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Europe: "Mediterranean Taxis" For People-Smugglers

by Tyler Durden
Thu, 08/29/2019 - 02:00

Authored by Soeren Kern via The Gatestone Institute,

The captain's refusal to accept Spain's offer [to dock in Spain rather than Italy] fueled suspicion
about the financial and political motivations behind the migrant rescues — including efforts
by Open Arms and other NGOs to promote open borders by discrediting Salvini's hardline
immigration policies.

"We are facing the umpteenth mockery of the Spanish Open Arms, which for days has been
wandering around the Mediterranean for the sole purpose of gathering as many people as
possible to bring them always and only to Italy. In all this time they already could have gone back
and forth to a Spanish port three times. These NGOs are only political. They are using the
immigrants against our country. I will not give up." — Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini.
"Open Arms does not rescue shipwrecked people. If it did, it would take them to the nearest port.
What it does is use immigrants as an extortion tool against countries that choose to defend their
sovereignty. These fake humanitarian organizations, in the name of solidarity, exploit the good
will of many people. But their work is promoted by those who want to destroy the borders of
Europe, and only benefits human traffickers." — Santiago Abascal, leader of the Spanish party

The [Ipsos] poll also found that a majority of Italians (56%) believe that the NGOs involved in
rescuing migrants are motivated by money; only 22% believe they are motivated by

The data indicates that most of the migrants who arrived in Italy during the first six months of
2019 are economic migrants, not refugees fleeing warzones.

"It is quite clear that when the organized networks that control migrants from Libya throw people
into the sea in vessels that lack even the slightest navigability conditions to safely transport them
to European ports, what they are doing is deliberately placing them into the legal status of
shipwrecked persons. These are not shipwrecks caused by maritime accidents, as contemplated
by international law, they are 'shipwrecks of convenience.'" — José María Ruiz Soroa, distinguished
professor of maritime law at the University of the Basque Country.

Italian authorities have seized a Spanish migrant rescue ship after a three-week standoff between
the Italian government and the Spanish charity operating the vessel.

Interior Minister Matteo Salvini had refused to allow the Open Arms rescue ship, carrying more than 80
mostly African migrants, to dock in Italy. The refusal was in line with his crackdown on migrant
smuggling that has effectively closed Italian ports to migrant rescue boats since June 2018.

Salvini has accused European non-governmental organizations (NGOs) of coordinating with

people-smuggling mafias to pick up migrants off the coast of Libya and transport them to Italian
Italian officials have referred to the charity rescue boats as "Mediterranean taxis" for people-
Sicilian prosecutor Luigi Patronaggio on August 20 ordered the Open Arms, anchored one kilometer off
Italy's southernmost island of Lampedusa, to dock in Sicily so that its passengers could disembark. He
made the decision, in opposition to Salvini, after more than a dozen migrants jumped overboard and
tried to swim to shore. Subsequent video footage showed that Open Arms staged the jumps to
manipulate public opinion.

The Open Arms, operated by a Spanish NGO of the same name, had picked up 147 migrants off the
coast of Libya on August 1. The Italian government allowed those in need of medical attention and all
unaccompanied children to disembark on August 17. Five EU countries — Spain, France, Germany,
Luxembourg and Portugal — agreed to take in the rest, although details of the understanding have yet
to be finalized.

On August 18, the Spanish government announced that the Open Arms would be allowed to dock at the
Spanish port of Algeciras in Cádiz, and at Mahón in Menorca in the Balearic Islands. The captain of
the Open Arms, however, rejected the offer. He argued that it was "impossible" to attempt the four- to
six-day journey given the conditions on board: "We cannot endanger the security and physical integrity
of the migrants and crew. We need to dock now."

The captain's refusal to accept Spain's offer fueled suspicion about the financial and political
motivations behind the migrant rescues — including efforts by Open Arms and other NGOs to promote
open borders by discrediting Salvini's hardline immigration policies.

"We are facing the umpteenth mockery of the Spanish Open Arms, which for days has been
wandering around the Mediterranean for the sole purpose of gathering as many people as
possible to bring them always and only to Italy," Salvini tweeted.
"In all this time they already could have gone back and forth to a Spanish port three times.
These NGOs are only political. They are using the immigrants against our country. I will not
give up."

Spain's acting Deputy Prime Minister Carmen Calvo expressed bafflement at Open Arms. In an interview
with Spanish radio Cadena SER, she noted that the ship could easily have docked in Tunisia or Malta but
refused to do so:
"We do not understand the position of Open Arms. We have offered all types of support: medical
attention, supplies. We understand the situation is critical because of the uncertainty and
desperation, but once you tell them they have a safe port, the migrants know they are going to
arrive, and anybody can understand that there is no problem."

On August 20, the Spanish government dispatched a warship, the Audaz, from the Rota naval base to
pick up the migrants and take them to the Spanish island of Mallorca. The round-trip voyage, however,
was estimated to take at least a week and Patronaggio acted after reports that some migrants were

The Italian government later impounded the Open Arms after the Italian Coast Guard, in an inspection,
found "serious security anomalies." The Italian Ministry of Transport said that the ship would not be
allowed to leave Sicily until the problems were remedied.

Italian Transportation Minister Danilo Toninelli called on the Spanish government to crack down on the
activities of the Open Arms by de-registering the vessel and removing its Spanish flag. "I hope that
Spain answers our appeal and commits to stopping Open Arms in the future with the means, and
in the ways, it deems right," he said. A de-flagged ship would legally be unable to continue picking up

The Spanish government, facing growing criticism over its handling of the standoff, has since expressed
a harder line against the Open Arms NGO. On August 21, Calvo told Cadena SER radio that the Open
Arms did not have a permit to transport migrants and could be fined €900,000 ($1,000,000) for
violating an express ban on sailing to the seas off Libya: "Open Arms does not have a permit to rescue,
as the captain of the ship knows. This is a state ruled by law. We are all subject to the law."
In the past, however, the Spanish government has worked closely with Open Arms. In August 2018, the
NGO announced that it had reached an agreement with the government to coordinate migrant rescues in
the Strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea. That same month, Spanish Development Minister José
Luis Ábalos heaped praise on Open Arms for rescuing "tens of thousands of people since 2015." It
remains unclear if the NGO is receiving money from the government for its activities.

The Spanish anti-immigration party Vox filed a lawsuit against Open Arms and called for the arrest of
the ship's captain, Óscar Camps. "Disguising its activities as 'rescue work,' this 'NGO' is an accomplice to
the people-smuggling of international mafia networks," Vox leader Santiago Abascal tweeted, adding:

"Open Arms does not rescue shipwrecked people. If it did, it would take them to the nearest
port. What it does is use immigrants as an extortion tool against countries that choose to defend
their sovereignty.
"These fake humanitarian organizations, in the name of solidarity, exploit the good will of many
people. Their work, however, is promoted by those who want to destroy the borders of Europe,
and only benefits human traffickers.
"For all these reasons, we will act firmly and forcefully against any NGO, government,
association or group that intends to continue promoting illegal, massive immigration and
subject us to the interests of international human trafficking mafias.
"This unlawful and criminal activity endangers our welfare state, our sovereignty, the safety of
Spaniards and even the lives they claim to rescue. They will have to answer to the courts sooner
rather than later."

European charity vessels have repeatedly attempted — with varying degrees of success — to bring
migrants rescued at sea to Italian ports:
December 22, 2018. The Spanish ship Open Arms, carrying 311 migrants rescued off the coast of
Libya, sailed to the Spanish port of Algeciras after the vessel was refused entry by Italy and Malta.
"Italian ports are CLOSED," Salvini tweeted. "The human traffickers and their accomplices know
that our ports are closed, STOP!" he added.

March 19, 2019. The Italian-flagged charity ship Mare Jonio was impoundedafter it docked at a

port in Lampedusa and dropped off 49 migrants picked up in waters off Libya. "The ship of the
anarchist squats has been seized, excellent," Salvini said. "In Italy there is now a government that
defends borders and makes laws respected, above all by the people traffickers. Those who do
wrong will pay." Earlier he had said that the migrants would not be allowed to enter Italy: "They
can be treated, dressed and fed. We can give them any kind of comfort, but they will not set foot
in Italy."

May 10, 2019. The Mare Jonio was again impounded after it docked at a port in Lampedusa and
dropped off 30 migrants rescued off the coast of Libya.

June 29, 2019. Italian authorities arrested the 31-year-old German captain of the Dutch-
flagged Sea-Watch 3, operated by German charity Sea-Watch, after she illegally docked the vessel
carrying 40 migrants at Lampedusa. Salvini tweeted: "Outlaw arrested. Pirate ship seized. Big fine
on foreign NGO. Migrants all redistributed in other European countries. Mission completed." An
Italian judge subsequently released her on the grounds that she had been acting to save lives. The
decision angered Salvini, who said it would encourage other charity vessels to defy the docking
July 6, 2019. The Italian-flagged charity vessel Alex, in defiance of Salvini, brought 41
shipwrecked migrants into port in Lampedusa. Salvini tweeted: "To break the law, these jackals
put the lives of immigrants on board at risk. Will they also go unpunished? In a serious country,
arrests and seizure of the vessel would be immediate: what will the judges do this time???"

Meanwhile, the Norwegian-flagged Ocean Viking, operated by two French charities, was allowed to dock
in Malta late on August 23 after being refused entry into Italy. The ship, carrying 356 migrants, had
been sailing between Sicily and Lampedusa for two weeks while waiting for permission to dock in Italy.
The migrants will be relocated to France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal and Romania.

In an essay published by the Spanish newspaper El Mundo on August 24, José María Ruiz Soroa, a
distinguished professor of maritime law at the University of the Basque Country, explained that
European NGOs are manipulating gaps between national laws, which restrict migration, and
international law, which require helping shipwrecked persons, in order to deliver illegal
immigrants to the EU.

Ruiz Soroa wrote that NGOs are abusing international maritime laws (mainly the International
Convention on Salvage and the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue) which require
ship captains to rescue shipwrecked persons they find at sea and deliver them to a safe place or port.
He noted that "safe ports" as defined by those laws would allow NGOs to return shipwrecked persons to
Libya, but the NGOs insist on transporting them to Europe:

"It is quite clear that when the organized networks that control migrants from Libya throw
people into the sea in vessels that lack even the slightest navigability conditions to safely
transport them to European ports, what they are doing is deliberately placing them into the legal
status of shipwrecked persons. These are not shipwrecks caused by maritime accidents, as
contemplated by international law, they are 'shipwrecks of convenience.' No matter how much
migrants do it out of desperation, they formally become shipwrecked to obtain that legal status,
and once rescued, they are allowed to enter Europe by bypassing the ban on illegal immigration.
"In the final analysis, what we are witnessing in Mediterranean waters is one of the most obvious
cases of legal fraud imaginable: intentionally creating the appearance of a factual event
regulated in a certain way in a special law... to escape the inexorable application of the general
law that really corresponds to that underlying factual situation; which is one of emigration and
that is prohibitive. Bypass one law based on another. The Civil Code, and common sense, say
that such a trick is illegal.
"Does this mean that the castaways found (pursued by?) by the Open Arms should have been
abandoned to their fate? Obviously not. Human life is well above such consideration, and the
fake shipwrecked persons of the Open Arms should be helped.... This situation of widespread
legal fraud, however, is that the affected states intervene to stop and prevent the actions of
private individuals, enthusiasts and well-intentioned do-gooders who only aggravate the
problem. The rescues become a state matter when relevant public interest aspects are at stake,
as it is with the environment, and as it should be in the case of illegal immigration.
"The Spanish government intervened months ago: The Open Arms was prohibited from rescuing
shipwrecked people in Libyan waters. The ban was not made on a whim but on the well-founded
suspicion that the presence of the Open Arms in those waters would encourage potential
migrants to endanger themselves in the hope of being rescued. The shipowners, however,
violated the ban when they decided on their own that the law can be broken when a suffering
humanity is placed on the other side of the scale of justice....
"There will be shipwrecked people of convenience (and some will die for it) as long as they have
a confirmed hope that there will be rescuers waiting for them out there. It is an unsustainable
deadly loop that must be cut somewhere."

A recent Ipsos poll published by the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera foundthat a majority of
Italians support Salvini's hard line on immigration: 59% said that they agree with his decision to close
Italian ports to migrant rescue ships; 71% said that other European countries should do more to share
the burden. The poll also found that a majority of Italians (56%) believe that the NGOs involved in
rescuing migrants are motivated by money; only 22% believe they are motivated by humanitarianism.

Since Salvini announced his hardline immigration policies in June 2018, the number of migrant
arrivals to Italy — as well as the number of dead and missing — has significantly decreased. The
number of arrivals by sea fell from 119,369 in 2017 to 23,370 in 2018, a drop of 80%, according to the
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. During that same period, the number of dead and
missing fell from 2,873 to 1,311, a decline of more than 50%.

A similar trend has continued in 2019: 2,800 migrants arrived in Italy by sea between January and
June of 2019, compared to 16,600 during the same six-month period in 2018 and 83,800 in
2017, according to the UNHCR.
Of those who arrived in Italy by sea in 2019, 600 (21%) were from Tunisia; 400 (14%) were from
Pakistan; 300 (10%) were from Algeria; 300 (10%) were from Iraq; 200 (7%) were from Ivory Coast; 200
(7%) were from Bangladesh; 100 (3.5%) were from Sudan; 100 (3.5%) were from Iran; 100 (3.5%) were
from Morocco; and 50 (1.7%) were from Egypt, according to the UNHCR.

The data indicates that most of the migrants who arrived in Italy during the first six months of
2019 are economic migrants, not refugees fleeing warzones.

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Commenting as Illuminati´s free-stuff-zombies billions-army.

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Johnny Fingers 2 days ago   
Arrest George Soros.

26 Reply 

Mustahattu 2 days ago   

Just snipe him.

16 1 Reply 

Moneycircus 2 days ago (Edited)   

If there was any justice a terrorist would already have claimed Soros.

But the 1970's terrorists were mostly fronts for the fascist intelligence services...

... the Europeans don't do that kind of stuff. By and large, only governments do.

5 1 Reply 

Bud Dry 2 days ago   

Back in the day they'd just kill people for doing stupid shit like this.

1 Reply 

mafuke 2 days ago   

and his successors and all the other menbers of his Gang.

3 Reply 

Mustahattu 2 days ago (Edited)   

Declare the NGO a terrorist organization. Because that’s what it is.

19 Reply 

TheVoicesInYourHead 2 days ago (Edited)   

Africa is a huge contingent, and most African countries are not at war. 

Any African “fleeing war” should be immediately sent to a relatively safe neighboring/nearby

african country where they can live in a familiar cultural environment, and live closer to their
original home to easily repatriate when any danger subsides: 

15 Reply 

raggu47 2 days ago (Edited)   

20 years ago NGOs were bitching about the racist Mercator map projection that hugely
exaggerate northern hemisphere countries superficy and importance.

Now strangely you don’t hear that anymore and showing Congo as bigger than whole
Europe is not very popular these days ...



2 Reply 

researchfix 2 days ago   

R It i l h ttl i M ti i t 12 il ff th Af i t
Rescue, my ass. It is a regular shuttle service. Meeting points 12 miles off the African coast.

14 Reply 

Ruler 2 days ago   

So, sailboat with big gun, and sink them beforehand 

4 Reply 

willbuck 2 days ago   

That's the only solution. There are many variants of course.  But you got the gist of it. 
Either that or as soon as they debark you round them up and...

1 Reply 

Kartolas 2 days ago (Edited)   

They just get more boats, you know, they print the money.... Every1 here has a bank
account, every1 here is part of the problem. Soon you will have to pay for them to
take your money.

1 Reply 

researchfix 2 days ago   

It is quite easy. When I invite someone from outside EU, I have to sign an obligation
that I am in for the cost of finding and extradicting that person in case he/she gets

Same should work with the captains or charterers of these boats. Bring up 30.000 €
per person or a bank guarantee in that amount, before said person leaves ship.

1 Reply 

BarnacleBill 2 days ago (Edited)   

Yes, indeed. It's just what I have called a slum-clearance on a massive scale. There is a
boatload of money being made on each and every -er - boatload.

2 Reply 

SoDamnMad 2 days ago   

Seize the ships, drain the fuel out, take them out over a deep trench and scuttle them.

13 Reply 

sun tzu 2 days ago   

Execute the smugglers and this nonsense will end

6 Reply 

raggu47 2 days ago (Edited)   

No need to do even that.

Most of those NGO people are bourgeois sons and daughters taking a break from the
university (mainly from northern countries)

Just tell them what they do is illegal.

They will bitch around but they will obey. They are not heros, they just want to improve
their social status with the globalists and experience great gangbands
their social status with the globalists and experience great gangbands.

They are raised to obey, they are not rebels, they are the system.

Just tell them politely that the system has changed.

3 Reply 


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dunroamin 2 days ago   

But we want to see them executed.

3 Reply 

Illuminati´s free-stuff-zombies billions-army 50 seconds ago (Edited)

   Edit
omg are you really this delusional? 

they REALLY DO KNOW they are doing ILLEGAL ACTS,

they know they are committing crimes, carrying on the GENOCIDE




different degrees of degeneration.

like every where else (((they))) the self entitled superior master race, that happens to
be descendants of cannibal huns with raped girls, but pretending to be descendants
of Abraham and (brace for the chutzpah) relatives of Christ....

so, (((they))) have the oligarch´s private owned dollar printers, just like the free pass
to do the fraud they want over the west central banks once they rule the Bank of
International Settlements and even pull the strings of the central banks themselves,
just like the strings of the 4th power, the media, as well the fallen shitty "academia",
the shit pop industries etc etc.

so they have all the fiat money to finance and reward very well the sexual freaks
nature´s rejects  of these Terrorist NGO.s expressing their hate and pursing this
coward way to commit genocide and sabotage against mother nature, against God,
against everything that is holy, beautiful, virtuous, honorable.
FULL DEGENERATION where they are and they belong.

1 Reply 

MaF 2 days ago   

Economic migrants.

Translation:  Broke African niggers who are looking to go elsewhere and ultimately leech off
the country.

12 Reply 

raggu47 2 days ago (Edited)   

They are not broke.

The poor ones stay at home.

Their are the ones with a family that can invest for the trip. Most societies over there are
matriarchal and every drug dealer in Europe phones mummy home every night to let her
know how much is gonna be in next week Western Union delivery.

2 Reply 

Ruler 2 days ago (Edited)   




12 Reply 

AlphaSnail 2 days ago   

send them to israel. let that bunch of zio-scum enjoy some multicultural diversity

10 Reply 

willbuck 2 days ago   

Until you blow a boat or 2 up, this shit will continue

10 Reply 

Moneycircus 2 days ago   

The UN 'migration programme' is run by the same people as the NGOs.

"EU nations must surrender immigration controls to Brussels and have their borders opened
wide to mass migration from outside the continent because Europe “has been enriched
throughout its history by diversity”, according to Antonio Guterres."


8 Reply 

dunroamin 2 days ago   

4 centuries ago the Huguenots were a rare example of refugees who enriched the
4 centuries ago the Huguenots were a rare example of refugees who enriched the
countries they fled to. That example has not been repeated but the lefties never stop
lecturing us about the imaginary benefits of diversity. We know they are imaginary
because they never say what those benefits are.

3 Reply 

raggu47 2 days ago (Edited)   

Long term, only demography matters.

So: Muslim Western Europe. Brazilisation of USA. Africa 10 billion people starving in
100mil people townships. China implosion, India explosion (maybe looking to invade

South America, no clue... Mass migration from Africa? I dont know.

Russia: survivors in big cities, all the rest exploited by Asians (where ever they’re
coming from...)

2 Reply 

deathtotheEU 2 days ago   

Not in Ireland, they joined British protestant forces against the native Catholics. Bit
like now with the commies (feminazis and the depraved LBGTPEDO) and the muslim
 

Reply 

Pernicious Gold Phallusy 2 days ago   

Blow a few ships out of the water and let survivors sink. That will solve this problem quickly.

7 Reply 

mafuke 2 days ago   

Not a few --- a lot or even all.

6 Reply 

chubbar 2 days ago   

It's clearly a globalist move to divide and usurp each nation's sovereignty. Salvini needs to
scuttle every ship that brings migrants into an Italian port. 

6 Reply 

truthalwayswinsout 2 days ago   

Declare a blockade. Search all ships. Those that are carrying illegal immigrants, seize the ship,
sink it and then return the people back to where they came from and then put the crew in jail.

Watch how fast illegal immigration stops.

Same in the US. We know who 90% of the coyotes are and 100% of the drug cartel people.
Simply send troops south of the border with kill or capture orders without any warning to
anyone in Mexico.  Once the word is out warn Mexico to stay out of the way. Rinse and repeat
every 2-3 months. And the cash you will seize will clearly pay for the wall.

6 Reply 

VW Nerd 2 days ago   

Hey Salvini, just seize the ship, sail it back to Africa and drop off all passengers.  Then proceed
y ,j p, p p g p
to take the vessel out to sea and sink it along with captain and crew.  After three or four
transport vessels meet their fate, the problem will be solved.

5 Reply 

The Grim Teacher 2 days ago (Edited)   


Scuttle it with crew and passengers, that ought to send the right message. They are a bit
low on IQ so it may require about half a dozen scuttled vessels before these dimwits stop
trying to get to Europe.

3 Reply 

Sanity Bear 2 days ago   

Even if they are refugees fleeing warzones, who would want to import a large population of
war-traumatized individuals?

This is insane. The boats should be torpedoed. Their sponsor networks should be rolled up
and everyone involved executed for crimes against humanity.

5 Reply 

WallHoo 2 days ago   

Almost all of the muslim nations practice

That makes Islam an expansionist and unstable political system.

Of couse bombing them also doenst help.

For anyone wondering why its always muslim men that migrate.

6 1 Reply 

dunroamin 2 days ago   

Exactly. It's a ponzi scheme. Their first target is our women.

3 Reply 

WallHoo 2 days ago   

Land,resources and yeah women...

Its not only that they want that,its that the states of these countries are actively
pushing for it.

2 Reply 

surf@jm 2 days ago   

Arrest people, give them prison sentences, impound ships and scrap them, fine these NGO`s
millions of dollars, and any bank that doesnt cooperate, fine them millions of dollars........

Take the people and money out of it and it will quickly dry up and disappear
Take the people and money out of it, and it will quickly dry up and disappear.......

But you have to have a pair to do it........

4 Reply 

kellys_eye 2 days ago   

We have vessels in the UK that take processed sewage (shit) out to sea to dump.  The 'rescuers'
in the Med appear to be doing the reverse.

4 Reply 

purplelama 2 days ago   

Funded by the Open Society Foundation, no doubt.

3 Reply 

Stan Smith 2 days ago   

   It's funny of NGOs essentially act the same as governments.    It's like their getting paid by
the same guys.     Oh... wait... nevermind...

3 Reply 

wonder warthog 2 days ago   

". . . private individuals, enthusiasts and well-intentioned do-gooders who only aggravate the

These are criminal enterprises involved in human trafficking.  As organized crime has operated
historically, they "launder" the ill gotten gains to convert the loot into "legitimate" enterprises. 
So the criminals have laundered illegal aliens into "refugees" that are being dumped onto the
shoulders of unsuspecting citizens of target countries.

Criminal enterprises never end until the money runs out . . . but the money will never run out
in this human trafficking enterprise because the source of the money are the human bodies
that never stop self-generating themselves in the countries from which they originate. 

2 Reply 

raggu47 2 days ago   

Don’t worry its been going on for 10 years.

In 20 there won’t be any European left to mind the problem...

2 Reply 

MARDUKTA 2 days ago (Edited)   


2 Reply 

Fish Gone Bad 2 days ago (Edited)   

Southern Italy is quite the tourist destination. Well, at least it was.  In bocca al lupo. Crepi il

2 Reply 

GiantDesertRat 2 days ago   

GiantDesertRat 2 days ago   
Naval recruits need some practice for those big guns...

1 Reply 

nati 2 days ago   

Of course, the problem with stopping these "taxis" is that it would be antisemitic.

1 Reply 

Joost Huffenhope 2 days ago   

Maybe we should track down the smugglers and deal with them directly? They live in a war
zone after all. 

1 Reply 

JoeTurner 2 days ago   

 

Reply 

Mimir 2 days ago   

Who else could publish propaganda like than The Gatestone Institute, FAKE NEWS !!!!
 

4 Reply 
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