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To be puhlished i!

~Gazette of £ndia


Government of fnpia
Ministry of Human Resource Developrnent
Department of Higher Education

Nevv Delhi, the 24c, N-ovember, 2006


No.F.23-· 1. /2.001 - TS.m. The institute of Mechanical Engineers (India).

1\-1umhai has been running Section A 8! B of Ass0'ciation Membership course,

equ(vafe'ot to De:-gree in Mechanical Engineering since 1976, vide this Ministry's
letter No.F.18 - 31/71 - T.2dated 28,05.19-76 and Part t & II of Technician
Engineers CO, equiyalent to Diplcrna in Mechanical Engineering from 3. State
Polytechnic. since 1988, vide this Ministry's letter NO.f.l - 5 /87!TJ/T.13 dated
. . \

11.07.1988 . .£11 the year 2002, while withdrawing the recognition of these courses,
Govemmeet o(",5ndia allowed the fME (India}, Mumbai to approach this Ministrylof
r-ecognitton of- their Diploma I Degree courses only after the removal of all the

deflCie~es pointed out by AfCTE. Accordingly, the above institute submitted a

request aloogwith tM fequ~site materia! for f€View and consideration of this
Department. This Department got the material Fe - examined by AICTL AfGE r

through its Expert Committee re - examined both the courses and submitted its

recommendations with revision of syllabus for both the courses,

The High level Committee for recognition of educational qualification

considered. the matter in i£5 meeting held on 16.10.2006 and on its

recommendations, Government of India has decided the following:

(i) The .recognition of the courses run by IME, Mumbai may be restored with

effect from 16~10.2006. With this recognition (ME wHl run the courses based on
. .
new syllabus apprc ved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). As per
" 2

the approval. the Tecnnid<lo Engineers courses Part I & 11(Diploma Level) will have
22 papers in pl~lCe of existing 14 papers and Degree level course of Section A & B
of Associate Membership wiH include 24 papers in place of 11 papers at present, In

addition to this, there will be nine elecnve subjects. After completing theory papers,
students wlH have ill undergo at least ,3.months man<:!atory apprenticeship I practical
training/project report at an An 5ndia Cocncil for Technica! Edvcati-on approved

Polytechrric for Part I & H of Technician Engineers Course for award of Certificate
equi v alent £0 Diploma in M-ed,aniGll Engineering and the AppH~nticeship f Practkct
training of the same duration in AIClT JPproved Dt>gree Colleges for award of
Certificate equivalent to Bachelors Degree in Mechrtnical Eng.i:-h,ering for Section A
& B of Associate Membership Course.

(it) 'The stutlt5tts 'who were registered prior to 10,06.2002 for part I & \l of

Technician Engineers (Dip!oma Levell and Section A & B of Associate Membership

course (Degree Leven wiH be allowed to complete the courses with pre-revised
~Habus tin the next scheduled examination, tn be hetd ill December 2006. Their
Degree / Diploma wiU be recognized fur employment in Central Government.
Those who do not complete their COUfSes by thz.t time (December l006), wiH have

to follow the revised svliaous.

Jo~ntSecretary to tbe Govemmer>t of fndiZi


The M<Jlnager,
Government of lnd~aPress,
-i _ AUState Governments and U,'lion Territories (Education Department}
2. AH f\Aernher5 of HIgh Level Committee {J\s per HstJ_
3. /\~f OirecLot:{ o.fl·ecbn·~c~iEducation.
4. Vnlor. Public Se.rv~ce. CQmmitte~~, Dholpul"" Hos;c,. Shahjahan Road, t·..)""v
Dethi {VVith 5 spare cocies).
5_ Staff Sdection Cori'umissioH, eGO Complex, Lodh.i Road, New Oelhi-3_
6. All Stat~? PubHc Service Cornrnission.
7. Association of {mfian Ufliver.5rtl-es, AlU House, 16, Kot\a 1'v1arg,New Delhi-l.
8. D.PJ.O. {Ministcy of HUm?;f\ R.esource Development) Shastri Bhawan, New
9. AU beard of J\PP'fE:ntic€ShipTr<3ining.
10. A.lI j-J.1nistries and Departments of Government oftndi2_
"[1. Ho.r;y~ Secretary, lQs(itution of f,4eehanrcal 'Engineers {iooi<!.), H.asmdd-;
Eh<lwp, .Behind OOCO Office, Neal' Hefcmaridani PaFk, ~·:Jmrg.a'rN3Voj
M,.,(,rtbai- 410 no.
12. (l12irrn-o.n" /\~CH:... tf'. New Dell1i;
13. Charrm21n, Univer:;ity Grar.1s Commission, 3abadurshah Zafar ,,,"larK Ne\;"
-l4_ C~j.a~.r-rrt.atl11~&k f1~1'"cl of Se~cla-('y- Eci~~~c't1l 2 ('-9fAmH~~t}~Cen~=.r,r
Pl'eeil Vihaf, New Dethi..
15. G02rdF!'ie.



J()~llt Secu-"t3;.ry t.f> the o,overmili0,it o~ ~n&$a


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