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Final Exam (2nd Attempt)

Soil Mechanics I

Group D
Task #1
You have to write (min 1500 words) on:

“Kaolinite clay Mineral”

 The grouping is just to reduce the number of topics and it is NOT to work in group.
 Each student will do all his/her tasks individually and NOT in group.
Final Exam (2nd Attempt)
Soil Mechanics I

Group D
Task #2
For the system shown below:
a) estimate flow rate through the system.
b) Find water level ------ in piezometer.
c) find total head at point-----
Note: the soil chamber has a square shaped cross-section.

soi hydraulic
l conductivity
1 Silt k1=1.5k
2 Sand k2= 10k
3 Silt k3=1.7
4 sand k4= 8k
5 silt k5= 1.2k
6 Silty clay K6=0.5k
7 Silty clay K7=0.65k
k= 0.5 *10-2

-each student should redraw the geometry based on the following given data that belongs to his/her

Thickness of soil
Student Dimensions(cm) Required:
Only Soils t1=8,t2=4, t4=5 cm H1=45, H2=15 a)q
1 1,2,4,6 &7 t6=3 cm, t7=9 cm x1=15, x2=5, b) y2
x3=10 c)head at point A
Only Soils 1,2, t1=3,t2=4, t3=5 H1=35, H2=10 a)q
2 3,4,5 & 7 t4=3,t5=4cm x1=9, x2=7, x3=10 b) y2
t7=12 cm c) head at point A
Only Soils t3=12, H1=35, H2=10 a)q
3 3,4,5,6 &7 t4=3,t5=2cm x1=12, x2=5, x3=8 b) y1
t6=5, t7=7 cm c) head at point B
Final Exam (2nd Attempt)
Soil Mechanics I

Group D
i) Classify the following soil using -----classification system? (You must show your work
to receive credit.)

ii) For a given soil, show that,




Task3-i Task3-ii
Student #1 Soil A based on USCS, (LL=65, PL=25) (a)
Student #2 Soil B based on AASHTO, (LL=45, PL=20) (b)
Student #3 Soil C based on USCS, (LL=35, PL=20) (c)

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