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Once upon a time there was a very small clever animal called Ichuli.
He liked meat, but he was so weak that he could not kill any animal for
food. And so he was always hungry. One day, he sat down and thought of a
trick. At last he knew how he could get some meat.

Ichuli knew that there was hyena who lived far away. He wanted to
ask Mr. Hyena to help him get some meat. He had to walk a long, long way
through a very dark forest. He was afraid that some animals might see him
and want to eat him. He walked slowly and looked around carefully before
he went across any open land. He was very frightened. He saw many
animals along the way. He wanted to catch some of them and kill them for
a good meal. But he remembered that he was so small and weak that he
could not kill any of those animals. He knew that Mr. Hyena would help him
get some very good meat to eat. He began to hurry through the forest to
Mr. Hyena’s house.

When he arrived there, he said, Mr. Hyena, I want to get some meat
today. Will you help me?”
Mr. Hyena answered, that’s a good idea! I want to get some meat today,
too how can i help you? Ichuli was very pleased. He moved nearer to Mr.
Hyena and said, there are many animals on this mountain. If we go up there
now, we might kill one. Let’s go up and See what we can find “.
Ichuli, who knew the way, walked in front. Suddenly he stopped and said,
this is where the animals pass when they come down ”
Now stay here and i will go up to chase them down, said Ichuli, but you
must listen and be very careful. If you hear a stone falling you will know
that the stone was kicked by an animal. Move quickly to the side. If you a
cracking sound, you will know that an animal is coming. Turn your left hear
towards it and stand in the way to stop it. Do you understand? Mr. Hyena
said that he understood.

Ichuli then climbed up the mountain. He pushed down very big stone
which made a rumbling sound. Mr. Hyena heard the stone falling and
moved quickly to the side. Ichuli broke some sticks to make a cracking
sound then threw down a small stone very hard.
Mr. Hyena stood in the way and turned his left towards it.. The
stone hit his head so hard that he fell and died!
Ichuli ran down the mountain asking ” Mr. Hyena, where are you? Where is
the animal? Have you killed it, but Mr. Hyena could not answer. He was
already dead.
Foolish hyena don’t know clever tricks, ” Ichuli said proudly he then carried
the dead hyena to his house and ate him.

WAIT ICHULI PART 2 (why Ichuli stays away from Leopard)

After many days, Ichuli was hungry again. He killed many animals in
the same way as he had killed hyena. He was happy to so much food. One
day he wanted to kill and eat leopard too. But Ichuli found that animals
were more cunning than he was. I am starving, he said to the leopard. I had
plenty of meat but now i am not able to get any. The leopard answered, I
am starving too! I have spent a week without eating any meat. Well said
Ichuli, if we are clever we can get some meat quickly. Nearby animals live
on top of this mountain.
If we go there, we could kill one now, so they went.

But you must listen and be careful; Ichuli gave the same instructions
to the leopard as he had given to the hyena. Ichuli climbed up the mountain
and leopard stayed at the bottom of it. Soon, he pushed down a heavy
stone. The leopard saw it falling and moved quickly to the side. Then he
threw down a small one. The leopard moved a side and the stone pass.
Now he lay down pretending to be dead. Ichuli ran down quickly. Leopard,
where are you? Have you killed the animal?

The leopard was silent and Ichuli thought that he was dead. Foolish
leopards also think that they are more cunning than I am, Ichuli said
proudly. He was pleased to have some more meat at last. He put the
leopard on his head and carried him home. On the way, something
scratched Ichuli's head. He put the leopard down quickly and looked up. He
thought an eagle was trying to take away his meat. He picked up leopard
again and run to his house. Ichuli was tired and breathless, and sat down to
rest. Then he took out a very sharp knife to cut the leopard's throat.
This is enough to eat for a week, said Ichuli. Now I have got plenty of meat
to eat.

Suddenly the leopard shouted, Is this how you've killed and eaten
many of my friends? If I have been stupid, you would have eaten me too!
He shouted, as he held Ichuli 's neck. But I am more cunning than you. Now
I will eat you! Please wait, Ichuli shouted.

If I await, you will try another trick, answered the angry leopard. Just a
minute. Don't eat me yet. If i am killed by sunlight, my flesh will be good to
eat. But it’s not good now. Tie me up in green banana leaves and put me in
the sun to die, Ichuli said. All right, said the leopard smiling. You will die
soon, he tied Ichuli up in some banana leaves so that he looked like a ball.
The sun was bright and hot, and the leaves dried up. Ichuli moved his legs
to test the leaves. Oh I am dying! He cried sadly.

Ha ha ha! The leopard laughs loudly; you’ve got one more minute
before you die. Then he went a way to gather firewood. While he was
away, Ichuli licked at the dry leaves,, jumped up and escaped just as the
leopard was returning.
Since that time, Ichuli plays fewer tricks and stays away from leopard.

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