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The best way to get into writing is simply to write . . .

and write . . . and write . . . freely. This practice helps you develop a feel for
writing. To get started, you’ll need a topic to write about. Below, you will find lists
of ideas to serve as starting points for personal or journal writing.

Grade 1

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Write One or Write Source 1

 A special birthday
 I’d like to see . . .
 The biggest thing I ever saw
 Noisy times and quiet times
 I like to make . . .
 What if toys could talk?
 My shopping list
 Don’t litter!
 Big pets and small pets
 Insects, insects everywhere
 I’m happy when . . .
 How plants grow
 My adventure

 Friendly places
 My favorite foods
 I know a lot about . . .
 Picnic fun
 Who’s at the zoo?
 What will I share?
 I rode on a . . .
 The parade
 I wonder why . . .
 What’s under my bed?
 What if I was 10 years old?
 What makes me laugh?

Grade 2

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Write Away or Write Source 2

 Games I play with friends

 How to make new friends
 A joke that makes everybody laugh
 Something funny that happened to me
 What I know about dinosaurs
 An important person I know about
 Good things about my neighborhood
 My favorite foods
 After-school games
 Sometimes I wish . . .
 What I like about math

 My new friend
 A “knock, knock” joke
 Words I think are funny
 What I know about stars
 What I know about the ocean
 Something I don’t understand
 Things that could be better in my neighborhood
 Foods I don’t like
 Games we play at recess
 Some of my favorite books
 More topics.

Grade 3

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Write on Track or Write Source 3

 My best birthday
 My favorite family story
 Magic tricks I can do
 Amazing facts I know
 The best house pets
 Activities for outdoor fun
 What I like about where I live
 A place I’d like to visit
 A sport I’m good at

 Things I’d like to change

 Book characters I’d like to meet
 Things that are hard to believe
 Funny things my pet has done
 The weirdest house pets
 Activities for indoor fun
 A helpful person I’ve met
 A great place to go
 Having fun at school
 More topics.

Grades 4-5

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Writers Express, All Write, Write Source 4, or Write Source 5

 Staying at a friend’s house

 A special secret place
 When I was upside down
 What if we suddenly had to move?
 My most embarrassing moment
 Talk about being scared!
 Do I want to be famous?
 Creepy, crawly things
 What if I were the teacher?
 I’ll never eat another . . .
 My biggest surprise
 This school really needs . . .
 The first day of school is the worst/best.

 A pet sitter needs special instructions to care for my pet.

 Doing homework
 A song that means a lot to me
 My best day
 A day in the life of my pet
 I don't understand why . . .
 Dirt bikes and in-line skates
 A visit to a friend’s school
 What is important to me?
 A terrible storm
 Me and the outdoors
 My first school memories
 More topics.

Grades 6-8

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Write Source 6, Write Source 7, Write Source 8, Write Source 2000, or All Write

 Here’s what a new student needs to know about my school.

 Why weekends should be longer
 A narrow escape from trouble
 What I’ve broken or lost that belongs to someone else
 My first friend
 A visit to a relative’s house
 My chores
 A dedicated teacher or coach
 When I was lost
 My idea of a fun weekend
 A school field trip
 I’ve done something no one else has done.

 I’m principal for the day. Here’s my schedule of events.

 A typical lunch hour
 If only I would have listened!
 How could TV be better?
 My favorite neighbor
 My bedroom from top to bottom
 A memorable bus ride
 My best class ever
 My first concert
 Finally, a good assembly
 If I could be someone else, I would be . . .
 The most fun I’ve had recently
 More topics.

Grades 9-12

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Write Ahead, Writers Inc, Write Source 9, Write Source 10, School to Work, or
Write for College

 My craziest experience in a restaurant or shopping mall

 The hardest thing I’ve ever done
 My first encounter with a bully
 Let’s hear it for my favorite senior citizen.
 The toys I’ll never give up
 A friend who moved away
 I couldn’t believe that my mother volunteered me for that job.
 Putting my foot in my mouth
 What if school sports were dropped?
 Who knows me best?
 What do I worry about?
 My muscles were so sore after . . .
 What do we Americans do well?
 “Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.”
 I admit it; I enjoy professional wrestling.
 An unforgettable dream
 My worst vacation
 A “visit” to a hospital, doctor’s office, or dentist’s office
 Coping with brothers and sisters
 A typical evening at home
 Morning madness
 When I was a discipline problem
 A meaningful gift I’ve given or received
 We all make mistakes.
 Why do I deserve the job?
 My brother (or sister) made me so mad!
 Hanging out
 Something this school really needs is . . .
 Why are soap operas so popular?
 I take some things too seriously.
 What do I do to break routine?
 More topics.

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