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UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES Movement of sun. Locating the position of sun. ‘Sun path diagram. Overheated period. Solar shading, Shadow angles. Exercise in the design of shading devices through models/ calculations/ drawings/ software. THE MOVEMENT OF THE SUN v The earth rotates on its north south axis in a 24 hour period and orbits the sun in a period of one year. The rotating axis is at an angle of 23 degrees. The height at which an observer sees the sun over the horizon (azimuth angle) depends on its location (latitude), the season (position of the earth in its orbit) and on the time of the day (rotation of the earth). The maximum or minimum height of the sun respectively, with h= reached at noon on the summer and winter solstice. 41-23 deg is ‘The azimuth angle expresses the position of the sun over the ho BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 1 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES LOCATING THE POSTION OF SUN The position of sun on the sky hemisphere can be specified by two angles 1, SOLAR ALT UDE ANGLE (1) AND 2. SOLAR AZIMUTH ANGLE (A) Summer solstice occurs on the day the Sun has reached its highest/northernmost point in Earth’s sky, marking the beginning of summer (in the northern hemisphere). This is around 21 June. Winter solstice occurs on the day the Sun reaches its lowest/southernmost point in the sky, ‘marking the beginning of winter (in the northern hemisphere). Winter solstice is around 22 December. Septembtr 22-25, { i Bocomber 2:22 tame 20-22 A waren 20-21 + BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 2 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES Position of the Sun during Equinoxes and Solstices at the Equator EQUINOXES are astronomically defined as either of the TWO MOMENTS IN THE YEAR WHEN THE SUN IS EXACTLY ABOVE THE EQUATOR (Le. when the plane of the Earth's equator passes the center of the Sun). ‘The Vernal Equinox, marking the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, occurs about March 21, when the Sun moves north across the celestial equator. > The base values for the latitude and longitude are the equator and the prime meridian respectively. > The altitude and longitude will have significant t effects on the sun path and hence affects the behavior of the sun’s lighting and heating characteristics. rch 2, sept 2 BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 3 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES ‘The Zenith angle (ZEN) is measured between the sun's direction and the vertical and it is the supplementary angle of altitude; ZEN = 90° - ALT North Pole 1s NORTHERN HEMISPHERE SOLAR ALTITUDE ANGL SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE ‘The altitude angle (also known as the "solar elevation angle") describes the angle measured between a line from the observer's position O to the sun and the horizon. & " ALTITUDE BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES ‘The angular distance from horizon to object, measured along a vertical circle, SOLAR AZIMUTH ANGLE: In the Northern Hemisphere, the solar azimuth angle is the angular distance between due North and the projection of the line of sight to the sun a . AZIMUTH AZIMUTH The angular distance along horizon from N (S) eastwards to vertical circle through object (for Northern (Southern) hemisphere). BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 5 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES SUNPATH DIAGRAM To measure the angle of the sun in its motion across the sky, we need to take its altitude and azimuth reading. 1. Altitude is the angular distance above the horizon measured perpendicularly to the horizon. Ithas maximum value of 90deg at the zenith, which is the point overhead. 2. Azimuth the angular measured along the horizon in a clockwise direction. 3. The number of degrees along the horizon corresponds to the compass direction .Azimuth starts exactly north, at 0 deg, and increase clockwise to a full angle of 360deg. SUN PATH refers to the apparent significant seasonal-and-hourly positional changes of the sun (and length of daylight) as the Earth rotates, and orbits around the sun. SUN PATH — DIAGRAM as the name suggests is something that is used to DETERMINE THE LOCATION ,IN THE SKY, OF THE SUN AT ANY POINT OF TIME DURING THE DAY, THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. ‘Sun's Path During Summer and Winter BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 6 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES v ‘There are several methods of projection for representing the sun’s apparent movement two-dimensionally like equidistant chart, Orthographic projection, Stereographie projection. = STEREOGRAPHIC (OR RADIAL) REPRESENTATION uses the theoretical nadir point as the Centre of projection. v This is the most widely used method. Such diagrams can be constructed for any latitude and to any desired radius. > The equinox, midsummer and mid-winter sun-path lines are always shown, but the intermediate date lines are arbitrarily chosen, ¥ Each sun-path line is valid for two dates: one between December and June and one between June and December. 1 USE IN FUNCTIONAL DESIGN > The most immediate use of a sun-path diagram is that the solar azimuth and the altitude can be read and hence the position can be exactly determined... > The optimum position and orientation of various sunlight related equipment like solar BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 7 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES heaters, ovens is known. By studying the sun-path diagram of a place one can identify the optimal orientation of solar panels in a given building. > By idemtifying the solar-windows of a particular location, one can design the building such that there is maximum utility of the solar energy by placing thermal mass required for indirect heat gain in the right orientation, > By tracing down the surface area illuminated, to the greatest extent, by the sun, the location of clerestories and fenestrations of a building can be optimized so that the thermal and visual comfort levels in the building are met. v ‘The shading devices also can be designed similarly. > Coming to one of the most important uses, the location of the house so that it receives the maximum shade during summer can be obtained using software like AUTODESK ECOTECT, a ie SPOR eeevens ry 8 FIA ESS we i: f ==: a re i Ly pet For all those who are wondering how a sun path diagram looks like... > Wail, this is the 3-D view, how does this look like on paper? > So people came up with methods to represent it on paper which define the basis for characterization of sun-path diagrams. The most popular 2 representations are: 1, POLAR AND 2. CARTESIAN. BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 8 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES 1) POLAR SUN-PATH DIAGRAMS What is a polar sun-path diagram > Imagine somebody lying on the ground facing the sky and starts taking photographs of the sky all along the day, throughout the year using a fish lens eamera, > All these photographs superimposed forms a polar sun-path diagram. How does somebody even read that? AZIMUTHAL LINES: > Azimuth angles run around the edge of the diagram in 15°increments. > A point's azimuth from the reference position is measured in a clockwise direction from True North on the horizontal plane. > True North on the stereographic diagram is the positive Y axis (straight up) and is marked with an N. ALTITUDE LINES: > Altitude angles are represented as concentric circular dotted lines that run from the Centre of the diagram out, in 10°increments from 90°to 0°. > A points altitude from the reference position is measured from the horizontal plane up. BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 9 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES Azimuth angle 2.£levation angle 3.Sun's path today 4.Sun's path on the 21st June 5.Sun's path on the 21* December 6.Sun's path during the equinox 7.Sunrise 8.Sunset 9.Horizon How does somebody even read that? DATE AND MONTH LINES: > vv ¥ Date lines represent the path of the sun through the sky on one particular day of the year. ‘They start on the eastern side of the graph and run to the western side ‘There are twelve of these lines shown, for the Ist day of each month, The first six months are shown as solid lines (Jan-Jun) whilst the last six months are shown as dotted (Jul-Dec), to allow a clear distinction even though the path of the Sun is cyclical. HOUR LINES: v v Hour lines represent the position of the sun at a specific hour of the day, throughout the year. They are shown as style lines that intersect the date lines. ‘That gives the position of the sun. Half of each hour line is shown as dotted, to indicate that this is during the latter six months of the year. BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 10 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES 160 Make sure your diagram represents the right latitude... HOW TO FIND? Step 1-Locate the required hour line on the diagram. Step 2-Locate the required date line, remembering that solid are used for Jan-Jun and dotted lines for Jul-Dec. Step 3-Find the intersection point of the hour and date lines. Remember to intersect solid with solid and dotted with dotted lines. Step 4-Draw a line from the very Centre of the diagram, through the intersection point, out to the perimeter of the diagram. Step 5-Read the azimuth as an angle taken clockwise from North, Step 6-Trace a concentric circle around from the intersection point to the vertical North axis, on whieh is displayed the altitude angles. Step 7-Interpolate between the concentric circle lines to find the altitude. BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 11 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES How to read Sunpath Diagrams At 9am... on April 1. the azimuth is 62° the altitude is 30° How to read Sunpath Diagrams on April 1. the azimuth is 62° the altitude is 30° BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 12 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES How to read Sunpath Diagrams At 9am... on April 1... the azimuth is 62° the altitude is 30° How to read Sunpath Diagrams At 9am... on Apri 1... the azimuth is 62° the altitude is 30° Intersect the hour and date lines (solid to solid, dotted to dotted)... BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 13 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES ue How to read ‘i Sunpath Diagrams At 9am... jp a Pes fat “ig On April .. Be, } * f 75 rd 13 the azimuth is 62° the altitude is 30° set Draw a line from the centre, through the intersection point... Azimuth: How to read Sunpath Diagrams At 9am... on April 1.. the azimuth is 62° the altitude is 30° then trace the concentric circle lines around to the north point. BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 14 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES How to read Sunpath Diagrams At 9am... on April 1. the azimuth is 62° the altitude is 30° 100" and read off the solar altitude from the values shown.. CLASSIFICATION OF POLAR REPRESENTATION Depending on the scale of the altitude circles, the projections are again classified into 3 types: 1, SPHERICAL, 2. EQUIDISTANT AND 3, STEREOGRAPHIC. BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 15 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES ‘Stereographic Sun-Path Diagram Locaion 220°, 1160° N15 1) SPHERICAL PROJECTION In this method, the radial distance from the Centre is simply the cosine of the altitude angle. ‘As shown below, the relative change in radius between 75°and 90°%s very much greater than between 15%and 0°. Sphorical Projection Recaton OST sie BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 16 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES Uses: This makes such diagrams very good for considering overhead shading or very tall surrounding buildings. UIDISTANT PROJECTION Using this method the radial distance is simply a linear faetor of the altitude angle, Thus the relative change in radius between all angles is the same. Equidistam Projocton RerenIT e ON Uses: There is no bias towards either the zenith or the horizon. 3) STEREOGRAPHIC PROJECTION > This is a more complex projection in which azimuth lines are first projected back to a reference point located a distance of 1 radius beneath the circle Centre, > The point where each of these lines intersects the zero axis gives the radial distance. Uses: > The primary advantage of this method is that it inereases the resolution of the diagram at low solar altitudes making it more suitable for the majority of surrounding building overshadowing situations. BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 17 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES Stereogrephic Deagrem Reretenc 4507 180" ORTHOGRAPHIC (OR PARALLEL) PROJECTION: > > v v v ‘The orthographic (or parallel) projection is the method used in technical drafting, The figure shows how points of the hemisphere would be projected onto the horizon plane, giving the positions of the corresponding altitude circles on the horizon plane. Note that the altitude circles (of equal increments) are spaced very close together near the horizon and are widely spaced nearer the zenith. Consequently such a graph would give a rather poor resolution for low solar positions ‘The stereographic (or radial) representation uses the theoretical nadir point as the center of projection. This is the most widely used method. BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 18 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES 2) CARTESIAN SUN-PATH DIAGRAM > Similar to the polar sun-path diagrams, somebody takes pictures of the sky and starts collecting the data regarding the position of the sun quantized by the azimuthal and altitude of the sun. > Now the azimuthal values are plotted along the X-axis and the altitude values are plotted along the Y-axis for different parts of the day and throughout the year. ‘Waldrem Diagram Reever 0180 ‘3 @ 0 1M wo tem 10 30 20 om ae Ree BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 19 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES READING THE CARTESIAN SUN-PATH DIAGRAMS. Step 1-Locate the required hour line on the diagram (similar to that in polar) Step 2-Locate the required date line, remembering that solid are used for Jan-Jun and dotted lines for Jul-Dec. In these diagrams, the highest altitude line at noon is always in midsummer (cither Ist July or Ist Jan, depending on hemisphere). Each other line represents the Ist of each month, solid Jan-Jun, dotted Jul-Dec. Step 3-Find the intersection point of the hour and date lines. Remember to intersect solid with solid and dotted with dotted lines. Step 4-The azimuth is given by reading off the horizontal axis. Step 5-The altitude is given by reading off the vertical axis. THE SKY DOME AND THREE SUN PATHS ‘AN EAST ELEVATION OF THE SKY DURING VARIOUS SEASONS OF A DOME YEAR BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 20 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES THIS ILLUSTRATES THAT = THE MEANINGFUL ORIENTATION FOR WINTER SUN EXPOSURE IS SOUTH. IN SUMMERS, EAST AND WEST EXPOSURES ARE WORST AND CAUSES ‘OVERHEATING SKYDOME WITH EQUIDISTANT PLAN PROJECTION SHOWING AZIMUTH AND ALTITUDECOORDINATES. Horizontal Projection Sun Path Diagram Vertical Projection Sun Path Diagram DERIVATION OF THE VERTICAL AND HORIIONTAL SUNPATH DIAGRAM BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 21 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES MONTH ARE SHOWN. ONLY SEVEN PATHS ARE NEEDED FOR TWELVE [ Seer Sa oie che Se ae OVER HEATED PERIOD > The dates and times when shading should be provided. > This can be taken as the time when the monthly mean temperature is higher than the lower comfort limit. > The daily temperature profile should be looked at to ascertain the hours when shading is necessary. > (A more precise definition of this overheated period should take into account also the type of building, the amount of internal heat gain and even the relationship of solar gain to the building mass available for heat storage. This is beyond the scope of the present Note.) - SOLAR SHADING: ‘When sunlight hits a panel of glass, it splits into three components-that which is reflected, that which is absorbed and that which is transmitted through. > REFLECTED component from the glazing has no thermal effect on the space behind the glazing. v ABSORBED component within the glazing itself heats up the glass. Heat is transmitted inwards and outwards by conduction and long wave radiation. > TRANSMITTED component of radiation that penetrates through the glass raises the temperature of the surface behind it BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 22 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES Incident, Reflected Transmitted MD View Sextion Plan Ideal orientation View restriction i ass ‘South wake single blade —L ‘ Teeo South week Oni on cals ZB 1. ane UFC eee we 7 i il mp aber eee rv East West wee Stated Neti i ih Se eo BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 23 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES > The proportion between the three components is determined by the angle at which the solar beam strikes the glazing, i.c., angle of incident and by the type of glazing. v For most types of glazing, the transmitted component is very small if the angle of incidence is larger than 45 degree from the normal to the glazing. wv If the angle is more than 60degree, most of the radiation is reflected. IMPORTANCE OF SHADING: > Use of shading device can improve building energy performance, prevent-glare, increase useful daylight availability and create a sense of security. v Realizing these potential benefits ,a no. of shading devices have been invented, such as fixed, manual and automatic moveable , internal and external shading device. SHADING DEVICES: > When temperatures are within or above the comfort zone, any opening of solar radiation will contribute to discomfort, ¥ Shading design must prevent this, > However, at cool times of the year, it may be desirable to allow solar radiation to pass directly into the room, to provide a useful heating effect. > This response can be provided either by the shading device being moveable, or by it being geometrally selective. > FUNCTION OF SHADING: > Solar radiation entering a room can have three effects. 1. Radiation absorbed on to room surfaces will lead to an increase in the mean radiant temperature experienced. 2. Solar radiation falling directly on to mean radiant temperature experienced. ‘occupant will lead to an inerease in the 3. High intensities of radiation from direct sun or even the diffused sky can cause discomfort glare, or disability glare where an occupant’ visual performance will actually bbe impaired. BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 24 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES ‘The function of shading is to eliminate these three effects. i.e. > To reduce the total amount of radiation entering the room by reflection and absorption. > To improve the distribution of the light in the room. > The functional requirements for shading change with region and climate. oS Z Z Z $ 4 Z 2 z Z Inside Outsde CONSTRAINTS OF SHADING Shading is itself subject to certain constraints: > Maintenance of air flow through the non-air conditioned buildings during the cooler hours of the day. > There will be a need for admitting controlled levels of diffused daylight. > In most cases there will be a requirement of views out of the window. USE OF SHADI > Solar controls should be considered for all glazed openings exposed to direct sunlight. > Solar control is particularly important on south to west-facing facades, since the solar gains will coincide with the hottest part of the day. Solar control is also vital for lightweight buildings with large areas of glazing. BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 25 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES TYPES OF SHADING DEVICES: —— > internal shading device > 2.External shading device INTERNAL SHADING DEVICES Internal shading devices should not block the day lighting or interfere with the natural ventilation, as it can happen when they obstruet the window openings —it should eliminate GLARE -not as efficient as external devices red as internal devices. Blinds and curtains ~are consi In rooms that are oriented north or east without risk for overheating in the summer, the following interior shading devices are in use: > Venetian blinds ~horizontal blade construction, which can be lowered and elevated. > Roller blinds -textile curtains or foils, which are rolled up above the window. > Pleats curtains ~textile curtains, which are folded above the window. > Vertical-blades-textile vertical blade curtains. > Curtains ~textile curtains. Sear Rote shades RomanMoven shies Woz ings, Sher oronalShages ated Shader » Projection Sees a BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 26 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES EXTERNAL SHADING DEVICES > Special care should be taken to shade the windows to reduce the incoming heat and the risk of overheating. > Pergolas, External louver, blinds, sunshade. ‘These ean be of three basic types: 1. Vertical devices 2. Horizontal devices 3. Egg-crate devices Exverior Seravce ‘Slatted roll blind sheters Sun sewn F sbemioume Venetian auring (caterwatapertn) Pork Trelis & vines Tree Sg a ang conmntoiden) a (oclfotering) BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 27 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES 1. VERTICAL DEVICES > Vertical devices consist of louver blades or projecting fins in a vertical position. > The horizontal shadow angle measures their performance. > Narrow blades with close spacing may give the same shadow angle as broader blades with wider spacing. > Using the shadow angle protractor, the ‘shading mask’ of a given device can be established. > For vertical devices this is the characteristic sector shape. > If this is done on the same scale as the protractor, on tracing paper, it can be laid over the appropriate solar chart and the ‘shading times’ for the particular device (dates and hours) can be read off directly. i Fi Ih S| mn BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 28 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES > This is a very quick short-cut, obviating the need to establish solar position angles. > It will be seen that this type of device is most effective when the sun is to one side of the elevation, such as an eastern or western elevation. » A vertical device to be effective when the sun is opposite to the wall considered would have to give almost complete cover of the whole window. Fins perpendicular to tre val create 9 cca ero shadon angle yang which teal stad occurs Fins cbtqueto nie wat results in an ase shading mask Agustible verte tos ne aspstew to fxchie ng enbrey ort pores pemeraten ofthe Sin frm ay angie. fey Gine cosy and enphcates BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 29 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES 2. HORIZONTAL DEVICES > v v Horizontal devices may be canopies, horizontal louver blades or externally applied Venetian blinds. Their performance will be measured by a VERTICAL SHADOW ANGLE. ‘The shading mask is of a segmental shape. These will be most effective when the sun is opposite to the building face considered and at a high angle, such as for north and south facing walls. To exelude a low angle sun, this type of device would have to cover the window completely, permitting a view downwards only. BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 30 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES Shading Masks for different horizontal shading devices BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 31 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES 3. EGG CRATE DEVICES > Egg crate devices are combinations of horizontal and vertical elements. > The many types of grille blocks and decorative screens may fall into this category. > These can be effective for any on detail orientation depending dimension. BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 32 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES Fixed eggcrates do not allow for seasonal variation in critical shading anges, and can prevent sun penetration in winter, Eggcrates with slanting vertical fins create asymmetrical shading masks. Eggcrates with movable horizontal elements allow for adjustable shading mask characteristics SHADOW ANGLES + Shadow angles express the sun's position in relation to a building face of given orientation and can be used either to describe the performance of (i.e. the shadow produced by) a given device or to specify a device. HORIZONTAL SHADOW ANGLE (A) + Horizontal shadow angle (6) is the difference between solar azimuth and w: the same as horizontal component of angle of incidence. azimuth, ic HSA = AZI-ORI + By convention, 1. This is positive when the sun is clockwise from the orientation (when SA > WA) BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 33 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES 2. And negative when the sun is anticlockwise (when SA < WA). + When the HSA is between +/-90 deg and 270 deg, then the sun is behind the facade, the facade is in shade, there is no HSA. + The horizontal shadow angle describes the performance of a vertical shading device. Horizontal shadow angle The horizontal shadow angle (HSA) is required for (or cast by) vertical shading devices. It is the horizontal angle between the normal of the window pane and the azimuth of the sun. HSA = wall azimuth — solar azimuth VERTICAL SHADOW ANGLE (E > The vertical shadow angle is measured on a plane perpendicular to the building face. > Vertical shadow angle can exist only when the Horizontal shadow angle is between 90 deg and +90 deg, i.e. when the sun reaches the building face considered. > Vertical shadow angle characterizes a horizontal shading device BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 34 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES v v Vertical Shadow Angle (VSA) When the sun is directly opposite, ic. when SA = WA (HSA = 0 deg), the vertical shadow angle is the same as the solar altitude angle (=~). ide angle will be projected, parallel with the shadow angle will be When the sun is sideways, its alti building face, onto the perpendicular plane and the Verti larger than the Altitude angle. Alternatively, vertical shadow angle can be considered as the angle between two planes meeting along a horizontal line on the building face and which contains the point considered, i.e. between the horizontal plane and a tilted plane which contains the sun or the edge of the a shading device ANGLE OF INCIDENCE > From these two angles the sun's position in relation to any walll surface of any orientation (thus the angle of incidence) can be established. ‘The horizontal component of angle of incidence (8) will be the difference between the solar azimuth (SA) and the wall azimuth (WA). ‘The vertical component is same as the solar altitude angle itself (y) BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 35 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES DEFINITION: > The angle of incidence (f), is the angle between a line perpendicular to the wall and the sun's direction, can be found by the spherical cosine equation. Cos ert eeety > Angle of incidence will be required both for selecting the appropriate solar gain factor in heat gain calculations through windows and for calculating the incident radiation on an opaque surface. SHADOW ANGLE PROTRACTOR: + The shadow angle protractor gives a representation of the shadow angles on a horizontal plan in stereographic projection and to the same scale as the sun path diagram. + This is a semi-circul: protractor, showing two sets of lines 1, Radial lines marked 0 at Centre to -90 to the left and +90 to the right, to give readings of the horizontal shadow angle. 2. Arcual lines, which coincide with the altitude circles along the Centre line, but then deviate and converge at two corners of the protractor. These will give readings of the vertical shadow angle. BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 36 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES The shadow angle protractor PICTURE.1 Shows a pair of vertical devices in plan: Two fins at the sides of a window. Connection of the edge of the device to the opposite corner of the window gives the shading line, which defines the HSA of the device. HSA of a pai of vertical ins BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 37 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES PICTURE .2 Superimposing the protractor the HSA can be read (Centre of protractor to left edge of window: HSA = +600 , to right hand edge gives -600) and a shading mask can be constructed (traced). The shading mask will be sectoral in shape ‘Shading mask of the vertical fins PICTURE.3 This shading mask, when superimposed on the sun-path diagram (according to the orientation of the building), will cover all the time-points (dates and hours) when the point considered will be in shade . ‘superimposed on sun-path diaaram BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 38 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES PICTURE.1 Shows the section of a window, with a canopy over it. The line connecting the edge of the canopy to the window sill gives the shading line. The angle between this and the horizontal is the VSA of the device. PICTURE .2 If the corresponding areual line of the protractor is traced, this will give the shading mask of the canopy BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 39 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES PICTURE.3 Placed over the sun-path diagram it will cover the times when the device is effective. Vertical Shading Horizontal & Vertical Shading c= a ef 2B \ Shading mask of vertical shading device Shading maskofhorconlshoding device Shadingmas of egg crate shang device eral shading devices horizontal shading dees “ominationofhorzontal and protect rom sun at ies froect rom sun at high angles ‘Yerucal shading eves protect ‘tthe elevation suchas nd oppose tothe walt Be sade ‘rom suninallrentations ‘east anc westside sch ae north and south ies BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 40 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES DESIGN OF SHADING DEVICES: To design a horizontal shading device this way, use the following basic steps: 1. Determine cut-off date: This is the date before which the window is to be completely shaded and after which the window will be only partially shaded 2, Determine Start and End Times: These represent the times of day between which full shading is required, Keep in mind that the closer to sunrise and sunset these times are, the exponentially larger the required shade. 3. Look up Sun Position: Use solar tables or a sun-path diagram to obtain the azimuth and altitude of the sun at each time on the cut-off date. 4, Calculate the Shadow Angles: Using the methods detailed in the Shadow Angles topic, calculate the HSA and VSA at each time. 5. Calculate Required Depth and Width: Once again, using the Shadow Angle methods, calculate the depth and width of the required shade on each side of the window. Shade Depth: The depth of the shade is given by: depth = height / tan(v) ‘The width is given by: width = depth * tan(d) or Figure 1 - The derivation of horizontal shadow angle (HSA). BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT AL UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 42 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES LT = 34,6 deg BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 43 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES DESIGNING SHADING DEVICE 1. Understand the sun path of the place. 2. Select shading type = Horizontal = Vertical = Egg crate Identify category aa east West HORZONTAL OVERHANGS 00 NOT WORK ON ExST B WEST FACADES BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 45 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES Shading Strategies for East and West Elevations 1. The best solution by far is to limit using east and especially west windows (as much as possible in hot climates) 2. Next best solution is to have windows on the east and west facades face north or south * ae EXPOSURE ANGLE * a Lib Sa ‘SOLAR PENETRATION IS REDUCED BY MOVING FINS CLOSER TOGETHER, MAKING THEM DEEPER, OR BOTH. 3. Use Vertical Fins. Spacing is an issue, as well as fin length. Must be understood that if to be effective, they will severely restrict the view. BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT 46 UNIT-2 DESIGN OF SOLAR SHADING DEVICES MOST EFFECTIVE SHADING > Bottom three shading devices are suitable for all orientations if movable shading fins. > They are effective solar shading, but reduce day lighting and winter solar gain so use with care. Design sliding/inward ~opening windows, which do not impede natural ventilation. Design top inward-opening ‘hopper windows for night cooling. ] 60-75% seta gain reduction reduction Awning (Movable) horizontal (Movable) vertical fins/louvres BY AR. AYEESHA - MAA CLIMATE & BUILT ENVIRONMENT A7

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