OBLICON-A1222 To End of Sec. 6

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ART. 1222. A solidary debtor may, in actions fi led by Where there is only one creditor and one debtor.

e debtor. long; the obligation of X and Y to deliver 20 cubic

the creditor, avail himself of all defenses which are The provisions of Chapter 2 (Arts. 1163 to 1178.) are meters of sand.
derived from the nature of the obligation and of those also applicable to divisible or indivisible obligations. (3) Obligations which by their nature are
which are personal to him, or pertain to his own share. They contemplate obligations involving only one susceptible of partial performance — e.g. obligation to
With respect to those which personally belong to the creditor and only one debtor. teach “Obligations and Contracts” for one year in a
others, he may avail himself thereof only as regards that Since divisibility or indivisibility refers to the object or university; obligation to pay a debt of P12, 000.00 in 12
part of the debt for which the latter are responsible. prestation (Art. 1210.), it does not alter or modify said monthly installments of P1, 000.00 but each prestation
(1148a) provisions. (Art. 1223.) to pay P1, 000.00 is indivisible as it is to be delivered at
When there is only one creditor and one debtor, the one time and in its totality.
Defenses available to a solidary debtor. latter has to perform the obligation in its totality,
(1) Defenses derived from the nature of the whether or not the prestation is divisible. Unless there Divisibility or indivisibility in obligations not to do.
is an express stipulation to that effect: In negative obligations not to do, the character of
obligation - complete defense because it nullifies
 Article 1248: The creditor cannot be compelled the prestation in each particular case shall determine
the obligation or renders it ineffective. Other their divisibility or indivisibility.
partially to receive the prestations in which the
examples are fraud, prescription, remission, obligation consists; (1) Indivisible obligation. — X obliged himself to Y not
illegality or absence of consideration, res judicata,  Article 1232: An obligation is not deemed paid to sell cigarettes in his store for one year. Here, the
non-performance of a suspensive condition, etc. unless the thing or service in which the obligation obligation should be fulfilled continuously during a
(2) Defenses personal to, or which pertain to share consists has been completely delivered or certain period.
of, debtor sued — complete defense: insanity, rendered, as the case may be. (2) Divisible obligation. — If the obligation of X is not
incapacity, mistake, violence, minority, etc.; to sell cigarettes in his stores only during Sundays
partial defense: non-fulfillment of suspensive ART. 1224. A joint indivisible obligation gives rise to and holidays, the obligation is divisible because the
condition. indemnity for damages from the time anyone of the forbearance is not continuous.
(3) Defenses personal to other solidary debtors – debtors does not comply with his undertaking. The Obligations “to do” and “not to do” are generally
partial defense: A may avail himself thereof only debtors who may have been ready to fulfill their indivisible. Obligations “to do” stated in paragraph 2 of
promises shall not contribute to the indemnity beyond Article 1225 are divisible.
as regards that part of the debt for which B is
the corresponding portion of the price of the thing or of
liable. A is still liable for P2, 000.00, his share in SECTION 6. — OBLIGATIONS WITH A PENAL CLAUSE
the value of the service in which the obligation consists.
the obligation. ART. 1226. In obligations with a penal clause, the
penalty shall substitute the indemnity for damages and
SECTION 5 – DIVISIBLE AND INDIVISIBLE OBLIGATIONS Effect of non-compliance by a debtor in a joint the payment of interests in case of noncompliance, if
ART. 1223. The divisibility or indivisibility of the things indivisible obligation. there is no stipulation to the contrary. Nevertheless,
that are the object of obligations in which there is only If any one of the debtors does not comply with his damages shall be paid if the obligor refuses to pay the
one debtor and only one creditor does not alter or undertaking in a joint indivisible obligation, the penalty or is guilty of fraud in the fulfillment of the
modify the provisions of Chapter 2 of this Title. (1149) obligation is transformed into one for damages, i.e., to obligation.
pay money. The creditor cannot ask for specific The penalty may be enforced only when it is
DIVISIBLE OBLIGATION – object of which, in its delivery performance or rescission because there is no cause of demandable in accordance with the provisions of this
or performance, is capable of partial fulfillment. action against the other debtors who are willing to fulfill Code. (1152a)
INDIVISIBLE OBLIGATION–object of which, in its their promises.
delivery or performance, is not capable of partial PRINCIPAL OBLIGATION – can stand by itself and does
fulfillment. ART. 1225. For the purposes of the preceding articles, not depend for its validity and existence upon another
obligations to give definite things and those which are obligation.
Test for the distinction. not susceptible of partial performance shall be deemed ACCESSORY OBLIGATION – attached to a principal
Controlling circumstance: not the possibility or to be indivisible. obligation and, therefore, cannot stand alone.
impossibility of partial prestation but the purpose of When the obligation has for its object the
the obligation or the intention of the parties. execution of a certain number of days of work, the Obligation with a penal clause – contains an accessory
 Even though the object or service may be physically accomplishment of work by metrical units, or analogous undertaking to pay a previously stipulated indemnity in
divisible, an obligation is indivisible if so provided by things which by their nature are susceptible of partial case of breach of the principal prestation intended
law or intended by the parties. (Art. 1225, par. 3.) performance, it shall be divisible. primarily to induce its fulfillment.
 If the object is not physically divisible or the service However, even though the object or service
is not susceptible of partial performance (Art. may be physically divisible, an obligation is indivisible if Penal clause – accessory undertaking attached to an
1225, par. 1.), the obligation is always INDIVISIBLE, so provided by law or intended by the parties. obligation to assume greater liability on the part of the
the intention of the parties to the contrary In obligations not to do, divisibility or obligor in case of breach of the obligation, i.e., the
notwithstanding. indivisibility shall be determined by the character of the obligation is not fulfilled, or is partly or irregularly
 An obligation is presumed indivisible where there is prestation in each particular case. (1151a) complied with.
only one creditor and only one debtor. (Art. 1248.)
Obligations deemed indivisible. Purposes of penal clause.
Applicability of Article 1223. General rule: The purpose of the obligation is the (1) REPARATION: to insure their performance by
“THINGS” – used in its broad sense as referring to the controlling circumstance. This rule applies not only to creating an effective deterrent against breach, making
object or prestation of the obligation, which may be to obligations to give but also to those of doing or not the consequences of such breach as onerous as it may
deliver a thing or to render some service; not limited to doing. be possible.
real obligation. Divisible and indivisible obligations are not to be
“Divisibility of the object ≠ Divisibility of the thing” (2) PUNISHMENT: to substitute a penalty for the
confused with divisible and indivisible contracts. (Art.
A definite thing like a car, cannot be severed into parts indemnity for damages and the payment of interests in
without altering its essence or destroying its value. It is (1) Obligations to give definite things — the case of non-compliance (Art. 1226.); or to punish the
an essential condition of the fitness of a thing to be obligation is indivisible because of the nature of the debtor for the non-fulfillment or violation of his
divisible that it is possible, by uniting the diverse subject matter. obligation.
portions thereof, to reconstruct it as if existed before its (2) Obligations which are not susceptible of
division. (4 Sanchez Roman 93.) partial performance — the obligation is indivisible by Penal clause and condition distinguished.
reason of its purpose which requires the performance
Kinds of division. of all the parts. The obligation becomes divisible as far
(1) Qualitative division – based on quality, not on PENAL CLAUSE CONDITION
as the participants are concerned because it is capable
number or quantity of the things that are the object of constitutes an obligation does not constitute
of partial performance.
the obligation. (E.g. inheritance of house & lot and rice although accessory an obligation
(3) Obligations provided by law to be
field) indivisible even if thing or service is physically divisible may become demandable in never demandable
(2) Quantitative division – based on quantity rather default of the unperformed
—although money is physically divisible, the amount of
than on quality. (E.g. rice field: partition by metes and tax payable must be delivered in toto, not partially. obligation and sometimes
bounds into two equal parts) jointly with it
(4) Obligations intended by the parties to be
(3) Ideal or intellectual division – exists only in the indivisible even if thing or service is physically divisible
minds of the parties. (E.g. one-half shares in the car) — money is physically divisible but the intention is to Kinds of penal clause.
deliver the thing at one time and as a whole. As to its origin:
Kinds of indivisibility.
 Legal penal clause — provided for by law
(1) Legal indivisibility. — where a specific provision of Obligations deemed divisible.
law declares as indivisible, obligations which, by their  Conventional penal clause — provided for by
(1) Obligations which have for their object
nature, are divisible (Art. 1225, par. 3.); stipulation of the parties
the execution of a certain number of days of work —
(2) Conventional indivisibility. — where the will of the e.g. painting to be finished in 10 days: the obligation As to its purpose:
parties makes as indivisible, obligations which, by their need not be fulfilled at one time.  Compensatory penal clause — penalty takes the
nature, are divisible (Ibid.); and (2) Obligations which have for their object place of damages
(3) Natural indivisibility. — where the nature of the the accomplishment of work by metrical units — e.g.  Punitive penal clause — penalty is imposed merely
object or prestation does not admit of division, e.g., to obligation of X to make a table, 3 feet wide and 5 feet as punishment for breach.
give a particular car, to sing a song, etc. (Ibid., par. 1.)
As to its dependability or effect:
 Subsidiary or alternative penal clause — when only
the penalty can be enforced ART. 1228. Proof of actual damages suffered by the
 Joint or cumulative penal clause — when both the creditor is not necessary in order that the penalty may
principal obligation and the penal clause can be be demanded. (n)

Penalty substitutes for damages and interests.

Penalty demandable without proof of actual damages.
General rule: Penalty takes the place of the indemnity
In an obligation with a penal clause all that
for damages and the payment of interests in case of
the creditor has to prove, to enforce the penalty, is the
non-compliance. (Art. 1226.) Proof of actual damages
violation of the obligation by the debtor. It is not
suffered by the creditor is not necessary in order that
necessary to adduce evidence to prove losses and one
the penalty may be enforced. (Art. 1228.)
of the reasons of fixing the penalty is to avoid such
necessity and other difficulties involved in litigations.
When creditor may recover damages.
The creditor may enforce the penalty
The creditor, in addition to the penalty, may recover
whether he suffered damages or not. But he cannot
damages and interests:
recover more than the stipulated penalty even if he
(a) When so stipulated by the parties;
proves that the amount of his damages exceeds the
(b) When the obligor refuses to pay the penalty, in
which case the creditor may recover legal interest
thereon; or
Damages recoverable in addition to penalty must be
(c) When the obligor is guilty of fraud in the
fulfillment of the obligation (A.1226), in which case the
In any of the three exceptions when damages may be
creditor may recover damages caused by such fraud.
recovered in addition to the penalty (Art. 1227.), the
creditor must prove the amount of such damages
When penalty may be enforced.
which he actually suffered resulting from the breach of
The penalty may be enforced only when it is
the principal obligation.
demandable in accordance with the provisions of the
Civil Code.
Penalty, as a stipulation in a contract, is demandable
only if there is a breach of the obligation and it is not ART. 1229. The judge shall equitably reduce the penalty
contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order, or when the principal obligation has been partly or
public policy. (Art. 1306.) irregularly complied with by the debtor. Even if there
Thus, if the obligation cannot be fulfilled due to a has been no performance, the penalty may also be
fortuitous event, the penalty is not demandable. reduced by the courts if it is iniquitous or
Under Article 1229, the penalty may be reduced if it is unconscionable. (1154a)
iniquitous or unconscionable or in case there is partial
or irregular fulfillment. When penalty may be reduced by the courts.
“Iniquitous and unconscionable stipulations on interest
ART. 1227. The debtor cannot exempt himself from the rates, penalties, and attorney’s fees are contrary to
performance of the obligation by paying the penalty, morals.’’
save in the case where this right has been expressly The rule in Article 1229 is of evident justice. The penalty
reserved for him. Neither can the creditor demand the provided for in the penal clause may be reduced by the
fulfillment of the obligation and the satisfaction of the courts:
penalty at the same time, unless this right has been (1) When there is partial or irregular performance. —
clearly granted him. However, if after the creditor has The first refers to the extent of fulfillment, the latter, to
decided to require the fulfillment of the obligation, the the manner. An obligation is not deemed performed
performance thereof should become impossible unless the thing or service in which it consists has been
without his fault, the penalty may be enforced. (1153a) completely delivered or rendered.
(2) When the penalty agreed upon is iniquitous or
unconscionable. — The penalty may be reduced even if
Penalty not substitute for performance.
there is no performance at all. Even if iniquitous or
Purpose of penalty: to secure compliance with the
unconscionable, liquidated damages, whether intended
obligation. If the debtor is allowed to just pay the
as an indemnity or as a penalty, are not void, but
penalty, this would in effect make the obligation an
subject merely to equitable reduction.
alternative one. (Art. 1199.)
The debtor can exempt himself from the non-
fulfillment of the obligation only when “this right has ART. 1230. The nullity of the penal clause
been expressly reserved for him.” does not carry with it that of the principal obligation.
The nullity of the principal obligation carries
Penal clause presumed subsidiary. with it that of the penal clause. (1155)
General rule: the creditor cannot demand the
fulfillment of the obligation and the satisfaction of the Effect of nullity of the penal clause.
penalty at the same time. ACCESSORY – follows the principal and not vice versa
(1) Where there is performance — purpose is attained If only the penal clause is void, the principal obligation
and there is no need for demanding the penalty. The remains valid and demandable. The penal clause is just
exception arises when “this right has been clearly disregarded. The injured party may recover indemnity
granted” the creditor. A penal clause is subsidiary and for damages in case of non-performance of the
not joint. obligation as if no penalty had been stipulated. (Art.
(2) Where there is no performance — the creditor may 1170.)
ask for the penalty or require specific performance. The
remedies are alternative and not cumulative nor Effect of nullity of the principal obligation.
successive subject to the exception that the penalty Principal obligation is void: penal clause is void. The
may be enforced, if after the creditor has decided to reason is that the clause cannot stand alone without the
require fulfillment, the same should become impossible principal obligation to which it is subordinated.
without his fault. If there was fraud on the part of the Nullity of the principal obligation is due to the fault of
debtor, the creditor may recover the penalty as well as the debtor who acted in bad faith: penalty may be
damages for non-fulfillment. (Art. 1226.) enforced.

When penal clause joint.

The debtor has the right to pay the penalty
in lieu of performance only when this right has been
expressly reserved for him; an implied grant clearly
deducible from the evidence or the nature of the
obligation is sufficient.
With respect to the creditor, he has right to
demand performance and payment of penalty jointly
when this right has been clearly granted him. The
creditor can demand both the principal obligation and
the penalty with legal interest on the amount of the
penalty from the date of demand where the debtor
refuses to pay the penalty.

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