Unit Assessment Plan: S Den Ill Nde and Ha

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Unit Assessment Plan

Desired Results
Established Goals GLO(s): S den ill li en, eak, ead, i e, ie and e e en o

GLO 2: Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
GLO 3: Manage ideas and information.
Understandings: Essential Questions
S den ill nde and ha

- They have the autonomy to form their own Thematic question: How bad is the Big Bad Wolf?
opinions, but when forming opinions, they must
be able to give reasons to support the opinion. - What is an opinion?
- Point of view and perspective can change your - What is point of view/ perspective?
understanding of a situation and change the way - How do you write about opinion?
you view things. - What does it mean to compare/contrast?
- Compare/contrast helps to gain a deeper
understanding of characters and stories, students
will see that there are multiple perspectives to
- We need to be able to make a reasoned
judgement about characters and make inferences
based upon evidence.
- A critical eye is necessary when creating an
- The Double-Stuffed OREO organizer can help to
scaffold and develop opinion

Specific Outcomes:

2.1.5- Use Comprehension Strategies: Identify the main ideas or topic and supporting details in simple
narrative and expository passages.
I ca identify the opinion, topic and details in various texts about the Big Bad Wolf, as well other
2.2.5- Construct Meaning from Texts: Connect portrayals of characters or situations in oral, print and other
media texts to personal and classroom experiences.
I ca make connections between my own experiences and characters in various texts.
2.2.8- Construct Meaning from Texts: Ma e i fe e ce ab a cha ac e ac i fee i g .
I ca make judgements on the character of the Big Bad Wolf, based on textual evidence.
2.2.9- Construct Meaning from Texts: Express preferences for one character over another.

I ca choose which version of the Big Bad Wolf is my favourite, as well as express my opinions on
other texts.
2.3.4- Understand Techniques and Elements: Describe the main characters in terms of who they are, their
actions in the story and their relations with other characters.
I ca describe the Big Bad Wolf based on his actions and relationships in various stories, including
The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood.
3.1.2- Focus Attention: Identify facts and opinions, main ideas and details in oral, print and other media
I ca find the important information in texts to support my own opinions.
3.3.2- Organize Information: Draft ideas and information into short paragraphs, with topic and supporting
I ca create a piece of writing based on the OREO organizer, which include topic and supporting
Pi U de a di g Where does this lead?

- Students have worked through various other - This unit will help students develop skills for
ELA units, and are familiar with the writing writing in future units and introduce them to
process various skills associated with persuasive writing.
- Students have come across various opinion - Students will also gain valuable skills
pieces in different forms in the community; surrounding point of view; this will help them to
students will be familiar with various forms of interact with other texts as well as peers outside
opinion of the classroom.

Pre-assessment: This will be done through the first

lesson of the unit; we will begin by introducing the
Big Bad Wolf and base the discussion around what
the kids know during this class to get them


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