10 Tempat Wisata INDONESIA B.Inggris

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Karimun Jawa Islands - Jepara, Central Java

Karimun Jawa Islands - Jepara, Central Java

In Central Java Province, precisely in the northern part of Java Island, there is one
interesting tourist spot that many tourists refer to as a weekend holiday destination, not
only domestic tourists, but also foreign tourists, namely the Karimun Jawa
Islands. Tourist attractions that are included in the Jepara Regency area are the most
fitting point to enjoy an underwater paradise with 90 species of sea coral and 240 more
species of fish that are extraordinarily beautiful. In addition, you can also enjoy the
mangrove forest and see typical animals in tourist attractions dubbed the Javanese
Caribbean Island, such as deer, apes, turtles, various species of birds, and many others.

Lake Toba - North Sumatra

Lake Toba - North Sumatra

You certainly are no stranger to this one tourist place, right?  Yes, the beauty of Lake
Toba with Samosir Island in the middle has indeed managed to attract the attention of
tourists, not only locally, but also internationally.  Lake Toba itself is a giant lake
formed as a result of volcanic activity. The lake is 100 km long and 30 km wide and is
said to be the most beautiful volcanic lake that Indonesia has. Not only is the lake
attractive, here visitors can also explore pine forest areas around the lake, enjoy warm
baths, and play around the waterfall. Already? Wait a minute, on Samosir Island there
are 2 tourist villages that also do not escape the attention of tourists, namely Tomok
and Tuktuk. In Tomok, you can visit the tomb of Raja Sidabutar, the Batak
Museum, and see the Sigale-gale puppet show. Want to spend the night here? There are
many cheap lodging in Tuktuk that you can make reference to. Very complete, right?
Sianok Canyon - Bukittinggi

Sianok Canyon - Bukittinggi

If you are already satisfied exploring the land of North Sumatra, it is your turn to set
foot in West Sumatra, precisely in the City of Bukittinggi.  Yes, this city with hilly
reliefs does indeed have many beautiful tourist attractions that are a pity to miss, one
of which is Sianok Canyon. For those who don't know, Sianok Canyon is a narrow
valley with steep thick hills around it. In the middle of this valley flows a small river
that makes the scenery even more amazing. Here, besides cycling, trekking, or take a
light walk, you can also keep quiet enjoying the tranquility offered by Sianok
Canyon. Because the atmosphere is soothing, this tourist spot is also called the Quiet
Valley. If you have the opportunity to explore Bukittinggi, don't forget to stop by here,
Sungai Kampar - Riau

Ever imagined not how it feels to surf on the river? Yes, so far we have
known surfingaka surfing as a water sport that can only be done on the beach with big
waves. If you play in Riau, all the theories above will be easily refuted.  The reason is,
in Riau there is one tourist spot that is very fitting to be a surfing arena with friends,
namely the Kampar River. Famous for its Bono waves which can reach 6 meters high, a
river located in Teluk Meranti, Palalawan Regency, Riau, this is a suitable destination
to satisfy your surfing desire. Many foreign surfers are willing to come all the way to
Riau to be able to conquer the river waves which are located right on the equator.  How,
are you interested in testing adrenaline here?
Anambas - Riau Islands

\Anambas - Riau Islands

In Riau Islands, there is one tourist spot with natural scenery that is so charming and
should not be missed when visiting here. Yes, what if it's not the Anambas
Islands? Like Raja Ampat, a tourist place which in 2013 was awarded the Best Tropical
Islands in Asia, CNN's version does indeed save so much beauty that has not been
touched by human hands. The blue sea with its soft white sand and beautiful coral reefs
is guaranteed to bewitch anyone who visits here. It is said that it was so beautiful, the
scenery here was to defeat the Maldives! Ready to vacation here?

Muaro Jambi Temple – Jambi

So far, the two most widely known temples in Indonesia are Prambanan Temple and
Borobudur Temple. But did you know that in Jambi land there is also the largest
Hindu-Buddhist temple complex in Indonesia? Yes, the name Muaro Jambi
Temple. This historical tourist attraction is a mix of relics of the Srivijaya Kingdom
and the Malay Kingdom and is estimated to have existed since the 11th century AD.  Its
attractive place and rich in historical value make the Muaro Jambi Temple inaugurated
as an Integrated Historical Tourism Zone (KWST) in 2012 by former President Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono. Not only domestic tourists, in recent years foreign tourists have
begun to arrive in order to witness first-hand the place that was once used as one of the
centers of Tantri Mahayana Buddhist worship in this country.

Fort Marlborough – Bengkulu

If you happen to be in Bengkulu and enjoy historical attractions, try visiting Fort
Marlborough Fort, located in Segara Bay, Keling Gardens, Bengkulu.  A little
information, this building is a British heritage fort and was built by EIC (East India
Company) in 1713. The initial purpose of building this fort was as a British defense
point from enemy attacks. According to the story, Fort Marlborough Fortress is the
second strongest fort in the East that Britain has ever built. After changing hands from
the British government to the Netherlands, the Netherlands to Japan, Japan to
Indonesia, until it was re-occupied by the Dutch, this fort was finally officially
managed by the local Ministry of Education to be restored and made a cultural
preserve. If you intend to come here, come between 8 o'clock.

Museum of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin – Palembang

Besides being famous for its delicious submarine pempek, Palembang also has many
interesting sights to visit, one of which is the Museum of Sultan Mahmud
Badaruddin. This historic tourist spot is located near the tourist area of Benteng Kuto
Besak. The museum which consists of 2 floors is an old building inherited from the
Netherlands. Here, you can find various collections of unique objects from various
branches of science, ranging from archeology, biology, ethnography, fine arts,
ceramics, to numismatics which until now are still well maintained.  Not only that, you
can see ancient money collections, traditional clothing, pyramid house models, songket
cloths, musical instruments, and so on. This tourist spot itself is opened from 08.00
a.m. to 16.00 p.m.

Way Kambas National Park - Lampung

Way Kambas National Park - Lampung

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word Lampung?  The
fragrant coffee and the famous elephant breeding? Yes, it is not wrong, Lampung is
indeed one of the tourist destinations that is right for those of you who want to see this
one large breed of mammals. Is Way Kambas National Park located in Labuhan Timur
District, Lampung. This tourist site managed by the Ministry of Forestry was first built
in 1985 and was the first elephant school in Indonesia. Aside from being an elephant
conservation and training place, there is also the International Rhino Foundation in the
TNWK which functions as a rhinoceros breeding ground from extinction.  To be able to
enter here, you will only be charged an entrance ticket of IDR 30,000 per person.  Very
cheap, right?

 Peucang Island - Banten

Peucang Island - Banten

After being satisfied exploring Sumatra's land, let's cross to the south, namely Java.  At
the westernmost tip of Java Island itself there is an interesting tourist spot that cannot
be missed, namely Peucang Island. In Island is located just east of Ujun Kulon
National Park and has a breathtaking view. On this island that has been approved as a
UNESCO cultural heritage site you can easily find a variety of flora and fauna typical
of Banten, such as deer, Javanese bull, green peacock, langur, and so on.  To be able to
enjoy the white sand and the blue sea of Peucang Island, you need to go through the
ferry pier in Sumur District (about 9 hours from Tangerang). But believe me, fatigue
will pay off as soon as you set foot in this hidden paradise Banten has.

 Thousand Islands - DKI Jakarta

Thousand Islands - DKI Jakarta

Jakarta is not only about traffic jams, skyscrapers, hotels and luxury shopping centers,
you know. If you want to shift a little to the north on the Thousand Islands, you will
find a different Jakarta. Yes, here there is a tourist attraction titled Thousand Islands
National Park which is not only used as a conservation zone, but also a tourist place.  In
addition, the Thousand Islands also have many beautiful islands which are very
suitable to be used as weekend holiday destinations, some of which are Kahyangan
Island, Pabelokan Island, Angel Island, Onrust Island, and many others.  Because the
sea water is clear and white sand, this place is a very suitable spot for
diving, snorkelingand other water activities. To reach the Thousand Islands, you have
to cross by boat provided at Ancol Harbor for 3 hours.
Kawah Putih - Bandung, West Java

Kawah Putih - Bandung, West Java

Shifting to West Java Province, on Bumi Pasundan, Bandung, there are many tourist
attractions with charming sights that you must visit, one of which is Kawah Putih,
located in Ciwidey, Bandung. Located approximately 50 km south of Bandung City,
this tourist attraction is a volcanic lake produced from the eruption of Patuha
Mountain. Because it is mixed with sulfur elements, the land in this tourist area is
entirely white. Interestingly, the lake here can also change color according to sulfur
content, temperature, and climate. Because it is located at an altitude of 2,400 asl, the
weather here is quite cold so you are advised to wear a thick jacket.  To be able to enjoy
the beauty of the White Crater, you can simply pay the entrance ticket for IDR
15,000. On location, there are many facilities that you can enjoy, starting from musala,

Old City of Semarang - Central Java

Old City - Semarang, Central Java

From West Java, let's go east, precisely in Semarang City, which is the capital of
Central Java Province. Semarang itself is a city that is quite unique because it has a
variety of tourist attractions, ranging from historical tourism, nature tourism, cultural
tourism, culinary, and so on. Well, one of the historical sights in Semarang which is
quite famous and still visited by tourists to this day is the Old City area.  In ancient
times, the Dutch colonial government's heritage was a trade center with an area of
around 31 hectares. Here, many ancient buildings with Dutch architecture are full of
historical values, including Tawang Station, Polder Air Tawang, Blenduk Church,
Mberok Bridge, and shopping areas. Also because the city is designed like cities in the
Siung Beach - Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta

Siung Beach - Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta

Besides being rich in historical, cultural and culinary tourism, Yogyakarta also has
many beautiful tourist attractions that are not inferior to those abroad, one of which is
Siung Beach in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta. The beach which is located in
Tepus Subdistrict has an enchanting charm. Not only white sand and blue sea water,
the atmosphere on this beach is also fairly calm because it has not been visited by
many people, so it is very suitable for you who want to relax refresh your mind.  Just a
suggestion if you want to come here, use a private vehicle because the road to the
location is surrounded by limestone hills and palawija fields. Even though it takes 2
hours from the center of Jogja, fatigue will pay off as soon as you get to the location.

Kedung Pedut Waterfall - Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta

Besides Canting Mas Dipowono Peak, there are still many other interesting tourist
attractions in Kulon Progo that are no less beautiful, one of which is Kedung Pedut
Waterfall. Located in Girimulyo, Kulon Progo, Jogja, this water tourism object is
perfect for those of you who feel tired with their daily routine.  The sound of the
gurgling water plus the cool air typical of the mountains is guaranteed to make your
mind refreshed. Here, you can be satisfied playing water until the afternoon without
having to spend a lot of money. What's interesting about this one tourist attraction is
the color of the water there are two kinds: blue and white. This is because local
residents are still very diligent in maintaining the beauty of their homeland.  To go to
the location of the waterfall (waterfall), you are required to climb the path for about 15
minutes. Although tired, all tired will pay off when the ears have heard the sound of
gurgling water from a distance. Ready for a vacation in Kulon Progo?
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park - East Java

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park - East Java

East Java has one tourist charm whose beauty is undeniable, even by tourists from
various parts of the world. Yes, what if not Bromo Tengger Semeru National
Park? This tourist attraction in the form of a national park located in 4 districts in East
Java itself has many interesting objects that should not be missed, starting from Mount
Bromo and Semeru, the sea of sand, Berbisik Beach, Madakaripura Waterfall, Ranu
Pane, Ranu Kumbolo, and others. others are all beautiful.  Access to TNBTS is fairly
easy, you only need to follow the route to Mount Bromo. Even though the road is quite
extreme, everything will pay off completely if you have arrived at the location.

Ijen Crater - Banyuwangi, East Java

Kawah Ijen - Banyuwangi, East Java

East Java exoticism does not stop at Mount Bromo and its surroundings, you know.  In
Banyuwangi there is one interesting tourist spot that is very popular among tourists,
namely Ijen Crater. Ijen Crater is the largest sulfur lake in Java. Interestingly, visitors
can see amazing views of turquoise craters and blue fires at midnight before dawn.  To
be able to reach the top of the crater, you have to climb a 3 km long cliff with a slope
of about 25-30 degrees. Even though it's tiring, all the fatigue that feels will disappear
instantly once you arrive at this charming tourist spot. Are you ready to travel to East
Equator Monument - Pontianak, West Kalimantan

From Java, let's jump to Borneo. In West Kalimantan, precisely the City of Pontianak,
there is one tourist spot that is very often visited by tourists, especially on weekends,
namely the Equator Monument. The monument, located right on the Equator Road, was
built as a zero degree latitude marker. Every March 21-23 and September 21-23, the
Equator Monument is the location to commemorate the Culmination Day of the
Sun. The culmination point is the point when the sun's position is just above the
equator. When this event takes place, the shadow of the object will disappear for a few
seconds. This event is always an interesting entertainment for residents and tourists
who happen to visit on that day. Another interesting thing that you can get after
visiting this monument is a proof of the crossing of the equator.  In the charter the name
and time when visitors cross the equator will be listed.  Wow, unique too.

Derawan Island - East Kalimantan

Derawan Island - East Kalimantan

In West Kalimantan Province there is one tourist spot whose beauty is able to attract
the attention of local and international tourists. Yes, Derawan Island is the
answer. This beautiful island itself offers the charm of a blue sea with amazing
underwater views. So beautiful, this tourist attraction was successfully ranked third as
an international dive site. Here, you can freely play with turtles while sunbathing on
the charming white sand beach. In addition to providing diving equipment, here are
also cottages and restaurants to support the holiday needs of tourists. To get here also
the access is very easy, you only need to go to Tanjung Redep by using the DAS,
Deraya, or KAL Star aircraft, then proceed by renting a motorboat towards Derawan

Nusa Dua - Bali

Nusa Dua, Bali

After satisfied exploring Borneo, let's move to the Island of the Gods, Bali.  Who is not
remembered by the beauty of this Thousand God Island? His charm is so charming that
it makes foreign tourists travel here every year. Well, in Bali there is one tourist spot
that is so beautiful, namely Nusa Dua. This beach tourism object has soft white sand
with clear blue sea water. Besides being able to surf on the beach, you will also be
spoiled with various facilities around the location, ranging from international-class
inns and resorts, restaurants, shopping centers, and many others.

Uluwatu Temple - Bali

Luhur Uluwatu Temple - Bali

Bali is dubbed as the Thousand Temple Island because here there are many temples as
places of worship to the gods, one of which is Luhur Uluwatu Temple located in Pecatu
Village, Kuta District, Badung, Bali. This temple itself is located on a steep rock with
an altitude of about 97 meters above sea level. From the top of the cliff, tourists can
see the splendor of the blue Indian Ocean as far as the eye can see. Not only that, the
location of the temple which is located on the southwestern tip of the island of Bali
makes this tourist place crowded with tourists as the best location in the middle of Bali
to see the sunset. Pura Watu is also known as the best location to see the Kecak Dance
performance which usually starts at 18.15 exactly when the sun begins to return to its

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