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Program Title - Educatbalogan Bayanihands

Format - News
Station - Star Radio 106.3
Airtime - 1:00 PM – 1:35 PM
Date of Newscast - July 23, 2020
Anchor - Gingeralph Luay
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Title : School on the Air Grade 11 ORGANIZATION AND
Topic : Nature and Functions of Management
Format : School on the Air/Star Radio FM
Time : 1:00PM – 1:35 PM
Length : 35 minutes
Radio Teacher : Gingeralph Luay
Script Writer : Gingeralph O. Luay
Lesson Objective : Discuss the Meaning and Functions of Management
Time Introduction Dialogue
Intro Good Day our dear learners from Catbalogan City
Music, Division!
OBB I am teacher GINGERALPH.

Welcome for today’s lesson.

1 minute
I hope you have your module with you this time as we are
about to discover new learning today.
Let us enjoy the rest of the session.
Let’s start!
5 seconds UP…FADE
Review Today you will have lessons in Organization and
5 minutes
And for today’s lesson is Lesson 1 – Definitions and
Functions of Management. And for our objective of this
lesson is that, you are to: Discuss the Meaning and
Functions of Management.
So we will be discussing the definitions of management,
we will dig deeper and try our very best to understand
Anchor what management really is.
We will also talk about the different Functions of
5 seconds SFX
But before we proceed with the lesson proper, may I
check your prior knowledge of the subject. Let us answer
your pretest. Now please open your module to page three.
Answer the ten-item pretest on “What I Know”
5 seconds SFX
Now Let us answer, and check if you’ve got the correct
1. It involves the evaluation, recruitment, selection,
training and placement of individuals in specific job
The correct answer is letter A. Controlling
5 seconds SFX
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2. Which of the following situation is an example of


Anchor The correct answer is Letter B. Tom is a project manager

at an IT company and is determining how he should
distribute resources and allocate roles.

5 seconds SFX
3. Daniel manages a team that has missed their
production goals for the past three months. After
reviewing each employee's performance record, Daniel
adjusted the sales goal to take additional quality
control measures into consideration. Why is this an
example of controlling?

The correct answer is letter C. Because Daniel looked at

team results and took appropriate corrective action.

Anchor 4. Motivation to work harder comes from

The correct answer is letter A. Intrinsic and external

5 seconds SFX
5. Which option best matches the systems approach?
The correct answer is letter C. Focus on the data and
5 seconds SFX
6. What is not a characteristic of a bureaucracy?
The correct answer is letter C. It is a democratic
management style.
5 seconds SFX
Anchor 7. Define an open system.

The correct answer is letter D. A system that continually

interacts with the environment around it
5 seconds SFX
Anchor 8. How would an automobile assembly line use Taylor's
four principles to increase productivity and efficiency?

The correct answer is letter D. Use a precise, specific

approach for completing tasks rather than general
5 seconds SFX
Anchor 9. How should work be planned according to Fredrick
Taylor's principles of scientific management?

The correct answer is letter B. Managers are responsible

for planning the work.
5 seconds SFX
Anchor 10. Which influential thought leader is known for his
theory on organizational forms?

The correct answer is letter C. Henry Mintzberg

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5 seconds SFX
Anchor Alright, we’re done with the pretest. If you scored above
8, that means you have passed the pretest and you’ve got
some learnings already of the subject. But if your score is
below eight points, then you really have to listen to our
discussions attentively.
5 seconds SFX
Anchor So now, we are ready to begin. Since you are into the
subject Organization and Management, you have
predetermined yourselves to be engaged in the business
5 seconds SFX
3 minutes Motivation Now may ask,
What are the most important things in running a
successful business?
5 seconds SFX
Anchor According to David Mintz, the four most important things
in running a business are
3 M”s and SP
3 M”s are Management
And Management
The SP is Superior Product
In other words, 75% of the things that businessmen and
entrepreneurs do should all be focused in managing the
business. The 25% is for Products or Services that the
company is offering in the market. The quality of the
product can be measured by the quality of management.
Even if your product is great and excellent, without
proper management, definitely the business will fail.
5 seconds SFX
15 Lesson It is given that for a business to become successful, a
minutes Proper business enthusiast must have this 3 M and SP. In your
perspective, what is your idea of management?
5 Seconds SFX
Anchor In this modern world, the art of Management has become
a part and parcel of everyday life, be it at home, in the
office or factory and in Government
Management is a systematic way of carrying out activities
in any field of human effort.
Lack of management causes disorder, confusion,
wastage, delay, destruction and even depression.

5 seconds SFX
Anchor Management in business and human organization
activity is simply the act of getting people together to
accomplish desired goals
According to the management guru Peter Drucker,
“Organization and coordination of the activities of an
enterprise in accordance with certain policies and in
achievement of clearly defined objectives”
Management is a multi- purpose organ that manages
business, manages managers, managers workers and
works. It is an organ of the society most specifically in
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charge of making the resources productive, that is the

responsibility for economic advance.
5 seconds SFX
Anchor Another meaning of management is that it is the art of
“knowing what you want to do” and then seeing that it is
done in the best and cheapest way. ……Frederick
5 seconds SFX
Anchor Furthermore, Management is the process of getting
things done, effectively and efficiently, through and with
other people.
This is according to Mary Parker Follet
5 seconds SFX
Anchor After having heard the ideas of experts about
management, do you now have your own meaning of
Can you now define management in your own words?
5 seconds SFX
Anchor Ok, Management in its general sense, It is an art and a
process used to accomplish organizational goal through
planning, organizing, directing and controlling. The
definition spells out the key functions of management.
5 seconds SFX
Anchor Again, what are the key functions of Management?
The key functions of Management are, again, planning,
organizing, directing and controlling.
5 seconds SFX
Anchor Now, let’s discuss each key function
Let’s start with planning. What is planning?
5 seconds SFX
Anchor Planning is the process of setting goals, and charting the
best way of action for achieving the goals. This function
also includes, considering the various steps to be taken
to encourage the necessary levels of change and
innovation. It includes anticipating the future trends and
determining the best strategies, techniques and tactics in
order to achieve organizational goals and objectives.
5 seconds SFX
Anchor In the planning stage, managers establish organizational
goals and create a course of action to achieve them.
During the planning phase, management makes strategic
decisions to set a direction for the organization. Managers
can brainstorm different alternatives to achieve the
objective before choosing the best course of action. While
planning, managers typically conduct in-depth analysis
of the organization’s current state of affairs, taking into
consideration its vision and mission and evaluating what
resources are available to meet organizational objectives. 

While planning, managers usually evaluate internal and

external factors that may affect the execution of the plan,
such as economic growth, customers and competitors.
They also establish a realistic timeline for achieving the
goal or goals based on the organization’s available
finances, personnel and resources. Managers may have
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to take additional steps, such as seeking approval from

other departments, executives or their board of directors
before proceeding with the plan. 
5 seconds SFX
Anchor Next to planning is Organizing, it is the process of
allocating and arranging work, authority and resources,
to the members of the organization so that they can
successfully execute the plans.
5 Seconds SFX
Anchor The purpose of organizing is to distribute the resources
and delegate tasks to personnel to achieve the goals
established in the planning stage. Managers may need to
work with other departments of the organization, such as
finance and human resources, to organize the budget and
staffing. During the organizing stage, managers strive to
create a work environment conducive to productivity.
Managers typically take employees’ motivation and
aptitude into account to match employees with roles and
tasks that best fit their abilities. 

When assigning team member roles, managers should

explain and ensure that employees understand their
individual duties. To help employees feel engaged and
productive, managers should ensure that employees are
assigned an appropriate amount of work and an
appropriate amount of time to complete their work. 
5 Seconds SFX
Anchor Another key function of management is
DIRECTING which is said to be a process in which the
managers instruct, guide and oversee the performance of
the workers to achieve predetermined goals. Directing is
also said to be the heart of management process.
5 seconds SFX
Anchor Directing consists of motivating employees and
influencing their behavior to achieve organizational
objectives. Leading focuses on managing people, such as
individual employees, teams and groups rather than
tasks. Though managers may direct team members by
giving orders and directing to their team, managers who
are successful leaders usually connect with their
employees by using interpersonal skills to encourage,
inspire and motivate team members to perform to the
best of their abilities. 
5 seconds SFX
Anchor Managers can foster a positive working environment by
identifying moments when employees need
encouragement or direction and using positive
reinforcement to give praise when employees have done
their jobs well. 

Managers usually incorporate different leadership styles

and change their management style to adapt to different
5 seconds SFX
Anchor And the last key function is Controlling, this is the
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process of devising various checks to ensure that planned

performance is actually achieved. It involves ensuring
that actual activities conform to the planned activities.
Monitoring the financial statements, checking the cash
registers to avoid overdraft etc., form part of this process
5 seconds SFX
Anchor Controlling is the process of evaluating the execution of
the plan and making adjustments to ensure that the
organizational goal is achieved. During the controlling
stage mangers perform tasks such as training employees
as necessary and managing deadlines. Managers monitor
employees and evaluate the quality of their work. They
can conduct performance appraisals and give employees
feedback, providing positive remarks on what they are
doing well and suggestions for improvement. They may
also offer pay raise incentives to high-performing
5 seconds SFX
Anchor So, those are the key functions of Management.
5 seconds SFX
Now, may I ask, what have you learned from today’s
5 seconds SFX
1 minute Brief Ok, you have learned the meaning and the key functions
Review/Rec of Management.
ap Management in its general sense, It is an art and a
Anchor process used to accomplish organizational goal through
planning, organizing, directing and controlling.

The key functions of Management are, again, planning,

organizing, directing and controlling.
5 seconds SFX
Anchor Now let us practice and test our understanding. Turn to
page 9 of your module and answer the questions in
“What I Understand Activity 1”
5 seconds SFX
Anchor Now, let’s start.
1. Which term best describes the process of obtaining,
deploying, and utilizing a variety of essential
resources to contribute to an organization’s

A. Planning B. Organizing
B. C. staffing D. management

The correct answer is Letter D. management

5 seconds SFX
Anchor 2. Which title is given to an individual who is in charge of
and coordinates the activities of a group of employees
engaged in related activities within a unit of an
A. manager B. Employee
D. contractor C. vender
The correct answer is Letter A. manager
5 seconds SFX
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Anchor 3. Which management function involves setting goals and

objectives and creating specific plans for completing
A. planning B. organizing
C. controlling D. leading
The correct answer is letter A. planning
5 seconds SFX
Anchor 4. For a manager, which should take priority- the job task or
the employees performing the job?

A. The job task always takes priority over employees.

B. Employees always take priority over the job task.
C. Neither, a manager should balance interest in the
job task with the needs of the employees performing
the job.
D. Neither, administration of the business takes priority
over the job task and the employees.

The correct answer is letter C. Neither, administration of the

business takes priority over the job task and the employees.
5 seconds SFX
Anchor 5. Which management function involves measuring results,
comparing results to expectations, and taking corrective

A. planning B. organizing
C. leading D. controlling

The correct answer is Letter D. Controlling

5 seconds SFX
Anchor Ok, were you able to get perfect score? Very good! If you’ve got
a perfect score. That means, you are doing great because you
are attentively listened to our discussions.
5 seconds SFX
5 minutes Evaluation Now to assess if you really have mastered this lesson, I
want you to answer some questions. Please write your
Anchor answer on a whole sheet of paper. For which your
answers will be collected by your teacher monitor.
Number one question. What is management?
Number two question. What does a typical businessman
do in order to make his business successful?
Number three question. What are the key functions of
Each item is worth ten point.
Now here is how you will be graded. Here is the
Organization and Focus------4
Clarity of Idea -----------------3
TOTAL -------------------------10 PTS.
5 seconds SFX
1 minute Assignment For your assignment
Anchor Make a research and study the Evolution of Management
5 seconds SFX
1 minutes Announce So it has been a great day having discussed with you the
Anchor ments and meaning and functions of Management.
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5 seconds SFX
Anchor Before I say bye bye, may I remind everyone that Success
is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to
continue that counts.
1 minute CBB So, It has been a wonderful time being with you our most
Anchor valued learners.

See you again in our next episode for a new learning


I am your teacher for today, teacher Gingeralph saying

We heal as one, we learn as one through bayanihands.

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