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Wooden Book Press (PARTS LIST)

Most of these are just things I had in my garage. This is a simple

Device and I must give thanks to Mr. Albert Huber for his brilliant concept.

NOTE: The numbers in parenthesis are just for reference. The number of each
needed to build the machine are on the right.

(1) ¾” x 15” x 16” base------------------------------------1

(2) 1/2” x 4” x 12” Uprights--------------------------------2

(3) ¾” x 7” x 15” pieces for the book press--------------2

(4) 1” x 3” block for the paper stop------------------------1

(5) ¼” x 16” x 12” board for glue press-------------------1

(6) ¾” x 2” x 4” guides for slider---------------------------2

(7) ¼” x 2” connecting screws------------------------------2

(8) 1 ½ inch wood screws---------------------------------12

(9) ¼” x 6” machine screws---------------------------------2

(10) ¼” wing nuts--------------------------------------------2

(11) ¼” washers 1” wide------------------------------------2

(12) ¼” x 4” machine screw and wing nut for the book stop 1

NOTE: for item (5) above, I simply cut the board into two 6” x 15” pieces


Most of the assembly was fairly simple. There are a couple of gotchas you need to
know about. If you have lined up your parts lets’ walk through the assembly.

Here is how I assembled mine.

NOTE: for the sake of clarity I am calling item number (3) the book press
and item number (5) the glue press .
1 the first thing I did was to mark a line across the base board where I wanted to mount my
uprights. This mark will line up with the center mark on each upright.

2 . Then I marked the center of each upright on both sides and the top. Putting the center lines
on both sides of the upright will help us align the book press and facilitate the placement of the
hole for our pivot screws.

3. I line up the center marks on the inside of one upright with the line on the base board, drilled
a small hole slightly smaller than the wood screws I intend to use. I drill through the upright and
into the base board.
I insert one wood screw, turn the whole thing on its side; making sure everything is still aligned
and drill and insert three more screws. The number of screws will vary based upon the width of
your uprights.
I repeat the process on the other upright. It will look like this:
4. I put the back portion of the book press on long edge and marked the center on both ends.

5. I lay down my glue board under the place where I will install the back book press board.
NOTE: I added a 1/16” plastic spacer (flexible cutting board) on top of the glue board ( I did
this to give my self enough room for the book press to pivot up and back and clear the glue
board). It should be a snug fit but not too tight.

6. Once the glue board and the spacer are in place I then lower the book press back board into

7. I line up the center marks on the edge of the book press to the center marks on the uprights.
I then use a square to make sure that the book board is exactly 90 degrees. I check again to see
if all my marks are aligned and then I clamp the whole thing together. Once clamped I recheck
all of my marks. If all are correct. I proceed to step 8.
8. In this step we will install the book press
First we draw a horizontal line on the outside of our uprights that is approximately 1 to 1 ½”
from the top of the book press board. We should already have the vertical center mark drawn
back in step 3. Where the two lines intersect on the outside of the upright is where we will drill
our pivot hole. We will drill right through and into the book press board. We will repeat the
process on the other upright.
Without moving our clamps we will now insert our screws. (item number 7) Screw them in
until tight and then back them off a turn or two. Remove your clamps remove the 1/16” spacer
and check that the book board moves freely. It should be a bit tight but not hard to move. Here
we will also make sure that the book press clears the glue press, but is a little snug. Adjust as
necessary. You may have to back off a bit on the screws or do a little sanding to get it all right.

9. Next I install a stop to make sure that the book press board does not go beyond 90 degrees
when in the down position. I recheck to see that it is still square. If yes, I now glue a small
board onto one of the uprights ,on the back side of the book press board. (pic) I used
superglue on mine and it worked just fine. It also doesn’t hold up my assembly. Be careful not
to get too much on so it does not glue your book board as well. Just keep it from the edge
touching the book press board.
10. Now we will install the stationary part of the glue press board. What is important here; is
that you align the edge of the glue press board with the inside edge of the book press board. (see

Once you are aligned. Clamp down the glue board. Recheck you alignment and if correct drill a
pilot hole in both outside edges of the clue board. Insert wood screws and tighten. Once those
are in add two more screws on either side near the back of the book board.

11. For the slider I simply glued a 1 x 1 x 12” board on the remaining half of the ¼ composite
board and that was it. (pic)
12. Next we will install the guides for the slide. Using item (6) I simple put them in place
drilled pilot holes and inserted wood screws. Item (8). ( Pic)

Once you are satisfied that this portion of the assembly works as advertised we will move on to
the front part of the book press.

10. If you have not done so, now is the time to mark and cut the front board like the example.
You should also have decided what you will use for the stop and be prepared to insert it.
NOTE: a couple of things to be aware of here. First what determines the maximum height of
the book you can bind, is the distance from the book stop on the left as you face the machine
and the ¼ machine screw on the right used to press the book..
On my design I can press up to a 12” height book. If I had used a 16” width for my base board
I could press up to 13 inches in book height.

Second, you will want to install the machine screws closer to the bottom of the press; to ensure
you get a good tight press. Mine are located 1inch from the bottom and 1 inch from the side.
I also discovered that the reason you need to
Cut the front board like it is shown is for access and ease of use. You don’t need the full height
of the board and it makes it very difficult to get a good press without the screws binding. I
have since added a small wooden handle to my front press board because it makes it even easier
to move it in and out.

When all of your cutting is done; it is now time to drill the holes for the machine screws. I
removed both boards, lined up the bottom and sides and clamped them together. Since I had
already marked the places for my screws, they are placed 1” from the side and 1” from the
bottom. I simply drill them with a ¼ drill. You may have to play with the front board if it seems
a bit too tight. It needs to move freely but without a lot of play. When this is done you are
almost home free.

To install my book stop I used a 1x1x3” dowel and drilled out the center. I then placed it where
I wanted to mount it and use the same drill to drill down through the dowel and into the back
board. I could have mounted it with a wood screw but this seemed like a better alternative. With
the stop in place drill down as far as the dowel will allow and then remove the dowel and finish
the hole. I used a shorter ¼” X 4” machine screw and wing nut to secure it.

And that should give you a working book binding press. Oh; and in case you are wondering.
Mine cost me all of 10 dollars.

If you get stuck or just need more info, you can email me at
If you do build one, drop me a line with a photo. I would love to see what others have done.

Keep in mind that there is I am sure other ways to put this al together. Since I had no plans this
was what I came up with. You can do whatever makes sense to you.

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