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Journal of Critical Reviews

ISSN- 2394-5125 Vol 7, Issue 11, 2020


Nilo E. Padilla1, Joe Ann G. Payne2, Visitacion S. Simbulan3,
Chenny M. Guzman4, Ralph John S. Lapastura5, Errol John A. Cadelina6
Isabela State University-Main Campus, San Fabian, 3309 Echague, Isabela, Philippines

Received: 08.03.2020 Revised: 17.04.2020 Accepted: 07.05.2020

In Region 02 Philippines, this study evaluated awareness, issues and constraints, opportunities, challenges and policies on organic/range
chicken farmers. For all participants (farm input suppliers, producers, retailers, distributors, business providers and consumers) and
Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Issue Analysis, Main Informant Inter, data were collected using semi-structured questionnaires. Results
show that organic/range chicken are aware of the management practices, issues, concerns involving organic range-chicken farming, and
its economical, nutritional and environmental advantages. Although there is an increasing demand for organic chicken product, there is
low adoption of organic/range chicken farming due to limited knowledge on production conversion technologies on efficient organic
chicken production to limited access of funding agencies and lending institutions. There is an unequitable distribution of profit along the
value chain of organic chicken wherein the middlemen gets more profit. Chicken production enterprise was limited due to the
unsustainable supplies hence all actors in all segments of value chains should be accredited and organized to produce quality and
quantity of the product required in the market. Service providers’ such as Local Government Units, Department of Agriculture and State
Universities and Colleges (LGU’s, DA, SUCs)extend support such as trainings, seminars and limited financial support. However, these
farmers have limited access to these services due to lack of information and dissemination of the said funding agencies. Hence, this type
of farming is still in its infancy and needs more support from service providers.
Keywords: Mapping, organic/range chicken, value adding, value chain analysis.

© 2020 by Advance Scientific Research. This is an open-access article under the CC BY license (

Philippine economy is growing of about 4.4% per annum over Recognizing and realizing the increasing demand for Organic
the past three years indicates that there are opportunity that can Production and to realize the sustainability of Organic
be explored in terms of agriculture, entrepreneurship and Agriculture, RA 10068 known as the Philippine Agriculture
industry. Moreover, rapid growth of population will increase the Organic 2010 Act was promulgated to encourage, spread, further
pool of future consumers of primary and staple farm products establish and enforce the practice of organic farming in the
such as rice, pork, and poultry. The growth of demand of these Philippines.
products made the future development of organic farming very
promising, since the Department of Agriculture (DA) invest in The IRR of RA 10068 states that, initially, 50 M pesos shall be
larger operations in organic farming related to economic, health, allocated for the first year of implementation of the Act and,
and environment. However, organic industry in the Philippines is subsequently, at least 2% of the annual budget of the DA shall be
still in its infancy or emergent stage. allocated to organic farming, programs and projects to ensure the
sustainable growth of organic farming by means of automatic
Due to the increasing demand of health conscious and allocations from the annual budget of the DA for certain% of
environmental conscious consumers, free range chicken farming organic farming. The creation of the IRR for RA 10068 is a clear
in the Philippines is at its momentum despite the fact that proof of the commitment of the new DA administration to cause a
majority of chickens being sold in the market were still factory transition from conventional to organic farming.
farm produced. Free range farming also referred to as organic
farming is a way of growing livestock without the use of Additionally, DA is promoting organic chicken farming through
chemicals such as antibiotics and growth hormones and without proper information dissemination to small scale or backyard
subjecting animals in cramped and unsanitary conditions. farmers via workshops to address their technical know−how’s
Further, free range chickens are known to have premium meat and for them to produce premium fowls. Organic production is
with good health benefits. Also, it was beneficial to the expected to grow with price premiums by 10 to 20 percent with
environment because the chicken’s droppings aids in fertilizing some chickens retailing for as much as 1,000 pesos (Yan, 2019).
soils allowing the plants to grow (Yan, 2019).
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) reported that as of The study thereby was conducted to determine and
January 2019, native chicken has the highest share in terms of analyzeawareness, issues and constraints, opportunities,
the total chicken inventory with 83.34 million birds compared to challenges, and policies on organic chicken farmers in Region 02.
layer and broiler chicken with 38.81 million and 35.57 million It intended to measure the knowledge of organic range chicken
birds respectively (PSA, 2019). Moreover, Yan (2019) mentioned producers, traders and consumers; map the value chain of
that this native chickens are healthier and are capable of organic range chicken identifying processes, actors and their
enduring harsh environment which makes them resistant to positions from inputs to product consumption, identify issues
diseases. affecting production and marketing, and suggest policy options
to boost production and distribution of organic range chicken
products in Region 2.

Journal of critical reviews 60



Especially in the Philippines today organic agriculture is still in
its embryonic stage. It is projected by some economies that in the
coming decade, due to increasing human needs and as
contributing factors for restoring our environment, there will be
a primary development in agriculture. Production and marketing
of organic chicken products are increasing continuously with a
rising trend not only in the Philippines but also on the
international market.
Organic development is influenced by outside and internal
conditions throughout the process. However, the quality and
quantity of internal factors are in the hands of the entrepreneurs
/ farmers who are also determined by the conditions of
accreditation of external factors such as economic, technical,
social / cultural , political / legal , environmental and organic
products surrounded by the producers. The efficiency of its Figure 02. Organic Chicken Practitioners in Region 02
production depends on the conditions of internal factors such as
manpower, technological facilities, physical facilities, farm inputs The provincial geographic information system (GIS) map of the 5
and producer ability to support the operation's required funds. provinces of Cagayan Valley in Region 2 shows that most
organic/range chicken practitioners were 1st and 2nd level
Issues of accreditation of organic chicken product would also be accredited. (First level of accreditation means that neighbors
considered in these industries in order to distinguish between testifying that they have been raising organic range chicken while
ordinary / conventional products and that can offer advantages second level of practitioner have undergone training and had been
to producers / traders in selling their products on the market. practicing organic farming for at least one year. They are working
Value-adding activities are undertaken to further enhance the for their third level of accreditation as organic chicken
potential for increased income especially during the over- practitioners. They are the potential organic chicken practitioners
offering and low demand of these products. in the future as they have initially worked for their level
accreditation, Figure 02)
At the end of the report, the following were realized: a) defined
level of knowledge among producers, traders and consumers; b) Stratified sampling was used to determine the acceptability of
mapped value chain of selected organic products; c) identified organic chicken by the consuming public for the commodities
marketing system; d) identified constraints and opportunities in under study, it was based on the following strata such as location
organic goods development and marketing; and e) implications and level of income. The survey consumers in first class
and recommendations. The conceptual framework of the study is municipalities with not less than 20,000 inhabitants were
depicted in Figure 01. situated in urban centers with household income of
Php15,000.00/month and above. For each study , the sample in
the area was calculated using Slovin 's formula with an error
margin of 4 percent for both categories (farmers and
The computed sample was apportioned to provinces and
qualified municipalities based on its number of farmer and
consumer populations. The farmer and consumer samples were
drawn at random using draw lots or in random numbers.
Information of organic farmers and traders of chicken was
gathered from the Department of Agriculture and other agencies
in each province. From the lists of organic farmers provided by
the DA, total numeration was used to analyse data gathered from
the farmers and traders who engaged in production and
METHODOLOGY marketing of the organic chicken.
To enhance the promotion and production of organic products, Gathering of Data
availability of organic products must be ensured through the Through FGD, Problem Analysis, Key Informant Interviews (KII),
implementation of the following strategies: Environmental Scanning and Strength, Weaknesses ,
Selection of Commodities. From among the organically grown Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis, two sets of data
commodities in Cagayan Valley, chicken was selected as one collected using semi-structured questionnaires floated to all
commodity for the project. This commodity has been produced in actors (farm input suppliers, producers, traders, processors,
the region where in some farmers had already started to shift business providers and consumers).
from heavily dependence on toxic/synthetic chemical based
poultry production to organic based. Moreover, this commodity Focus Group Discussion. The project team initiated the conduct
had been one of the commodity thrusts by the member agencies of FGD with the organic chicken farmers, farm input suppliers,
of the CVARRD consortium and the priority commodities processors, traders and other officials of the government
approved by the Regional Development Council of NEDA, CV - responsible in pushing organic programs in Region 02. The FGD
R02. provided the project team a vivid picture of the opinions,
perspectives, views and insights of the stakeholders and the
Time and Place of the Study. The study was conducted from chance of on-the-spot validation of information and details as to
2014 to 2017, a three-years study of Value Chain Analysis of the needs and problems in the organic production and
Selected Products (in transition to organic) in Region 02. marketing.

Journal of critical reviews 61


Groupings were made to facilitate discussion. Facilitators from In Cagayan Valley, R02, majority of range chicken raisers were
the project team were assigned for each group to moderate and aware of what is organically grown chicken is (58%); that
synthesize ideas and views of the participants. organic chicken raising requires organic inputs (80%), and that
organic chicken integrated with management of infectious
Questions were asked related to the organic products under disease (12%) and requires biosecurity measures (10%).
study. Answers were recorded, processed and validated with the Majority (68%) of the respondents were aware that organic
outputs of the other methods employed. farming uses indigenous knowledge in farming, and some of
Problem Analysis. The problem analysis was implemented to them (30.5%) even have high level of awareness regarding this
identify the problems persisting in the organic chicken practices.
production and marketing relating to the areas where they are Most farmer-respondents (62.7%) believed that there was a
operating. This was implemented by asking the group members market niche of organic chicken and more profit can be derived
to write their perceived problems in a meta-card in the contexts from it, since it requires low-investment. Since most suppliers of
of the organic rice. Each participants wrote their problems using organic chicken are small farmers, Consumers of organic chicken
the language they were comfortable with after which, they also help to develop rural economy and smallholder income
posted their problems in the board and ranked them according to potential (Genki, 2008).
Key Informant Interviews. The KII was used as a strategy to
validate the information and details gathered through the
problem analysis and FGD. The group identified key informants
as to the length of years in engaging organic farming, years as
members in the organization, and position in the organization.
Environmental Scanning. It was a walk through in the area which
was implemented through a transect walk to scan physical
resources available in the community not identified during the
interviews and other data gathering tools which might help in Figure 03. Range Chicken Distribution in Cagayan
the project implementation. Valley
Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Together with Among the provinces in Cagayan Valley Region 2, out of the 59
the FGD and KII as methods of identifying problems, the project range chicken practitioners, Cagayan reported 41.3%, Isabela
team also analyzed the data gathered through SWOT analysis, 28.1%, Nueva Vizcaya 17.4%, Quirino 10.70%, and Batanes
triangulated with the data reflected from the 2.50%. (Figure 03)
cooperative/organization profiles of the communities.
Most 37 or 62.7% farmer-respondents believed that there was a
Other information relevant to organic chicken farming published market niche of organic chicken and more profit derived as
by concerned government agencies, NGO’s, research agencies, mentioned by 37 or 63 farmer-respondents. Aside from low-
gazette papers, etc. were considered as sources of secondary investment (25 or 42% farmer-respondents) it was also safe food
data. in the market (21 or 36%). There were only 2 or 3.4% farmer-
respondents who believed that organic chicken production will
Data Analysis and Treatment rehabilitate their farm (Table 2).
Descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentages, ranking,
graphical, arithmetical mean, etc. were used to analyze the Table 2. Reasons of the Respondents to shift to Organic Chicken
gathered data. Likert scale and Chi-square analyses were Production
employed to analyze the awareness of farmers, consumers,
processors and DA personnel who were dealing with production,
marketing and promotion on organic rice.
Incremental cost analysis was used to track the value added from
farm inputs to the sale of the goods in each point in the value
chain of organic chicken. This is shown in diagram that shows the
channel or network in each product handler in the value chain.
For each point the cost and return analysis and a comparative
analysis were also carried out (Figures 2 & 3).
General Awareness on Organic Farming
Table 1. Awareness of the respondents on Organic Chicken
production in Region 02
Organic chicken is really beneficial to an individual’s health due
to its high content of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Vitamin A.
Therefore, eating organic chicken not only provides health
benefits but can also provide a healthier climate. It can also keep
the environment safe by capturing insects that can damage the
plants, scavenging crop residues and fertilizing the soil with its
organic manure. Furthermore, organic growing chicken does not
generate air pollution typical in poultry farms (Genki, 2008).
Map of the Value Chain of Organic Free-Range Chicken
Value Chain Mapping of Organic Chicken
The middleman/wholesalers/assemblers have their preferred
distribution channels which include retailers at the public, city

Journal of critical reviews 62


markets, local restaurants, food stalls in the market, and grilled To be able to sell the chicken meat and products, starting from
and roasted chicken street sellers. the producers to the middleman/processors, the producers
For the retailers in the public market, they sell live or dressed spend a greater amount of time in raising the chicken before it
chicken and chicken finished products (e.g. tinola or fried was sold to the middleman. The middleman, usually spend time
chicken) to their customers for household consumption. Most of in the coordination, transportation, reaching out the processors
the buyers are the farmers, government employees, household and setting the selling prices to its distribution channels in
consumers, coop members, restaurants, who themselves were order to maintain their customers. It is noted that the
the main stakeholders of the value chain map. middlemen along the chain acquire more profit than the other
The business service providers (e.g. DA, SUCs, NGO’s, etc.) mostly
provide hands-on training, lecture, seminar and assistance Furthermore, some middleman/processors, slaughters the
including consultancy, and other form of services on native chicken sold as dressed, at about ₱350.00 per kilo to wedding
chicken production and processing. party organizers, birthdays, and other social gatherings. The
similar approach of pricing has been applied for Many Channels
The organic chicken farmers transport live or dressed chicken of Supply. The burden of having much higher prices is on the
and chicken finished products through motorbikes, tricycles, final consumers, particularly the dressed chicken and
jeeps, vans, and delivery trucks. The logistic arrangement except processed products such as the deep fried, grilled and roasted
for the delivery truck is most often unethical or unprofessional chickens. One kilogram of deep fried or roasted chicken, for
since they do not use cage or separate transport facilities for the example, can be priced to anywhere between 300.00 and
transported live chicken. The chicken therefore becomes stressed 350.00 per kilo. The analysis of the process flow in the cost and
and its meat quality is affected when slaughtered. Moreover, to price involved in the value chain is depicted in Figure 05.
gain weight, middlemen usually provide a large amount of food
and water in order to obtain heavier weight of the chicken,
thereby gaining more profit.

Figure 05. Analysis of the Process Flow in the Cost and Price
involved in the Value Chain
Figure 04. Value Chain Mapping of Organic Chicken

Opportunities and Challenges:

Analysis of the Process Flow in the Cost and Price involved
in the Value Chain In Cagayan Valley R02, organic range chicken provided greater
To find out the production cost or farm gate cost, the opportunity for employment and economic well-being of key
researchers and study leaders coordinated and discussed with actors in the Value Chain especially the marginalized farmers
the Municipal Agricultural Office, Provincial Agricultural Office, who comprised the bulk of underemployed and un-employed
Municipal, Provincial, and Regional Organic focal persons, due to the following: a) the huge demand for certified organic
technicians and DA field staff and representatives of chicken products by the foreign and domestic markets; b) high
Cooperatives, NGOs, SUCs, and others who were present during profit and income derived from the enterprise; c) the growing
the FGD, validation workshop and field visitations related to the health consciousness of consumers; d) awareness of majority of
value chain of Philippine native chicken (in transition to the farmers on the national and local organic programs, and e)
organic) from production, processing up to marketing of the assistance that were being provided by business development
dressed chicken to the consumers in the target areas where this service providers.
study was conducted. The organic pricing scheme is based
from the chicken’s estimated live weight by producers who Statistics shows that there is an increasing demand in naturally
usually deal with wholesaler/middlemen/integrator and produce organic products as they perceive them as safe,
processors. Most producers do not have knowledge about nutritious and with good flavour. (Compendium of BAR-Funded
market price and rarely pay attention to market information. Projects under the NOAP (2011-2016))
The demand and supply are being dictated by sellers/retailers.
Some middlemen were also processors themselves of the Policy Making Aspects
organic/range chicken. They have the purchase bargaining There has been a sincere commitment of government (Local
power than producers since they can dictate the price hence and National) to support the key players of the value chain
they get better profit in shorter period of time. development of free range chicken productions as can be seen
in the policy directions contained in its medium term
The estimated cost of raising a chicken until it reaches a development program and the creation of NOAB under the
marketable weight of 1 kg is approximately ₱175.00. The “Organic Act 2010 “which promulgated policies and regulations
farmers sell live organic/range chicken at a farm gate price of that tend to create a business environment conducive for the
about ₱250.00 per kg to the middlemen. In turn, the middlemen promotion, growth and development of free range chicken
sell the produced dressed chicken at about ₱300.00 a kilo to its enterprise.
processor in public or cities markets. In turn, the processor
sells it to public market/consumers and realizes a net margin of
approximately ₱30.00 to ₱50.00 per kilo. Local Government Units and Non-Government offices including
all stakeholders who were responsible in organic chicken

Journal of critical reviews 63


production had been working together to address all the issues Issues and Constrains
and concerns especially on the challenges confronting the Profitability
production of certified organic chicken. The level of profitability of organic range chicken production is
low for small scale production and only reaches reasonable levels
Socio-economic of income for large scale production since there is a relatively
high labor and capital costs for production. The primary
Results shows that range chicken production has been most
determinants of profitability of all evaluated systems at the gross
preferred by the backyard raisers and small enterprise in
margin level are total feed costs (reflecting size, feed conversion,
Cagayan Valley, R02 because of its economic advantages; low
productivity and final age) and selling value. Feed expenditures
capital investment, minimal labour, and low cost of production
constituted a large portion of the overall variable cost of organic
/ range chickens rearing.

Most range chicken practitioners in CV-R02 were aware that The high sales price is the main constraints of increased demand
organically grown chicken promotes healthier well-being, for organic products, hence the focus must be to lower
(more nutritious) and with distinct flavour/taste. production cost by adopting alternative cheap[ but quality
Furthermore,range chicken products were most preferred in sustainable feed resources and lower selling price.
most social gatherings because they are cheap and available at
all times. Financial Appraisal
Most small producers are operating at too small return over fixed
The existence of a well-organized associations/organization that cost and it likely that only viable expenses of organic production
provide support and guidance that promotes safe food and health will occur on larger units(economic scale).
security like the Quirino Livelihood Farmers Enterprise (QLIFE),
and PAYOGA cooperative, Gamu, Isabela, could serve as a model Marketing and Production Cost
and can be replicated to facilitate farm needs, and to address Practitioners do not have develop packing/processing facilities
issues and problems that confront their members. (automation) to minimize cost of production together with the
development of outlets. There is no larger production units
Free range chicken production have been the source of develop for the labor cost to be reduced through increased
employment and additional income in almost all backyards of automation. There is no provision of low cost quality poultry
small farmers in Cagayan Valley, R02. feeds to maintain productivity and attain acceptable price. There
is no maintenance of standard quality of products. There is no
There was a greater demand of certified organic chicken consumer education to patronize quality organic products.
products by the supermarkets both in Region 02 and outside the Practitioners are not aware of the problems on small scale units
region especially Metro Manila. Hence, there should be available to provide an adequate level of return on investment. No
supply to sustain the growing demand and existence of well- certified market for organic chicken due to high accreditation
organized group to coordinate with each other to gain fees. It was suggested by the respondents that if accreditation
access/leverage to DA, DTI and other institution’s support to cannot be provided free, then it should be subsidized to become
sustain the supply chain. acceptable to the actors along the VC of organic products.

Technological Generally, the low adoption of organic chicken farming is caused

There were established and adoptable organic chicken by the farmer’s limited knowledge on production conversion
technologies which were available in the DA, SUCs, LGU’s and technologies and limited understanding on the impacts of
NGO’s in the region. Moreover, backyard raisers should benefit chemicals on the health and environment, therefore they practice
on the advancement of technology and access to important conventional type of farming. Thus, this finding implies that
resources such as; commercial organic feeds, high quality these farmers, together with someof the stakeholders and
stock, biologics, credit ,and extension services. poultry owners, need to be guided and assisted by the
knowledgeable individuals or institutions especially on shifting
to organic farm inputs and its benefits. One way of addressing
Chicken raiser must have the skills and capabilities in
this is to conduct trainings and seminars. Proper information
production conversion technology protocol set by the certifying
dissemination would also help. In terms of the limited technical
body of the DA that guided farmers in shifting to organic
know-how of implementing the standard protocols in the organic
methods of chicken production.
production as set by the certifying body of the DA, the DA must
prioritized the conduct of hands-on training and seminars to all
Environmental interested actors along the Value Chain of organic chicken
Most organic/range chicken raisers especially in the remote business.
marginalized communities are aware of t h e impacts of
chemicals on health and ecological balance. Moreover, the price of organic chicken is quite expensive for the
small-hold consumers of the organic chicken produced. The law
The DA, provided subsidies to LGU’s in the construction of of supply and demand applies to the selling price of the products.
slaughter house, to improve the environment and sanitation in Hence, to encourage more players to engage on Organic chicken
the community, and to promote food safety. Moreover farm to production, a provision of capital and incentives must be
market road had been also constructed with the cooperation of provided by the DA and other concerned agencies.
DA and LGU.
The limited access to funding support due to the limited
Legal information dissemination on available funds support that have
The RA 10068, Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 established the been provided by concerned agencies like the DA, DTI service
PNOAB which supported the implementation of the Philippine providers and lending institution like DBP and LB had been
National Organic Standards and Certification and the BAI providing loan windows preferably to big commercial raisers
Livestock Development Program of the DA and other LGU who have collaterals. Concerned agencies must provide
policies in support of Organic Agriculture in the Cagayan Valley information on what support/incentives they could provide to
in particular and in the Philippines in general. the native chicken raisers; there must be massive information

Journal of critical reviews 64


dissemination on gov’t. Assistance, standard requirements and of barangay roads for easy access of the technicians in
support and existing loan windows to be provided by the said performing their job.
financial lending institutions. Cooperative or association must
come up with a resolution requesting the Sec. of DA representing Veterinary Services. There should be at least one knowledgeable
them in discussing an acceptable loan window for micro, small veterinarian in every clustered communities to assist the farmers
and medium scale organic chicken enterprise. Implementing especially on the health management of the organic/free range
Rules and Regulations must be translated into local vernaculars chickens. The provincial Veterinarian Office should be
so that the clients of the organic chicken sector could easily appropriated budgets intended mainly for the promotion of
understand what the organic policy is all about. organic chicken farming.

A well-organized association and cooperative of all key players Conduct R&D Studies. Research and Development should focus
along the Value Chain Analysis (VCA) of Organic Philippine on low-cost environmental friendly production technologies.
chicken products are none existent due to limited support and Promoting organic chicken production by putting up organic
guidance provided by concerned agencies. Thus, an unequitable stocks to be ―dispersed or given to those who would like to go
distribution of profit along the Value Chain of chicken such as; into organic farming should be considered. Moreover, they
input supplier, producers, processors until the products reach should also be given financial assistance so that they could
the market. Also, the market for small and micro chicken intensify the campaign towards the organic chicken farming and
production enterprise was limited due to the unsustainable to formulate/ promulgate and execute policies that would benefit
supply. This can only be solved when actors in all segments of the organic chicken raisers.
value chain were accredited and organized to enable them to
produce the quality and quantity of the products that is required Market studies and innovative low-cost packaging of free range
in the market. – This is one way of establishing strong bargaining chicken products must also be conducted.
power and market linkages when a well-organized group could
produce products that are high of quality and quantity.
The findings of the study imply that in Cagayan Valley, R02,
But market for Organic Chicken is limited only for big farmers are aware and knowledgeable about organic farming
commercial raisers but not to small-hold backyard raisers. Small management, as well as its nutritional and environmental
producers must be given free accreditation fees or must be made benefits. However, results show that these farmers have limited
affordable. The Department of Agriculture (DA) must continue access to the funding support due to the lack of information
providing technical advice and training to small producers until dissemination of some funding institutions. Thus, organic raising
they will become independent and can stand at their own. In of free range chicken in the region is still in its emergent stage
addition, there was no loan available for small scale organic and yet to be developed.
chicken producer. However, if they are well-organized into There is a need to improve organic chicken production especially
association/ federation, then they can easily meet the lending in increasing competitiveness and increasing shares of the sector
institutions’ requirement. in the domestic and international markets

The Provincial Veterinarian office should also be actively Native chicken raisers must organize themselves into
involved in the campaign for organic chicken production. cooperative or federation to enable them to produce the required
Moreover, their office must be also provided with stocks of volume and quality of the specific good prepared by the
organic/range chicken by the DA, for them to grow and to be consumers. Once they are well-organized, they must work and
multiplied so they can use it for chicken dispersal program. coordinate closely with all the players/actors of the native
Moreover, massive info-dissemination on the benefits and chicken value chain so that the farmer's market power and
advantages of organic on our health must be conducted. profitability can be enhanced.

Policy Options There should be a price standard set by the government to

Based from the results of the study, the following are hereby safeguard the interest of the actors in the value chain of
recommended: Native chicken raisers must organize themselves organic/range chicken production.
into cooperative or Federation to enable them to produce the
There should be more incentive to be given to organic/range
required volume and quality standard preferred by the
chicken raisers to encourage more organic chicken raisers
consumers. Once they are well-organized, they must work and
coordinate closely with all the players/actor in at all levels, in the
native chicken value chain so that the farmer's market power and Follow-up studies on the management systems of organic/range
profitability can be enhanced. chicken production in the region should be encouraged. This
would benefit the free range chicken industry in the country.
Manpower. It is recommended that to sustain and to encourage
more free range chicken raisers, seminar workshops or lectures More research must be undertaken to identify not only the
from knowledgeable technicians or extension workers must be constraints/problems to subsistence backyard production but
conducted in every Barangay and Municipality of the five also on the means of effective extension and technical assistance,
provinces of CV, R02. A monthly seminar series regarding the and other policies that would benefit the organic chicken raiser’s
whole management system of free organic/range chicken maybe supported by the government and other funding agencies.
conducted for the benefit of those farmers who lack technical
know-how regarding the management system in improving their Practitioners must develop their packing/processing facilities to
practices in range chicken production and handling of the minimize cost of production together with the development of
produced. outlets. They should develop larger production units so that
labor cost can be reduced through increased automation.
Transportation and Communication Extension. Workers should Provision of low cost quality poultry feeds to maintain
be provided with vehicles to monitor the management practices productivity and attain acceptable price. The supply of affordable
and to conduct seminars/workshop and lectures in the remote and quality products. Standard quality of products should be
areas. Communication and road system should also be improved. maintained. Consumer education to patronize quality organic
It should be the main concern of the government to address the products may be undertaken. Practitioners must be aware of the
native chicken raisers’ problem on transporting their produced. problem of small scale units to provide an adequate level of
The national government should also look into the construction return on investment. Smaller units require less investments
however, housing and labor cost per birds are generally higher

Journal of critical reviews 65


than in the case of larger units where economic of scale is

significant. The success of organic production is dependent upon
the productivity and cost of stock, scale of production, quality,
cost and marketing success. A standard price should be set by the

Accreditation fees for organic chicken practitioners must be

subsidize by the government or must be made affordable to the
practitioners of organic/range chicken.

This study is made possible through the assistance of the funding
agency, the Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Agricultural
Research (DA-BAR),Visayas Avenue, Quezon City.

1. Briones, R.M. (2014) Compilation and Synthesis of Major
Agricultural Value Chain Analysis in the Philippines,
Institute for Development Studies, Surian sa mga Pag-aaral
Pangkaunlaran ng Pilipinas. August 2014.
2. IFOAM. International Federation of Organic Agriculture
Movements: Comprehensive information, principles and
standards, member directory, list of professionals,
publications, media, training platform etc.
(Date accessed: October 2014).
3. Bureau of Agricultural Statistics. accessed October 2014)
4. PSA, 2016. CountrySTAT Philippines (Livestock and
Poultry: Volume and value of Production) Retrieved from Accessed 18 March
5. Research and Development, and Extension Agenda and
Programs (RDEAP 2016-2022)
6. Compendium of BAR-Funded Projects under the National
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April 23, 2020 at
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Journal of critical reviews 66

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