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Model and Architecture for Virtual Library

Information System
Bohdan Rusyn Victoria Vysotska Liubomyr Pohreliuk
Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Information Systems and Network Karpenko Physico-Mechanical
Institute of the NAS of Ukraine Department Institute of the NAS Ukraine
University of Technology and Lviv Polytechnic National University Lviv, Ukraine
Humanities of Radom,Radom,Poland Lviv, Ukraine

Abstract—An overview of the features of the design and x lack of confirmation of the reliability of the information
development of the Virtual Library information system was received (anonymity of publications, modification of
conducted. A new approach is proposed for designing and reliable information, fraud, etc.);
developing the Virtual Library information system for
preservation and development of e-books in the format of MARC x high probability of inaccuracy and incompleteness of
21. The model of information system Virtual Library is proposed. information.

Keywords—virtual library; e-library; cloud computing; The Traditional Library should be solely responsible for the
information system; MARC 21; virtual library; e-book. information contained in its territory [1-5]. This, in its turn,
puts IT professionals in a variety of tasks in operational
identification, processing, searching, storing and providing
I. INTRODUCTION relevant access to large databases of this book library, that is,
Today, with the exponential growth in the demand for an electronic library [20-29]. According to [1-5], the digital
operational information for a modern civilized person, it library (Digital Library) is a distributed information system
becomes actual digitization of a book fund of different (IS) for storing heterogeneous collections of electronic
directions and access to it at any time from any part of the documents (text, graphics, audio, video, etc.) and providing
globe [1]. Attending libraries does not have enough time, or them access through the Internet in a user-friendly form [30-
this process becomes rather uncomfortable (the necessary 37]. This is too inaccurate definition of this concept. It defines
information is distributed in several libraries, as well as in which standards of preservation must be respected and which
several geographically located cities/countries) [2]. In addition, information technologies (IT) are desirable to use. Therefore,
the list of services and their quality will not always satisfy the the purpose of the creation of an electronic (virtual) library is to
average consumer of information [3]. Therefore, such libraries provide operational information to regular users of access to
are no longer satisfying to some extent the requirements for information relevant to their limited access data (rare and
informatization of modern society [4-5]. manuscripts, photo albums, dissertations, archives that are not
available in most libraries) or to such data that exist only in
II. GENERAL PROBLEM RESOLUTION electronic form. An additional bonus of the electronic library is
to provide consumers with better information services for
At first glance, the Internet can solve problems in finding working with electronic data (documents, books, manuscripts,
relevant information [6-13]. But here there is a number of etc.) of large volumes. Therefore, an electronic library is an IS
problems [14-19]: that provides high-quality and timely access to current
x Loss of time to search for relevant consumer-specific information in online mode with the effect of visiting a
information, but not "popular" among most Internet traditional library (the availability of shelves with books, the
users; ability to view and select books on shelves, view a scanned
book) [1-5].
x Lack of unique information on the Internet due to the
fact that it is necessary only for a narrow circle of III. ANALYSIS OF RESEARCHES AND PUBLICATIONS
Virtual Library is an environment of such an IP that
x confusion among the large number of search results specializes in informational objects (books, manuscripts,
obtained on a consumer request; documents, manuscripts, etc.) which are stored and processed
x rapid change in the dynamics of access to certain sites only in electronic-digital form and to which the consumer
with the necessary information; accesses information through search engines Internet, or
through specialized ISs [1-5]. In the latter case, the user must
x the lack of an option, as the recommended literature for often be a registered user of this IS. That is, there are two types
highly specialized topics; of e-library [1-5]:

IEEE CSIT 2018, 11-14 September, 2018, Lviv, Ukraine

x distributed in the information space of the public o fund of electronic documents;
network, focused on the exchange of data between
o abstract databases;
libraries through search engines or specialized IS;
o bibliographic databases;
x specialized IS that stores and processes data objects in
data warehouses, and provides them with access to the o Semantic means (linguistic support), that is,
consumer through their services. the knowledge base used for information
retrieval, namely, rule dictionaries:
IV. ANALYSIS OF RECEIVED SCIENTIFIC RESULTS ƒ linguistic (morphological and
To implement the basic processes of the Virtual Space semantic) search (used for the
Information Space, the main modules of such an IS must be nature of linguistic search in the
technological, server and client (Figure 1). content of information objects);
Virtual Library Information System ƒ lexical search;
Scanned Relevant
content ƒ character search;
Server module Client module User
requests ƒ attributive search;

Fig. 1. The conceptual structure of the Virtual Library Information System

ƒ search by format MARC 21.
Typically, the repository of electronic funds for information
The following main processes of Virtual Library Virtual resources Virtual Library is built on a two-tier scheme:
Library work out:
x file storage for storage and accumulation of information
x Technical processing of scanned information streams: objects;
o recognition of information objects; x knowledge base for information retrieval of these
o preservation of image information objects in information objects.
the cloud; As a result, the Virtual Library Virtual Library module
o Preservation in the database of location consists of subsystems (Figure 2):
information in the traditional library of Save and Server module in Virtual Library
Information System
scanned information objects; Information storage content
objects User Subsystem of
requests User
o Marking information objects in a specific File Storage access
pattern, such as MARC 21, and storing this content
Information Answers
information in a database; retrieval formation
Search engine
o forming a descriptive file for a marked database

information object; Knowledge Cache

base Query analysis
x formation of electronic funds of information resources
of a certain traditional library in the cloud as a result of Fig. 2. The Conceptual Structure of the Virtual Library Virtual Server
the technological process;
x processing the flow of consumer queries for the x information retrieval;
formation of a valid information search expression; x interactive access;
x support for the implementation of effective information x preservation and accumulation of information objects in
retrieval of information objects in accordance with the cloud;
consumer information requests, in particular the
realization of search: lexical, symbolic, attributive, x forming a cache of frequently asked information
linguistic; objects;
x the formation of a set of operative relevant responses to x analysis of user queries for cache formation;
specific inquiries of information consumers;
x analysis of user queries for the formation of relevant
x support of the technology of interaction of information responses.
resources components in the IS; The reference database of Virtual Library ICs is the basis of
x analysis of frequent requests from users to form a cache the search engine subsystem of the electronic library. Effective
for standard responses to these queries; search for the context of an information object provides a high
relevancy of consumer-relevant content presented in various
x support cloud computing for the speed of access to formats. The use of abstract-bibliographic databases in the
electronic resources of information resources Virtual information retrieval subsystem also allows for the real-time
Library, specifically to:

IEEE CSIT 2018, 11-14 September, 2018, Lviv, Ukraine

search of actual content without informational noise (Figure 3). f us is operator to work with users to generate the results of
Virtual Library IC must provide: their queries; f pr is the operator of work with professors for
x formation of information resources; the formation of the results of their inquiries; f ad is operator
x preservation and support in the current state; of the input / modification of the rules of operation of other
subsystems from the administrator of the VLIS; f bd is
x providing access to information resources.
operator of the formation of unstructured database based on
Scanned Technological Server module Client module Relevant
MARC 21; f sd is operator for structuring the database based
images module content
on MARC 21; f cs is cache processing operator for generating
File Storage User Web User
Interface requests reports on popular consumer queries; f ch is cache operator;
Access f qw is the operator of the formation of the results of the work
formation of subsystems for generating reports.
subsystem If Y f (X ) , then for VLIS according to different roles of
Marking of
information Abstract
Virtual Library users of VLIS (visitors, regular consumers, professors and
objects Information System
database administrators) we will receive Y f ( X qw ‰ L pr ) ,
Fig. 3. Schematic model of the Virtual Library Information System c  X qw , X in ˆ X pr
X qw ‡ , X in ˆ X us ‡ , X pr  X us ,
X c ˆ L pr ‡ , where
X al ‰ X in ‰ X us ‰ X pr ‰ X ad , X qw
In fig. 4 the structure of the proposed Virtual Library
information system is presented, taking into account its basic X al is a set of data from libraries about information objects
functionalities and working with clouds. Virtual Library and their scanned bindings; X in is a set of information objects
Information System model will be presented as a tuple in which the visitor is interested (he has access to a much
smaller set of such objects than to other users), X us is a set of
information objects in which the consumer is interested, X pr

Redis Cache is a set of information objects in which the professor is
SQL DB interested, X ad is a set of information objects, and which the
administrator is interested in, X qw is a set of information
Web App User
objects that meet the criteria for information retrieval, L pr is a
Mongo DB set of recommended literature references for consumers from
Stores All
the professor. Generating the results of subsystems to generate
Bibliographic Data Web Jobs reports of relevant content in accordance with (1) will provide
Fig. 4. Structure of the Virtual Library Information System
a superposition of functions

 Y c , f sd $ f bd ) 
f qw $ f cs $ ( f qw  
SVL  X , S us , S pr ,S ad , S bd , S sd , S cs , S ch , S qw , Y ,
f us , f pr , f ad, f bd , f sd , f cs , f ch , f qw !, c is the operator of the previous results formation of
where f qw
the reports generate subsystems functioning at
where X is inputs in VLIS as a description of the information Y Yuq ‰ Y pq ‰ Yiq ‰ Yaq , where Yuq is the set of generated
object, including in the format of MARC 21, and the very
information object; S us is a subsystem of working with users reports of relevant content according to user requests; Y pq is a
to generate the results of their queries; S pr is subsystem works set of generated reports of relevant content according to the
professor's requests; Yiq is a set of generated reports of relevant
with professors to form the results of their requests; S ad is
content according to the visitors requests in VLIS; Yaq is the
subsystem of input / modification of the rules of operation of
other subsystems from administrator VLIS (for example, rules set of generated reports of relevant content according to the
of linguistic search, cache update, and more); S bd is subsystem requests of the administrator in VLIS.
of formation of unstructured database based on MARC 21; In the general subsystem of the formation of results in the
S sd is subsystem of the formation of a structured database form of generating reports, taking into account (1)-(2), will be
based on MARC 21; S cs is cache processing subsystem for presented as a tuple and a superposition
generating reports on popular consumer queries; S ch is
subsystem of cache formation; S qw is subsystem of formation  Sqw Y qw, Qus ,U qw,U qc ,U qd , f qd , f qc , f qw ! 
of results of work of subsystems of generation of reports; Y is  Y qw f qw (U qw, f qd (U qc , f qc ( X ,U qd ,Qus )))  3
output from VLIS in the form of reports of relevant content;  Y qw f qw $ f qd $ f qc  

IEEE CSIT 2018, 11-14 September, 2018, Lviv, Ukraine

where Qus is the set of requests from users of VLIS; U us is a  Sch  B sd , Csh , Qus , Q pr ,U sh , f ch ! , 6
set of conditions for analyzing user queries; U qw is a set of  Csh f ch ( B sd ,Qus ,Q pr ,U sh ) , 
conditions for reporting formation; f qd is operator of
information objects search in a cloud; f qc is operator for where C sh is the set of popular information objects in the
information objects search in the cache. cache, f ch is the operator of the cache updating and filling
according to the analysis of requests from users and professors,
The subsystem of work with professors for the formation of U sh is a set of conditions for the cache updating.
the results of their inquiries will be presented as
Then, based on the analysis of formulas (4) - (6), the
subsystem of work with users for the formation of the results of
S pr  X us ,U us , Qus , X pr ,U pr , Q pr , Bsd , C sh , their queries will be submitted by the tuple and the
Y pw ,U qw , L pr , f us , f pr , f qd , f qc , f qw !, corresponding superposition
L pr f pr (Y pw ,U pr , f qw (U qw , Q pr ,
  4  Sus  X us ,U us , Qus , Bsd , Csh , Yuq ,U qw , f us , f qd , f qc , f qw !, 
c ( X us ,U us , Qus )))))),
X pr ( f qd ( Bsd , f qc (C sh , f pr
 Lpr f pr $ f qw $ f qd $ ( f qc , f pr c )    Yuq f qw (U qw , f qd ( Bsd , f qc (Csh , ( f us ( X us ,U us , Qus ))))), 
 Yqw f qw $ f qd $ f qc $ f us  7 
where U pr is the set of conditions for working with the
professor profile to the training courses completion; Q pr is a where Qus is the set of requests from VLIS users; U us is a set
set of requests from the professor; f pr is the professor's profile of conditions for user queries analyzing; B sd is a set of
processing operator. The subsystem of the formation of an information objects in the database; C sh is a set of information
unstructured database based on MARC 21 will be presented as objects in the cache; U qw is a set of conditions for reporting;
f qd is operator of information objects search in a cloud; f qc is
 Sbd  B dt , X al ,U sc ,U rp ,U mk ,U dt , f bd , f mk , f rp , f sc !  operator for information objects search in the cache.
 B dt f bd (U dt , f mk (U mk , f rp , (U rp , f sc ( X al ,U sc ))))  5 Taking into account the formulas (3) - (7), we replace the
B dt f bd $ f mk $ f rp $ f sc  formula (1) and describe the model of VLIS as a tuple:

where B dt is the set of unstructured data in the database, X al SVL  X in ,U sc , B dt ,U dt , Bsd ,U sd , Qus ,
is the information objects set which ones need to be digitized,  U us , L pr ,U pr , C sh ,U sh , Yqw ,U qw ,   
U sc is the set of conditions for the objects location and objects
f bd , f qw , f sc , f st , f ch , f rp , f mk ! .
themselves scanning, U rp is the set of scanning image
recognition conditions, U mk is the set of conditions and rules The set of user queries for the Virtual Library information
for marking the recognized a binder in the MARC 21 format, system takes the form Q us f us ( X us ,U us ) . Accordingly, the
U dt is a set of conditions for the storage of new formed formation of a professor's list in his personal cabinet
descriptions for recognized information objects, f bd is the L pr f pr ( X pr , Q pr , Bsd , Csh ,U pr ) , a cache update
operator of the data saving or updating on the processed Csh f ch (Qus , Q pr ,U sh ) . Then the results of the queries will
information object, f mk is the operator of the information
be presented as a superposition
object marking, f rp is the operator of the information object
recognition and identification he, f sc is the operator of the  Y qw f qc $ f qw Rr Y qw f qd $ f qc $ f qw 
scanning of the information object location and its bindings.
The subsystem of the formation of a structured database based  Y qw f qc ( f qw (Qus ,U qw ),U qc ) Rr
on MARC 21 will be presented as S sd  B sd , Bdt ,U sd , f sd ! Y qw f qd ( f qc ( f qw (Qus ,U qw ),U qc ),U qd )  9 
and B sd f sd ( Bdt ,U sd ) , where B sd is the set of information
objects descriptions in a structured database, U sd is a set of The quality of obtaining relevant content for user inquiries
directly depends on the quality of the description of the
conditions for the formation of structured descriptions of scanned information objects. But the efficiency of forming a
information objects, f sd is the operator of the information qualitative set of relevant content depends on the quality of the
object description saving or updating in a structured database. update of the cache and the effectiveness of the implemented
Subsystem cache formation at B sd Š C sh will be presented as algorithms of information search.

IEEE CSIT 2018, 11-14 September, 2018, Lviv, Ukraine

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IEEE CSIT 2018, 11-14 September, 2018, Lviv, Ukraine

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