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There are seven staffing activities that, if done well strategically, create a staffing sys-tem that supports

business strategy and organizational performance. The seven activities are planning, sourcing, recruiting,
selecting, acquiring, deploying, and retaining talent. Table 1–1 summarizes how each of the seven is
important strategically.

1, Workforce planning: Strategically evaluating the company’s current lines of business, new businesses
it will be getting into, businesses it will be leaving, and the gaps between the current skills in the
organization and the skills it will need to execute its business strategy.

- Who are the hiring manager and staffing specialist?

- What was the new project? (in detail, shorterm or longterm)
- How do you determine the skills needed for the potentially employee?
- Does your company hiring a new employee or training the current employee?
- How do you determine the number of employee need for the new line of business? (The staffing
specialist looks at the organization’s forecasted business activities and determines the number
and types of people needed by the organization)
- To plan for expected job openings, the staffing specialist assesses both the organization’s
current employees and the external labor market of potential new hires to gauge the avail-
ability of desired talent.
- How the hiring manager working with staffing specialist to indenfile talent profile?
- What are the recruitment and selection strategies to obtain the deired talent?

2, Sourcing and Recruiting Talent

- How do you locate the potential employee?

- How do firms of all sizes generate a sufficiently large group of applicants from which to select
qualified individuals for available job? How do you know that is enough?
- Who are the sourcing specialist and recruiting specialists?
- Which recruiting sources generate greater proportions of high-performing employees who do
well in their jobs and improve firm’s performance?
- How do you send the message to the candidate and how firm follow-up the candidate to
persuade them to apply?
- How recruitment activities continue during the candidate assessment and selection process to
maintain candidates’ interest in the job and organization?
- Employer branding. How creating a favorable image in desired applicants’ minds about the
organization being a good place for them to work?

3, Selecting Talent

- Tell me about the prescreen process of OHSU

- What are strategic methods to attract a greater percentage of applicants who are likely to meet
minimum hiring requirements?
- Tell me about the skills test and interview (like what are the goals of those tests)
- In case you cannot meet the requirement for the number of candidates, what would you do?

4, Acquiring Talent

- What are the basic benefits for OHSU employees (health care, retirement contributions,
vacation time, relocation expenses, housing allowances, and other benefit)
- Tell me about the negotiation process at OHSU
- Does the employment contract of OHSU addresses other aspects of the relationship between the
employee and the firm—for example, retirement or severance payments, procedures governing
conflict resolution, and restrictions on the employee’s ability to engage in other activities, such as
doing similar work for other firms?
5, Deploying Talent

- How does OHSU could help its new-hiring employee quickly adapt with his/her new job?
- What are the training programs which OHSU offer to the new employees to make them be
familiar with company culture and working experience?
- Most new hires need help getting up to speed. What are the expected day for new employee to
achieve full productivity in the new jobs? Are there any ways to speed up this process?
- If the employees have more skills than his/her current position, will OHSU move his/her to
higher position?

6, Retaining Talent

- What are the turnover rate of OHSU? What are the reasons for employees to quit jobs at OHSU?
- What are the loss to OHSU when the employees quit their jobs?
- What are the strategies applied to retain the talent at OHSU? Are they effective?

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