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0013-7227/99/$03.00/0 Vol. 140, No.

Endocrinology Printed in U.S.A.
Copyright © 1999 by The Endocrine Society

Role of Thyroid Hormone in Regulation of Renal

Phosphate Transport in Young and Aged Rats*
Departments of Physiology (A.I.A.), Anatomy (M.S., D.D.), Toxicology (R.M., V.S.), and Pharmacology
(J.A.), University of Zaragoza, 50013 Zaragoza, Spain; Institute of Physiology (J.B., H.M.), University
of Zürich-Irchel, CH-8057 Zürich, Switzerland; and Department of Internal Medicine (M.L.),
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center,
Dallas, Texas 75216

ABSTRACT anism. In aged rats, although there were no changes in T3 serum

In the present study, we have examined the cellular mechanisms levels (when compared with young animals), there were significant
mediating the regulation of renal proximal tubular sodium-coupled decreases in serum Pi concentration, renal Na/Pi cotransport activity,
inorganic phosphate (Na/Pi) transport by thyroid hormone (T3) in and NaPi-2 protein and mRNA abundance. These effects were me-
young and aged rats. Young hypothyroid rats showed a marked de- diated, at least in part, by a reduction in the transcriptional rate of
crease in Na/Pi cotransport activity, which was associated with par- the NaPi-2 gene, probably caused by, among other factors, a smaller
allel decreases in type II Na/Pi cotransporter (NaPi-2) protein and response to the stimulatory action of T3. Compared with young rats,
messenger RNA (mRNA) abundance. In contrast, administration of the old rats exhibited less sensitivity of the Na/Pi cotransporter to
long-term physiological and supraphysiological doses of T3 resulted in thyroid hormone, with decreased effects in both hypothyroid (inhib-
significant increases in Na/Pi cotransport activity, protein, and itory) and hyperthyroid (stimulatory) animals. (Endocrinology 140:
mRNA levels. Nuclear run-on experiments indicated that thyroid 1544 –1551, 1999)
hormone regulates NaPi-2 mRNA levels by a transcriptional mech-

H IGHER ORGANISMS use inorganic phosphorus (Pi)

for several vital functions, including bone matrix and
phospholipid synthesis, blood buffering, intracellular signal
portant to determine precisely the physiological role of each
one of these regulatory mechanisms.
Because Pi is intensively used in general metabolism, Pi
transduction, synthesis of energetic bonds in nucleotides, homeostasis should be regulated by factors controlling the
and others. These important and multiple functions imply rate of metabolism itself. One such factor is thyroid hormone,
that organisms must have precise and efficient mechanisms and its role in Pi reabsorption regulation has been extensively
for controlling Pi homeostasis. Intestinal absorption and re- analyzed (4 – 6). Pharmacological doses of T3 have been
nal excretion/reabsorption of Pi are the two main targets for shown to increase Na/Pi cotransport in BBM vesicles from
the mechanisms of control (e.g. Refs. 1 and 2). Whereas in- rat proximal tubules (4, 5). In addition, T3 concentrations
testinal absorption has only a role on long-term regulation of approximating the association constant (Km) of the thyroid
Pi homeostasis, the control of renal excretion/reabsorption is hormone nuclear receptor also elicited a similar increase in
important for both short-term and long-term regulation of Pi Pi transport in opossum kidney (OK) cells (6). In both cases,
homeostasis (3). the increase in transport rate was caused by an increase in the
Short-term regulation of Pi reabsorption is mainly medi- capacity of the transport system, whereas the affinity was not
ated by PTH and alterations in dietary Pi intake, both mech- modified. Recently, Euzet et al. (8, 9) have shown an impor-
anisms involving shuttling or recycling of Na/Pi cotrans- tant role for T3 in the maturation of the renal Na/Pi cotrans-
porter-containing vesicles between the cytoplasm and the porter, which was associated with changes in both Km and
brush border membrane (BBM). Long-term regulation in- Vmax, as well as in the recently cloned type II Na/Pi cotrans-
cludes many different hormonal and nonhormonal mecha- porter (NaPi-2) (7) protein and mRNA abundance.
nisms that alter the cell content of the specific messenger In the present study, we have determined the role of phys-
RNA (mRNA) (3). To understand properly the complex net- iological concentration of thyroid hormone in renal phos-
work controlling Pi renal excretion/reabsorption, it is im- phate transport in vivo; more exactly, the molecular mecha-
nisms of enhancement of phosphate reabsorption by thyroid
Received September 9, 1998. hormone. In addition, we have tried to determine the po-
Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Vı́ctor Sor- tential role of thyroid hormone in impairment of phosphate
ribas, Ph.D., Departamento de Toxicologı́a, Facultad de Veterinaria, reabsorption that accompanies the aging kidney. Our results
Universidad de Zaragoza, Calle Miguel Servet, 177, E-50013 Zaragoza,
Spain. E-mail:
show that chronically treated hypothyroid rats, using a phys-
* This work was supported by Grant PB93– 0585 from the Spanish iological dose of T3, exhibit increases in phosphatemia,
Minister of Education and Science (to V.S.). NaPi-2 mRNA and protein content, and Na/Pi cotransport in


superficial and juxtamedullary renal cortex, all these effects (4 mCi/ml uptake medium, 3,000 Ci/mmol) and an inwardly directed
by means of enhanced transcription of the corresponding sodium gradient (120 mm NaCl), followed by rapid filtration. Uptake
was measured at 10 sec, which still represents the initial linear phase of
NaPi-2 gene. The stimulatory effect of the hormone is less phosphate transport at 25 C.
evident in the aging kidney, which shows a lower level of
basal phosphate reabsorption. In our experimental design, SDS-PAGE and immunoblots
only pharmacological hyperthyroidism is able to restore par-
tially the level of phosphatemia observed in young animals. Aliquots of superficial and juxtamedullary BBM vesicles were dena-
tured for 2 min at 95 C in 2% SDS, 10% glycerol, 0.5 mm EDTA, and 95
mm Tris-HCl (pH 6.8) (final concentrations), and 10 mg BBM protein per
Materials and Methods lane were separated on 10% polyacrylamide gels according to the
method of Laemmli (13) and electrotransferred on nitrocellulose paper
Animals and experimental designs (14). Immunodetection with antiserum against NaPi-2 (15) and sodium-
All studies were conducted in accordance with the European Union sulfate cotransporter NaSi-1 (16) was performed by chemiluminescence
legislation and the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory using the BM Western Blotting Kit from Boehringer Mannheim (Mann-
Animals. The experiments were performed with 3-month-old (young) or heim, Germany) and visualized with x-ray films (Hyperfilm MP) from
24-month-old (old) male Wistar rats. Animals were thyroparathyroid- Amersham International (Buckinghamshire, UK). Image analysis and
ectomized (TPTX) in our laboratory and were left for 1 month in their quantification were done with a Gel Doc 1000 Video Gel Documentation
cages to reach an approximately zero concentration of T3 in blood serum System (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Hercules, CA).
and kidney. These animals were drinking water containing calcium
gluconate (350 mg Ca21/liter). After this time, rats were divided into Immunohistochemistry
four groups: group A, nonoperated control rats; group B, TPTX-hypo-
thyroid rats, treated during 20 days with sc 21-day release placebo These experiments were performed as described (10). Briefly, anes-
pellets of T3, obtained from Innovative Research of America(IRA, Sara- thetized rats were perfused retrogradely with a fixative of paraformal-
sota, FL); group C, TPTX-euthyroid rats, treated during 20 days with a dehyde and picrinic acid, and 5-mm-thick sections were cut at 220 C
physiological dose of T3, 0.5 mg/100 mg BWzday by using sc pellets of with a cryostat. Anti-NaPi-2 antibody was used at 1:500 dilution in
21-day release (IRA); group D, TPTX-hyperthyroid rats, treated for 20 PBS/milk powder buffer and detected with goat antirabbit IgG antibody
days with 5 times the physiological dose, 2.5 mg T3/100 mg BWzday, with linked to Cy2 (Amersham International) at 1:200 dilution. In some ex-
sc pellets (IRA). In some experiments, a treatment with 10 times the periments, b-actin was visualized with rhodamin-conjugated phalloidin
physiological dose of T3 was also performed (group E, 5 mg T3/100 mg (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO) at 1:500 dilution in PBS/milk
BWzday). In the experiments with old animals, group C was excluded, powder. Sections were coverslipped using mounting media plus 2.5%
because we did not find differences with group A old animals; instead, 1,4-diazabi-cyclo{2.2.2}octane (DABCO; Sigma Chemical Co.) as a fading
group E was always used in experiments with old rats. Normal levels retardant and studied with epifluorescence microscopy using a narrow-
of T3 in kidneys of hypothyroid rats are reached after 12 days of treat- band filter system for fluorescein isothiocyanate (BX60, Olympus Op-
ment with 0.5 mg T3/100 mg BWzday (personal communication, tical Co., Tokyo, Japan) or a confocal Zeiss LSM 410 (Carl Zeiss, Jana,
G. Morreale de Escobar, Institute for Biomedical Research-Consejo Su- Germany).
perior de Investigaciones Cientifica, Madrid, Spain). On the day of the
experiment, 24-h urine was collected, the animals were euthanatized by RNA isolation and Northern blotting
CO2 narcosis, and blood was drawn from the aorta. TPTX condition was
systematically checked by postmortem inspection of the thyroid gland, Superficial and juxtamedullary cortex were cut out of the kidney at
weight changes of the animals, and RIA of T3 and T4 serum levels. Urine 4 C and homogenized with a Disperser DIAX 600 in a denaturation
and serum Pi, calcium, and creatinine were measured as previously solution containing 4 m guanidium thiocyanate, 25 mm sodium citrate
described (10). Fractional excretion of Pi (FEPi) was calculated as (UPi/ (pH 7.0), 0.5% sarcosyl, and 0.1 m 2-mercaptoethanol. RNA was ex-
SPi)/(UCr/SCr), where U is urine, S is serum, and Cr is creatinine. tracted by the guanidium thiocyanate-phenol acid-chloroform method,
as described (10, 17). Twenty micrograms of total RNA were denatured,
electrophoresed in a formaldehyde agarose gel, transferred onto Hy-
Thyroid hormone assays bond N1 nylon membranes (Amersham International) and UV cross-
linked (UVC 500, Hoefer Pharmacia Biotech Inc., San Francisco, CA).
T3 was measured in whole plasma by specific and highly sensitive
Full-length complementary DNA (cDNA) probes of NaPi-2, NaSi-1,
RIA, as described (11). The standard curve is prepared using plasma
b-actin, and 18S ribosomic RNA were labeled with [a-32P]-deoxycyti-
from severely hypothyroid thyroidectomized rats, the limit of detection
dine triphosphate (3,000 Ci/mmol) by random priming (RadPrime DNA
being 15 ng T3/dl.
Labeling System; Gibco BRL-Life Technologies, Grand Island, NY), and
hybridization was carried out at high stringency, as described (18).
BBM preparations Signals were quantified by image analysis with Gel Doc 1000 Video Gel
Documentation System (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.) after exposure to
On the day of the experiment and after CO2 narcosis, blood was x-ray films (Hyperfilm MP).
drawn from the aorta, and the kidneys were rapidly removed. Thin slices
were cut, at 4 C, from the superficial and juxtamedullary cortex and were
homogenized with a Disperser DIAX 600 (Heidolph, Kelheim, Ger- Nuclear run-on
many) in a buffer consisting of the following (in mm): 300 DL-mannitol, Cell nuclei were isolated from superficial and juxtamedullary cortex,
5 EGTA, 0.5 phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, and 16 HEPES (pH 7.5 with as described (19). Briefly, 0.5 g tissue was mixed with 5 ml lysis buffer
Tris). BBM were purified from this homogenate by Mg21 precipitation (0.32 m sucrose, 5 mm CaCl2, 3 mm magnesium acetate, 0.1 mm EDTA,
and differential centrifugation, as described (12). The final pellet was 0.1% Triton X-100, 1 mm dithiothreitol (DTT), 1 mm Tris-Cl, pH 8.0) and
resuspended in a buffer of 300 mm mannitol and 16 mm HEPES-Tris (pH homogenized in a loose-fitting pestle. After filtration through several
7.5). Purity of BBM preparations was enzymatically assayed as described layers of cheesecloth, the filtrate was rehomogenized with 10 strokes in
(12). a tightly fitting pestle. The homogenate was mixed with 1 vol 2 m sucrose
solution (2 m sucrose, 3 mm magnesium acetate, 0.1 mm EDTA, 1 mm
Transport assays DTT, 10 mm Tris-Cl, pH 8.0) and centrifuged over a cushion of the same
solution at 30,000 3 g for 45 min at 4 C. Nuclei were resuspended in
Sodium gradient-dependent phosphate transport (Na/Pi cotrans- glycerol storage buffer (40% glycerol, 5 mm magnesium acetate, 0.1 mm
port) measurements were performed, in freshly isolated BBM vesicles, EDTA, 5 mm DTT, 50 mm Tris-Cl, pH 8.0) at 100 3 106 nuclei/ml.
by uptake of 0.1 mm PO4 (a mix of K2HPO4 plus KH2PO4, pH 7.4), plus Usually, about 30 million nuclei were obtained per 0.5 g renal tissue.
K2H32PO4 (DuPont NEN Research Products, Boston, MA) as radio tracer Labeling of nascent RNA transcripts was performed exactly as described
Vol 140 • No 4

(19). A final heterogeneous RNA probe of 8 –10 3 106 cpm/2 ml hy- of approximately 50% in phosphate transport, with respect
bridization solution [10 mm N-Tris[hydroxymethyl]methyl-2-aminoeth- to euthyroid rats. Hyperthyroidism elicited a 40% increase in
anesulfonic (TES; pH 7.4), 10 mm EDTA, 0.2% SDS, 300 mm NaCl] was
incubated at 65 C for 36 h with single nylon strips containing 5 mg of each
Pi transport over euthyroid animals and 175% increase over
denatured cDNA (NaPi-2, NaSi-1, b-actin, and linearized pBluescript as hypothyroid animals.
negative control) and 10 mg 18S, that were fixed by slot blotting and UV
cross-linking. After posthybridization washes and ribonuclease A treat- Thyroid hormone specifically increases NaPi-2 protein
ment, nylon strips were exposed to BioMax MS films and their corre-
sponding intensifying screens. Specific signals were quantified using the To understand the effect of thyroid hormone on phosphate
Gel Doc 1000 Video Gel Documentation System (Bio-Rad Laboratories, reabsorption, we have analyzed the content of Na/phos-
Inc.). phate cotransporter in each of the treatments, by Western
blotting assay, using the same BBM vesicles as in the trans-
Statistical analysis port experiments. As expected, we have found a correspon-
All the data are expressed as mean 6 se. A one-way ANOVA, with dence between the changes in transport activity elicited by
Fisher’s protected least-significant difference as a multiple-comparison the hormone and the changes in NaPi-2 protein. Fig. 2 shows
method, was used to compare data among groups and was considered the three conditions analyzed: euthyroid, hypothyroid, and
statistically significant at P , 0.05.
hyperthyroid animals. These results indicate that chronically
administered triiodothyronine increased NaPi-2 transporter
Results in a way similar to that of phosphate transport, with more
Thyroid hormone increases renal reabsorption of intensity in juxtamedullary than in superficial renal cortex,
inorganic phosphate although this difference was, again, statistically not distin-
Preliminary experiments were performed to establish the guishable. Whereas hypothyroidism reduced NaPi-2 protein
experimental conditions for further assays. In these experi- to about 40% of euthyroid animals (60% reduction), hyper-
ments, chronic treatment of rats with thyroid hormone was thyroidism increased this protein 350%, compared with
assayed up to a concentration 10 times the physiological dose hypothyroidism; and 65%, compared with euthyroidism.
of the hormone, as explained in Materials and Methods. The
plasma concentrations of T3 are shown in Table 1, together
with phosphate and calcium serum levels and the fractional
excretion of phosphate. Plasma concentration of phosphate
was progressively increased by T3 and reduced in hypothy-
roid animals that also showed the highest fractional excretion
of phosphorus.
Renal phosphate reabsorption was also measured in these
animals by using BBM vesicles from both superficial and
juxtamedullary cortex (Fig. 1). Inward sodium-coupled
phosphate transport was increased by the hormone in a
dose-dependent manner in both superficial and juxtamed- FIG. 1. Effect of T3 on phosphate transport in young and old rats.
Phosphate transport was measured in BBM vesicles from different
ullary vesicles, although no significant difference was ob- animal groups, as explained in Materials and Methods. Group A,
served between both hyperthyroid animals [those receiving Nonoperated, control rats; group B, TPTX-hypothyroid rats receiving
2.5 (group D) and 5 (group E) mg T3/100 g bwzday]. The placebo pellets; group C, TPTX-euthyroid rats receiving a physiolog-
stimulation of phosphate transport in juxtamedullary BBM ical dose of T3 (0.5 mg/100 mg BWzday); group D, TPTX-hyperthyroid
vesicles tended to be higher than the stimulation measured rats receiving 5 times the physiological dose of T3; group E, TPTX
hyperthyroid rats receiving 10 times the physiological dose of T3;
in BBM vesicles from the superficial cortex; however, such black bars, BBM from superficial cortex; lined bars, BBM from jux-
differences were not statistically significant. tamedular cortex; Y, young rats; O, old rats; *, significant difference
Interestingly, hypothyroid young rats showed a reduction from the respective animal group A.

TABLE 1. Effect of T3 on serum phosphate concentration and fractional excretion in young and aged rats

Young rats Aged rats

Animals T3 (ng/dl) Pi (mg/dl) Ca (mg/dl) FEPi (%) T3 (ng/dl) Pi (mg/dl) Ca (mg/dl) FEPi (%)
A 79.2 6 8.6 10.5 6 0.8 a
9.8 6 0.6 7.2 6 1.1 a
81.3 6 6.7 6.6 6 0.3 9.3 6 0.5 13.6 6 0.8
B ,15.0b 4.8 6 0.2a,b 8.4 6 0.4 15.2 6 0.9b ,15.0b 4.2 6 1.2b 8.9 6 0.8 16.5 6 2.0b
C 45.0 6 8.3 11.1 6 2.6 9.0 6 0.5 6.8 6 0.4
D 481.6 6 10.0c 12.8 6 2.1 8.9 6 0.8 4.8 6 0.6c,a 260.0 6 18.3c 7.2 6 1.7 8.7 6 0.9 9.4 6 1.2c
E .1000c 13.1 6 0.3c 9.3 6 0.6 3.8 6 0.4a,c .1000c 8.0 6 0.8c 8.5 6 1.0 8.7 6 0.9c
Group A, Nonoperated, control rats; group B, TPTX-hypothyroid rats receiving placebo pellets; group C, TPTX-euthyroid rats receiving
physiological dose of T3 (0.5 mg/100 g BW per day); group D, TPTX-hyperthyroid rats receiving 5 times the physiological dose of T3; group E,
TPTX hyperthyroid rats receiving 10 times the physiological dose of T3. The treatment was maintained for 20 days. Relevant statistic differences
(95%). FEPi, Fractional excretion of inorganic phosphate.
Significant between the corresponding values of young and aged rats (same lane).
Significant with all other data from the same column.
Significant with value from line A of the same column.

FIG. 2. Effect of thyroid hormone on NaPi-2 protein content in BBM vesicles from proximal tubules in young and old rats. NaSi protein content
is also shown as a nonmodified control. SC, Superficial cortex; JM, juxtamedullary cortex. Samples, run in duplicate for each condition, are the
same as in Fig. 1. Ratios between optical densities of NaPi-2 and NaSi are shown in bars, and P , 0.001 in all groups. All differences with group
B in the histograms are significant (95%); group D is significant with A and C in young animals, and group E with A in old rats.

FIG. 3. Confocal immunohistochemical

analysis of T3 effect on NaPi-2 abun-
dance in proximal tubules of superficial
cortex from young rat kidneys. Hyper-
thyroidism elicits an increase in NaPi-2
protein content in both apical mem-
brane and intracellular stores (dotted
pattern) of proximal tubular epithelial
cells, in comparison with the hypothy-
roid status. b-Actin was stained with
phalloidin as an unmodified membrane
protein. Bar, 10 mm.

Signals corresponding to NaSi are shown as unmodified Thyroid hormone increases NaPi-2 mRNA by
controls. transcriptional stimulation
These results were confirmed by immunohistochemistry.
As Fig. 3 shows, hyperthyroidism elicited a strong increase Most cellular effects of thyroid hormone are mediated by
of NaPi-2 protein in the luminal membrane of proximal tu- increases in mRNA transcription and consequent protein
bules. This increase was also extended to the intracellular synthesis. Therefore, several Northern blotting assays were
stores of the transporter, shown in the figure as fluorescent- performed to check for an increase in NaPi-2 mRNA steady-
dotted cytoplasm of the epithelial cells (2). Fig. 3 also shows state in rat kidney cortex. The results are summarized in Fig.
b-actin filament labeling of tubular plasma membrane, 4: In parallel with the results of protein content, thyroid
which is not changed by thyroid hormone. hormone induced similar changes in specific NaPi-2 mRNA
Vol 140 • No 4

FIG. 4. Effect of T3 on NaPi-2 mRNA

content in superficial kidney cortex of
young and old rats. Samples are run in
duplicate, and the filters were probed
with the cDNAs indicated at the left of
the figure. The histograms show ratios
of NaPi-2/NaSi optical densities. Treat-
ments are the same as in previous fig-
ures. ANOVA, P , 0.001. All differences
with group B in the histograms are sig-
nificant (95%); group D is significant
with A and C in young animals, and E
with A and D in old rats.

abundance in all conditions assayed. In this case, the stim- restored with thyroid hormone treatment, whereas chronic
ulation by T3 on juxtamedullary NaPi-2 mRNA was also hyperthyroidism increased phosphate transport by only 20%
higher than in superficial cortex mRNA (data not shown). As over control levels and 50% over the hypothyroid status,
unmodified controls, RNA levels of sodium-sulfate cotrans- even when plasma concentration of the hormone was more
porter, b-actin, and ribosomic 18S are also shown. than 10 times the physiological levels. Interestingly, these
In a previous paper (6), we have shown that the effect of thyrotoxic doses of T3 in aged rats were still not able to restore
thyroid hormone on phosphate transport in OK cells is not the basal level of phosphate transport present in control
mediated by changes in the stability of the specific NaPi-4 young animals (Figs. 1 and 6), although additional factors
mRNA. Now, we have checked for changes in transcription (different from a reduced sensitivity to T3) may be respon-
rate of the NPT-2 gene (21). Nuclear run-on experiments were sible for the blunted stimulatory effect of this hormone.
performed from several conditions using nuclei isolated Western blot analysis of NaPi-2 protein in old rats showed
from full kidney cortex. Results are shown in Fig. 5A, with a parallelism with transport (Fig. 2). Densitometric analysis
comparison between hypothyroid and hyperthyroid condi- revealed a 40% reduction of NaPi-2 protein in hypothyroid,
tions: an approximately 2-fold stimulatory effect of T3 in compared with euthyroid animals, whereas hyperthyroid-
NPT-2 gene transcription was found between these two con- ism increased NaPi-2 protein 110%, with respect to hypo-
ditions. However, an additional change in the NaPi-2 mRNA thyroidism, and 40% over euthyroid animals. Similar results
stability in the rat cannot be excluded. were obtained for the specific NaPi-2 mRNA content, by
Northern blotting, in both superficial and juxtamedullary
Thyroid hormone stimulation of phosphate transport is kidney cortex (Fig. 4), that was also caused by an increase in
impaired in the aged transcription of the NPT-2 gene, although this increase was
As expected from our previous results (10), 24-month-old less effective than in young animals (Fig. 5).
rats exhibited lower plasma phosphate concentration and Figure 6 summarizes the influence of aging on the T3
increased fractional excretion of phosphate than young rats stimulatory effect on phosphate transport rate, NaPi-2 pro-
(Table 1). This decrease was paralleled by a proportional tein, and mRNA contents, and it compares young-control
reduction in phosphate transport capacity by BBM vesicles nonoperated animals with old-control and old-hyperthroid
from superficial and juxtamedullary proximal tubular cells TPTX-animals. On the one hand, transport rate and NaPi-2
(Fig. 1). The effect of thyroid hormone to modulate Na/Pi protein and RNA contents were less than half in control
cotransport activity was less dramatic than in young animals. (nonoperated) old animals, compared with control young
Preliminary experiments with old rats, including group C, rats. On the other hand, hyperthyroidism in old rats in-
showed (as expected) no differences with group A of the creased NaPi-2 RNA content above the level in young ani-
same age animals. Therefore, this group was omitted when mals. However, protein content was similar in hyperthyroid
using old rats. Instead, we always used group E to find a dose old animals and euthyroid young animals, and in terms of
of T3 that resulted in effects similar to those seen in the young phosphate transport rate, these old animals exhibited even
animals. Chronic hypothyroidism elicited a 30% reduction in less transport rate per protein unit than the young rats.
phosphate reabsorption and plasma concentration, that was Therefore, these results seem to indicate that the aging pro-

FIG. 5. Effect of T3 on gene NPT-2 transcription rate, measured in

nuclear run-on from renal cortex of young and old rats. Total labeled
nascent RNA was labeled and probed against denaturized-linear plas-
mids containing the cDNAs indicated at the left of the figure. HypoT3,
Hypothyroid animals, group B; Hyper T3, hyperthyroid animals,
group D; pBlu, pBluescript.

cess affects all the steps of the stimulatory effect of thyroid

hormone on the cell physiology of phosphate transport, from
gene transcription to protein function.
FIG. 6. Comparison of T3 effects on superficial kidney cortex from
Discussion young and old rats: Na/phosphate cotransport, NaPi-2 protein, and
NaPi-2 mRNA. A-Y, Control nonoperated young rats (group A, young);
Effect of T3 on phosphate reabsorption A-O, control nonoperated old rats (group A, old); D-O, TPTX-hyper-
thyroid old rats (group D, old); *, significant difference with group AY;
The present study demonstrates a physiological role for
#, significant difference between AO and DO. Values of RNA and
thyroid hormone in the control of phosphate homeostasis. protein densitometries in histograms are arbitrary densitometric
We have found that a physiological dose of T3 stimulates Pi units. Dens., Densitometric.
renal reabsorption (Fig. 1) to a level that is able to increase
serum Pi concentration (Table 1). Higher (pharmacological) sorption: chronic hypothyroidism induces a substantial de-
doses of T3 further increase Pi renal reabsorption and serum crease in serum phosphate, as well as an inhibition of phos-
phosphate level. This effect is mediated by parallel increases phate transport, that is reversed by the exogenous
in the amount of Na/Pi cotransporter (NaPi-2) in the brush physiological treatment with T3. It is interesting that the
border of proximal tubular epithelial cells (Figs. 2 and 3). The reduction in phosphatemia occurs in spite of the existence of
specific increase in protein content is, in turn, caused by an alternative mechanisms for increasing phosphate reabsorp-
increase in the intracellular content of the specific NaPi-2 tion in the rat (e.g. acute and chronic adaptation to dietary
mRNA (Fig. 4), which was produced by stimulation of the phosphate deprivation, and others), because none of them is
transcription rate of the corresponding gene, NPT-2 (Fig. 5). able to restore the euthyroid level of serum phosphate in
These results point to the classic mechanism of thyroid hor- hypothyroid animals. This could be explained as either the
mone, acting through intracellular receptors and binding to existence of additive effects of all these regulatory mecha-
thyroid hormone response elements (TREs) in the corre- nisms, T3 being a major regulator, and/or as the need of
sponding gene promoters (20). However, in spite of the re- thyroid hormone presence for a correct functioning of all
cent identification and sequence of several type II (NaPi-2, other additional mechanisms. The second possibility is more
NPT-2) gene promoters (21), no consensus sequence of classic likely to occur because, as it has been shown, euthyroid rats,
TREs has been found, but only a putative vitamin D-response chronically fed with low (0.1% Pi) phosphate diet vs. control
element (22). Therefore, the stimulatory effect on NaPi-2- (0.6% Pi) or high (1.2% Pi) phosphate diets, are able to main-
mediated transport could be explained by the existence of a tain a normal phosphatemia, thanks to an avid renal adaptive
novel TRE in the NPT-2 gene or by an indirect T3 stimulation; mechanism that induces an increase of almost 100% reab-
i.e. T3 could stimulate the synthesis of a protein responsible sorption of phosphate ultrafiltrate (18, 23). In this case, the
for a direct effect on the NPT-2 gene. Future experiments, adaptation consists in both increases in specific NaPi-2
using these gene promoters, should clarify this question. mRNA and protein content in tubular cells, although this
To our knowledge, our study is the first that clearly shows effect is not mediated by NPT-2 gene transcription stimula-
a physiological role for T3 on renal tubular phosphate reab- tion but by an increase of NaPi-2 mRNA stability (24, 25). In
Vol 140 • No 4

addition, though the expected transient hypophosphatemia Effect of aging on thyroid hormone action
caused by dietary phosphate deprivation induces the men- There are two main results of the present study in relation
tioned increase in NaPi-2 mRNA and protein, in the case of to the effect of aging: first, NPT-2 gene transcriptional activity
hypothyroidism, the effect is just the contrary (that is, re- is decreased with the age of the animals; and second, the
duction in NaPi-2 mRNA and protein content). stimulatory effect of thyroid hormone is also reduced in the
From these results, we can initially conclude that thyroid aging. In a previous paper (10), we have published that old
hormone is a major controller of phosphate homeostasis in rats contain less NaPi-2 mRNA and protein per tissue unit
long-term regulation, which should be distinguished from than young rats. Now, we have shown that such decrease
acute regulation, a less frequent physiological condition. This may be caused by a reduced transcription rate of the corre-
conclusion is also supported by a characteristic of our ex- sponding gene, which might explain the lower serum phos-
perimental design: to avoid interferences with PTH, the an- phate concentration in old animals. Such a decrease is a
imals were made TPTX, instead of just thyroidectomized. general characteristic of the aging process in mammals (29).
Therefore, our animals possessed hypothyroid and hypo- Old rats are also less sensitive to T3 than the young ones, and
parathyroid status. As it has been recently shown, hypopar- this can be observed in both hypothyroid and hyperthyroid
athyroidism induces an increase in phosphate reabsorption animals. On the one hand, old hypothyroid animals show a
through lack of the phosphaturic hormone (26). Therefore, smaller reduction in phosphatemia than young hypothyroid
when the animals have normal levels of PTH in serum, the animals (in comparison with the respective euthyroid rats),
actual effect of chronic hypothyroidism is, most likely, more as well as proportional (smaller) alterations in transport rate,
dramatic than we have shown in the present paper. protein, and mRNA levels of the renal phosphate transporter
With respect to the stimulatory effect of T3, treatment with NaPi-2. On the other hand, the stimulatory effect of T3 to
T3 (5 and 10 times the physiological dose) further increased induce hyperthyroidism is also less effective in old than in
Pi reabsorption through the same mechanisms as the phys- young animals, for all parameters analyzed.
iological dose (RNA and protein synthesis). The stimulatory In addition, the reduction in the basal transcriptional rate
of NaPi-2 mRNA in aged rats is not caused by an age-
effect of chronic hyperthyroidism was already saturated at 5
dependent reduction in serum levels of T3. It should be noted
times the physiological dose in young animals (see Fig. 1) and
that some authors have reported a decrease in serum T3
was similar to the increase obtained with acute thyrotoxic
levels with age in humans (30), caused by both decreases in
doses, 400 times the physiological dose (200 mg T3/100 mg pituitary TSH release and peripheral degradation of T4 that,
BWz12 h, for 3 days) shown in previous papers and in our in return, result in a decline in serum and tissue concentra-
own lab (Refs. 4 and 23; data not shown). The equivalence of tion of T3 (31). Our results are, however, in agreement with
our chronic hyperthyroid doses to acute thyrotoxic doses other studies (e.g. Ref. 32), which have not found differences
(because of saturability) shown in the present study, with in serum T3 concentrations between young and old rats, and
respect to the stimulation of phosphate reabsorption, could they suggest that the relative hypothyroid status of the aging
make feasible the use of low-dose thyroid hormone as a rat is not produced by a decreased concentration of T3 but is
long-term therapy in several disorders involving phosphate caused by a reduced relative response to the hormone. In fact,
homeostasis unbalance or bone diseases. the effect of the aging can be detected in all the cellular and
Previous works (4) reported that the main effect of T3 takes molecular processes of phosphate transport regulation: tran-
place on the renal juxtamedullary cortex (mostly straight scription, translation, and function of the NaPi-2 protein
tubules), in spite of the higher transport rate and NaPi-2 (Fig. 6).
mRNA and protein content of the superficial cortex (mostly In summary, we have shown a physiological role of T3 in
convoluted tubules; Ref. 15). In the present paper, we have the regulation of, mainly, basal level of renal phosphate
not found such difference in T3 effect; that again, could be reabsorption, which is impaired with aging. Furthermore,
caused by the differences in the experimental design: long- our study is the first that shows genomic regulation of the
term physiological T3 doses vs. acute thyrotoxic doses in the corresponding gene, NPT-2, by thyroid hormone and the
previous work. aging process.
Finally, two comments must be made with respect to the
two controls used, the NaSi and b-actin. Two groups have Acknowledgment
found discrepancies, in relation to the the effect of T3 on We thank Prof. Gabriela Morreale, from the Institute for Biomedical
sulfate transport in BBM vesicles: no effect in rat (4, 5); and Research-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifica, for T3 RIA and
stimulation in mouse (27). Our results have shown a lack of comments on the manuscript.
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