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1 He’s passed an exam, 1 I’m working today, aren’t 1 He’s finished already,
hasn’t he? I? hasn’t he?
2 Everybody is happy, isn’t 2 Let’s do it together, shall 2 Let them swim, will you?
they? we? 3 Mum always buys milk,
3 Sorry, I’m wrong, aren’t 3 He could barely breathe, doesn’t she?
I? could he? 4 We can’t do the work, can
4 They hardly ever know, 4 She doesn’t watch TV, we?
do they? does she? 5 Everyone knows him,
5 Everyone told you, didn’t 5 Everybody saw this film, don’t they?
they? didn’t they? 6 The tea isn’t nice, is it?
6 I’m not reading now, am 6 He hardly knew about it, 7 The place is seldom
I? did he? visited, is it?
7 Let’s repeat it once again, 7 She had to learn the 8 Nothing could happen,
shall we? poem, didn’t she? could it?
8 Nobody will agree, will 8 Bob hardly spoke, did he? 9 Don’t speak Russian, will
they? 9 Don’t come tomorrow, you?
9 Don’t run so fast, will will you? 10 Everybody was pleased,
you? 10 Nobody was there, were weren’t they?
10 Nobody has come, have they? 11They must be present,
they? 11I don’t agree with you, must not they?
11They must train a lot, do I? 12 Nobody likes the play,
mustn't they? 12 No one has apologized, do they?
12 Nothing can happen, can have they? 13 I’m here, aren’t I?
they? 13 He’s just called me, 14 Let’s start working, shall
13 He can barely stand, can hasn’t he? we?
he? 14 Let me answer, will 15 There was hardly any
14 It’s no good, is it? you? hope, was there?
15 There will be hardly any 15 I’d like some tea with
guests tomorrow, won’t lemon, wouldn’t I?

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