Feasibility Study

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Presented To
The Faculty of Business Administration Department
Aurora, Zamboanga Del Sur

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in
Marketing Management/ Human Resource Development Management

Presented by:
Janine S. Barbajo
Airies G. Dolero
Lyne A. Javier
Fritz Jaya B. Luspo
Mikhaila S. Saysip


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course Bachelor of Science in

Business Administration, Major in Marketing Management/Human Resource Development
Management, this study entitled: “ATSALAN NI MANG JUAN” has been prepared and
submitted by these following students:

Janine S. Barbajo
Airies G. Dolero
Lyne A. Javier
Fritz Jaya B. Luspo
Mikhaila S. Saysip

Whose grade for the paper is


Project Study Moderator
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of
Science in Business Administration, Major in Marketing Management/ Human Resource
Development Management.
Dean of College Business Administration

Member Member Member

Member Member

This Feasibility Study will never be possible without the shared ideas and effort of
different individuals. We would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest thanks
and gratitude to the following people who willingly help and shared their efforts and ideas.
To our Almighty God for the knowledge and grace extended to the researches in the
realization of this humble work.
To our family who supported us in everything: May it be financially, morally,
emotionally and spiritually.
To our adviser, Mr. Nestor Longakit, for being so kind, patient and understanding in
mentoring and sharing his expertise to us.
To our friends and classmates for the encouragement that made us stronger especially
in the times that we are at the verge of giving up.
And to all the people with kind spirits who prayed for our success; our greatest

Table of Contents

Bell pepper (capsicum annum) also known as “sweet pepper” “KAMPANA OR LARA’’ is
grown for its fruits. Which usually comes in various colors such as red, green, yellow, brown
and orange. Bell pepper is a good source of vitamin A, C and potassium. It is consumed
fresh, dried or processed.

Bell pepper is one of the basic commodities of every household.

It is usually sold or displayed on market and grocery stores. In our area sources of bell pepper
has come from distance usually from different towns such as Cagayan De Oro.

This reason opens opportunity for us to engage into a business that will meet the growing
demand of bell pepper in our area and nearby places.
Bell pepper production will help the vendors and the retailers to have their supply delivered
to them without time consuming, less hassle as well as less expense.

1.1. Executive Summary

1.2. Highlights

1.1.1. Project Background

Name of the Project: ATSALAN NI MANG JUAN
Type of Business: General Partnership
Location of Business: Libertad, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur
Proponents: Barbajo, Janine S.
Dolero, Airies G.
Javier, Lyne A.
Luspo, Fritz Jaya B.
Saysip, Mikhaila S.

1.1.2. Management and Personnel Feasibility

The operation of proposed business, a total of 12 personnel with the accurate

skills will be needed: 1 Manager, 1 Driver, 1 Truck Man, 2 Machine Operators, 5
Caretakers/Maintenance, 1 Bookkeeper, 1 Cashier.

These personnel are knowledgeable enough in performing their task and are
responsible with the position/areas they are handling.

1.1.3 Market Feasibility

The bell pepper production is a business that cares about the welfare of the vendors, to
lessen the efforts time consuming just to buy and look for the supplies. As well as to lessen
the expenses they are going to spend.
For Municipality to be known not only just for its existing products but as well as for
producing goods that is helpful not only on the part of the entrepreneurs but also for the small
business operators.

1.1.4 Production Feasibility

Atsalan ni Mang Juan is a bell pepper plantation. That supplies the demand of
retailers and wholesalers as well brokers. For the first quarter of the operation we will occupy
the 3 hectares land by planting bell pepper in “tudling” or spacing. For 1.5 hectares, we need
not less than 2 cans of bell pepper.
Harvesting will be done 2 months after planting bell pepper. We scheduled to harvest
bell pepper twice a week and directly deliver to the market. Driver’s task is to deliver product
directly to the brokers as well to the retailers. In the first year of operation, we will be starting
pottering to cover up future needs for supply to reach the demand of the market.

1.1.5 Financing and Financial Feasibility

The total cost of the project is One Million Five Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos
(P1,550,000.00). Each proponent shall invest Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos
(P250,000.00) and the remaining cost Three Hundred Thousand (P300,000.00) will be
borrowed from 1st Valley Bank, Aurora Branch with an annual interest of 14% per annum.
This will be payable for 5 years as annually. We will use the Land Title as a collateral.

1.1.6 Socio-economic Feasibility

 Opportunities to farmers to share their knowledge in planting bell peppers.

 Encourage retailers to pursue selling bell peppers without having bigger
capital to purchase it from brokers.
 Benefits to the local government by paying taxes.

1.2. Conclusions to Feasibility

Based on the interview that we have conducted this business is feasible. The product
will create good outcome to the market for the vendors to be able to produce bell pepper
without relying to the brokers. They shall create opportunities to those who are not employed.
2.0. Project Background and History

2.1. Project Proponents

Name Nationality Address Ownership/Investment

Barbajo, Filipino Cabilinan, P 100,000

Janine S. AZDS

Dolero, Filipino Lapaz, AZDS P 100,000

Airies G.

Javier, Filipino Anonang, P 100,000

Lyne A. AZDS

Luspo, Fritz Filipino Maranding, P 100,000

Jaya B. Lala LDN

Saysip, Filipino Anonang, P 100,000

Mikhaila S. AZDS

2.2. Proposed name of the Project

ATSALAN NI MANG JUAN is a business that produces bell pepper to vendors and
brokers. The name ATSALAN NI MANG JUAN is derived for being pure Filipino. “MANG
JUAN” is considered as trade name of Pinoy.

2.3. Type of Business Organization

The project is a general partnership. It will be own and manage by the partners who
shall contribute equally as part of their investment for the business capital.

2.4. Location of the Business

The location of the business shall be in Libertad, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur.

3.0. Management and Personnel Feasibility

3.1. Personnel
For the operation of this business a total of 12 personnel is needed:
These employed personnel should be knowledgeable enough when it comes to their
tasks and responsibilities. To ensure this, they should have the experience and skills to
perform their task. They shall be effective and efficient in performing their duties.
Employees shall come from the Municipality of Aurora; for we know that people
coming from this Municipality has a lot of skilled farmers with exact knowledge. They
should be appropriate with their performing duties. Each of them should be given
compensation based on their assignment or position. In addition, all employees would be
given benefits such as SSS and Philhealth.

3.1.1. Organizational Chart


Cashier Bookkeeper

Machine Operator 1 Machine Operator 2

Operatodar safs2 r 22

Driver Caretaker/ Caretaker/

Maintenance 2 Maintenance 4

Caretaker/ Caretaker/ Caretaker/

Truck Man
Maintenance 1 Maintenance 3 Maintenance 5

3.1.2. Personnel Job Requirements
 College Graduate (preferable with a business-related degree)
 Female with pleasing personality
 Having appropriate knowledge in managing business
 Hard working and dedicated
 Responsible for the welfare and concern for the employee
 Male/Female not more than 30 years old
 At least high school graduate with moral character
 Graduate of BS Accountancy or any business-related courses
 Male/Female not more than 30 years old
 Reliable and with moral character
 Trustworthy and committed to work
Machine Operator
 Male not more than 30 years old
 Knowledgeable in operating machine
 Must be physically fit and hardworking
 Male not more than 30 years old
 Has background in farming
 Physically fit and hardworking
 Trustworthy
 Male more than 30 years old
 At least 3 years of experience of driving heavy equipment
 Must be a holder of driver’s license
 Must be physically fit and hardworking
Truck Man
 Male not more than 30 years old
 Physically fit and hardworking
 Knows how to drive

3.1.3. Personnel’s Responsibilities and Functions
 Shall supervise the entire operation of the business
 Shall receive and pay out money
 Responsible for the welfare of its employee’s and business
 Responsible for cash
 Monitoring on cash related goods
Book keeper
 Monitor production supplies and inform manager/FO if necessary
 Remind manager/FO, for any debts as it comes due for payment
 Record any cash receipt and all kinds of transactions
 Issue financial statements
 Responsible in keeping time and any other relevant records
 Responsible for computation of annual budget
Machine Operators
 Responsible for machine related operation
 Machine maintenance
 Farming related activities
 Look after the maintenance of the plants
 Spread fertilizers to plants if necessary
 Shall distribute the products directly to our consignees
 Moves freight, stocks or other goods to and from storage or production area
 Responsible for the maintenance of service vehicle
 Assist any employees in travel activities
Truck Man
 Assist the driver in any travelling activities

3.1.4. Personnel’s Proposed Salary Rates
Personnel No. Monthly Rate
Manager 1 P 15,000
Cashier 1 P 10,000
Bookkeeper 1 P 10,000
Machine Operators 2 P 12,000
Caretakers/Maintenance 5 P 30,000
Driver 1 P 5,000
Truck Man 1 P 4,500
Total 12 P 86,500

3.2. Management Proposals

3.2.1. Management Style
Our management style’s central thought is the creation of a functional and
effective team, cohesive work environment where employees feel affiliated,
independent, and comfortable while sticking to the proper quality and control of the
needs of the organization. The typical features of this management style are:
 No specialized careers
 They will be given individual responsibilities
 Concern for the employees
 Equal treatment (without minding their position)
 Consensus in decision-making.

3.2.2. General Policies

 All employees must be on time on their job.
 Drinking liquor in the premises is strictly prohibited.
 Log in log out their daily time record is strictly imposed.
 The worker must be responsible to their duties.
 He/she must have the practical knowledge regarding their task.

3.3. System and form Design

3.3.1. Project’s Flow of Personnel Operating Procedures

Screening Interview Background Check

Legal Requirements Physical Hiring


 It is the first procedure in any program.
 The entire resume submitted by aspiring applicants shall be scanned.
 Candidates shall be selected based on their background and personal information.
 All the applicants initially screened deemed fit for job shall be called for an interview.
 All the information written in the resume shall be confirmed by asking the applicants
Background check
 To know the applicants is a good citizen with no criminal case.

Legal Requirements
 Applicants must secure all necessary documents needed by the business

Physical and mental examination

 To determined that the applicant is in good mental and physical health.
 The applicant who passed all the screening procedures shall be hired by the
4.0. Marketing Feasibility
4.1. Market Description
Target market involves 4 Municipalities, 1 Barangay and 1 City. The total brokers are
not less than 10. As to the pricing it will be base to its variety.

Target Market No. of brokers No. of kilos (per week)

Pagadian 3 250
Molave 2 150
Tukuran 1 80
Maranding 2 120
Kapatagan 2 100
Aurora 2 100

4.1.1. Demand
Target Market No. of No. of kilos (per Monthly Year
Brokers week)
Pagadian 3 250
1,000.00 12,000.00
Molave 2 150
600.00 7,200.00
Tukuran 1 80
320.00 3,840.00
Maranding 2 120
480.00 5,760.00
Kapatagan 2 100
400.00 4,800.00
Aurora 2 100
400.00 4,800.00
Total 12
800.0 3,200.0 38,400.0

4.1.2 Supply
4.1.3 Demand-Supply Analysis
Year Demand (D) Supply (s) (Gap) % Unsatisfied

1 38,400 19,200 19,200 50%

2 38,400 20,160 18,240 48%

3 38,400 21,168 17,232 45%

4 38,400 22,226 16,174 42%

5 38,400 23,338 15,062 39%

4.2 General Marketing Practices

4.2.1. Current Market Conditions

The current conditions of our target market are not having heavy competitor yet. Because
our considered competitors are brokers and wholesalers.

4.2.2. Competitors Marketing Strategy

Our competitors marketing strategy is to buy products in bulk. Rely only to the
supply produce by farmers and different areas such as: Cagayan de Oro.

4.2.3. Marketing Strategy

 To generate the retailers to purchase bell pepper in a bulk without depending to the
 To share the benefits of distributors having bigger profit to the retailers.
 To ensure that the product will surely cope the needs of bell pepper on market.

4.2.4. Pricing Strategy

The price will be based on the texture and quality of the bell pepper and to its size also. Price
will matter also as to it season of demand.

4.2.5. Competitive Edge

 Our facilities and production area are well organized.
 Same as through with our personnel and management.
 Our employees are will mannered and knowledgeable enough in their perspective
 Our location is accessible to the public market.

4.3. Proposed Marketing Program

Target market involves 4 Municipalities, 1 Barangay and 1 City. The total brokers are
not less than 10. As to the pricing it will be base to its variety.

5.0. Production Feasibility

5.1. The Product

Bell peppers (Capsicum annum) are the fruits of certain plants from the nightshade
family. They are related to chili peppers, tomatoes, and breadfruit. Also, sweet peppers or
capsicum, bell pepper is eaten as vegetable, either raw or cooked.

5.2. Production Process

 Using natural soil, plant 1 seed for each hole covered by a banana leaf or “unas”.
 After 18-21 days, we can transfer the plant to ground.
 Put 100 grams of fertilizer for every dig that has75 cm of space apart from each other.
 After 30 days, we can now fertilizer.
 After another 30 days, re-apply the fertilizer with more potassium.
 Fertilizers should be applying once a week to avoid any defects to plant.
 When harvesting bell peppers harvest it after 70 days for red bell peppers. (first
 Bell peppers can be harvest 2 times a week. (follow-up harvest)
 Bell peppers can be harvest up to 15 times depending on how to maintain the quality
of the plant.

5.3. Production Site (Insert Picture Here)

5.4. Production Layout (Draw Square2x)
5.5. Project Schedule
5.6. Machineries and Equipments
5.7. Utilities
5.7.1 Schedule for Utilities
5.8. Raw Materials Requirement
5.9. Manpower Requirements
5.10. Production Cost
6.0 Financing Feasibility
6.1. Total Project Cost
6.1.1. Acquisition of Materials
6.1.2. Annual Purchases
6.1.3. Projected Repair and Maintenance
6.1.4. Projected Annual Salary
6.1.5. Pag-ibig,
6.2. Financiers
6.2.1 Sources of Capital
6.2.2. Terms and Conditions of Creditors
6.2.3 Amortization Schedule
7.0. Financial Feasibility
7.1. Major Assumption Used
7.2. Income Statement
7.3. Cash Flow
7.4. Balance Sheet Projected
7.5. Depreciation Table
7.6. Financial Ratio
8.0. Socio-Economic Feasibility
8.1. Project Employees
8.2. The Government
8.3. Other Beneficiaries
9.0. Project Implementation and Time Table
10.0. Conclusion
Curriculum Vitae

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