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(naka-red - di ko alam sagot or di ko sure hahaha)


 Radioactivity (also nuclear decay or radioactive decay) - Henri Becquerel

*Definition: Radiation emitted by radioactive substances
*Emission of ionizing radiation or particles caused by spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei
 Vulcanized rubber - Charles Goodyear
 X-ray - Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
 Polonium and Radium (1911) - Marie Curie
 Coined the term 'radioactivity' - Marie Curie

1. Citric acid and malic acid: what do they have in common?

?? Both are found in fruits. Citric acid is the major acid in fruits, followed by malic acid.

*Common uses:

Citric acid - acidulant

Malic acid: color stabilizer and flavor enhancer

2. Effect in mass number and atomic number of alpha emission

?? Alpha particle: He 4 (mass number), 2 (atomic number)

Effect: minus 4 sa mass number, minus 2 sa atomic number ng parent

3. Atomic mass unit (amu) - equal to one-twelfth of the mass of an atom of Carbon-12

1 amu = 1.66 x10^-27 kg

4. Faraday's Law (Law of Induction) - Explains electromagnetic induction as the interaction of a

magnetic field with an electric circuit to produce electromotive force (EMF)

5. Use of EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) - Sodium calcium edetate (salt of EDTA) is used to
bind meta ions
6. Olvanil - C26H43NO3

7. Amino acids in human protein?

8. Ozonolysis - Method of oxidatively cleaving alkenes or alkynes using ozone (O 3 in the presence of Zn
catalyst and H2O)

9. Ethylene - Ripening fruits (primary use)

10. BTEX process- Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene (three isomers) (Volatile organic
compounds VOCs)

-Common contaminants found in drinking water

-Water-soluble components of gasoline

11. Alkanes - Paraffins

Alkenes- Olefins

Alkynes - Acetylenes

12. Blanket of pollutants - Smog?

*Smog (Modern smog) - air pollution

from vehicular emission and
industrial fumes

*Photochemical smog - chemical

reaction of sunlight, NOXs, PAN and
VOCs producing air-borne particles
and ground-level ozone (tropospheric

13. Pollutant produced from coal

and petroleum (?)

-SO2, NOX, PM, Mercury

14. Nearest layer of atmosphere

from Earth's surface - Troposphere
(where weather occurs) (bad ozone)

*Stratosphere - contains the ozone layer (good ozone)

*Tropopause- layer between strato and tropo

15. Edman Degradation (Pehr Edman) - method of sequencing amino acids in a peptide
16. 11- tetradecenyl acetate - C16H30O2

17. Enzymes

Capsaicin - component of chili peppers (from the Genus: Capsicum)

Researched (others):

 Casein - milk (digested by peptidase)

 Gluten - grains (digested by peptidase)
 Lactose - milk sugar (digested by lactase)
 Sucrose - sugar (digested by invertase)
 Cellulose - fiber (digested by cellulase)
 Starches- digested by amylase
 Fats - digested by lipase
 Maltose - sugar in malt (beer); digested by glucoamylase

18. Mixing-cup temperature - other name for bulk temperature

19. Venturi scrubber - Common method of removing fine particle in hot airstream

20. Heating of NH4Cl with AgCN to form Urea - Wohler's experiment that destroyed the Vital force
theory in nature

21. Increasing melting point - Oleic, Palmitic, Stearic

22. Nitroglycerol - common form: trinitroglycerine (TNG), nitroglycerin or nitrate vasodilator

- an organic nitrate (not a nitro compound)

-heavy, colorless, oily explosive liquid

23. Polar covalent (definitions)

- Unbalance electron with unequal sharing of electrons

-Bonding of heteronucleus with unequal sharing of electrons

24. Range of melting point of fatty acids - 100 - 110OC (saturated)

*70 to 85OC (unsaturated)

*Longer chain (more saturation), Higher melting point

25. pH of carbonated drinks if opened in atmospheric condition - Decreases

26. Enthalpy of real gases when throttled at isothermal condition - constant

27. METABOLISM is a set of processes performed by the living beings that allow them to interchange
MATTER and ENERGY with their environment.

-The phase that consists of the DISINTEGRATION of complex organic compound to release energy is
known as CATABOLISM, whereas the phase that consists of the ARRANGEMENT of organic compounds
from simpler compounds to store energy is called ANABOLISM.

28. Choices: R-OH, R-NH3, R-COOH, C triple bond C, C-C

Most polar: C-C, Least polar: C triple bond C (weird nito)

29. Willard Libby - carbon 14 dating (or radiocarbon dating ??)

30. What floats? Balsa wood

31. Three alpha and two beta emissions of Rn-222 --> Lead-210

32. Solid layer of earth's crust - litosphere

*Research (see Solid part of the earth pdf)

33. Synthetic dye - carotenoid (choices: alizatrin, melanin, carotenoid)

34. Nojul Mull - method of obtaining IR spectra of solids

35. Heisenberg Uncertainy Principle - exact velocity and position of a particle cannot be determined

36. Polymer for printing and coating ??

37. Taurine - Aminoethanesulfonate or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid

38. Pseudo plastic fluid: Apple sauce

choices: apple sauce, rubber latex, water, sewage sludge

39. Phenol - product of distillation of coal tar

40. Bang-bang - simplest type of control; on-off action

41. Nuclear fission - process of breaking down a large isotope into smaller isotopes

42. Formula of Red lead? Handbook?

43. Gilbert Lewis - author of octet rule

44. How do alpha, beta, and gamma particles change the mass number of an atom ---> 4, 0, 0

45. Dodecane: Not soluble in water, Soluble in hexane, Combustible, Liquid at room temp and atm
conditions, Less dense than water
*Alkanes: C1 to C4 - gases
C5 to C17- liquids
C18 and up - solids

46. Elements under Group 1A - Has 1 electron on its outer most energy level

47. Primary and Secondary cell

Primary cell- can be recharged (example: Ni-Cd)

Secondary cell - cannot be recharged (example: Dry cell)

48. Barbituric acid - malonic acid + urea with catalyst, made by Adolf Baeyer

49. Acid rain - acid is composed of Nitric acid and Sulfuric acid

50. Reaction with Br2 - to differentiate between alkene and alkyne

*Halogenation of alkene --> forms vicinal dihalide (2 halides attached to adjacent C)

*Halogenation of alkyne --> forms geminal dihalide (2 halides attached to same C)

*Halogenation of alkyne (excess Br2) --> forms tetrahalide

51. Alar - C6H12N2O3 (also: Daminozide, Kylar, DMASA, SADH, B-NINE, or B 995)

*A plant growth regulator

*Makes harvest easier; keeps apples from falling off trees before they are ripe

52. Polymer in bullet proof vest - polymethylacrylate ??

53. Earth wax - ozocerite

54. Yamatake system - Azbil (process automation - DCS??)

55. Doppler - used in ultrasonic flow meters

56. Gray body ? - not dependent on temperature and wavelength

57. Johnson noise - electronic noise inside an electric conductor, dependent on applied voltage

58. Produces electricity aside from its main product (power plant) - Sugar industry ??

choices: oil refinery, sugar industry, biomass industry

59. Lactomer - glycolide/lactide copolymer (synthetic polyester composed of glycolide and lactide)

*For soft tissue approximation and ophthalmic surgery (veterinary sutures)

*Lactones - cyclic ester

60. i-Pentyl acetate - ester for scent of banana

61. Amino acid with sulfur containing group

62. Biotransmutation - nuclear conversion controlled by living cells ??

63. Alpha and Beta decay of Uranium

Uranium-238 --> alpha emission + Thorium-234

Throrium-234 --> beta emission + Protactinium-234

Protactinium-234 --> beta emission + Uranium-234

64. Henry' Law (William Henry, 1803) - (hanapin sa perry's!!)

Google: "At a constant temperature, the amount of a given gas dissolved in a given type and volume of
liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that liquid."

65. Internal energy is composed of all energy in the system except:

(Enthalpy? kasi H = U + PV HAHA)

a. free energy

b. kinetic and potential energy

c. heat of fusion

d. enthalpy

66. pH- potentials of Hydrogen

*Blood - slightly basic (pH = 7.35 to 7.45)

*Acidosis - decrease in blood pH (too much acid or too little base)

*Alkalosis - increase in blood pH (too much base or too little acid)

67. Cysteine - Protein is capable of undergoing a reduction process

* Only proteins that have disulfide bonds are capable of undergoing a reduction process

68. Agricultural Chemistry / Agricultural Products

Which is not a pesticide?

a. Polychlorinated biphenyl b. Heptachlor c. Hexachlorobenzene d. Chlordane


 Ethanoyl chloride + Propanol ---> Propyl Ethanoate (ester) + HCl

 Heat of reaction when ethyne is hydrogenated to ethane?
 Alcohol + Carboxylic Acid --> Ester

Common Name Summary

Coal: (di ko sure to hahaha eme lang)

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