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Minimization of Power Losses on Selected 132kv

Overhead Transmission Line in Hazara Division

Pakistan to Improve the System Efficiency
Sajid Ul Haq Tariq Ahmad
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Abbottabad Pakistan Abbottabad Pakistan

Sohail Sardar Izhar Ul Haq

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Abbottabad Pakistan Abbottabad Pakistan izhar

Abstract—Increasing demand of electrical energy due to huge distribution system and transformer magnetic core losses.
power usage and industrialization. It’s generating locations small Technical losses are about 22.5%, and depends upon directly
amount of energy are utilized while remaining electrical energy on the mode of operation and the network characteristics. In a
are transmitted through long cables or conductor to the demand
area. This transmission is possible by overhead power lines, power system major amount of losses occur in distribution
which are affected by various technical and non- technical losses. lines. The prescribed value of losses is approximately 30
Calculation of these losses are important for several reason. The % in the transmission and sub-transmission line of the total
real time data can be taken of the proposed selected overhead losses. The power line of the distribution transmission systems
lines using Load Flow analysis (LFA), to find the power losses of should be properly planned in order to ensure that the losses
the existing system. LFA result show that losses can be minimized
by changing the existing conductor of the system as well as by remain within the prescribed limits. The suddenly increases
adding new generating plants. The said research presents analysis load was leads to of technical losses in the transmission system
of power losses of 132kv selected line in hazara division and above the define level Losses and cannot be eliminated easily.
suggest remedial measure to improve efficiency of the system to Technical Losses are two types.
minimize the losses.
2) Permanent / Fixed Technical losses: Due to current
Keywords: Load Flow Analysis, HVDS, LVDS, High Volt-
variation in the line fixed losses remain constant. These
age, MTDC
fixed losses produce heating effect, noise and Unpredictable
I. I NTRODUCTION vibration. During the energized period of transformer these
Power is one of the major field which required special atten- effect is present. Between 35%-65% of technical power losses
tion. Mostly generating of electric power plant are not located in distribution systems are mostly fixed losses. Fixed losses in
near to its consumption point but far away for consumer site. the power system network produce due to the following type
Therefore, the power can be transmitted with high voltage losses:
through overhead transmission line/conductor. The overhead • Corona Losses of overhead lines.
transmission are affected by various factor such as power • Leakage Current Losses in transformer.
losses, corona losses, skin effect, Ferranti effect and voltage • Dielectric Losses of the system.
sag etc. These losses are divided into two main categories • Open-circuit Losses of lines and transformer.
technical power losses and non-technical power losses • Losses produced by measuring meters.
• Losses produced by control devices.
A. Power Losses
1) Technical power losses: Occurrence of technical power 3) Variable Technical losses: Variable losses are due to
losses is due to the dissipation of energy in the transmission varying the amount of electricity in distribution system and
line, sub-transmission line, and transformer, power lines of proportional to the square of the current in the conductors.
The losses are related to current of the line as such as if 1%
increase in current occur, the losses are increasing more than
978-1-5386-7536-6/18/$31.00 2018
c IEEE 1% in the system. Losses may be decrease when transmission
conductors and cables cross sectional area are increasing for selected Raymond Substation the DIgSAILENT power factory
a given define electrical loads. The relation between cost of software is used. In this technique the losses reduced some
conductors and cost of capital investment is very important. optimum value. In this [9] paper described the corona effect on
It has been recommended that the design of the transmission overhead transmission line and its different behavior climatic
lines could be 30 % as low as due to cost of losses factor and atmospheric conditions such as humidity, the dust, the rain,
and optimal average utilization rate on a distribution system the sand, dry weather and over-head line voltages induced by
should be constant. lightning strokes. The effect of the corona under these different
4) Non-Technical Power Losses: Non-technical power conditions can be eliminated by a proposed new model of three
losses are approximately 16.6% and related due to the fol- phase line with transient corona.
lowing factors, In the above literature review, it can be concluded that losses
in transformer line are reduced by some optimal techniques.
• Meter reading of units. The LFA is implemented on the selected 132Kv line to reduce
• Defective meter in the system. power losses.
• Error in meter reading devices.
• Billing of consumer energy consumption rate.
B. Single Line Diagram Of 132kv Line in hazara Division
• Lack of administration for the system.
• Financial problem. 220KV outgoing transmission line from turbela power sta-
• Unmetered supply of energy. tion feeding the whole hazara division. In ”Fig. 1” show the
• Energy theft. single line diagram of the division, it further divided in the
following section,
T.Li et al. [1] used the technique of fitting power losses,
through the electromagnetic filed simulation computation. • 132KV grid stations = 14
High voltage transmission line power losses can be calculated • 132KV consumers = 3
by optimization design. This technique is not implemented • 66KV grid stations = 3
for low transmission line. H. T. Lines et al [2] describes the • 33KV grid stations = 2
measurement methodology for no load losses in high voltage • 33KV feeders = 2
transmission lines. The measurement methodology is practi-
cally implemented in 220kv transmission line in coastal peru
power plant. By this method up to some extant line losses was
eliminated. The implementation of measurement methodology
for allowing future live line connections in the transmission
system also discussed. Y. Zhang et. al [3] described losses in
transmission conductors including convertor losses and trans-
mission line losses. It can be used a unique calculation tech-
nique for the conduction of converter’s and switching power
losses. The development of losses function in transmission line
described and also briefly discussed line losses relation to the
Multi Terminal Direct Current (MTDC) network topology. A
new research [4] was analyzed for understanding the technical
problem in the field of High Voltage Distribution System
(HVDS). The accumulative analysis points out the benefits
of HVDS, disadvantages of Low Voltage Distribution System
(LVDS) and direct comparison between both of the systems. A.
M. Gashimov et. al [5] used controlled shunt reactor and surge
limiter for high voltage line commutation. This evaluation is
Fig. 1. Single Line diagram 132 KV line of Hazara Division
possible by algorithm technique of line commutation of HV.
Investments [6] in losses reduction may present interesting
paybacks in terms of valorization to avoided losses, both
C. Conductor Characteristics
in Medium voltage and in HV system. The [7] proposed
online calculation technique for HV distribution system to find The all-aluminum steel re-in-forced (AASR) conductor is
theoretical power losses are purely based on the data quality mostly used in power transmission line due to light weight
in order to improve the network stability and efficiency of and low cost. AASR having different types according to their
system. In the test results is implemented for a HV distribution construction, Lynex, Panther, Lion and Bear. These conductors
network in Zunyi, China. A [8] case was performed study of are differing from each other due to their weight, diameter,
132kV Raymond substation for loss reduction and improve nominal cross sectional area, current rating etc. In the follow-
the system stability. For optimization of the cost function a ing table show the value of the characteristics,
Graph search algorithm is used. To evaluate case study of


Code Name Dimeter(mm) Area DC R XL Load(A) Code Name Unit Price Doller/km
LYNEX 19.53 226.20 0.158 0.37658 488 LYNEX 1630.07
PANTHER 21.00 261.53 0.1362 0.372045 606 PANTHER 1888.36
LION 22.26 293.85 0.1171 0.36835 654 LION 2191.73
BEAR 23.45 326.11 0.1055 0.36508 700 BEAR 2389.35

Fig. 3. Selected line, ABN1—HRP7 and ABN3—HRP8


The annually real time data of the proposed line are taken.
The lines are the outgoing circuits from haripur (kangra) GSS
to Abbottabad (Muree road) GSS. The outgoing name of these
Fig. 2. Comparison of different conductor both lines are HRP7, HRP8 and incoming name are ABN1,
ABN3. The one line length is 48km and other one is 44km
show in ”Fig. 3”. The data consist of load current, sending
D. losses Comparison of Different Conductor on different end voltages and receiving end voltages.
A. Sending end Voltages and Power of HRP-7 and HRP-8
In hazara division the lynex conductor is used but the The monthly base average data of the sending end load
losses of lynex on different loads is high compared to other current, voltages and power data are shown in table IV.
conductors. In below table we check different conductor on
different loads by mathematical calculation, the results of TABLE IV
losses are different from each other. These results are very M ONTHLY BASED AVERAGE DATA OF SENDING END VOTAGES AND POWER
helpful for our suggestion and recommendation. In ”Fig. 2”
show losses variation on different loads,
Jan 255A 220A 130 29.25 28.60
Feb 224A 217A 129.5 29.01 28.10
TABLE II March 216A 209A 126 27.20 26.33
April 201A 196A 125 25.13 24.50
Code Name voltage Dc R XL 450A 550A 650A May 206A 199A 124 25.54 24.68
LYNEX 132kv 0.158 0.376 3.06 3.74 4.42 June 212A 208A 123 26.07 25.59
PANTHER 132kv 0.136 0.372 2.97 3.6317 4.29 July 222A 215A 121 26.88 26.02
LION 132kv 0.117 0.368 2.898 3.54 4.31 Aug 229A 221A 120.5 27.60 26.63
BEAR 132kv 0.105 0.365 2.850 3.48 4.10 Sep 221A 218A 123 27.18 26.81
Oct 213A 207A 125 26.62 25.87
Nov 216A 213A 126 27.22 26.84
Dec 231A 221A 129 29.80 28.51
E. Cost of Conductor Average 218A 212A 125.2 27.29 26.87

Cost is main factor for power transmission requirements

because the power engineer focus on low cost high efficient B. Receiving end Voltages and Power of ABN-1 and ABN-3
transmission line. Cost of these conductors are shown in table The monthly base average data of the receiving end load
III. current, voltages and power data are shown in table V.
Load flow analysis in transmission line should be per-
The real time data are taken of the proposed selected section formed. To design new power network, the LFA should be
line in the whole division. The selected line shown in ”Fig. performed in transmission line. During the changing of exist-
3”. ing system, the LFA are required for efficient system. With the

TABLE V • Implementation of load ow analysis mathematical equations.
M ONTHLY BASED AVERAGE DATA OF RECIVING END VOTAGES AND • By using numerical techniques and algorithms solving the
load flow equations.
Jan 231A 225A 123 28.41 27.67 B. Voltage Stability and Line Compensation
Feb 228A 219A 124 28.27 27.15 Due to unbalance phenomenon voltage instability are in-
March 221A 211A 119 26.30 25.11
creased. Increasing or decreasing in reactive power demand in
April 208A 201A 118 24.55 23.72
the system will cause imbalance. The factor of voltage collapse
May 211A 205A 118 24.89 24.20
or sag can only be eliminating by either reducing the VAR
June 217A 213A 117 25.38 24.92
July 225A 219A 115 25.87 25.18
power load or developing the supply source of reactive power
Aug 230A 221A 115.5 26.56 25.50 to Compensate these loads. During critical condition some
Sep 227A 225A 116.5 26.44 26.21 transmission line are suffered, in this situation the generators
Oct 218A 214A 118.5 25.83 25.36 provided limited reactive power. But in this condition, the
Nov 222A 219A 120.5 26.75 26.40 active powers of the generators compromised while providing
Dec 238A 228A 122.5 29.15 27.93 this reactive power. In long transmission lines, the power
Average 223A 216.6A 119 26.53 25.79 frequency voltages under normal and fault conditions affecting
by the line length and the degree of shunt compensation are
the two main factor. Receiving end voltage is rise due to open
help of load flow analysis, it can be easily find out the voltage end or unloaded line which is related to sinusoidal waveform
at each bus, voltage reduction on each feeder, the power flow of input voltage, called as Ferranti effect. On the other site
of each bus and losses of the whole power system. Load flow a sequential reduction in voltage occur in overloaded lines
analysis find the system condition if system voltages stabilized due to voltage collapse at the weakest bus. For line voltage
within define limits under normal or operating emergency stability, compensation of reactive power required, which is
conditions, and whether equipment of the system such as control VAR power to improve power system performance.
transformers and conductors are overloaded up to some huge Reactive power compensation having two main feature,
• Load Compensation of the network
Load flow analysis are commonly used to:
• Voltage Support method.
• Controlling circuit over loading.
• Development of practical bus voltage profiles of each bus. The purpose of voltage support is to minimize the voltage
• Identify active and reactive power flow of the system. variations at a define terminal of a transmission line. Se-
• Minimize real power losses and reactive power losses of the quence capacitors compensate Line inductance and the line
transmission lines. capacitance to earth by shunt reactors. For transmission line
• Development of equipment datasheet user manual. compensation the capacitor is placed along the line in different
• During overloading condition identify proper transformer places and shunt reactor is installed in the station at the
tap settings. end of the transmission line. Amplitude and phase angle are
decreases due to rise/drop of the voltage between the ends of
Voltage profile of the system is the most important information
the transmission line.
which has been taken from the load flow analysis. Variation
of voltages leads to increasing the flow of power. Therefore, C. Network Modeling
active power losses are increased and the voltage collapse phe-
nomenon is also rises. When a specific bus can suffered from Although power now at any point along transmission line
low voltage, usually banks of capacitor installed to the load, can always be found if the voltage, current, and power factor
in order to perform VAR compensation. Load flow analysis are known or can be calculated. The equation for power can
are used to identify how much VAR power are required for be obtained in terms of ABCD constants. The equations apply
reactive compensation at a bus and to bring its voltage up to any network of two ports or two terminal pairs. For solving
to a define level. The power network the requirements will the receiving current Ir,
be adding new lines and installing additional transformers to VS = AVR + BIR (1)
the existing power system. To reinforce the power system, a
power flow study will show how it be minimizing overloads VS − AVR
IR = (2)
on adjacent power lines. Unpredictable behavior in localized B
power grid is due to an inefficient or unbalanced load. It can letting
be increased the risk of equipment damage.
A = |A|6 α B = |B|6 β (3)
A. Load Flow Step
The technique of load flow divided to the following three VR = |VR |6 00 VS = VS 6 δ (4)
main steps: |VS | |A||VR |
IR = 6 (δ − β) − 6 (α − β) (5)
• Components and network Modeling of power system. |B| |B|

then the complex power at the receiving end is, TABLE VI
|VS ||VR | |A||VR |2
PR + jQR = 6 (β − δ) − 6 (β − α) (6)
B |B| Months 7-1 MVA % age losses 7-1 8-3 MVA 8-3 % losses
Jan 0.84 2.87 0.93 3.20
Real and reactive power is separating from the above equation, Feb 0.74 2.55 0.95 3.38
PR = |VR ||IR |cosθR (7) March 0.91 3.34 1.10 4.55
April 0.58 2.30 0.78 3.18
QR = |VR ||IR |sinθR (8) May 0.65 2.54 0.48 1.94
June 0.69 5.65 0.67 2.62
The maximum power is, July 0.99 3.69 0.84 3.20
|VS ||VR | |A||VR2 | Aug 1.04 3.77 1.13 4.20
PR.max = − cos(β − α) (9) Sep 0.74 2.72 0.68 2.23
|B| |B|
Oct 0.79 2.96 0.24 1.10
For calculated losses as, Nov 0.47 1.73 0.44 1.60
Dec 0.65 2.20 0.59 2.03
Z = R + jX (10)
Average 0.76 3.03 0.73 2.77
R= resistance of conductor per Km
R= 0.158 ohm/Km
X= reactance of conductor per Km
X 0.37658 ohm/km

P ower loss = I 2 Z (11)

By using the equation 11 it can be easily find losses in
the proposed line. Using the proposed Load Flow Analysis
algorithm, considerable amount of saving can be achieved in
number of steps execution, required to obtain steady state load
flow solutions
A. Result of ABN-3 -HRP-8
ABN-3 is actually the name of outgoing circuit line from Fig. 4. Losses
Haripur Kangara 132kv GSS to Abbottabad Murre Road
132kv GSS. This line is much overloaded because it maximum
current rating is 480A but sometime load increases up to 550A. • Power injection from any generation station.
The monthly based maximum load for one year is shown in • Conductor replacement.
But the most economical for technical losses reduction to re-
B. Result of ABN-1-HRP-7 place the conductor of existing network (HRP-7—-ABN-1 and
ABN-1 is actually the name of second outgoing circuit line HRP-8—-ABN-3). Approximately 0.3% losses are reduced
from Haripur Kangara 132kv GSS to Abbottabad Murre Road due to which up to 2,40,000 units can be decreased. Total cost
132kv GSS. This line is also overloaded because it maximum on conductor replacment is approximately RS. 150,000. After
current rating is 480A but sometime load increases up to 530A. replacement money can be easily recovered within three years.
The monthly based maximum load for one year is shown in Non-Technical losses may be reduced by overcoming the theft,
”Fig. 4”. corruption and nonpayment of bill. Reducing of both these
losses, the system efficiency and stability can be improved.
C. Accumulative Result of Both Line
It can be concluded from the above analysis of the existing
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high tension network that by changing the conductor of high High Voltage Transmission Line,” pp. 14, 2017.
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