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Abbysall Wood Any unit with the majority of its models within an Abyssal Wood causes Fear. Arcane Ruins Any wizard within 6" of an Arcane Ruin can roll up to four dice for channelling rather than one. However, if three of more dice come up as 6s, the wizard must imme- diately roll on the Miscast Acropolis of Heroes Units within 6” are stubborn. Garrisoning units receive a +1 bonus to hit in close combat. Bane Stone Hits made against units within 6” of a Bane Stone have a +1 bonus to wound. Altar of Khaine All units within 6" of an Altar of Khaine are subject to the rules for Frenzy — as soon as a.unit moves out of range, the Frenzy is lost. Blazing Barricade Blazing Barricades grant soft cover to units behind them. If a unit completes a charge against a defended Blazing Barricade, it immediately suffers a Strength 4hit hit on each of its models in contact with the obstacle. Anvil of Vaul Any unit within 6” of an Anvil of Vaul has both magical attacks and the Flaming Attacks special rule. Blessed Bulwark Blessed Bulwarks are obsta- oles that grant hard cover to units behind them, and a -1 To Hit modifier to charging models in base contact with them. In addition to this, models from the Forces of Destruction that are in contact with the obstacle must halve their Initiative Blood Forest Whenever a spals successtuly cast by (oral) a model in a Blood Forest, al units ‘wholly or partially within it suffer d6 Strength 4 hits. ‘When any hits have boon resolved, the Blood Forest moves 306" in a random Airecton, moving around any intervening terrain features by the shortest route, leaving models inte forest behing, Earthblood Mere Any unit that has the majority of its models within the mere has Regeneration (6+). PSS ing Flood ‘Any model at least partially in the Boiling Flood at the end of any turn suffers a Strength 4 hit with no Armour Saves allowed. Models that are immune to Flaming Attacks do not suffer Elven Waystone Any Wizard within 6” of an Elven Waystone adds +1 to his channelling attempts. Charnel Pit All units within 6” of the Charme! pit suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership. Undead units 6” of the Charnel Pit have the Regeneration (6+) special rule to represent their easy access to replacement parts, Fences are obstacles that grant ‘soft cover to units behind them, and a -1 To Hit modifier to charging models in base contact with them. Dwarf Brewhouse All units within 6” have the Immune to Psychology and ‘Stubborn special rules. Dwarf units within 6” are Unbreakable but must pass a Leadership test at -3 if they wish to move out of range of the building's effects. Fungus Forest Any unit at least partially within the Fungus Forest is subject to the rules for Stupidity. Any Goblin unit at least partially within the Fungus Forest is also Stubborn. Ghost Fence Ghost fences are obstacles that grant soft cover to units behind them. A.unit that is defending a Ghost Fence causes Fear in the first round of any Close Khemrian Quicksand ‘Amonster, monstrous infantry ‘or monstrous cavalry model that fails its dangerous terrain test for Khemrian Quicksand is removed as a casualty with no saves of any kind allowed Grail Chapel All units belonging to an army from the Forces of Order within 6" of a Grail Chapel have the Regeneration (6+) special rule. Bretonnian units within 6” are also Stubborn, Magic Circle Units within 6° of the Magic Circle have the Magic Resis- tance (2) special rule. Haunted Mansion This can be a Building, a ruin or ‘cave. At the end of the Shoot- ing phase, all units within 6* suffers D6 Strength 4 hits with ‘no armour saves allowed. A unit inside the Haunted Mansion causes Fear. Mist-Wreathed Swamp Itthe majority of aunts models are wholly within a Mis. Wreathed Swamp, the unit counts a being in Haré Cove. However, atthe end of each Movement Phase. the unit must pass an initiative, hhave d6 modes dragged to their doom by the monstrous Fimic lurking in the mist (the victims are chosen inthe same manner as allocating shooting hi). Idol of Gork/Mork ‘Any warrior fighting under the grim gaze of MorkiGork are infused with the Greenskin gods “lust for battle. Units that start their turn within 6” of the idol can reroll a failed charge dis- tance roll Necrotic Ooze Necrotic Ooze counts as dan- gerous terrain for all models. Additionally, a unit that moves through Necrotic Ooze gains the Poisoned Attacks special rule until the end of the follow- ing player tur, so vile are the waters that cling to their blades. Nehekharan Sphynx ‘Althe start of each player tur, the acting player can choose one of is characters within 6" of te Sphynx rola ate test. ithe tests fad, the model sues a wound wi no armour save alowed he tests passed, model receives on of ‘he following (rol D6) forthe remainder ofthe game: 12 Devastating Charge, 34 Hero Kling Blow, 5-6 Loremaster (Death) te last has no River of Light When a unit enters a River of Light itis immediately the target of a ran- domly chosen Light Magic spell {(s00 the Reference Section). The spells immediately cast and cannot be dispelled. It the spell nas ‘a choice of diferent casting values, itis assumed to be cast at the lower value. Raging Torrent ‘A Raging Torrent is dangerous terrain, However, the icy waters grant any models that are in the river (or left eattier in the turn) +3 Initiative Scree Slope Models charging, marching, fleeing, pursuing or overrunning up, down or through a scree slope must take a dangerous test. River of Blood Aurit that moves or charges through a River of Blood is ‘counted as causing Fear until the end of the following player Sigmarite Shrine ‘Any models belonging to an army from the Forces of Destruction within 6° must reroll successful ward saves. Idol of Gork/Mork ‘Any warrior fighting under the grim gaze of MorkiGork are infused with the Greenskin gods “lust for battle. Units that start their turn within 6” of the idol can reroll a failed charge dis- tance roll Sinister Statue ‘At the start of each Player Tum, rola dice for every unit within 6” of the Sin- ister Statue. Ona roll of 4+, nothing happens. On a 1-3, beams of light blaze out ofits stone ayas — tha unit ules D6. Strength 4 hits Sorcerous Portal “spel e have barn gonerte, but ae spl Scat the Socrvs Portal ties fn ones 2 ‘olor ofa spa Rol 208 ante nl beach fre se what spo cast 24 Sout (Lor of Death) 15 Wyssons Witom Lara fBeses) ‘age ott ure se) 97The Sood oft (Lore of Lah) 10-2 Fal (ear Fre) ‘esp dosent nad ne ft, vay target loses ul (egress fang. # writin combat Ic) sauamatealy cas ard coma bo depot. ‘pola «ca ot casing ve, is asined ‘Sbercat at he lower ove Wall Walls are obstacies that grant hard cover to units behind them, and a - 1 To Hit modifier to charging models in base contact with them. Temple of Skulls ‘At the beginning of each player tur, any character or champion on the Temple of Skulls can choose to ‘embrace the favour of the Chaos Code. Ifhe does, rolla DS. On a roll of 2-6 one randomly chosen characteristic increases by 43 points. On a 1, remove the model {as a casualty with no saves of any Wildwood Roll for any unit at least partially within the Wildwood at the end of the movement phase. On a 4+, the unit Suffers D6 Strength A hits. Tower of Blood Units within 6” have the Hatred special rule. Units from the Forces of Destruction within 6” also have the Frenzy special rule. This is lost as soon as a Unit moves out of range. izard's Tower A.wizard within 3" atthe start of the ‘magic phase is treated as ithe knows all the spells from his ‘chosen lore(s) for that phase. If ‘more than one wizard is within 3 randomly choose which one nas control of tower for each magic phase. Venom Thicket ‘Any model in a Venom Thicket has the Poisoned Attacks special rule (Applies to close combat only). However, any model moving through a Venom Thicket must take a Dangerous Terrain test, to represent fighting off the venomous critters within. Wyrding Well [Aunt combat ae win can dink om the the olin abe: 1 Magical Poisoning. 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