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1/7/2020 UC-Berkeley Threatened With Lawsuit For Mandatory Diversity Statements In Hiring | Zero Hedge

UC-Berkeley Threatened With Lawsuit For Mandatory Diversity Statements In


by Tyler Durden
Mon, 01/06/2020 - 11:56

Authored by Lexi Lonas via The College Fix,

Legal action may be taken against the University of California-Berkeley after it released a document showing that mandatory
diversity statements may have led to discrimination in hiring.

The six-page document analyzes the taxpayer-funded institution’s new focus on hiring job candidates based on “knowledge,
past contributions, and/or future plans for advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion.” If candidates didn’t meet UC-Berkeley’s
standards in this area, they weren’t hired.

The 2018-2019 summary report for the “Initiative to Advance Faculty Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Life Sciences” was written
by two science professors, Mary Wildermuth and Rebecca Heald, who is also regional associate dean. They are co-chairs for the Life
Sciences Initiative Committee.
Daniel Ortner, an attorney at the Pacific Legal Foundation, told two academic blogs that he is “looking to challenge the University
of California Policy.”

He wants anyone who was required to submit a mandatory diversity statement and not hired to contact him.

The policy has “several serious constitutional problems,” Ortner told The College Fix in an email.
He started looking into it when “[s]ome concerned UC professors” contacted him: “[T]he more I’ve looked into it the worse
UC’s actions appear.” 1/11
1/7/2020 UC-Berkeley Threatened With Lawsuit For Mandatory Diversity Statements In Hiring | Zero Hedge

When applicants are required to submit a diversity statement on their own experience, university reviewers would likely be able to
tell the applicants’ race and gender, “allowing those factors to be taken into account,” Ortner said.

That is “contrary to California Proposition 209,” the 23-year-old ballot initiative that amended the state constitution, “and
potentially the Equal Protection Clause” of the U.S. Constitution.

The Fix emailed and called Heald multiple times asking what hiring officials were looking for in diversity statements and what they
meant by “past contributions” to diversity. She did not respond. Wildermuth did not respond to emails, and her office phone was

Hispanic applicants were the big winners

The  document says six Life Sciences departments in three colleges agreed to this initiative and will “incorporate
interventions in all future faculty recruitments.”

Some departments have “met resistance by a small number of senior faculty members” to the initiative, Heald and Wildermuth noted.
They did not list any names of such senior faculty members or respond to The Fix when asked to identify them.

“A Life Sciences Initiative (LSI) Committee was formed early in the fall of 2018 to implement the initiative and serve as the search
committee for our joint open-field faculty recruitment,” the document states.
The committee met 19 times over the school year and was made up of 22 faculty and staff members from all departments. It
discussed and implemented four interventions: building a critical mass, strengthening applicant pools, improving candidate
evaluation processes, and institutional change.

Heald and Wildermuth included tables that show the percentage of each ethnicity and gender represented in the three hiring stages,
from the full applicant pool to the intermediate “Longlist” and the final “Shortlist.”

University of Chicago biologist Jerry Coyne, whose blog often criticizes perceived attacks on academic freedom, shared his
analysis of both tables. 2/11
1/7/2020 UC-Berkeley Threatened With Lawsuit For Mandatory Diversity Statements In Hiring | Zero Hedge
In one of them, the “cluster search” across Life Sciences departments, Coyne observed that “the proportion of minorities increased”
on both the long and short lists, except for Asian and Native Americans:

White males, who are supposed to be eliminated by this kind of search, were also significantly whittled away. In contrast,
Hispanics and African Americans were considerably enriched, with the proportions on the final shortlist (interviewees)
enriched by 4.5-fold and 3.25-fold respectively.

The cluster search first reviewed candidates for five full-time equivalent positions “based solely on contributions to diversity, equity
and inclusion,” removing the names to reduce “unconscious bias in the evaluation processes.” Less than a quarter of nearly 900
applicants who met basic qualifications made it past this first review.

The cluster table showed whites were the narrow majority of the applicant pool but less than 14 percent of the short list.
Men plummeted from an even larger majority of the applicant pool to a little over a third of the short list.

The only minorities to not substantially improve by the short list were Native Americans, of whom only three applied, and Asians,
who fell slightly between long and short lists. Hispanics represented an even larger majority of the short list than whites had in the
full applicant pool.

‘No matter how good your scholarship …  you were toast’

“Limiting the first review to contributions in DE&I [diversity, equity and inclusion] is itself a dramatic change of emphasis in the
typical evaluation process which generally focuses on primarily on research accomplishments,” the document says.
Heald and Wildermuth wrote that this was “one of the most successful interventions of the initiative.” They did not respond
to The Fix when asked if there was a certain threshold for white candidates they would not go above, regardless of qualification.

Of eight department-specific searches, only the Environmental Science, Policy and Management department went through a similar
process in hiring as the pan-department cluster search.

The ESPM demographics table shows every minority represented on the short list. Whites were nearly three in five applicants in the
pool as well as a majority of the long list, but none made the short list. Men also dropped to a minority on the short list.

To “strengthen” applicant pools, participating departments specifically mentioned commitments to diversity in their ads for
candidates and encouraged specific potential candidates to apply. Finalists were required to meet with department equity
advisors “and/or with a student panel” in on-campus interviews, in another change. Among “institutional changes,” additional
funding has been set aside for incoming faculty “to support their DE&I efforts.”




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By imposing “a cutoff for diversity from the outset,” the hiring practices showed that diversity was “actually the most important
criterion for a search to proceed further,” the University of Chicago’s Coyne wrote on this blog. “No matter how good your
scholarship, if you didn’t pass the diversity cutoff …  you were toast.”

Philosopher Brian Leiter, a colleague of Coyne’s at the University of Chicago, also promoted lawyer Ortner’s search for rejected UC-
Berkeley candidates to challenge the policy in court.

Leiter compared the mandatory diversity statements to “McCarthy-era loyalty oaths” andsaid “not just any means are acceptable for
promoting worthy ends.” For example, an explicit ban on hiring whites would also be a “diversity-promoting hiring practice.”

Forced ideology over treating students fairly 3/11
1/7/2020 UC-Berkeley Threatened With Lawsuit For Mandatory Diversity Statements In Hiring | Zero Hedge
The university’s practices lead to “viewpoint discrimination by saying that any applicant who expresses views critical of affirmative
action and diversity programs will receive a low score on their contribution to diversity statement,” the Pacific Legal Foundation’s
Ortner told The Fix.

Another problem is that “research interests are being scrutinized,” meaning that research pertaining to diversity will automatically
get a better score. “[I]t will be difficult for a professor expressing more conservative economic or social policies to be hired,” he said.

“Mandated diversity statements impose ideological conformity on the faculty,” Ortner wrote in a Daily Caller essay.
They weed out prospective hires who do not share “the university’s orthodoxy surrounding diversity and inclusion,”
even if they treat “all students fairly.”

Coyne agrees with Ortner that the professed “blind” evaluation of job candidates likely did not apply to minority candidates, because
their identities “would have been clear, I suspect, from the diversity statements alone.”
This initiative is “chilling” as a “specific form of social engineering” that privileges race and sex over other forms of diversity, such as
class and political viewpoint, the biologist said. It goes far beyond affirmative action, which he supports, and into the realm of

By hiring large numbers of deans and administrators whose job is to promote initiatives like the above, colleges like Berkeley
have guaranteed that this kind of process will only get more onerous and more invidious.

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Commenting as Illuminati´s free-stuff-zombies billions-army.

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Dan'l 9 hours ago

Ok Whitey, GTFO and leave your cash and credit card. Jose and Latisha have your job and your office.

24 Reply 

Bud Dry 9 hours ago

Forced ideology over treating students fairly

And that's what "school" is today.

3 Reply 

NVTRIC 8 hours ago

We will GTFO, after cashing out, and laughing out loud as it implodes from your inability to adapt and predict and

1 Reply 

JoeTurner 9 hours ago (Edited)
If you are white you have no choice but to find ways to boycott diversity everywhere whenever possible. Do not hire non 4/11
1/7/2020 UC-Berkeley Threatened With Lawsuit For Mandatory Diversity Statements In Hiring | Zero Hedge
whites, do not patronize ethnic restaurants, do not vacation in Latin America, do not attend a Church that has more than
2% non white attendees etc etc

20 Reply 

commiebastid 9 hours ago

one needn't boycott diversity... one only need apply the standards of merit.

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Dangertime 9 hours ago

And boycott.  This is not a unilateral war.

5 Reply 

Haitian Snackout 9 hours ago

Latin America?  So you would have me spent many multiples of my vacation dollar to feed the skim? Why not support
businesses that charge fair prices wherever they are? I patronize businesses because of what they deliver, not the
color of their owners skin. When you pay $150 a night for a decent hotel room, most of that is hidden costs that only
flow upward. My money goes to hard working people. My friend in Nicaragua charges me only 20 ( total ) for a beach
front room. I'm sorry if you don't like his skin color but he is one of the nicest business owners I've met anywhere.
Don't let a steaming dog pile like this abortion of a university blind you to the reality that it is not us vs each other. It
is us vs them.

4 1 Reply 

NVTRIC 8 hours ago

What nigger? I can't understand your nigger babble. 
 

3 Reply 

artichoke 9 hours ago

What's wrong with vacationing in Latin America?  Those aren't "Hispanics" there, they are real Spanish speaking
people who are staying in their own countries and making them great.


3 1 Reply 

Spiritual Anunnaki 9 hours ago

Take a dump on the professors desk and tell him it's art. 

19 Reply 

various1 9 hours ago

Tried something similar 15 years ago. They are fully aware of double standard, and expect this behavior.

5 Reply 

Spiritual Anunnaki 9 hours ago (Edited)

Being openly racist and sexist with my patients and staff at the clinic is a way of life.

It also seemingly is a good ice breaker and sets the mood for the day perfectly.

For examples -"good morning you Spook" to my Black clerk Tyrell, or -"how's the sweatshop going you Coolie?" to
the Janitor Adrian.

My secretary Sherry loves the way I greet her in the morning -"hey sugar tits what you making me for lunch

Keeping the staff low skirts government laws so If they don't like it they can get the fuck out.

3 Reply 

Quinvarius 9 hours ago

So white christian guys build a an all inclusive country, invite everyone to take a fair shot at success, and they all turn out
to be racist shitheads who don't share our values.  The first thing they do is become looters, social rot, criminals, and non-

19 Reply 

The_Central_Scrutinizer 9 hours ago (Edited)

this is so good Ima haff to steel it - concise and dead on bullseye 

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sbenard 9 hours ago

UC BerSERKley! "Diversity" is just the modern way of saying that they openly discriminate against white males! 

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Son of Loki 9 hours ago

Be quiet and get to the back of the bus!

8 Reply 

NVTRIC 9 hours ago

My Diversity Statement:

White Is Right

16 Reply 

inhibi 8 hours ago

I have none.

Its all about your merits, dont give a shit about anything else. You could be a transexual albino with mixed african
and mexican genes, and if you have the skills, Ill hire you.

Universities are just little fiefdoms that can do whatever they want and charge whatever they want. If you dont like
one, you can always find another. If you dont like US, you can go study in Ireland or Belgium if you want to.

Berkeley was ALWAYS like this in some way. Now its 'diversity'. Back in the 80's it was LSD tea and group orgies with
the profs.

1 Reply 

fightapathy 8 hours ago (Edited)

Here's the latest from Yale School of Medicine (YSM):

To YSM Faculty,

In an effort to reap the many benefits that flow from a diverse scientific workforce, the NIH encourages institutions to
diversify their student and faculty populations to enhance the participation of individuals from underrepresented groups.
We wanted to make sure you are aware that the NIH recently updated its guidance on diversity.

In addition to individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups and individuals with disabilities, the definition of
individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, which had been quite limited, has been expanded to those who meet two or
more of the following criteria:

Were or currently are homeless

Were or currently are in the foster care system
Were eligible for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program for two or more years
Have/had no parents or legal guardians who completed a bachelor’s degree
Were or currently are eligible for Federal Pell grants
Received support from the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) as a parent
or child
Grew up in a U.S. rural area or a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services-designated Low-Income and Health
Professional Shortage Area

Question is, how does one specify one is Homeless on the job application? Staple a photo of a tent by the roadside as
"home address"?

And what, precisely, ARE the many benefits that flow from a diverse scientific workforce, anyway? Has anyone made a
handy list of the enormous advances in science contributed by a homeless crackhead who lost a forearm to gangrene?

And how does including these types of people into Yale's workforce contribute to Yale's reputation for excellence? Or are
homeless one-armed crackheads cooking their shit in the lab now the norm for prestigious ivy league universities?

13 Reply 

Son of Loki 8 hours ago


2 Reply 

various1 9 hours ago

Do not be confused. This is discrimination against knowledge. One of ways billionaires have been degrading peasants and
destroying America. 

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commiebastid 9 h 6/11
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commiebastid 9 hours ago
Teachings are determined by financial contributions

there is deliberate undermining determining scholarship

need I say more

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Reply 

thebigunit 10 hours ago

Revoke Berkeley's academic accreditation, cancel their degrees, refund tuition, and cancel student loans.

UC-Berkeley Threatened With Lawsuit For Mandatory Diversity Statements In Hiring

13 Reply 

BabaLooey 9 hours ago

..and then, take a flamethrower to the place. 

9 Reply 

TacoNasty 9 hours ago

And then deport all the Immigrants they got Student Visas for so they could pocket both the super expensive
foreign tuition and tax payer paid tuition.

5 Reply 

DennisAOK 9 hours ago

It is insane how obsessed the left has become with racial identity. 

12 Reply 

MAX138 9 hours ago

You mean wiping out whites.  

9 Reply 

sun tzu 8 hours ago

but race is just a social construct?

1 Reply 

Son of Loki 9 hours ago (Edited)

As has been said before, do NOT donate to ANY college unless there is a clear exception.

Better to choose a particular student who deserves it---namely hard worker, conservative, etc. One with big tits and a nice
slim figure is esp deserving imo.

11 Reply 

DennisAOK 9 hours ago

I only give to Hillsdale College. I wish I had gone to school there. I give nothing to my big state alma mater. 

9 Reply 

sun tzu 8 hours ago

Same here

 Not a penny of donations to my alma mater

2 Reply 

artichoke 9 hours ago

My alma mater was asking for donations, and for a long time I could not afford to give.  But before I got to be better
off, they increased the advertising by sending profiles of students who were helped to attend by contributions such
as what they were soliciting from me.

Every one was an affirmative action student who was admitted in place of a more qualified non-diverse student.

I thank them for the clarity about the use of donations.

4 Reply 

Skateboarder 9 hours ago
Loki is very right. Donating to your alma mater now in 2020... you might as well just pick out a couple of random
Mexicans or the purplest/greenest/pinkest hair-colored commies off the street and just give em that money in 7/11
1/7/2020 UC-Berkeley Threatened With Lawsuit For Mandatory Diversity Statements In Hiring | Zero Hedge
p p /g /p j g y

7 Reply 

GeezerGeek 9 hours ago

Had I the money I would start my own university. I would specifically staff it with professors base on their “knowledge,
past contributions, and plans for advancing traditional American values.”

I wonder how soon I'd be hauled before the Feds for discrimination, since I doubt my take on traditional American values
bears no resemblance to their “future plans for advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion.”


11 Reply 

DennisAOK 9 hours ago

In the new world order, non-discrimination is discrimination. 

2 Reply 

fightapathy 8 hours ago

Don't rely on federal funds and you can have your school. Same with the churches: they should be honorable and let
the government revoke their tax status so they can freely denounce the sleazeball politicians from the pulpit.

1 Reply 

commiebastid 9 hours ago

Blind admission exams and the highest scores in each discipline for admission

Male female black white ... no matter. High score period.

No topic should be off the table in graduate studies.

If you are so threatened by words... maybe you cannot defend your position.

Get over it.

If you are too sensitive to discuss uncomfortable topics... you do not belong in University. Period.

Universities are educational facilities. They are not mental health providers. Come here to learn and open your mind ... not
close it.

Of course some of us are afraid to voice these truths for fear of loss of tenure.

10 Reply 

DennisAOK 9 hours ago

But then we wouldn't have enough "diversity!"

3 Reply 

cooperbry 9 hours ago

When everyone belongs to a "protected class", discrimination is the only thing that can result.  That's why there should be
no protected classes at all.  You'll be able to discriminate against anyone for thing you want.  That's freedom.

10 Reply 

artichoke 9 hours ago

Everyone except Asian and white males now belongs to a protected class.  Asians sometimes now try to get
themselves a protected class too, which would leave only white males fair game for discrimination.

Protected classes aren't going away.  I just think everyone should be included, so that no discrimination is allowed. 
Give white and Asian males a protected class status too.

2 Reply 

chubbar 9 hours ago

I'd like to know which asshole started this nonsense to begin with? It's complete bullshit, people should be hired based on
performance and ability, not skin color or gender. It's about time someone stepped up and called these idiots out for their

10 Reply 

Dan'l 9 hours ago

100% Kosher - Frankfurt School approved. 8/11
1/7/2020 UC-Berkeley Threatened With Lawsuit For Mandatory Diversity Statements In Hiring | Zero Hedge
00% os e a u t Sc oo app o ed

9 1 Reply 

Son of Loki 9 hours ago

Soweeto Barrack bin Bama + Soros NGOs.

2 Reply 

Panic Mode 9 hours ago (Edited)

Now I know where all these expensive tuition fees wasted on. Diversity statement my fucking arse.

Avoid any factory graduates from this college at all cost.

10 Reply 

Quatermain 9 hours ago

I wonder how many of these academic clowns would fly on an airline with the same hiring mandates....

10 Reply 

NVTRIC 8 hours ago

Nigger pilots FTW!

Wakanda haz de bes planes!

We was kangz!

2 2 Reply 

Son of Loki 8 hours ago (Edited)

I do not want to go to a "diverse" doctor.

I want the one who got 1600 on his SATs and 98% on his MCATs, speaks English, and has a good bedside manner.

9 Reply 

NVTRIC 8 hours ago

They are all retired now.  But Sanjay Gupta has your best interest at heart.

3 Reply 

Son of Loki 8 hours ago (Edited)

I think Dr Phil is the only heterosexual white doctor on TV these days.

All the others are muzlims, blacks, dykes, cis- or trans-genders.

1 Reply 

Skateboarder 8 hours ago

It gets much wilder than that. Pretty much everyone important on teevee and the movies is a tranny. Same goes
with a lot of female CEOs and shit. Someone showed me this on ZH, sharing it right back:

2 Reply 

JUST THE FACTS 7 hours ago

Skateboard: Watch those 2 video's about the movie: "The Shining" decoded.

That movie had more hidden meanings in it than a Mason's black book.
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Pernicious Gold Phallusy 5 hours ago

Instead you will get somebody with high emotional intelligence.
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Reply 

St. TwinkleToes 8 hours ago (Edited)

What did they expect when all UC California University campus’s are headed by former Obama DHS (Butch Dyke) Janette
These are not centers for higher education, they are leftist indoctrination centers used to brainwash our youth.  
Anyone who’s ever observed UC administrators in action in their massive quarters would come away with a sickening
 manage what was once a credible
feeling after watching a bunch of leftist femmenazi’s, lesbians, fags and refugees
education system run and taught by whites.

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9 Reply 

johnnyg 8 hours ago

Not "our" youth at this point.  Unlimited hordes of easier to control populations, unless they end up burning down
civilization to the level they're used to back home.

4 Reply 

RagaMuffin 9 hours ago

Fighting Racism with Racism               ; -)

9 1 Reply 

Wantoknow 8 hours ago

This kind of institutional behavior must be stopped.  Lawsuits, boycotts, refusal to accept degrees from such institutions,
shaming at conferences of faculty from such schools...  This list of ideas can be expanded.  It is time for open war against
this kind of "diversity".  These schools are an open threat to the peace of the country.  Who will accept the leadership of
such a politically manipulated pack of graduates?  This an open effort to create an aristocracy of a certain political cast.

The civil rights legislation of the past seventy years has not promoted a color blind society but has produced a most vicious
racist one.  It is time for all such legislation to be struck down.  It has failed to produce the desired results.  It is time to act
to remove this abhorrent political culture.

8 Reply 

Panic Mode 9 hours ago (Edited)

In Germany, the liberals already singing out songs calling their grandparents 'pig'. Fast forward 5 years, they will hate their
own skin color so much that they probably gun down their own parents for not having an opposite race partner.

Diversity is a force feed acceptance policy which completely disregard the old model of mutual respects.

8 Reply 

Son of Loki 9 hours ago (Edited)

I'm glad I'm not Chinese. Hardvard discriminates against them claiming, "Chinese have bad personalities."

It was hard enough getting into my college with all my "white privilege" baggage.

Glad when I got out I chose an employer who valued merit and achievement instead of skin color and/or gender.

8 Reply 

Mike Rotsch 9 hours ago

Well, if they're discriminating against applicants, then they're not federally compliant and should thus lose their funding.

8 Reply 

RainyDaye 10 hours ago

Fast forward to the inevitable result.  Education, real education, plummets.

8 Reply 

CosmicDebris 9 hours ago

Already there.

4 Reply 

Shitonya Serfs 9 hours ago

Not sure why old and new farm equipment need college degrees.

4 Reply 

JungleCat 7 hours ago

The only thing they need is a nose ring which they are led around by.
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Reply 

hooligan2009 9 hours ago

if you hire anyone from Berkeley, you are hiring an idiot, trained by idiots. good luck with your idiot business.

7 Reply 

Skateboarder 9 hours ago

What else do o e pect from niggerfags? 10/11
1/7/2020 UC-Berkeley Threatened With Lawsuit For Mandatory Diversity Statements In Hiring | Zero Hedge
What else do you expect from niggerfags?

7 1 Reply 

sowhat1929 9 hours ago

Start lying. Fuck these nigger lovers everywhere!

7 1 Reply 

various1 9 hours ago

nope. easy effort to destroy America from inside is to place low IQ idiots to top positions. Obowa was great example,
but think on all levels.


4 Reply 

sun tzu 8 hours ago (Edited)

South Africa after the end of apartheid

Zimbabwe after the end of white rule

2 Reply 

vienna_proxy 8 hours ago

n!ggers are terrorizing every American city, town, and school. n!ggers steal, assault, rape and kill without consequence,
because liberal policies say it's racist to punish n!ggers for anything. n!ggers even rape little White Girls in school. n!ggers
are a plague from satan. time to end all n!gger welfare and affirmative action. May God save us from the n!ggers. Amen.

6 3 Reply 

Blankenstein 6 hours ago

Stop with the slurs.  Your posts discredit good discussion.  The frequency makes it look deliberate.

3 Reply 

Dumpster Elite 8 hours ago

"Well, I see you scored in the top 1% of your have letters of recommendation from some esteemed, what color is your skin, and do you stand or sit to urinate?"

6 Reply 

bloostar 8 hours ago (Edited)

I neither sit nor stand and resent the idea of boxing me into one of those stereotypes.. I erm.. well.. look, I identify as
a tartan painted lamppost.. so do I get the engineering job?  I’ve also worked on diversity mgt in a marketing dept of
the construction industry but not actually built anything.  It makes me uniquely qualified.

5 Reply 

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