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Network Operations Centre (NOC)


Mickey Ben
Bmobile Graduate Development Program
1. Introduction………………………………………… Page 2

2. NOC Network Management System

i. Network cloud Engine………………………….. Page 3
ii. PRTG…………………………………………… Page 4
iii. Streamline………………………………………. Page 4
iv. Escalation………………………………………. . Page 5
v. DSE…………………………………………….. Page 5
vi. Ascot and Huawei NetEco……………………... Page 6

3. Events Handing And Escalation

i. Escalation………………………………………... Page 7
4. Documentation and Reporting……………………... Page 7
5. Summary………………………………………….... Page 8
6. Reference…………………………………………... Page 9

Network Operating Center (NOC) is a section in the technical department that monitors the
Bmobile network elements of PNG and SI GSM network, their prime purpose is to monitor
and coordinate the mobile users to have 100% network availability, provide customer service
internally(Departments within Bmobile) and externally(outside of Bmobile), and give support
service to engineers and technical team.
Bmobile NOC team monitors 3 segments that cover the whole of Bmobile Network, which are
PNG mobile networks of 2G/3G (Red Sim) with the 3G/4G (Blue Sim) and Solomon Island
network of 2G/3G.

Figure 1 shows the 3 Segment of Bmobile Network

The transmission topology below in figure 2, is the network diagram in which NOC uses as
reference for monitoring the different transmission link in 2G/3G (Red Sim) network, they use
Network Management System (NMS) applications like Solarwinds, Huawei NetEco, Ascot,

Figure 2 Transmission Topology Network for Bmobile 2G/3G

PRTG, GetPawa, U2000 MBB, U2000 unified, U2020 MBB, U2020, DSE, Network Cloud
Engine (NCE), to efficiently and effectively manage the network.

NOC Network Management System.

The main principle role for NOC team is to monitor and coordinate network issues that may
interrupt service outage, as mentioned in the introduction, NOC uses NMS applications like
Network Cloud Engine (NCE) to observe the 2G/3G (Red Sim) and 3G/4G (Blue Sim) network
transmission, Paessler Router Traffic Grapher which shows the graphical link traffic for
different service nodes like Telikom PNG and Dateco, Streamline is an online ticketing system
used for work order, and power NMS applications like DSE, Huawei NetEco and Ascot
monitors the parameters of the power status on site.

i. Network Cloud Engine.

Network Cloud Engine (NCE), shows the general overview of the link status for MW
(p2p)/fibre backhauls over our mobile using Huawei NCE, figures 3&4 below is the Network
Cloud Engine platform which shows the topology of Central Province Network represented by
different colors, each determines the level of alarms for each color, the color represents;
 Red – Critical alarms
 Orange – Major alarms
 Yellow – Minor alarms
 Blue – warning
When a red color alarm is triggered the NOC team sees what caused the alarm and escalate it
to a specific engineer due to the problem, but they don’t only attend to red-colored triggered
alarms, but other colors also where in the diagram in figure 3 shows an orange alarm which is
a power failure.

Figure 3 Transmission topology for Central Province

Figure 4 Current Alarms for Mataruka Site

ii. PRTG
PRTG is an NMS application that shows the graphical overview for different nodes and
monitors traffics over IP network routers/switches, below in figure 5 show a classical example
of the IP network traffic monitored for 2 days, As we can see the network was dropped for
approximately 15 minutes from 8:16 am to 8:31 am, all these readings can also be done in the
ping requests at the command prompt, which shows the latency records in milliseconds (ms)
for each data packet transmitted over a link, but graphs are more preferable for escalation
purposes due to the visual representation of the traffic.

Figure 5 PRTG displaying the traffic over router/switches

iii. Streamline
Streamline is a ticketing system used for logging faults/work mandates, refueling and spouses
management, it keeps track of work done on sites, monitors the performance of a site, and
produce dashboard and reports for management, the application consist of 5 modules which
 Trouble ticket – fault
 Work order – Maintenance

 Fuel top-up –Refueling
 BTS maintenance – Site maintenance
 Spares Management – Spares request
When a ticket is created an Email notification/SMS, is sent to the assignee which makes
task/job easier to management, saves time, and improves communication, below in figure 6, is
the POC Process Scope of Streamline application.

Figure 6 shows the POC process scope of Streamline application

iv. DSE Control (Deep Sea Electronics)

DSE is an auto start control module used to monitor the generator and remotely control the
generator on site, setup for DSE is used for sites with PPL supply and standby FG Wilson
generator, for an example when PPL fails to supply power and the generator is not running,
NOC remotely switch on the generator on manual since the auto start-up did not start the
generator, below in the figure 7 is the remote control interface platform for HTTC site, DSE
also monitors the Alarm level, Supervisor state, mains frequency and load from PPL, generator
frequency and load, Engine Speed, oil pressure and the fuel level, all these components plays
a vital part in maintaining the site power status.

Figure 7 Gateway Access to HTTC site

v. NetEco and Ascot

Huawei NetEco and the Ascot set up are different from the DSE setup, NetEco and Ascot Setup
are called the Hybrid setup, meaning they are used sites that in the rural areas and PPL power
supply is not at reach, the hybrid setup consists of Solar, Battery and generator, in the figure 8
shows an example of a Huawei NetEco setup at Kuligap and on the other figure 9, shows the
history of alarms that have occurred over some time, like DSE, Huawei NetEco and Ascot
setup monitors the power parameters on site, like solar ,battery and fuel readings.

Figure 9 Alarms for kuligap site Figure 8 overview of the Kuligap setup

The diagram in figure 10 below, shows the escalation flow chat of how the NOC handles an
alarm, when an alarm is identified, all this process are met so that there is 100% network
availability and performance.

Figure 10 Escalation flow chart of NOC

Documentation and Reporting are done in excel and other format, and are sent to higher authorities like
the CEO and CTO, the NOC team keep records of fuel usage and cells availabilities, and different
reports which consist of:
1. 3G/4G report for 4G outage report and 4G Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
2. 2G/3G reports for PNG and SI
 BTS Alarm Reports
 KPI reports
3. Caretakers for switch room
 AC units in Switch room /Power /Generator Check.
Below in figures 11 and 12 are examples of the day to day report of what the NOC do so the message
can be passed to the other technical teams, In figure 11 is a brief BTS alarm report on the May 14, 2020,
and in figure 12 is the 3G site out of service report which occurred on the May 7, 2020, all this are done
so that Bmobile is aware of the states of the site’s condition.

Figure 11 Red SIM BTS alarm report

Figure 12 3G site outages for Blue SIM sites

To conclude my report, NOC benefit the company by monitoring power failure and transmission on
site, alarm handling and Escalation, tracking issue, reporting and documenting, all this plays a vital part
in the company so that there will 100% network availability to the mobile user, overall NOC are the
eyes and hears of the network 24/7 to escalate issues that may cause service outage, in figure 13 is my
little diagram of what I learnt about NOC.

Figure 13 the NOC summary

Ben, M. (2020, May 18). NOC introduction and Escalation. (C. Warkarat, Mentor/Buddy)

Ben, M. (20202, May 25). Correction of my first Draft . (W. Tongia, Mentor)

Ben, M. (20202, May 27). Correction of my second Draft . (W. Tongia, Mentor)

Job Hero. (2020, May 21). Retrieved from Job decription of NOC:


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