Analysis of Variance Table For WG Source DF Ss Ms F P

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Statistix 9.

0 Repeated measures AOV, 4/18/2011, 2:35:25


Analysis of Variance Table for WG

Source DF SS MS F P
BREED 1 161286 161286 9.50 0.0042
Error BREED*BULL2 32 543261 16977
AGE 11 8063955 733087 1562.89 0.0000
BREED*AGE 11 13104 1191 2.54 0.0042
Error BREED*BULL2*AGE 352 165109 469
Total 407 8946715

Grand Mean 452.69


Statistix 9.0 Repeated measures AOV, 4/18/2011, 2:36:21


Tukey HSD All-Pairwise Comparisons Test of WG for BREED

BREED Mean Homogeneous Groups

Crossbred 472.57 A
Angus 432.81 B

Alpha 0.05 Standard Error for Comparison 12.901

Critical Q Value 2.877 Critical Value for Comparison 26.242
Error term used: BREED*BULL2, 32 DF
All 2 means are significantly different from one another.

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