Girl Invents Cheap Generator Handout

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Name: ______________________ Per: ____ Date: ______________________

Post-Reading Reflection Brainstorm

Article: $12 Small Generator Invented by Florida Girl

Now that you read Hannah’s story, think of someone you know who is living in another country or here
in the US. Where do they live? What are some problems they might have in their life (think about access
to food, energy, water, education, healthcare, and safety)? Describe using as much detail as possible:

Brainstorm and propose a creative solution that might help your friend in this other country. Outline
your main ideas here:

Now consider, what are some possible resources you might need in order to make your solution
feasible? Whose help do you need? Whom can you ask for help (governments? Non-profit
organizations? Local communities? Universities?)

In the space below, SKETCH OUT and label what you designed. Be as detailed as possible and make sure
you describe what each part of your invention is made of and what they are used for. Use your

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