants

Left Arm Powerfist Left Arm Missile Launcher

Mark IV – Body Variants

Dreadnought I Dreadnought II Dreadnought III

Mark IV – Arm Variants

Arm Sprue

Avail.: Mark I , II and III unavailable; Mark IV currently available from GW; Mark V
currently available from FW (Grey Knights Dreadnought)

Mark II is a plastic dreadnought found in the Stompers sprues; Mark III is the E40K
modular version: the first three body variants require only the right arm component,
while the last variant requires both a left and a right arm; Mark IV is the current
version, modular and somewhat similar to Mark III but with only three body variants
and a somewhat more restricted weapons selection

Drop Pods
Mark I - Closed Mark I – Assault Pod Mark I – Deathwind Mark I – Support Pod

Mark II

Avail.: Mark I unavailable (all versions); Mark II currently available from GW

Mark I Components
Image missing Image missing

Avail.: Mark I not available. This model was never released in any “official” way, and
was exclusively available through the old archive service at the GW US online store.

Mark I carriage Mark I platform

Avail.: Mark I (both versions) currently available from FW

The carriage is supposed to go with the Trojan (see relevant entry), also produced by

Emperor Class Imperator Titan
Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Emperor Class Warmonger Titan
Mark I Components

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

A conversion kit built using Imperial Titan plastic sprues plus the metal components
depicted in the image, sold as one piece.

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I not available

Introduced in E:40K, dropped (so far) in E:A

Mark I Mark II Mark III Mark IV
Image missing

Avail.: Mark I, II, III and IV unavailable

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I currently available from GW

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Mark I Mark II Mark III

Mark II – Fuel Canisters Variants

Fuel Canister I Fuel Canister II Fuel Canister III Fuel Canister IV

Mark II – Hull Variants

Hull I Hull II Hull III Hull IV

Mark II – Tracks Variants
Tracks I Tracks II Tracks III Tracks IV

Tracks V

Mark II – Turret Variants

Turret I Turret II Turret III Turret IV

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable; Mark III currently available from GW

Mark II is the E40K version, and as almost every other E40K-era vehicle it sports a
modular design with several variable components which had to be combined. Along
with one each of the shown variants, the Mark II Hellhound needs one of the Bulldozer
Blades variants (see relevant entry). Also note that the Tracks variants of the
Hellhound Mark II are the same of the Deathstrike Mark II, and the first one is in
common with the Basilisk Mark IV too

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I currently available from GW

Mark I Mark II Mark III Mark III platform

Avail.: Mark I unavailable; Mark II currently available from GW; Mark III currently
available from FW (all variants)

Imperial Guard Bike
Mark I
Image missing

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Mark I is a plastic IG bike found in IG infantry sprues

Imperial Guard Infantry - Line Troops

Need info to classify all the released types. Currently known types:

SM2 / TL era:
Guardsmen, Heavy Weapon Guardsmen, Ogryns, Assault Troops, Ratling Snipers,

E40k era:

E:A era:
Guardsmen, Fire Support Platoon, Ogryns, Storm Troopers, Krieg Siege Infantry
Troops, Kriege Siege Infantry Gunners

Imperial Guard Infantry (officers and special units)

Need info to classify all the released types. Currently known types:

SM2 / TL era:
Commissars, Officers, Gunners

E40k era:

E:A era:
Officers, Krieg Siege Infantry Command plus the new character pack

Imperial Guard Infantry Sprues
Mark I Mark II

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable; currently GW sells boxes containing plastic

[Guardsmen / Ogryns / Officers] or metal [everything else] detachments / characters

Mark I sprue contains: 15 guardsmen, 4 assault troops, 1 gunner, 1 commissar, 2

ratling snipers, 3 beastmen, 1 heavy weapon guardsman, 1 officer, 1 sentinel, 1 robot,
1 ogryn, 2 rough riders, 2 bikes

Imperial Hatches
Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

This is not a unit, but a component of several vehicles released during the E40K era
placed here to avoid repetition in each of the relevant entries. The following vehicles
require one of the Hatches variants:
Baneblade Mark II
Leman Russ Mark III
Predator Mark IV (both of the Predator variants use the Hatch)
Razorback Mark II
Shadowsword Mark II
Vindicator Mark III

Knight Baron
Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Knight Castellan
Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Knight Crusader
Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Knight Errant
Mark I Mark I - Command

Avail.: Mark I unavailable (both versions)

Knight Lancer
Mark I Mark II Mark II – Command
Image missing

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable (both versions)

Knight Paladin
Mark I Mark II Mark II – Command
Image missing

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable (both versions).

Knight Warden
Mark I – A Mark I -B Mark I - C
Image missing Image missing Image missing

Avail.: Mark I unavailable – either model

Very old knight metal models, from Adeptus Titanicus time frame. Never received any
rule to be played

Land Raider
Mark I Mark II Mark III Mark IV
Image missing Image missing

Mark IV - command Mark V Mark VI – Grey


Avail.: Mark I, II, III and IV unavailable; Mark V currently available from GW; Mark VI
currently available from FW (Grey Knights Land Raider)

Land Speeder
Mark I Mark II Mark III Mark IV

Mark IV “Tornado” Mark IV “Typhoon”

Image missing Image missing

Mark III – Body Variants

Land Speeder I Land Speeder II Land Speeder III

Mark III – Base Sprue Variants

Base Sprue I Base Sprue II

Avail.: Mark I, II and III unavailable; Mark IV currently available from GW

Mark II is a plastic Land Speeder found in SM infantry sprues; Mark III is the E40K
modular one, although in this case the modularity is rather useless; the significant
difference is in the three body variants

Landing Craft
Mark I

Avail.: Mark I currently available from GW

Leman Russ
Mark I - A Mark I - B Mark I - recovery Mark II
Image missing

Mark III Mark III Mark IV Mark IV

“Demolisher” “Demolisher”
Image missing

Mark IV Mark V “Conqueror” Mark V “Destroyer” Mark V

“Vanquisher” “Executioner”

Mark V “Thunderer” Mark V “Vanquisher”

Mark III – Hull Variants
Hull I Hull II Hull III Hull IV

Mark III – Tracks Variants

Tracks I Tracks II Tracks III Tracks IV

Mark III – Turret Variants

Turret I Turret II Turret III Turret IV

Turret V

Avail.: Mark I, II and III unavailable; Mark IV currently available from GW; Mark V
currently available from FW.

Mark III (E:40K) needs one of the Bulldozer Blades and one of the Imperial Hatches

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Lightning Attack Fighter
Mark I

Avail.: Mark I currently available from FW

Lightning Strike Fighter
Mark I

Avail.: Mark I currently available from FW

Mark I Mark II Mark III Mark IV

Mark IV platform

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable; Mark III currently available from GW; Mark IV
currently available from FW (all versions)

Mark I Mark II Mark III Mark III “Destroyer”

Avail.: Mark I unavailable; Mark II currently available from GW; Mark III currently
available from FW (all versions)

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I currently available from FW

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Mole Mortar
Mark I Mark II
Image missing

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable

Mark II is a plastic mole mortar found in Squat sprues(?)

Ordinatus Armageddon
Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Ordinatus Golgotha
Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Ordinatus Mars
Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Mark I Mark II Mark III Mark IV
Image missing

Mark IV “Destructor” Mark V “Annihilator” Mark V “Destructor”

Image missing

Mark IV – Hull Variants

Hull I Hull II Hull III Hull IV

Hull V Hull VI

Mark IV – Sponson Variants
Sponson I Sponson II Sponson III Sponson IV

Sponson V Sponson VI Sponson VII Sponson VIII

Mark IV – Tracks Variants
Tracks I Tracks II Tracks III Tracks IV

Mark IV “Annihilator” - Turret Variants

Annihilator Turret I Annihilator Turret II Annihilator Turret III Annihilator Turret IV

Mark IV “Destructor” - Turret Variants

Destructor Turret I Destructor Turret II Destructor Turret III Destructor Turret IV

Avail.: Mark I, II, III and IV unavailable; Mark V currently available from GW

Mark IV is the E40K version, and as almost every other E40K-era vehicle it sports a
modular design with several variable components which had to be combined. Along
with one each of the shown variants, the Mark IV Predator needs one of the Bulldozer
Blades and one of the Imperial Hatches variants (see relevant entries). Note that the
“Destructor” identification was introduced in the latest version, but it makes sense to
extend it retroactively

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I currently available from GW

Mark I Mark II Mark III

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable; Mark III currently available from GW (packaged
within the Siege Infantry boxed set)

Mark I Mark II Mark III

Mark II – Hull Variants

Hull I Hull II Hull III Hull IV

Mark II – Tracks Variants

Tracks I Tracks II Tracks III Tracks IV

Tracks V

Mark II – Turret Variants

Turret I Turret II Turret III Turret IV

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable; Mark III currently available from GW

Mark II is the modular E40K version; it needs one of the Bulldozer Blades and one of
the Imperial Hatches

Reaver Titan
Mark I Mark II “Lucius Pattern I” Mark II “Lucius Pattern II”

Avail.: Mark I currently available from GW; Mark II currently available from FW (all
versions). In the AT-SMII timeframe, Mark I came with a choice of weapons (see Titan
Variants for further info), whereas it currently sports a fixed weapon configuration.
Mark II variants are resin pieces and thus even more fixed than the “current” Mark I

Mark I Mark II Mark III Mark IV
Image missing

Avail.: Mark I, II, III unavailable; Mark IV currently available from GW

Mark III is, as far as I know, the only plastic Rhino ever made. Found in Space Marine
infantry sprues and in the Space Marine / Titan Legions boxes, and also packaged in
E:40K plastic sprues

Mark I “Castellan” Mark I “Cataphract” Mark I “Colossus” Mark I “Conqueror”

Mark I “Crusader” Mark II A Mark II B

Image missing Image missing

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable

Mark II was a plastic robot found in Space Marine Infantry Sprues (Mark II A) and
Imperial Guard Infantry Sprues (Mark II B)

Rough Riders
Mark I Mark II Mark III
Image missing Image missing

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable; Mark III currently available from GW

Mark I Mark I - Command

Avail.: Mark I (both versions) currently available from FW

Mark I Mark II
Image missing

Avail.: Mark I unavailable; Mark II currently available from GW

Mark I is a plastic Sentinel found in Imperial Guard Infantry Sprues

Mark I Mark II Mark III Mark IV

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable; Mark III currently available from GW; Mark IV
currently available from FW

Mark II is the E40K modular version; however, the only modular component is the
Imperial Hatches (see entry), of which it needs one

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I currently available from GW

Space Marine Bike
Mark I - A Mark I - B Mark I - C Mark II
Image missing

Mark III Mark III - Attack Mark IV Mark IV - Attack

Image missing

Mark III Attack – Body Variants

Body I Body II Body III

Mark III Attack – Sidecar Variants

Sidecar I Sidecar II Sidecar III

Avail.: Mark I, II and III unavailable; Mark IV (both variants) currently available from

Mark II is a plastic Bike found in Space Marine Infantry Sprues.

Mark III Attack is an E40k modular version; it needs one body and one sidecar

Space Marine Infantry – Line Troops
Assault Mark I Assault Mark II Devastator Mark I Devastator Mark II
Image missing

Scout Mark I Scout Mark II Tactical Mark I Tactical Mark II

Image missing Image missing Image missing

Tactical Mark III Terminator Mark I Terminator Mark II Terminator Mark III
Image missing Image missing

Grey Knights Grey Knights in Power


Pre – Mark I metal sprue A

Pre – Mark I metal sprue B

Pre – Mark I metal sprue C

Avail.: the latest Mark for each type is currently available from GW; previous versions
are unavailable. The Grey Knights are currently available from FW

Tactical Mark II was released as an improvement over Mark I, later in the game line;
Terminator Mark II and III are the same, except Mark III is metal; same goes for the
scouts(?), which were not released before E:40k. Pre - Mark I models were not
released in enough quantities to build units out of them; those were supposed to be
used to depict support units in Adeptus Titanicus

Space Marine Infantry (officers and special units)
Apothecary Mark I Apothecary Mark II Chaplain Mark I Chaplain Mark II
Image missing Image missing Image missing Image missing

Commander Mark I Commander Mark II Librarian Mark I Librarian Mark II

Image missing Image missing Image missing Image missing

Sergeant Mark I Sergeant Mark II St. Bearer Mark I St. Bearer Mark II
Image missing Image missing Image missing Image missing

Tech Marine Mark I Tech Marine Mark II

Image missing Image missing

Avail.: the latest Mark for each type is currently available from GW; previous versions
are unavailable

Space Marine Infantry Sprues
Mark I plastic sprue A Mark I plastic sprue B
Image missing

Mark I plastic sprue C Mark II plastic sprue

Image missing

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable; currently GW sells boxes containing plastic [tactical
and assault] or metal [everything else] detachments / characters

Mark I sprue A contains 40 Tactical Marines, 4 Rhinos and 2 Land Raiders.

Mark I sprue B contains: 1 Robot, 2 Captains, 2 Devastators, 1 Commander, 20
Tacticals, 2 Terminators, 4 Assault, 2 Bikes, 1 Land Speeder
Mark I sprue C contains Tactical Marines and Rhinos
Mark II sprue contains:

Space Marine Tank Sprues
Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Sold during the E40K era

Each sprue contains: 2 Whirlwinds, 2 Land Raiders, 4 Rhinos

Mark I Mark II

Avail.: Mark I unavailable; Mark II currently available from FW; note though that they
exhibit quite different weapon payloads, even if they have the same name

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I currently available from FW

Mark I Mark II

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I unavailable

Thudd Gun
Mark I Mark II Mark III
Image missing

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable; Mark III currently available from GW (packaged
within the Siege Infantry boxed set)

Mark II is a plastic thudd gun found in Squat sprues(?)

Mark I Mark II Mark III

Avail.: Mark I unavailable; Mark II currently available from GW; Mark III currently
available from FW

Mark I Mark II Mark III

Avail.: Mark I and II unavailable; Mark III currently available from GW

Titan Variants
Banner Pole 1 Banner Pole 2 Barrage Missile Battle Claw (*)
Launcher (*)

Carapace Landing Carapace Landing Carapace Multi Lasers Close Combat Head 1
Pad 1 Pad 2 (*)

Close Combat Head 2 Command Head 1 Command Head 2 Corvus Assault Head

Corvus Assault Pod Custodian Head Deathstrike Cannon Devotion Seals (R)

Devotional Bell Dragon Head Eagle Head Fire Control Platform

Fire Control Tower Harpoon Missile (*) Head 1 Head 2

Head 3 Head 4 Head 5 Horned Helm Head

Inferno Gun (RH) Multiple Rocket Plasma Blastgun (RH) Power Ram (*)
Launcher (R)

Power Saw (*) Reaver Chainfist (R) Reaver Head 1 (R) Reaver Head 2 (R)

Reaver Power Fist (R) Reaver Shoulder Reaver Shoulder Rubble Claw
Guard 1 (R) Guard 2 (R)

Trident (*) Turbo Laser Vulcan Mega Bolter Warhound Legs 1 (H)
Destructor (RH) (RH)

Warhound Legs 2 (H) Warp Missile (*) Weapon Head 1 Weapon Head 2


Warlord Plastic Sprues

Warlord Plastic Weapons' Names

Avail.: all unavailable

(All the variants specifically intended for Warlord Mark I, except as noted)
(Also, check out the Chaos NetEpic Hardware book for Chaos-specific Titan Variants)
Once upon a time, these were sold in blisters (random assortment, I think). From SM
2nd edition onward, UK mail order has been the only source of the metal add-ons.
From E:40K onward, the plastic Mark I Warlord (a.k.a. “the Beetle”) and weapon
sprues have been unavailable. With the demise of the GW Epic archive, it's anyone's
guess if these models (or appropriate substitutes) will ever see the light of day again.

The metal weapons coming with an asterisk after their name can fit on a Reaver Titan
Mark I.
The metal variants coming with an R and / or an H after their name were sold as
weapons variants for Reavers / Warhounds (both Mark I). They could be easily fitted
on a Warlord Mark I, though, except the Reaver heads, shoulder pads, Chain Fist and
Power Fist and the Warhound legs (obviously)

Mark I

Avail.: Mark I currently available from FW

Mark I Mark II

Avail.: Mark I currently available from GW; Mark II currently available from FW

Mark I Mark II Mark III Mark IV

Mark III – Hull Variants

Hull I Hull II Hull III Hull IV

Mark III – Tracks Variants

Tracks I Tracks II Tracks III Tracks IV

Avail.: Mark I, II and III unavailable; Mark IV currently available from GW

Mark III is the E:40K version and needs one of the Bulldozer Blades and one of the
Imperial Hatches variant

Mark I Mark II

Avail.: Mark I currently available from GW; Mark II currently available from FW

Warhound Titan
Mark I Mark II Mark III – Variant I Mark III – Variant II

Avail.: Mark I unavailable; Mark II currently available from GW; Mark III currently
available from FW (both variants)

Warlord Class Psi-Titan
Mark I Components

Avail.: Mark I not available. This model was never released in any “official” way, and
was exclusively available through the old archive service at the GW US online store.
Even worse, the metal parts were to be mounted on a Mark I plastic Warlord, whose
moulds are not available anymore

Warlord Class Titan
Pre – Mark I Mark I Mark II Mark III

Avail.: Pre-Mark I, Mark I and II unavailable; Mark III currently available from GW

Note that the Mark I was produced under the form of plastic sprues and had a
selection of 12 plastic weapons immediately available (from those same sprues; see
the Titan Variants entry for further info); note also that the other weapon / head /
misc. Titan variants were metal pieces produced with the Mark I model in mind, and
as such may not blend in too well with newer models.
Pre-Mark I is depicted in the Adeptus Titanicus rulebook and has never been released.
Good luck finding one of those

Mark I Mark II Mark III Mark IV

Avail.: Mark I, II and III unavailable; Mark IV currently available from GW


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