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( H T T P : / / W W W. R E T U R N O F K I N G S . C O M / AU T H O R / J B P O Q U E L I C H E )  SEPTEMBER
21, 2017



Jean-Batave Poqueliche
(http://www returnofkings com/author/jbpoqueliche)
Jean-Batave is a martial artist from the viking
stronghold of Normandy, France. He travels the
world looking for new ghting techniques and
new beautiful women. Eastern Europe taught
him everything he knows and is his second
home. His column runs every Thursday.

(JavaScript:newPopup(' (JavaScript:newPopup('
u= url=
does-nothing-about-black-looting-on-hurricane-ravaged- government-does-nothing-about-black-looting-on-
island-of-st-martin');) hurricane-ravaged-island-of-st-
martin&text=French Government Does Nothing
About Black Looting On Hurricane-Ravaged
Island Of St. Martin&via=returnofkings');)

arlier this month, Hurricane Irma hit with unusual force the Caribbean island of Saint Martin, following
Hurricanes Cindy and Harvey that devastated the Antilles and some parts of the United States in August.
The post-apocalyptic images of looting and civil chaos that occurred on the island, and the damage control led by
the media, showed how helpless the inhabitants were once the government abandoned them.

The media tries to silence St Martiners

After Irma, fear and looting grip tense St Martin

In the rst days following Irma, the narrative serfs of the French media kept repeating that the situation on the
island of Saint Martin was under control, that there were limited human casualties compared to the violence of
the hurricane. All was ne and dandy.
But angry voices of actual Saint Martiners kept rising on social media, describing a climate closer to a civil war
20170910ARTFIG00189--saint-martin-les-forces-d-elite-contre-les-troubles.php&edit-text=), with numerous
robberies at gunpoint, bodies washing ashore, and roaming bands of looters scavenging day and night. Those
Facebook and Twitter posts, even a er being seen millions of times are being deleted
abandonnes-ecoutez-ici-les-sos-de-saint-martin-censures-sur-facebook%2F&edit-text=), as they con ict with the

The word salad peons employed by le -leaning newspapers were burning the midnight oil to have those
testimonies “debunked” for some strange reason. Something tells me that the racial character of the looters
worried the narrative peddlers.

The busiest to “debunk the rumours” are le ists rags such as Liberation ( and Le Monde’s
“Les décodeurs” (, who signed back in March
french-election/) a contract to ght “fake news” (read “anything that contradicts the narrative”) and target “hate

The non-exhaustive list of the controlled media in France

A French territory that looks more like Sierra Leone

Testimonies of inhabitants being robbed at gunpoint or beaten in broad daylight for meager possessions they
managed to save a er the storm spread all around the web. Those who were not armed could not defend
themselves. Even the gendarmes present on the spot advised the locals to use any weapon they had at hand to
defend themselves as the police forces were simply absent.

Pillage en pleins jours à Saint Martin après le passage de L'ouragan Irma

In Saint Martin, a crime-prone “abandoned territory of the Republic,” the disaster and dire situation
aggravated the long-existing racial tensions on the island. An overwhelming majority of black looters preyed
exclusively on whites as a mean of revenge against their wealthier situation and perceived “privilege”, targeting
households that had weaker tenants or seemed empty of men.

The local police is helpless and are only authorized to shoot in the air to deter the scavengers.

Boris Le Lay Follow


#SaintMartin : Les images de guerre civile que le gouvernement

français cherche à censurer, ici fusillade et un gendarme blessé
3:58 AM - Sep 14, 2017

46 1,098 396

The usual le -leaning wastes of human matter attempted damage control by pretending that the disturbing
pictures of looters speci cally targeting businesses and warehouses owned by whites, or snatching televisions
appliances and jewelry, do so because “they are destitute a er the catastrophe.”
The pro le of the victims of this crime wave also re ect fundamental sexual realities. On one side, typical post-
carousel “single moms with children” have nothing to eat but “cans of tuna and a few tomatoes.” Where is the
man of the house? Where is the shelf of emergency food? And on the other side were males in their forties and
ies, armed and prepared, staying home with their families or confronting the looters and driving them away
with their weapons.

The French government could not help

Paris is busy trying to control information and hide reality, showing Macron on the island with his sleeves rolled
and pretending to care, while insisting that His Regressive Highness had to sleep on a camp bed and wash his
manletness in a bucke (

But like Sylvester Turner, the incompetent mayor of Houston following Hurricane Harvey
(, the French government advised St Martiners to stay at
home at all cost. Great plan when the house is ooded, the State tells you it is illegal to arm yourself, and there
are less than two hundred soldiers sent to control an island of 37,000 inhabitants.

The state was warned a week before of the exceptional character of this hurricane and the island could have
probably been evacuated, but virtually nothing was organised. And the locals watched helpless, as their homes
and businesses got torn off the ground.

But some thrive in this situation. Following the “free for all” example of the looters, Air France quadrupled the
price of the airfare ( for the ones trying
to escape the island just like the airlines in the US (
hurricane- ights- orida-tickets-prices-costs-hiked-gouging-delta-united-airlines-a7933471.html) for those eeing
the zones affected by the cyclones.

Après le passage d'Irma, l'île de Saint-Martin est livrée aux pillages

The fat girl at the beginning of the report justi es the looting:

“ Yes, we steal. They want to arrest us but they don’t understand that we need clothes and
other items because we do not have anything le under our roof.

She has nothing because she did not plan any back-up despite living in a region prone to natural disasters, so she
will steal the others’ property because they are richer. And why steal plasma screens and hardware if you only
need “food and clothing” and there is no electricity? The the rationalisation hamstering is strong.

Trust the state, see where that gets you

Even in the “ rst world,” all goes through the window when the state bails and we revert back to the elementary
law of the jungle. The groups that trust the government blindly and think they will be helped because they are
“productive member of society”, vote for liberal “my feelings” party, and pay taxes are sadly mistaken. Maybe the
all-too-common pro le of the looters might help them snap back to reality.

The most credulous of St Martiners still think that Macron will do something for them. He came on the island
and clumsily tried to prove that he has what it takes to be a leader. What do the sods who voted for him exactly
expect from that empty suit? Muslim migrants are for him more important than a handful of his countrymen lost
on some minor Caribbean rock.

The same happened in the United States where inhabitants had only each other to rely on and it was an
overwhelming majority of civilian men that saved others.  The media was prompt to paint them as “hillbillies” or
“right-wing Trump voters,” suffering from an evident case of “toxic masculinity” while for the rest of the thugs in
the city felt like Christmas came in early, busy looting Foot Locker stores for new Jordans.

From the evil masculine men deliver us, O Lord

In other news, this is also how the French magazine Charlie Hebdo (
charlie-hebdo-terrorist-attack- res-shots-at-the-liberal-narrative), who got Aloha Snackbarred in 2015, thinks of
Americans who grieved for them when times got tough. It does make you think…
“God exists! He drowned the Texas neonazis!”

Are you prepared?

a (

f (
y (
s (

This is a taste of what would happen on the mainland of any rst world nation if a great disaster occurs. All
escape routes cut and criminals know they are in a situation of virtual impunity.

My question to the readers of Return Of Kings: are you ready to face such a situation? Are you armed? Do you
know how to defend yourself? Do you have a plan? Are you well-stocked with food? Do you have a close circle of
four or ve resourceful men that you can trust and band with if things turn ugly?
I took the habit of buying an extra tin of food and pack of rice every time I do my groceries. This way, I quickly
nd myself with an extra shelf of food in case of need. I have an escape plan, three close male friends on speed
dial less than ve miles from me, and I am reasonably con dent that I can take care of myself.

I do not want to turn into a paranoid survivalist, but brutal reality checks like these always make me question my
state of readiness. I could be in one of those St Martiners’ situation if the state abandons my city or region and it
would be utter chaos in a matter of days.

Chacun pour soi et l’bon Dieu pour tous

In my mind, this incident reinforced the clear differences between what makes a government and what makes a
country, which were not so clear and de ned when I was younger. The country is made by its founding
inhabitants, its monuments, nature, and history. The government is composed of low-lives that ll their pockets,
ruling over, and pretending to represent and care about the majority group. It just cannot be trusted.

The multicultural myth and equalitarian false God has abandoned the elite and makes France’s urban centers
look more and more like the ghettos of South Africa. Remember those who were forsaken on Saint Martin Island
when you feel that you can trust your rst world government.
Update: As I write these lines, Hurricane Maria has already hit the French island Martinique and this time is
closing in on the coasts of Saint Martin, Dominica and Guadeloupe. Similar scenes of chaos and pillaging should
be witnessed in the following days.

Read more: Washington Post Caught Plagiarizing US Government Propaganda On Ukraine Con ict

(JavaScript:newPopup(' (JavaScript:newPopup('
u= url=
does-nothing-about-black-looting-on-hurricane-ravaged- government-does-nothing-about-black-looting-on-
island-of-st-martin');) hurricane-ravaged-island-of-st-
martin&text=French Government Does Nothing
About Black Looting On Hurricane-Ravaged
Island Of St. Martin&via=returnofkings');)

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SYO • 3 days ago
Another great article by JBP. The mental illness demonstrated by liberals and the cult of diversity is just
surreal. Majority white news media and entire governments trying to cover up the criminality and
dysfunctions of the least productive race on the planet, and always promoting their interests over those of
own productive race... the one that makes everything "go."

We are living in a nightmarish time. And the whole race thing is only part of it.
32 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›
Ravi Macho > BlueEyedDevil • 3 days ago
Dirty vote bank politics + Manipulations by the media + Pedestal & Pampering of weaklings +
opportunistic people == Mass Destruction.

Its high time to get Assertive and take over the Reins.
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Chạngạa > BlueEyedDevil • 3 days ago

Civilization has always been a thin veneer, the true state of nature is chaos. Regression to that mean is
only hastened when the government demands we share society with shit apes.
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Ghostrider > BlueEyedDevil • 2 days ago

It's in malice. They hate the white race and they hate Christianity. They hate it because they know it's
real and they know it's true.
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citizen49a > BlueEyedDevil • 3 days ago

"We are living in a nightmarish time. And the whole race thing is only part of it."

We aren't living in a "nightmarish time."

You want to know about a nightmarish time? Read up on the 1300s in Europe, when the black plague
killed 30% to 60% of Europe's population in a couple of decades.

Or try the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, or the Soviets during Stalin, or the Chicoms under Mao. Those
were nightmarish times.
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Billy Bobb > citizen49a • 2 days ago

"Or try the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, or the Soviets during Stalin, or the Chicoms under

Where do you think that Antifa and BLM would like to take us?
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Mesquite_Thorn > Billy Bobb • 2 days ago

To Starbucks for some fancy coffee and a delightful conversation?
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Roosh Mod • 4 days ago

It's hard to defend a family against a triple attack from your government, an underclass that has been trained
to hate you, and nature itself. Something will have to give.
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SYO > Roosh • 3 days ago

Well said. A liberal I know was in FL for Irma. Rode it out in an office building with other families. The
looters came by during the eye and again right afterwards, trying to get in, while working over
abandoned nearby condos. I asked if any of you had a firearm, as what would you have done if they
had gotten in? She had no response since 911 didn't work.
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Wrong_Century > SYO • 3 days ago

Reports say the looters in St. Martin had machetes and guns.
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BlueEyedDevil > Roosh • 3 days ago
Very well-stated.
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Stadtaffe > Roosh • 2 days ago

should I get bars put on the windows..?
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Matt > Roosh • 2 days ago

May as well treat that underclass as a force of nature. The wind blows, the rain and surge comes, and
they loot, destroy and cause havoc.
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Schalk Engelbrecht > Roosh • 3 days ago

"wash his manletness in a bucket" - lol don't proof read at 3am
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Marshallaw > Schalk Engelbrecht • 3 days ago

Dipping his tiddlies in a glass of water......
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Observasaurus Rex > Schalk Engelbrecht • 2 days ago

I read it as a play on "washing his highness in a bucket".
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VRWCTroll > Schalk Engelbrecht • 3 days ago

That phrase could be interpreted in so many ways that the mind cannot comprehend it. I may
need a computer that has a 601 error code to handle that. If you know where that is from, you
will win a prize.
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Norske17 • 3 days ago

If you live in a place where blacks outnumber whites 20-1, you better have a rock solid contingency plan when
chaos breaks out. But hey, at least the weather is great 90% of the year.
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BlueEyedDevil > Norske17 • 3 days ago

Hell, any place where they outnumbered us even 2:1 would have me on edge all the time.
Hypervigilance, as it's called in PTSD.
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SYO > BlueEyedDevil • 3 days ago

Yes, and they know very well where the white people are with stuff...
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Turboprop ✓ 🇺🇦 > SYO • 3 days ago

Even worse, they know where the homes of the part-time expats are
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disqus_2015ScorpioWater > Norske17 • 3 days ago

I lived through the Japan earthquake in 2011, got to say the Japanese are the best people to be
surrounded with when the shit hits the fan, no one was looting or killing people, everyone was out
helping and doing it heroically. You just do not see that kind of behavior in America these days. So it
reminds me when California gets its Big One, which is supposed to be even worse than the Sendai
earthquake, its going to become medieval over there.
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corvinus ✓ᴰᵉᵖˡᵒʳᵃᵇˡᵉ > disqus_2015ScorpioWater • 3 days ago

Well... in nonwhite parts of America.
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disqus_2015ScorpioWater > corvinus ✓ᴰᵉᵖˡᵒʳᵃᵇˡᵉ • 3 days ago

That's most of the major economic centers.
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bdog57 > disqus_2015ScorpioWater • 3 days ago

Disagree- I saw this in April 2011 in Northern Alabama after the tornado outbreak.
EVERYBODY was out helping (and meeting) neighbors. Our government has aided and
abetted the atomization of society- but when Mother Nature destroys the implements of
hypnosis, we return to normal.
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disqus_2015ScorpioWater > bdog57 • 3 days ago

Small towns maybe, but I was in Tokyo, with metro area larger than any in the US. See
what happens when disaster strikes a big city.
The most likely place to have a disaster like Japan is California, and it won't be pretty
when the Big One hits them.
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bdog57 > disqus_2015ScorpioWater • 3 days ago

Huntsville- not small (metro pop. ~400k). Two-thirds white populace in a red state,
though. Yeah, almost all the volunteers with chainsaws were white, too. Lots of "you
loot, we shoot" signs as well. There are plenty of good people left here in the U.S. of A.
The Powers that Be would just prefer that you didn't know that - so that you can depend
on them and never rebel.
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disqus_2015ScorpioWater > bdog57 • 3 days ago

Well that figures, you said your city is mostly white, so that is why things didn't get
medieval there. But other places where whites are a minority won't be lucky.
Remember New Orleans?
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Cat Dancing > bdog57 • 3 days ago

The chainsaws were out in my neighborhood after Hurricane Irene passed. Even
children helped gather up branches.
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This comment was deleted.

bdog57 > Guest • 3 days ago

No disagreement there.
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citizen49a > disqus_2015ScorpioWater • 3 days ago

So, you ready to submit to the enforced homogenization that the Japanese live under
for a little group cohesiveness?
for a little group cohesiveness?

Japan is an extreme shame culture. You know the old saying, the nail that sticks up will
be hammered down.

You individuals ready to be hammered down to the level prescribed by your society so
that everybody feels like one big happy undifferentiated family when disaster strikes, so
everybody will pull together?

Cause if you are, all you need to do is all get with the liberal/progressive program. Yeah,
just everybody assimilate and start stifling all that divisive independent thought and

Everybody will be the same then, we'll all be one big happy family like the Japanese.
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David > citizen49a • 2 days ago

The reason they have no crime in Japan, is the same reason they have no NBA stars.
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disqus_2015ScorpioWater > David • 2 days ago

Japan has had some great baseball players, the Japanese tend to like sports with brains
and discipline. Basketball is all about being taller than a mutant and being able to dunk.
Average NBA player is 6'7", average MLB player is 6'1".
Actually they do have crime but its much lower than any Western country and its mostly
organized mafia better known as the Yakuza.
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Noah brandini > David • 4 hours ago

NFL = No Fans Left
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Windmillsofhismind > David • 2 days ago

Too short?
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disqus_2015ScorpioWater > citizen49a • 3 days ago

Japan is not a liberal progressive society in any way, shape, or form. They are even more
racially prejudiced than most parts of the American south, if you are a black or colored
Gaijin, you will have numerous uncomfortable experiences. Look at how white males
and females are portrayed in anime and compare it to how other non Asian races are
treated. White men are heroes and women are sexual and feminine. Blacks are seen as
the bottom of the barrel thugs and buffoons. Never seen a black man portrayed well in
anime, have seen numerous white males portrayed great, even the villains were
portrayed sympathetically. Anime is better than Hollywood these days.
Japan is an Alt Right dream come true in many ways. Japan repeatedly stated no to
Syrian refugees, the only G7 country to do so, even America under Trump is still taking
refugees under much tighter vetting.
Japan just put its foot down and said no, in fact, they tolerate zero Muslim immigration.
You don't have to worry about being killed by some religious nutcase on a night out in
Tokyo or being run down by a truck by a driver that prays to some guy with name
starting with the letter M.
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Windmillsofhismind > disqus_2015ScorpioWater • 2 days ago

'Japan is an Alt Right dream come true in many ways. '

'This week, it was announced that Japan finally outlawed child pornography. The ban
does not cover 2D sexualized representations of children in manga and video games. '

'After long wait, Japan moves to ban possession of child pornography

By Jethro Mullen and Yoko Wakatsuki, CNN
Updated 0237 GMT (1037 HKT) June 10, 2014'

'Why is pedophilia common in Japan?'

'Legal age of consent

"We're asked by international police to help arrest child pornographers, but there's
nothing we can do", says Goto, deputy director of the National Police Agency's
community safety bureau Japan's criminal law prohibits sex with minors but a minor
see more

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disqus_2015ScorpioWater > Windmillsofhismind • 2 days ago

Hey Windmill, your beautiful UK is one of the worst countries in the world when it
comes to this matter. Not only that you are being taken over by Muslims, so shut up
about Japan.
I have lost count of the number of times a kebab maker has diversified the UK this year.
Japan has kept kebab out, that is why you don't have to worry about being killed by
some Muslim religious maniac while out on a night in Tokyo like you do in Paris or
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Windmillsofhismind > disqus_2015ScorpioWater • 2 days ago

I won't be 'shutting up' about anything.
You know that.

Japan is not perfect and is nobodies 'dream'.

Not the alt-right.
Not even the Japanese.
Happy people reproduce.
Japan's demography is a nightmare.

The horror show in the west makes anywhere half sane look beautiful.

Japan is not perfect, that's my point.

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disqus_2015ScorpioWater > Windmillsofhismind • 2 days ago

That is true, when I see the horror show in America and Western Europe, Japan doesn't
seem so bad. I visited the country around the time of the earthquake there, despite what
happened I otherwise enjoyed the experience.
I moved to Eastern Europe, no chance of me moving West to Eurabiastan. Hungary
isn't Japan but its not France at least. Found a blog by a French SJW with blue hair who
often travels to Hungary, gee I wonder why? I guess the SJW thing is just a front for
her, she only pretends to love spreading her legs for Mohammed and Omar.
The main thing that Japan tunes with the Alt Right is that they believe in a defacto
notion of nationality being tied to ethnic heritage you are either Japanese or you are
notion of nationality being tied to ethnic heritage, you are either Japanese or you are
not. Its not a perfect country by any stretch of the imagination. Its not like Western
Europe where people named Mohammed are getting French, German, and British
passports and citizenship, as well as voting rights. I don't think Tokyo or Osaka is going
to have an Indonesian mayor anytime in the next 300 years, I bet Britain will have a
Paki Prime Minister within 10 years though. Even with Brexit, Britain is stuck with SJW
Teresa May, who really is just doing absolute nothing.
If you are talking about female fertility being in tune with the Alt Right, I guess India
would be the best example, and they also hate Muslims. Still its a filthy crowded
country. Not surprising so many South Asian Muslims in the UK, they play on white
guilt, something they cannot do on the subcontinent. Still South Asia is Dante's hell.
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Windmillsofhismind > disqus_2015ScorpioWater • a day ago

I thought about moving East.

I decided upon Russia and interviewed for the school where Abramovich's children
were enrolled (he's well known in the UK).

Then the economic warfare hit and Russia's currency tanked.

The real problem was medium term instability, so contracts were difficult to draw up.

Now I'm in the ME and loving it.

As you might expect, life 'on the ground' is not what you might expect.
The money is excellent. Tax free. Free private health cover. No bills no rent no local
taxes etc etc

A school in Hungary tried for two years to get me to go out there.

If I was younger I would have been tempted, but they just can't pay the salary.
A pity all 'round.
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Albionic American > Norske17 • 3 days ago

White South Africans have to hunker down, from what I've gathered. We just can't shoot wave after
wave of blacks any more to protect ourselves, like in Zulu.

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Clark Kent • 3 days ago

You guys are expecting too much of the French government. Did you not realize they're too busy making it
illegal to ask for women's phone numbers?

How are French women going to figure out where all the good men have gone with all these rapists trying to
date them all the time?
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disqus_2015ScorpioWater > Clark Kent • 3 days ago

I heard some American woman whining that France was 30 years behind the US in terms of women's
rights, that was in 2004, I guess they are going lightspeed these days. The modern French women are
fugly anyway, most dress poorly and even when they wear bikinis its on an overweight body due to too
much fast food and them sitting on their asses with their smartphones.
The idea that French women eat rich food and look like underwear models is complete rubbish.
Obesity has skyrocketed in France over half the population is overweight.
France has public saunas where you can meet women and have sex with them, wonder what will
happen to those once that law takes effect. I guess men will be charged with rape if they go to such
places and manage to have sex.
3△ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Windmillsofhismind > Clark Kent • 2 days ago

Taking telephone numbers?

That's literally worse than.....

Anyway, it was made illegal to shout at your wife in France.........and Britain....

'France to introduce new law banning 'psychological violence' in ...
Jan 6, 2010 - Shouting at your wife may get you a criminal record in France ... Married couples in
France could end up with criminal records for insulting each ...
Bullying husbands who shout at wives could be found guilty of ...
Nov 23, 2014 - Bullying husbands who shout at their wives could be found guilty of ... that husbands
who constantly criticise their wives over their weight or .... plays manipulative wife for extremely
steamy scene in French movie Les Fantômes d'Ismael ...... involves locating the G-spot - so can YOU
answer it '

....or say she is fat.

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Clark Kent > Windmillsofhismind • 2 days ago

they should just make it illegal to have a penis and get it over with already
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disqus_2015ScorpioWater > Clark Kent • 2 days ago

Next it will be illegal to be heterosexual.
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disqus_2015ScorpioWater > Windmillsofhismind • 2 days ago

In other words if your wife in France goes psycho and you talk back, you go to jail, however she
can throw knives at you and claim she was having her period, she won't be prosecuted for
domestic violence and attempted murder.
French women are not even worth it, most are fugly. Most Hungarian women I see in my
village are like what French women used to be around 40 years ago.
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Windmillsofhismind > disqus_2015ScorpioWater • a day ago

'French women are not even worth it, most are fugly. '

They may be fat and ugly, but they do have a lazy, dimwitted and resentful attitude.
Who are you to refuse???
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hurricane-ravaged-island-of-st-martin)French Government Does Nothing About Black Looting On
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Women Have Been Tricked Into Living Like Men


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The Uncle Roosh T-Shirt Has Arrived (

Charlottesville Was A Disaster For The Dissident Right

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