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5/3/2020 "F ** k Trump Supporters" - Prof Rutgers culpa os conservadores brancos por usar vírus para matar negros

para matar negros | Zero Hedge

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"F ** k Trump Supporters" - Prof Rutgers culpa os conservadores brancos por

usar vírus para matar negros

por Tyler Durden

Sexta-feira, 05/01/2020 - 09:50

De autoria de Jonathan Turley,

Brittney Cooper, professora associada do Departamento de Estudos da Mulher, Gênero e Sexualidade  da Universidade
Rutgers, está dobrando seus comentários públicos anteriores, denunciando os apoiadores de Trump e alegando uma
conspiração para matar negros. 

Ela invocou notavelmente seu status de titularidade com os últimos ataques por tweet:

Tenho posse. Rutgers não vai me demitir por tweets. 

As many of you know, I have long taken the same position on the free speech rights of faculty on social media and public
comments. However, schools have been less than consistent in punishing or investigating faculty based on the content of
their views.  Cooper declaring “F— each and every Trump supporter” obviously would include many students in the university.  She
blames “white depravity” and claims “when whiteness has a death wish, we are all in for a serious problem.”  As previously
discussed, it is doubtful that these same attacks directed against African-Americans or other groups would be treated in the same
This week, Cooper tweeted “F— each and every Trump supporter. You absolutely did this. You are to blame” for the
pandemic.  She brushed off past criticism and declared “I said what I meant. And I curse cuz I’m grown. I have tenure. Rutgers
won’t be firing me for tweets.”

Brittney Cooper @ProfessorCrunk · Apr 30, 2020

Replying to @ProfessorCrunk
So I said what I meant. And I curse cuz I’m grown. I disdain every
person who thought and thinks he’s a good leader, because that
thinking has had material consequences for far too many of us.

Brittney Cooper

Just know a couple of things: 1.) I report threats to law

enforcement and have had committed law enforcement support 1/3
5/3/2020 "F ** k Trump Supporters" - Prof Rutgers culpa os conservadores brancos por usar vírus para matar negros | Zero Hedge

for many years now. 2.) I have tenure. Rutgers won’t be firing
me for tweets. That is all.
1,501 8:12 AM - Apr 30, 2020

2,964 people are talking about this

Cooper has insisted that the pandemic is part of a racist plot by white conservatives and Trump supporters. 
In unhinged screeds, Cooper claims that the pandemic is really “all about a gross necropolitical calculation that it is Black
people who are dying disproportionately from COVID.”  She added  “Not only do white conservatives not care about Black life but
my most cynical negative read of the white supremacists among them is that they welcome this mass winnowing of Black folks in
order to slow demographic shifts and shore up political power.”

Brittney Cooper @ProfessorCrunk · Apr 28, 2020

I feel like most Black people are clear that this utterly absurd to
push to re-open the country is all about a gross necropolitical
calculation that it is Black people who are dying disproportionately
from COVID.

Brittney Cooper

Not only do white conservatives not care about Black life, but my
most cynical negative read of the white supremacists among
them is that they welcome this massive winnowing of Black folks
in order to slow demographic shifts and shore up political power.
2,654 9:48 AM - Apr 28, 2020

2,606 people are talking about this




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5/3/2020 "F ** k Trump Supporters" - Prof Rutgers culpa os conservadores brancos por usar vírus para matar negros | Zero Hedge

In another post, Cooper claimed Trump supporters’ loyalty to the president impaired their judgment about the outbreak:

“They are literally willing to die from this clusterf—ed COVID response rather than admit absolutely anybody other than him
[Trump] would have been a better president. And when whiteness has a death wish, we are all in for a serious problem.” 

She has previously denounced “white depravity.”

As we have previously discussed (including a story involving an Oregon professor), there remains an uncertain line in what
language is protected for teachers in their private lives. The incident also raises what some faculty have complained is a double
or at least uncertain standard. We have previously discussed controversies at the University of California and Boston University,
where there have been criticism of such a double standard, even in the face of criminal conduct. There were also such an incident at
the University of London involving Bahar Mustafa as well as one involving a University of Pennsylvania professor. Some intolerant
statements against students are deemed free speech while others are deemed hate speech or the basis for university action. There is
a lack of consistency or uniformity in these actions which turn on the specific groups left aggrieved by out-of-school comments.

Again, I believe Cooper’s speech should be protected but the recognition of such free speech values seems to often exclude
faculty and students from opposing political or social perspectives.  The protection of such speech continues to depend on its
content in determining if actions will be taken by the university.

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