A TEM Study of Precipitation in Al-Mg-Si Alloys

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PERGAMON Micron 32 (2001) 865±870


A TEM study of precipitation in Al±Mg±Si alloys

J.Y. Yao a,*, D.A. Graham a, B. Rinderer b, M.J. Couper b
CRC for Cast Metals Manufacturing (CAST), The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia
Comalco Research & Technical Support (CRTS), Comalco Aluminium Ltd., Thomastown, VIC 3074, Australia

A set of extrusion samples of Al±Si±Mg alloys (0.5 wt%Mg and 0.3±0.8 wt%Si) were, respectively, T1- and T4-heat-treated. Differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to heat the samples to particular temperatures to promote the formation of precipitates for study by
transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It was found that, apart from b 00 , b 0 , and B 0 , there were many precipitates showing rectangular
lattices when viewed along the long axes of the precipitates. It is considered that the residual stresses (or dislocations) in the extrusion after
the T1-treatment facilitated the nucleation and growth of the precipitates during the heating in the DSC. q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All
rights reserved.
Keywords: TEM; Al±Mg±Si; Precipitation; Extrusion; Heat-treatment

1. Introduction Table 1 lists the types of precipitates found so far mostly

in over aged materials of these alloys, the nomenclature
6000-series Al±Mg±Si wrought alloys are widely used in used in the literature to refer to the precipitates and that
architectural and structural applications because of their used for precipitates found in the present work.
favourable combination of strength, ease of manufacturing It is worth mentioning here that amongst the precipitates
(including extrudability, formability and weldability) and listed in Table 1, Type C precipitates are considered to be
resistance to stress-corrosion cracking (Polmear, 1995a; different from B 0 (or Q 0 ) because the former were found in
Sheppard, 1999). During production, the extrusions are pure Al±Mg±Si alloys (Matsuda et al., 1996) whilst the
commonly `press-quenched' using water sprays and/or air latter were considered to be related to the equilibrium
cooling, depending on the type of the alloy, at the outlet of phase Q (Al5Cu2Mg8Si6) in Al±Cu±Mg±Si alloys (Dumolt
extrusion press. Either natural ageing (T1-condition) or arti- et al., 1984; Suzuki et al., 1979; Chakrabarti et al., 1998).
®cial ageing (T5/T6-condition) is then applied to these extru- Types A, B and C precipitates and Si were found in high-Si
sions. In some cases, as-extruded material is given a full alloys (Matsuda et al., 1996; Zhen et al., 1997).
solution treatment, quench and natural age (T4-condition). Apart from the microstructural characterisation, thermal
For 6000-series alloys, heat treatment is used to promote analyses (e.g. DSC) have also been extensively carried out
the formation of needle-shaped precipitates from the super- to unveil the thermal events associated with the precipita-
saturated solid solution of Mg and Si in Al to achieve appre- tion. Previous DSC work on solution-treated 6000-series
ciable mechanical properties (Polmear, 1995b; Parson and alloys showed that the formation of b 00 precipitates produces
Liu, 1988). The type of precipitate that gives rise to the a strong exothermic peak at ,2508C and that of b 0 and/or B 0
maximum strength of 6000 alloys in the T6-condition is precipitates shows a peak at ,2908C (Dutta and Allen,
designated b 00 , which has been found in electron diffraction 1991; Zhen and Kang, 1998). The peak due to the clustering
studies to have a body centred monoclinic unit cell, of Mg and Si atoms in the early stage of ageing was found at
a ˆ 15.34 A Ê , b ˆ 4.05 A Ê , c ˆ 6.83 AÊ and b ˆ 1068 ,808C (Edwards et al., 1994) whereas the peak correspond-
(Edwards et al., 1994) and an Mg5Si6 stoichiometry (Zand- ing to Si precipitates was found at ,3308C (Zhen and Kang,
bergen et al., 1997). These precipitates are ®ne needles, 1998). Increased Si content in the alloy had no pronounced
,30 nm long, lying parallel to the k001l directions of the effect on the precipitation of b 00 and B 0 , but did affect the
matrix. When the alloy is over-aged, b 00 precipitates are formation of Si precipitates (Zhen et al., 1997).
dissolved and a number of coarser precipitates formed. The introduction of mechanical deformation as part of the
heat treatment process in production can signi®cantly
* Corresponding author. in¯uence the age hardening of 6000-series alloys (Rack
0968±4328/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0968-432 8(00)00095-0
866 J.Y. Yao et al. / Micron 32 (2001) 865±870

Table 1
A variety of precipitates having been found in slightly over-aged 6000-series alloys

Designation Crystal structure Reference Symbol used in this work

b 0 Ê , c ˆ 4.05 A
Hexagonal: a ˆ 7.05 A Ê Jacobs (1972) b0
Close packed hexagonal: a ˆ 4.07 A Ê , c ˆ 4.05 A
Ê Matsuda et al. (1994a)
B 0 or Q 0 Ê , c ˆ 4.04 A
Hexagonal: a ˆ 10.4 A Ê Dumolt et al. (1984); Suzuki et al. (1979); B0
Chakrabarti et al. (1998)
Type A Ê , c ˆ 6.7 A
Hexagonal: a ˆ 4.05 A Ê Matsuda et al. (1996) 4£7
Type B Orthorhombic: a ˆ 6.84 A Ê , b ˆ 7.93 A
Ê , c ˆ 4.05 A
Ê Matsuda et al. (1996) 7£8
Type C Ê , c ˆ 4.05 A
Hexagonal: a ˆ 10.4 A Ê Matsuda et al. (1996) B0
Si Ê
Cubic: a ˆ 5.43 A Zhen et al. (1997) Si

and Krenzer, 1977). This is of considerable interest in a nominal 0.5 wt%Mg content were selected for study. The
manufacturing processes such as extrusion, forging and roll- actual compositions of the alloys studied in this paper are
ing, in which the alloy is subjected to extensive deformation shown in Table 2. The cast billets (f ˆ 127 mm) were
to produce a desirable shape. It has been found, for example, homogenised at 5708C for 2.5 h. For extrusion, the billets
that cold rolling prior to solution treatment could decrease were induction heated to 4508C and extruded to a solid
the exothermic peak positions of b 00 and Si in DSC (Zhen rectangular section (6 £ 40 mm) using an 880t Cheng Hua
and Kang, 1998), whereas cold rolling before ageing could direct extrusion press. The die and container temperatures
alter the morphology of precipitates (Matsuda et al., 1994b). were kept at 4358C and 4258C, respectively. The extrudate
Furthermore, when a solution-treated alloy 6061 was speed was ,20 m/min, with water quenching from an exit
mechanically deformed (,50%) prior to heating in DSC, temperature of ,5008C.
it was found that the peak at 2908C disappeared and, corre- The practical heat treatment conditions evaluated were:
spondingly in TEM, B 0 precipitates were found to form on
dislocations at the temperatures for b 00 precipitation, that is ² T1: water-quenched from press, stretched 0.5%, and
,2508C (Edwards et al., 1994). In an in situ TEM study, the naturally aged for more than a week;
growth of b 0 precipitates was accelerated by the presence of ² T4: as for T1, then solution-treated for 1 h at 5208C,
dislocations (Shewman, 1963). followed by cold water quench and naturally aged for
The industrial practice of a full solution treatment to more than a week.
achieve speci®c properties requires additional processing
steps and is therefore often avoided whenever possible.
For the TEM investigation, disc shaped samples
Solution treatment, however, serves metallurgically impor-
(,0.5 mm thick) were prepared from the extrusion and
tant functions, which include dissolving precipitates
then heat-treated in DSC. They were heated at 108C/min
remaining after or formed during extrusion, relieving
to selected temperatures in a Perkin Elmer DSC7 instrument
`stress' resulting from the combination of deformation and
and then immediately removed from the testing pan. Fig. 1
quenching, and enabling the maximum alloy strength to be
contains DSC thermograms typical of the T1- and T4-trea-
achieved by ageing. The need to further develop our under-
ted alloys. The temperatures at which the samples were
standing of the effects of press-quenching on precipitation
removed from DSC are also indicated. (Note that the DSC
and mechanical properties is thus evident.
curves for each alloy and heat treatment in Fig. 1 have been
The present work is concerned with the in¯uence of heat
offset for presentation clarity.) T1-treated alloys had one
treatment (press-quenching vs full solution treatment) and
broad exothermic peak between 200 and 3508C. T4-treated
alloy composition on the precipitation process in extrusions
alloys had, however, one exothermic peak for alloy 1 and
of a set of experimental alloys. In this work, DSC was used
two exothermic peaks for alloys 4 and 5 in between 200 and
to heat the sample to selected temperatures to allow the
3508C. In other words, with increasing Si content, the ®rst
precipitates to develop to various stages for investigation
peak in T4-treated alloys shifted to lower temperatures and
by TEM. The samples were produced with an industrial
was resolved into two peaks. There was no clear peak shift
press and heat-treated to T1- and T4-conditions, respec-
for the T1-treated alloys with increasing Si content.
tively, as speci®ed in Section 2. The results from our inves-
tigation showed clearly that, of the two treatments, the T1- Table 2
treatment accelerated the precipitation process signi®cantly. Compositions (wt%) of the Al±Mg±Si alloys studied

Alloy no. Si Mg Fe Cu Al

2. Experimental 1 0.27 0.49 0.10 , 0.01 Balance

4 0.62 0.48 0.12 , 0.01 Balance
5 0.77 0.47 0.10 , 0.01 Balance
Alloys with a wide range of Si content (0.3±0.8 wt%) and
J.Y. Yao et al. / Micron 32 (2001) 865±870 867

the TEM (Table 3). This observation suggests that the preci-
pitation process in this alloy for T1- and T4-treatments may
be similar, with T1-precipitation being accelerated. The
peak was shifted about 408C towards the low temperature
end (i.e. the peak was at ,2508C for T1- and T4-peak at
The microstructural differences created by the T1- and
T4-heat treatments are expected to be the density of dislo-
cations due to stretching for the T1-samples, and the levels
of Mg and Si in the matrix available for precipitation (if the
extrusion process has not fully solutionised the Mg and Si).
Fig. 3 shows a TEM bright ®eld image taken from a T1-
treated alloy 1 specimen which was DSC heated to 2208C,
just before the start of the exothermic peak at ,2508C. At
this early state of precipitation, ®ne precipitates began to
form in the vicinity of dislocations (as arrowed), whereas no
Fig. 1. DSC thermograms of T1-and T4-treated extrusion samples of alloys precipitates were observed in dislocation-free regions.
1, 4 and 5 with nominal 0.5 wt%Mg and varying Si contents. Samples for Though the type of precipitate has not been successfully
TEM investigation were heated to the temperatures as indicated by the open identi®ed, the heterogeneous nucleation of precipitates at
circles on the curves.
the dislocations was evident. The presence of dislocations
in the alloy from the T1-treatment has provided a substantial
The TEM lattice imaging investigation was performed number of sites for the heterogeneous nucleation of preci-
with a JEOL 4010 instrument operating at 400 keV, whereas pitates, which is more favourable than homogeneous
the diffraction contrast investigation was conducted with a nucleation. A number of effects can further accelerate the
JOEL 2010 instrument operating at 200 keV. The thin foil precipitation from dislocations, including the accelerated
specimens were prepared from the samples treated in DSC diffusion of solute atoms along dislocations (Shewman,
by electro-chemical polishing for the diffraction contrast 1963) and the additional supply of vacancies to precipitates
investigation. For lattice imaging the specimens were by dislocation climb (Beaven et al., 1982). This dislocation-
further thinned by ion beam thinning while the specimen assisted precipitation would have enabled the nucleation
was cooled with liquid nitrogen. The precipitates in each and development of precipitates to occur at temperatures
sample were identi®ed by examining the lattice periodicity lower than those for homogeneous nucleation.
on the TEM images, which were taken from the transversal Further work is needed to unveil the precipitation process
cross-section of the precipitates. associated with various positions of the exothermal peak in
order to understand how the dislocation assisted precipita-
tion mechanism has reduced the temperature for the highest
3. Results rate of precipitation, which is presumably due to the preci-
pitation of b 00 rather than b 0 .
For the low-Si alloy (alloy 1), only b 0 precipitates were
found after heating to 300 and 3408C for the T1- and T4-
samples, respectively. For the high-Si alloys (alloys 4 and 4.2. High-Si alloys
5), different types of precipitates were observed. Typical
For high-Si alloys (i.e. alloys 4 and 5), a number of differ-
lattice imaging micrographs of the different precipitates
ent types of precipitates were observed. After heating in
are shown in Fig. 2.
DSC to 2908C, similar proportions of the different precipi-
The number count of precipitates examined by TEM are
tates were observed for the T1- and T4-treatments. For alloy
summarised in Table 3. The approximate percentages of
4, most precipitates were found to be B 0 or 7 £ 8 types, with
each precipitate type (B 0 , b 0 , 4 £ 7 and 7 £ 8) are also
fewer b 0 and 4 £ 7 precipitates. For alloy 5, similar propor-
shown. Complex precipitates consisted of more than one
tions of B 0 , 4 £ 7 and 7 £ 8 precipitates were observed.
type of precipitate.
However, after heating to 3208C in DSC, differences
between the T1- and T4-treated samples are evident.
4. Discussion Alloy 4 T4 shows further development of b 0 indicated by
the percentage increase of b 0 from ,20% at 2908C to ,70%
4.1. Low-Si alloy at 3208C, and a reduction in the B 0 and 7 £ 8 precipitates is
observed. This is in contrast to the precipitates formed in the
When the specimens of alloy 1 were heated just over the T1-treated sample of alloy 4, where B 0 precipitates were
exothermal peak in DSC (viz, ,3008C for T1 and 3408C for dominant, ,40% at 2908C increasing to ,90% at 3208C.
T4 as indicated in Fig. 1), only b 0 precipitates were found by It appears that the T1-treatment has facilitated the
868 J.Y. Yao et al. / Micron 32 (2001) 865±870

Fig. 2. Typical [001]Al lattice imaging of (a) B 0 in alloy 5 (T1) DSC±2908C, (b) b 0 in alloy 4 (T4) DSC-3208C, (c) b 00 in alloy 5 (T4) DSC-2908C, (d) 7 £ 8,
alloy 4 (T4) DSC-2908C, (e) 4 £ 7, alloy 5 (T1) DSC-2908C, and (f) 4 £ 7-b 0 complex in alloy 4 (T4) DSC-3208C.

development of B 0 precipitates and T4 favours b 0 precipita- location and density of dislocations and dispersiods) may
tion during overageing for this alloy composition. affect the local precipitation kinetics by offering nucleation
In order to estimate the signi®cance of the apparent sites for precipitation and sinks for vacancies. This could
trends, as described above, further investigation is needed. seriously affect the results of TEM lattice imaging as this
However, it seems to be impractical to use the high resolu- method examines precipitates on a scale smaller than, or
tion TEM method (which is used in this work) to better similar to, the structural inhomogeneity.
quantify the proportion of each type of precipitate formed Nevertheless, the TEM results of the high-Si alloys high-
by increasing the number of precipitates to examine. The lighted the complexity of the precipitation process which
presence of local microstructural inhomogeneity (e.g. the gave rise to the peaks in the DSC. The presence of the
J.Y. Yao et al. / Micron 32 (2001) 865±870 869

Fig. 2. (continued)

second DSC peak of the T4-treated alloys does not seem to processes (press-quenched and stretched T1-condition and
be due to the formation of one type of precipitate which, solution-treated T4-condition). It has been found that the
somehow, has not formed in the corresponding T1-treated T1-treatment accelerated the precipitation process in the
alloys. After all, the essential microstructural difference low-Si content alloy, and b 0 was observed in the slightly
between the T1- and T4-treated alloys is the density of over-aged conditions. This acceleration diminished for
dislocations. The T4-treated alloys have lower dislocation high-Si alloys and the ageing favoured initial formation of
density than the T1-treated alloys, but they are far from B 0 , b 0 , 4 £ 7 and 7 £ 8 precipitates, which had already
dislocation free. Thus one needs to know not only the nucleated when the alloys were heated to 2908C in DSC.
type of precipitate, but also the locations where they form Further development of b 0 for T4-condition occurred in the
in order to understand the associated precipitation process high-Si alloy heated to 3208C.
which gives rise to the second DSC peak for T4-treated
high-Si alloys.
5. Summary
This work was performed with the support of the CRC for
Precipitation in Al±Mg±Si alloy extrusions has been Cast Metals Manufacturing (CAST) and Comalco Alumi-
investigated by TEM, for alloys with nominal 0.5 wt%Mg nium Ltd. CAST was established under the Australian
and a range of alloy Si contents, and for two heat treatment Government's Cooperative Research Centres Scheme.

Table 3
The number of precipitates observed by TEM in specimens heat-treated in DSC

Alloy (temper) Temp. (8C) b 00 B0 b0 4£7 7£8 Complex

1 (T1) 300 17 (100%)

1 (T4) 340 7 (100%)
4 (T1) 290 2 22 (40%) 4 (10%) 10 (20%) 16 (30%) 9
320 12 (90%) 1 (10%) 1
4 (T4) 290 6 (40%) 3 (20%) 2 (10%) 4 (30%) 1
320 11 (70%) 4 (30%) 1 3
5 (T1) 290 6 (20%) 1 7 (30%) 14 (50%) 2
5 (T4) 290 1 6 (35%) 5 (30%) 6 (35%) 2
870 J.Y. Yao et al. / Micron 32 (2001) 865±870

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