Final Terms BASF-2018-2026 PDF

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MiFID II Product Governance – Solely for the purposes of each manufacturer's product approval

process, the target market assessment in respect of the Notes has led to the conclusion that: (i) the target
market for the Notes is eligible counterparties, professional clients and retail clients, each as defined in
Directive 2014/65/EU (as amended, "MiFID II");and (ii) all channels for distribution of the Notes are
appropriate, including investment advice, portfolio management, non-advised sales and pure execution
services. Any person subsequently offering, selling or recommending the Notes (a "distributor") should
take into consideration the manufacturers' target market assessment; however, a distributor subject to
MiFID II is responsible for undertaking its own target market assessment in respect of the Notes (by either
adopting or refining the manufacturers' target market assessment) and determining appropriate distribution

In case of Notes listed on the official list of and admitted to trading on the regulated market of the
Luxembourg Stock Exchange or publicly offered in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Final Terms of
Notes will be displayed on the website of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange ( In the case of
Notes publicly offered in one or more member states of the European Economic Area other than the
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Final Terms will be displayed on the website of BASF Group
May 17, 2018
17. Mai 2018
Final Terms
Endgültige Bedingungen
EUR 750,000,000 0.875% Notes due May 22, 2025
EUR 750.000.000 0,875% Schuldverschreibungen fällig am 22. Mai 2025
Series No.: 37 / Tranche No.: 1
Serien Nr.: 37 / Tranche Nr.: 1
Issue Date: May 22, 2018
Tag der Begebung: 22. Mai 2018
issued pursuant to the EUR 20,000,000,000 Debt Issuance Program dated September 11, 2017
of BASF SE and BASF Finance Europe N.V.
begeben aufgrund des EUR Debt Issuance Program vom 11. September 2017
der BASF SE und BASF Finance Europe N.V.

Important Notice
These Final Terms have been prepared for the purpose of Article 5 (4) of the Directive 2003/71/EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of November 4, 2003, as amended, and must be read in
conjunction with the Debt Issuance Program Prospectus pertaining to the Program dated September 11,
2017 (the "Prospectus") and the first supplement dated October 30, 2017 as well as the second
supplement dated May 7, 2018. The Prospectus and any supplement thereto are available for viewing in
electronic form on the website of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange ( and on the website of
BASF Group ( and copies may be obtained from BASF SE, Carl-Bosch-Straße 38, 67056
Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany. Full information is only available on the basis of the combination of the
Prospectus, any supplement and these Final Terms. A summary of the individual issue of the Notes is
annexed to these Final Terms.
Wichtiger Hinweis
Diese Endgültigen Bedingungen wurden für die Zwecke des Artikels 5 Absatz 4 der Richtlinie 2003/71/EG
des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 4. November 2003, in der geänderten Fassung,
abgefasst und sind in Verbindung mit dem Debt Issuance Program Prospekt vom 11. September 2017
über das Programm (der "Prospekt") und dem ersten Nachtrag dazu vom 30. Oktober 2017 sowie dem
zweiten Nachtrag dazu vom 7. Mai 2018 zu lesen. Der Prospekt sowie etwaige Nachträge können in
elektronischer Form auf der Internetseite der Luxemburger Börse ( und der Internetseite
der BASF Gruppe ( eingesehen werden. Kopien sind erhältlich unter BASF SE, Carl-
Bosch-Straße 38, 67056 Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Deutschland. Um sämtliche Angaben zu erhalten, sind
die Endgültigen Bedingungen, der Prospekt und etwaige Nachträge im Zusammenhang zu lesen. Eine

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