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My first day at school

My mother accompanied me to school on the first day. Other parents
accompanied their children as well. We all waited in front of the school office.

Soon a teacher came and led us to some classrooms. There we were put into
four separate classes. This was when some children began to cry as the parents
were not allowed into the classrooms. I did not cry because I had been to
kindergarten before. Actually my mother went home soon after for she knew I
would be all right.

It was an enjoyable time for me as I got to know my new classmates. The

teacher was very busy writing down our particulars so we had plenty of time to

Meantime some children continued to sob while their parents looked in

anxiously through the windows.

Soon recess came. Some of us headed for the tuck-shop while the rest headed
for their parents. I bought a drink with the money my mother gave me. Getting
to know my new friends had made me thirsty.

After recess we went back to out classroom and my new friends and I managed
to coax two boys to stop crying. In fact, soon we were laughing and playing
together. Once in a while the teacher had to tell us to keep quiet as we were
making too much noise.

Still some parents looked in anxiously through the windows.

Finally the bell rang for us to go home. Some of us were very relieved to be
reunited with our parents. I too was glad to see my mother waiting for me at the
school gate. I had made many friends. It had been a wonderful first day at
sob  to cry noisily
tuck-shop  A shop where candy and other sweets are sold
coax to persuade someone gently to do something
Road  safety
Everyday many people are involved in road accidents. Some are killed. Many
more are injured or maimed. So it is important for us to learn to use the roads
properly and safely. No sane person would like to be involved in an accident.

As the roads are very busy nowadays, we should be very careful when crossing
one. It is safer to use a pedestrian crossing or an overhead bridge whenever one
is available. Never cross a road by dashing across it. That is inviting trouble. If
there are no crossings, then we must look carefully right and left and cross only
when it is safe to do so.

Some of us take the bus to school. It is important that we do not try to get on or
off a bus while it is still moving. I tried to get on a moving bus once. It dragged
me a short distance and nearly ran over me. I was lucky to escape with only
some scratches on my legs. Also we must not fool around while in the bus. A
suddenly lurch can send us knocking our heads against something hard.

Using a bicycle can be dangerous too. We must pay attention on the road and
never cycle too far out to the middle of the road. We must obey all traffic rules.
Also we must make sure our bicycles are in good condition with working
brakes, lights etc.

These are some things we can do to avoid accidents. However there is no

guarantee that we will never be involved in one. The important thing is to stay
alert at all times while using the roads. We must know what is happening
around us. In that way we can take necessary action to avoid danger whenever
we see one. Road safety is very much up to how we use the roads. Use them
carefully and we may be able to use them for a long time. Use them carelessly
and we may never be able to use them again.
maim to injure a person so severely that a part of their body will no
longer work as it should
dash  move quickly
lurch to move in an irregular way, especially making sudden
movements backwards or forwards or from side to side
My Pet Rabbit

I have a pet rabbit. Its name is Bunnie. It is brown in colour and white patches

on one eye and both the ears. It is soft and furry. It likes to eat carrots. It keeps

running around in the garden. Whenever it sees me, it runs between my legs

and pimps around me. We have made a small burrow for it in the garden. I

love Bunnie very much.

Time is money
It is rightly said that the time is most precious than money. Money

once lost can be regained sooner or later, but time once lost is lost

forever. There is a famous saying that time and tide wait for none.

A lost opportunity may spoil once life. Those who do not listen to the

alarm of time, repent afterwards. A wise person waits for the proper

and opportune time. If he makes full use of it he leads a successful

and happy life. It is no doubt advisable to change the plans according

to the time. Whatever the job be, it is of paramount importance for

everyone to make use of time to be successful. Hence learn not to

waste time.

The modern man in the name of progress has interfered too much
with nature. As a result, environment has become polluted. Step by
step, the precious gifts of nature are being destroyed. There are three
kinds of pollution such as:

Air pollutions- Air pollutions are mostly caused by smoke coming out
of the chimneys of factories, mills or workshops etc. Air pollutions
may cause lung diseases, asthma, eye flu, headache etc.

Water pollution- Water is the basis of life but greed of man to get
more and more money pollutes it. The owner of industries dump
waste materials on the surface of earth or in rivers, lakes, ponds etc.
Thus water is polluted. People uses this polluted water and invite a
number of diseases.

Noise pollutions- Noise more than that of 80 decibels is said to cause

deafness and some other diseases. In large cities the roar of vehicles is
unbearable. Their engines and horns create noise pollutions which is
harmful for people’s physical as well as mental health.

Those who do not take care about their health, they suffered from
diseases and have to admit in hospital. Once I went to meet my uncle
there. He was admitted in the General ward. The surroundings of the
hospital was attractive, neat and clean. There were different wards
like-surgical wards, medical wards, etc. The patients were under the
care of nurses and doctors. Nurses were dressed in white. They noted
their temperature and give them necessary diet. They felt pulse.

Patients were lying the whole day. They were often sad and gloomy.
The head of the of the doctors visited in the morning. He made
inquiries about patients and gave instructions. There was a fixed time
for visitors also. A ward is generally silent place.

But it was pity that some doctors and nurses were greedy and careless.
They do not do much for the patients till they got money from them.
The servant in the ward had to be tipped for their work.
My Hobby-Reading

My hobby is reading books. Whenever I get free time, I read books

and I enjoy it. My teacher always tells us that reading is very
important for children as we gain a lot of knowledge through it.
My parents also buy books for me and now there is a small library in
my home.

There are lots of books about freedom fighters, warriors, kings, etc.
available there. Last time when I won the school proficiency, my aunt
gifted me with a full collection of great fairy tales.

My favourite books are Mahabharata and 5001 fantastic facts.

Reading also helps me to gain confidence and prepare for school quiz
A Scene at the Bus Stop

A bus stop is an interesting place. There are always passengers at the bus stops.
During peak hours there is a huge rush at the bus stops. I go to my school by

Yesterday I reached the bus stop a little earlier than usual. There was a great
rush at the stop. Some people were standing in a queue. Some people were
standing all around. Everyone was in a hurry.

Some people were talking. Some were reading newspapers. Some were
discussing politics. Some were discussing politics. Some were discussing the
law and order problem, while others were discussing the rising prices.

As soon as the bus arrived, all the passengers ran to board it. There was pushing
and pulling. The queue was broken. I could not get into the bus. The bus took a
few passengers and moved on.

After some time another bus on the same route came. It was also packed.
Somehow, I was able to get inside the bus. There was no place even to stand

I got down after four stands. I have to face this problem every day. Buses are
always overcrowded during peak times.
A visit to the dentist
My tooth hurt through the night. I had to take a painkiller to lessen the pain.
Worst of all I did not get a wink of sleep the whole night through.

The next morning. I told my mother about my toothache. It was obvious I could
not go to school. So instead she took me to the dentist. I was horrified, but I had
no choice.

At nine o'clock we waited outside the dentist's office. The nurse came and
opened the door. I was the first patient. She wrote down my particulars and told
me to wait a moment. The dentist had not arrived yet. Meanwhile the tooth still
ached like mad.

The burly dentist arrived and I was ushered to the dentist's chair. Normally I
would run away from the frightening surgery with all its horrible drills and
pliers, but I did not. I had to get the offending tooth out.

So I sat down on the reclining chair while the dentist kept saying some
reassuring words. I relaxed somewhat. He asked me to open my mouth. I did so.
He said that the tooth had to come out. I nodded dumbly in reply.

I felt a slight prick of pain when he gave me an injection, but that was nothing
compared to the toothache. Soon, miraculously, all pain disappeared. The
anaesthetic definitely worked very quickly. Then before I knew it, the dentist
told me that I could go. I looked at him quizzedly and he told me he had already
pull the tooth out. What wonder, I did not even feel it.

The dentist put a wad of cotton over the wound and he told me to keep my
mouth shut for a while. I nodded, smiled and went out into the waiting room
where my mother was waiting for me. The visit to the dentist was not too bad
after all.
not get a wink of sleep  not sleep at all
usher  to show someone where they should go
anaesthetic a drug which is used to make you unconscious when you
have an operation so that you do not feel any pain
My hobby
My hobby is drawing. I  mostly draw pictures of people, animals and birds. I
use crayons, pencils, colour pencils etc to draw pictures. During birthdays of
my parents, sister and friends, I gift my best drawings to them. I spend my free
time drawing pictures. I got first prize in my school for the drawing
competition. I love drawing girls with different hair styles. The hair styles i
know are plaits, two sides, ponytail etc. I like to draw the sunset the most. I
love drawing. I   like to become an artist when I grow up.
My Favourite Fruit

I like all fruits, but my favourite fruit is strawberry.

Strawberry is a small fruit. Its shape is different from other
fruits. It has small spike like seeds outside its body which
makes it look more beautiful. I like all food  that are made
with strawberry like ice creams, cakes, milkshakes, jams,
salads etc. They are packed with nutrients and are excellent
source of vitamin C. Strawberries have a sour taste but when
processed are used as a flavouring agent. They give sweetness
to food items. Strawberry has a little green stem. The colour
of strawberry is so beautiful. It is red in colour.

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