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My Practice


Table of contents
Learning Episode 1: What Lies Ahead?

Learning Episode 2: Meeting My Cooperating Teacher

Learning Episode 3: My Learning Environment, My Second Home

Learning Episode 4: Meeting My Learners

Learning Episode 5: Establishing Classroom Routines And


Learning Episode 6: My Journey Begins With The First Step

Learning Episode 7: Writing My First Lesson Plan

Learning Episode 8: Preparing My Im’s (Instructional


Learning Episode 9: My First Assessment Tool

Learning Episode 10: Designing Classroom Bulletin Boards

Learning Episode 11: Familiarizing Myself With The Different

School Forms

Learning Episode 12: May I Help You?

Learning Episode 13: Let’s Participate In School Activities

Learning episode 14: my first classroom demonstration lesson

Learning episode 15: accomplishing exit forms

Learning Episode 1 - What Lies
My Learning Episode Overview

My first episode will explain the expectation of my

Teacher Education Institution IloIlo State College of
Fisheries and my Cooperating School Ermita Elementary
School. This will allow me to better understand the do’s and
don’ts of teaching in the real workplace. The orientation
conducted by my practicum supervisor and the cooperating
principal will ensure my success as a student intern.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I wil be able to:

 Analyze my expectations of my cooperating school and

that of my teacher education institutions.
 Reflect on the things I need to do to become a
successful student intern.
 Follow all the policies and procedures of my
cooperating school.
 Accomplish the matrix of expectations.
 Write my responsibilities as a student intern.

My Map (Learning Episode Directions)

To get to know my cooperating school better, I

must do the following:
1. Read the mission, vision, core values of the school.
2. Attend the orientation session of my practicum
supervisor and cooperating principal.
3. Record important notes during the orientation.
4. Ask question, if necessary.
5. Accomplish the learning episode.

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

As a student intern, I need to know the following

terms to fully understand my learning episodes.

 Orientations
 Expectations
 Cooperating School
 Cooperating Principal
 Cooperating Teacher

My Tasks (Activities)
A. After the orientation conducted by my practicum
supervisor/cooperating principal, what are the things
that I need to remember?

Go to school on time, Wear formal clothes

(presentable), Speak politely to pupils,Be a role
model to the pupils, Cooperate with your critique

teacher, Don’t say bad words in front of the pupils,
Be observant on what you are doing

Name of Cooperating Principal: Mr. Romeo G. Volcan

Name of Cooperating School:Ermita Elementary School

Expectations What I Need to Do

As a student teacher I I need to do is to help

expect that this school myself to improve my
assigned on me is to help skills in teaching .And
to improve my knowledge and also I follow the rules
skills in teaching and to and regulation of the
be become a better teacher school not also the rules
someday. but I need to do respect
the school personnel in
this school assigned.

B. After my orientation session with my practicum

supervisor and cooperating principal, I need to equip
myself with the Practice Teaching kit to better prepare
myself in this wonderful world of teaching.

-I need to be knowledgeable about the lesson so that
the information I am going to convey is accurate.

-I should possess the essential skills in making sure
that my learners varied learning styles and techniques
that will be utilized.

-I need to do is patience and wide understanding for
the learners so that I can determine the things I need
to do.Attitudes are great components in the sense that
I as a student teacher, its really task to handle and
teach pupils with kindness character traits.

-I need to do is make pupil individual activity to be
enjoy and meaningful for their activity.For me to do
so,I need first to be free from manirism so that the
pupils attention will not be disturbed which can listen
their interest towards my discussion.

My Analysis

Orientation are conducted because, We the student

teachers need to do be well-equipped with what to do
and how to do things inside and outside the cooperating
school. And It help fully understand there mission,
vission and goals of the school. And also about the
Expectation to the school to inform what you have first
expectation to there school. And also the neeeds to do
to inform myself in remembering the the terms and
condition of there rules to help me in my experience
skills. I need to follow the policies and procedures of
the cooperating school so that I need to do is convey

the behaviors of my pupils and role that we should act
to do. Thus, we may be prepared in the facing and
overcoming trials that may come along the way and equip
myself in there policies and procedure in my practice

My Reflections / My Insights
I need to follow the policies and procedures of the
cooperating school so that I need to be oriented on the
policies of the school the pupils behaviors, and their
mission,vission and goals of their school rule. And be
prepared in facing the trials to come along my way.

I am really prepared to teach ,Maybe but Im not quite

certain if I am because honestly, Im not yet expert in
my field of specialization. I still have more to learn
specially in General subject though my expert critique
teachers had taught me well. Given that Im finally at
the crucial phase of my course, I will no longer stop
and be a coward, I will continue in pursuing my
chooseen course and overcome odds that may arise. I
will do my best and preserve even more no matter what
in order to teach efficiency and effectivelly. It is
overwhelming upon knowing that someone is learning from
me. Yes I may be really not prepared to teach for now,
but for now experience is the great impact when I will
be in the real world of teaching.

My Application (From Theory to Practice

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. There is a need to have orientation sessions to:

I. establish the right atmosphere
II. formulate guidelines to follow
III. develop good relationship
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
c I, II and III

2. Why do we need to know the do’s and don’ts of the

cooperating school?

A. To have better relationships with the school

B. To ensure the completion of the required units
C. To strengthen the ties between the Teacher
c Education Institution and the Cooperating School

D. To complete the requirements set by the school

3. Meeting the expectations of the Teacher Education

Institution is important:

A. To have better relationship between the Teacher

Education Institution and the Cooperating School
B. To ensure completion of the course
C. To fully attain the objectives set forth by the
D. To stress the needs for standardization of

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence,

School Gate School Stage

Ermita Elementary School Environment

School Hallway School Garden

Rooms, garden and pump of school

Grade V and VI rooms Kindergarten room

Computer room School Library

Office of the Principal School Vision

School Mission School Core Values

My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning episode?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unacceptable
Expectations Expectations Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

Learning episode 2 - Meeting My
Cooperating Teacher
My Learning Episode Overview

This episode will allow me to meet my cooperating

teacher. This activity will also give me the chance to
better understand the expectations of my cooperating

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I wil be able to:

 Meet my cooperating teacher.

 Reflect on the expectation of my cooperating teacher.
 Observe and record important notes during the
discussion with my cooperating teacher.
 Interact with my cooperating teacher.
 Give assistance with my cooperating teacher.

There are things that I need to do:

Extend assistance when needed.

Write down notes.

Observe well.

Listen to the expectations of my cooperating


Go to the schedule class.

Meet my cooperating teacher.
Present all needed documents.

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

As a student intern, I must do the following:

 Observe my cooperating teacher especially in
establishing classroom routines;
 Remember that the early period of observation is highly
significant in making my practice teaching more
meaningful and rewarding;
 Follow my cooperating teacher’s rules and expectations
to build a solid and meaningful relationship.

My Tasks (Activities)

A. Getting to know my cooperating teacher

Name of Cooperating Teacher:

MRS.Analyn B. Almogino

School Graduated from:CPU

Highest Educational Attainment:College


Subject/s Handled: General

Number of years teaching experience:18 Years

My Cooperating Teacher Expectations:

 Potential in Teaching

My Expectations

 I expect her to help me to be a good in teaching,not

only in teaching but also in a real life situation.I
expect her also to tell me if I did a mistake while

B. In the observation phase, I need to do the following:

 Have a knowledge on teaching lesson
 Prepare your lesson on time
 Prepare yourself in teaching
 Teach
 Be calm

C. To fully equip myself to better understand my cooperating

teacher, I need to know his/her, personal characteristics.
Choose any (3) three significant characteristics and why you
need to do to emulate this virtues.

Personal Characteristics Why you need to emulate

this virtues?

Sense o Humor I need to estimulate the

pupils her sense of humor
so that pupils will not
get bored when Im

Pupuls must know where all

their boundaries. They
will stay away on the
teachers table unders
their teacher tell them to
do so.

Love Pupils Loving pipils its also
mean that we appreciate
every uniqueness of them.

My Analysis

In my first encounter of my cooperating teacher, I

realize that,My journey is about to start to my first
step with her she will be the one to help me to be
better in the teaching in the society for the better.

My Reflections / My Insight

I am ready for teaching profession.

I still need to overcome my apprehensions.

Because,I will do my best even more no matter what in order

to teach efficiency and effectively . It is knowing that
someone of my learners learn from me. But my experience in
practice teach is a great impact when I will be in a real
world of teaching. This now my first step in the world of
society. I know for sure God will always be my guide in
world of teaching.

My Application (From Theory to Practice)

Read the situations and encircle the letter of the

correct answer.
1. As a student intern, I need to fully understand the
expectations of my cooperating teacher to
A. better raport and harmonious relationship
B. greater familiarity on his/her needs and interest
C. the development of learning materials
D. the establishments of classroom routines
2. Why do I need to consult my cooperating teacher at all
A. for better delivery of lessons
B. to select the best materials, activities and
C. for better unity and cooperation
D. to avoid quarrels and understanding
3. How can I establish and maintain cordial relationships
with my cooperating teacher?
A. Do some errends for him/her.
B. Follow him/her wherever he/she goes.
C. Obey all his/her instructions.
D. Maintain professional relations all the time.

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence,


My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning episode?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unacceptable
Expectations Expectations Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

Learning Episode 3 - My Learning
Environment, My Second Home
My Learning Episode Overview

This episode describes my second home. It showcases the

different facilities and learning resources of my
cooperating school. Visiting these places in my cooperating
school will enable to utilize these reasouces to make the
teaching-learning process more meaningful. Being aware of
these facilities in my cooperating school will give me a
sense of belongingness-for this is my second home.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I wil be able to:

 visit the school’s faciities and resources.

 meet the various school personnel.
 utilize these learning resources of the school when
 analize the vision and mission of the school.

My Map (Learning Episode Directions)

There are things that I need to do:

1. Read and study the Vision-Mission Statement and Core

Values of the school.
2. Visit the different school facilities.
3. Meet the different school personnel.
4. Identify the importance of school facilities and use
these when needed.

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

The utilization of the school’s learning facilities and

resources will enhance the teaching-learning process.
These are the resources/faciities of my second home.

Learning Resources

Computer room

My Tasks (Activities)

Complete the chart of the school facilities/ learning

resources you have visited/utilized. Write down the
importance of these in ensuring quality instruction.

School Faciities Importance of these facilities in the

Visited/Utilized teaching-learning process

1.Library It is important in pupils to there

homework and activity to help to get
information about there activity. And
books is helpful in teachers .

2.Computer It is important things in the teachers

room so that no need to go outside to
research in the computer. Because they
have there own computer in school.

3.Clinic It is important in pupils or teachers

because when we have accident or not
feeling well the teacher and the pupils
Go to there school clinic

4.H.E It is important because when they have

a nutrition month or used to cook the
school have there own H.E

5.Canteen It is important in pupils because no

need to go outside to buy because they

have a there own canteen inside there


My Analysis

A. What can I say about my second home:


Clean school
Fresh Air Ermita Environment
y school

Respectfull Nutrious food

School Personel In Canteen

Characteristics of
What can you do?
a Sound Learning


Friendly and non- I can do is Friendly in pupils not

threatening only in pupils but also in the

Safe, secure and I can do is To be creative in my

condusive to lesson so that the pupils can
learning learn best while they are inside
the room.

Environment that
I can do is look fair in the
promotes fairness
pupils so that the no matter what
and equality
they treat equaly or fair.

C. After reading the

School Visions
School’s Vision school’s vision, mission
and goals, I realized

D. I need to internalize
and intergrate these
in my lessons by

School Mission

School Goals

My Reflections / My Insights

I feel comfortable in my second home because,the teachers

are very kindness and helpful in there visitors and also the
pupils are friendly they treat like them . The room is clean
and when they enter the fresh air are flow in my assigned
room. And safe school area in the pupils. And not polluted
area and the environment of school is very clean.

My Application (From Theory to Practice)

Read the situation and encircle the letter of the

correct answer.

A. How can I promote fairness in my learning environment?
A Respect individual differences.
B. Separate girls from boys.
C. Place all children with special needs infront.
D. Isolate the unruly children in class.Give them
more exercises on grammar.
A. Provide individual work rather than group work.
B. Schedule more practice sessions in the speech
C. Invite a resource speaker.
B. Make your classroom environment safe and secure
A. Asking the security guard to stay near your room
B. Removing some fixtures and using less appliances
and devices
C. Ensuring that all unsafe devices are secured
D. Checking the phisycal environment at all times

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence,


Office of the Principal Inside the office

Principal’s room School Clinic

Computer Room School Library

Home Economics Room Kitchen

School Canteen Core Vaues

DepEd Mission DepEd Vision

Comfort Room Washing Area

School Backyard

My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning episode?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unacceptable
Expectations Expectations Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

Learning Episode 4 - Meeting My
My Learning Episode Overview

This episode illustrate the diversity of my learners.

This will give me a chance to acquaint myself with the
needs, interest and abilities of my learners.Being aware of
these features will equip me with greater knowledgeand
understanding to ensure quality instruction.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I wil be able to:

 describe the learners in my respective grade level and

 use various sources to know my student better.
 establish consistent standards of learners’ behavior.
 prepare rules for my learners to follow.
 utilize techniques to suit my learners’ needs.
 articulate insights, reflections about learners.

My Map (Learning Episode Directions)

There are things that I need to do:

myself to
my pupils.

Accept and If possible,

appreciate study the
each child’s records of my
uniqueness. pupils.

Identify the
rapport with
styles of my
students. my students.

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

As a student intern, I must fully aware that:

 each individual is unique.

 students vary in learning style.
 students learn through different modalities.
 the learning environment must be safe, secured,
friendly, non-threatening and must treat students with

My Tasks (Activities)

A. Observe the learners on your first day of internship.

What are your observation?

The first time I enter on the classroom of

Grade one I was so shy but those children are very
approachable to visitor. They are all looking
curiosly on me maybe they all have questions on
their minds like “who I am?” the first time I
teach them they are so obedient when I say read,
they all read but Some can read and some are not.

B. Create an opportunity where you can gather there

thoughts, ideas and feelings about their school /
subject / classmates.

About their school

There school is beautiful and clean erea
environment and the canteen are selling a fresh and
nutrious food. The flowers front of there room is
beautiful. There playground is clean and wide.
About their subject

Sometimes we love easy lesson but more difficulties

in learning so we enjoy learning in our lesson.

About their classmates

To my classmate is very noisy and wild when they

have recess time. I happy for that because my
classmate is my playmates although sometimes we
argue but more are my good friends.

C. What are the rules that I need to set to insure

quality instruction among my learners? Use innovative
ways to make your rules known and followed.

Share ideas in your Follow the directions

teachers quickly

Be kind in your Raise your hand to

classmates talk

My Analysis

Do we need is know the child weaknesses to for sure you

have need a resulution,and uniqueness of the pupils so
that they will know there differences each other. Very
important to know the teachers of the problem of pupils
because you know what we are going to do to their
problems,And help their individuals differencess inside
their feelings on what can bde solved.

My Reflections / My Insights

 I need to be creative in every activity

 Help student to their problems
 Discover a pupils weaknesses
 Look fairness in there activity

My Application (From Theory to Practice)

Read the situation and encircle the letter of the
correct answer.

1. Ms. Valdez is a new teacher in a public school. She

has 50 grade one pupils in the class. What must she do
to ensure easy remembering of the names of her pupils
on the first day of the class?
A. Interview each pupil.
B. Prepare a set plan.
C. Arrange them alphabetically.
CD. Ask a picture from each pupil.

2. Students learn by different modalities. There are

those who learn best by pictures, illustrations and
the like. What is the learning modality of these
A. Tactile
B. Auditory
C. Visual
C Kinesthetic

3. To learn best about your students,you must


I. observe them well

II. talk to them during recess or lunch breaks

III. analyze their records

A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II and I

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence,

Classroom Routines

Cleaning inside and outside the room

My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning episode?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unacceptable
Expectations Expectations Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

Learning Episode 5 - Establishing
Classroom Routines And Procedure
My Learning Episode Overview

This episode enables me to observe the different

classroom routines performed by my cooperating teacher.
Getting acquianted with these routines will ensure a better
organized, systematic and orderly classroom.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I wil be able to:

 meet my cooperating teacher.

 reflect on the expectations of my cooperating
 observe and record the important notes during the
discussion with my cooperating teacher.
 interact with my cooperating teacher.
 give assistance to my cooperating teacher.

My Map (Learning Episode Directions)

There are the things that I need to do:

Line information

Observe Checking of attendance

following Prayer
Passing of papers / Books

Getting the learning


Writing assignments /
Other activities that
Observation need procedures

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)


These arethe backbone of daily classroom life.

Routines do not make just easier, they save valuable
classroom time. What’s more important is efficient
routines to make it easier for students to learn and
achieve more. When routines and procedures is carefully
taught, modeled and established in the classroom,
children know what is expected of them and how to do
certain things on their own. Having these predictable
patterns in place allow teachers to spend more time in
meaningful instruction.

My Tasks (Activities)

A. What routines that I need to establish in order to make

me a better classroom manager?

Check Attendance
Classroom Routines


Sing a nursery rhymes

Count Numbers

Lesson proper

B. Interview other teachers and inquire on what classroom

routines they have established to ensure better classroom

Name of teacher:Donna Santander

School:Ermita Elementary School

Grade level handled:Grade 1

 Clean the classroom

 Prayer
 Attendance
 Count numbers
 Be honest
 Lesson proper

C. Surf the internet or research the library.Read and jot

down some important notes on classroom routines and

Beginning on
Creating Ending the
class on Collecting
System for Class
time and on Homework
Restroom Use Efficiency

My Analysis

Routines is very important in every room because,we

have to be remembered that there is a class routines
that we follow it enables the teachers to sustain a
good classroom management and it enables the pupils is
predict on what will happen to the next day and we able
to prepare for it. And the pupils will be remembered
everytime we go to school. And establihed their feeling
of responsibilities to the pupils.

My Reflections / My Insights

If I already have my own class, I want to do the


Arriving in the morning,

 To clean the classroom
 Prayer
 To check my pupils assignment

Taking attendance is
 To monitor the absentses of my pupils
 To check the excuse letters if there is

 Posting reminders
 To remind my pupils to study their lesson

 To remind my pupils to do their assignments for the
next day
Throughout the day
 To check the papers of daily quizzes
 To record the quizzes
 To roaming around to check whether my pupils attend the

Ending the day

 To grade their homework policies
 To ask a question
 To finish the assignment early
 To dismiss

 Other episodes that need procedure(s)

My Application (From Theory to Practice)

Read the situation and encircle the letter of the

correct answer.

1. Why do we need to establish classroom routines?

I. to improve classroom management
II. to enhance classroom instruction
III. to save valuable time
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
C I, II and III
2. When do you establish classroom routines?
A. At the middle of the year
B. At the end of the year
C. At the beginning of the year
C Anytime the teacher deems proper
3. When students come in the morning, what routines maybe
A. Stay along the corridor and wait for their
B. Assign a leader to come early and check the
C. Have an attendance pocket chart to develop
D. Construct a seat plan and let students locate
their seats.

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence,

Classroom Routines

Cleaning inside and outside the room

My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning episode?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unacceptable
Expectations Expectations Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

Learning Episode 6 - My Journey
Begins with the First Step (My
First Activity)

My Learning Episode Overview

This learning episode unravels the first activity given

to me by my cooperating teacher. This gives a clear picture
of the step I have followed and the materials I need to
prepare to successfully implement my first activity.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity I will be able to:

• plan my first activity / episode assigned to me

• prepare my instructional materials

• perform my first activity well

• follow the instruction given by my cooperating


• consider and reflect on the assessment of my cooper-

rating teacher

My Map (Learning Episode Direction)

To do my episode well, I should be able to:

1. listen well to the instruction of


Cooperating teacher

2. plan for the assigned episode. Do

Research if needed.

3. prepare the instructional


4. performed the assigned episode


My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

To prepare the first episode / activity, remember the

Plan, Do, Check, Act, (PDCA), a project management tool
designed by W. Edward Deming it is also called the Deming

Identify and analyze the episode /


Develop and test potential

DO solution/procedures to the episode

Analyze and measure the episode in

CHECK an informal way

Implements the best solution/
My Tasks (Activities)

A. Complete the Episode Matrix

(The given activity/assigned episode)

Things To Do





My Analysis

What benefits did you gain after utilizing the PDCA Cycle?

• It can be bring benefits to unknown sources so that the

PDCA process will ensure that unknown are proven or

• The PDCA process will ensure that whatever the identified
the goal or objectives the repeated planning, doing,
checking and acting will drive to improvement, their

• To measure their performance in how to deliver their

performance well.

My Reflection / My Insights

Rate your accomplishment using the continuum

• • • • •

I rated myself: Satisfactory

Because, I think this is my first time to establish an

activity in my class, It was quit to rate myself.

I think I can do better if, I was able to explain to them on

how to interpret a poem if there is an essay to cop up.

I learned that, Grade 1 pupils should not be overpowered to

teach, if they are yet young.

My Application (From Theory to Practice)

Read the situation and encircle the letter of the correct


1. Why do we need to plan an activity?

I. To have better means of getting all the


II. To save on costs

III. To save on time

A. I Only

B.B I and II Only

C. II and III

D. I, II and III

2. If the implementation will not materialize as expected,

what must you do?

A. Try other options

B. Discontinue the plan

C. Tell your cooperating teacher

D.D Revised the entry activity

3. What must you do after an Activity?

A. Tell everyone that it is over

B. Make another activity

C. Redesign your activity

D Evaluate your activity\

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence,
Records and Etc.)

My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning episode?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unacceptable
Expectations Expectations Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

Learning Episode 7 – Writing My
First Lesson Plan

My Learning Episode Overview

This learning episode allows me to plan and write my

first lesson plan in my cooperating school. This will enable
me to apply all the theories I learned in my teacher
educational institution.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I will be able to:

• Explain the different components of a lesson plan

• Analyze various parts of a lesson plan

• Write the lesson plan required by my cooperating


My Map (Learning Episode Direction)

These are the things I need to do:

3 Re-writing
the lesson
2 Evaluating / plan;
critiquing executing
1 Writing the the lesson the plan, if
lesson plan plan by my required
Conference based on cooperating
with my the results teacher
cooperating of the pre-
teacher on conference

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

These are different format in writing lesson plan based

on the one prescribe by the school. Some of the formats used
by the different school by given below:

1. Traditional Plan

• Objectives

• Subject matter

• Learning materials

• Procedures

• Assignments

2. UBD Lesson Plan Template

• Subject

• Grade level

• Tittle

• Number of meeting days

• Topic(s)
Established Understanding


At the end of Essential Understanding Transfer

The week/unit Students will understand

the Learners that:

will be able •

to: •

Essential Question

Goal 1 1.



Knowledge and Skills

Goal 2 Students will know how Students will be skilled

to: at:

1. 1.

2. 2.
3. Another 3.
UBD Template 3.

Stage 1: Desired Result

Established Goal(s)

Understanding(s) Essential Question

Students will understand that: 1.

• 2.

• 3.

Students will know:

Students will be able to:

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Performance Episode Other evidence of learning

• •

• •

• •

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Learning Activities

4. OBE Format

Learning Learning Learning Assessment

Outcome content Activities

5. Thematic unit plan Template




My Tasks (Activities)

A. Write/Paste your first lesson plan

B. Paste your revised/corrected lesson plan

Best Features Areas for Improvement

It is longhand See to it the translation

of English terms to
Hiligaynon terms are

The activity are very If possible the three

engaging to the pupils domains of human learning
should be present to the
instruct oral objectives

Uses 2 or more references Prepare more activities in

for the subject matter your lesson so pupils can
understand the lesson

Signature of Cooperating Teacher

My Analysis

My thoughts of writing my first lesson plan

• Lesson planning is all about knowing my learners, knowing

my learners will help me to write activities in the lesson

• Lesson planning makes the flow of the lesson more


•Lesson planning serves as the blueprint for pre-service

teachers-to attain the goals in objectives.

What areas of the plan, did I find easy to write?

• First, Assignment or “Kasunduan”.

• Second, Presentation of the topic or “Paglalahad ng Paksa”

• Lastly, Motivation or “Pagganyak”

What areas of the plan did I find challenging?

• First, Evaluating or “Pagtataya”

• Second, Objectives or “Layunin”

• Lastly, Analysis or “Analisis”

My Reflection / My Insight

As a teacher I need to prepare my lesson plan so that I
include the following elements are, Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bounded (SMART). I learned
that element is very important in teaching so that the
methods and techniques are involved in the lesson planning
to engage the pupils-centered activities to promote the
higher learning process to retain the lesson well. And also
gives me confident to discuss the topic since doing lesson
plan is studying your lesson in advantage. Having lesson
plan impel you to predict when you will able to finish the
whole unit of my lesson.

My Application (Theory to Practice)

Read the situation and encircle the letter of the correct


1. In writing a lesson plan, my primary consideration is to

ensure that .

A. the outcomes are attained at the end of the lesson plan

B. the materials are ready available for utilization

C. the activities are aligned with my assessment tools

D. the learning contents is aligned with the desired


2. To ensure that the outcome are attained at end of the

lesson plan .

A. the activities and assessment must be aligned with each


B. the vision, mission and goals of the school are included

C. the materials must be prepares beforehand

D. the objectives must be S.M.A.R.T

3. Lesson plan must be prepared to ensure .

A. quality assessment

B. quality direction

C. quality instruction

D. quality evaluation

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence,
Records and Etc.)

My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning episode?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unacceptable
Expectations Expectations Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

Learning Episode 8 - Preparing my
Instructional Materials
My Learning Episode Overview

This learning episode explores the wonders and

significance of instructional materials to enrich the
teaching - learning process. These devise will assist me to
improve student knowledge, abilities and skills.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I will be able to:

 Create my instructional materials for classroom

 demonstrate creativity and resourcefulness in preparing
instructional materials
 take snapshots of the various instructional materials
used by my cooperating teacher / cooperating school.

My Map (learning Episode Directions)

To reach my targets, I need to do the following:

 Prepare the materials needed.

 Design the instructional materials.
 Create using cost-
Instructional Materials effective materials.

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

These are the tools / equipment which can effectively

help the teacher in enhancing the teaching – learning
process. There are different kinds of instructional

 Print Materials- are items such as books
pamphlets, brochures, newspapers and magazine

 Non-Print Materials-usually refers to as

electronic materials.

My Task Activities

A. Visit the learning resource center/school library of my

cooperating school. Interview the school librarian on
the different instructional materials available in my
cooperating school. List down some of these materials
which I can use in your assigned episode.


Books learners, Teaching Manila paper, Chairs, Scotch

guide, Pictures, Magazines tape, Chalkboard, and
and etc. sometimes chalk.

B. Complete the matrix below by writing the instructional

materials I used in the three (3) lessons I taught in
my assigned grade level.

Lessons (5) Instructional Materials Used

Draw data using I use Manila paper, Pentelpen,

Uses calendar I use cartolina and chalk bord

Writing time Chalkboard, Improvised clock

My Analysis

In preparing my instructional materials, I need to
consider the Instructional Materials must be colorful,
meaningful, and visible especially at the back. It arouses
their curiosity and I really need to practice to the
instructional materials every time to discussed to my
learners. Because the pupils to catch up the lesson when
they are things that the topic is relevance to them.

My Reflections/ My Insights

In preparing my instructional materials, I realized


 Instructional materials must have

 I need to prepare instructional materials so that

My Application (From the Theory Practice)

Read the situations and encircle the letter of the

correct answer.

1. What must be the number one consideration in

preparing your instructional materials?
a. The learners c. the learning
b. The cost d. the objectives

2. You prepared a power point presentation on verbs for

your English class. Unfortunately, there was a power
cut-off. What shall you do?
a. Go to another lesson
b. b. Use the available materials in class
c. borrow learning materials from another teacher
d. give a seatwork instead
3. Ms. Rofu is teaching in a multi grade class, what
materials must be employed?
a. Less-costly materials
b. differentiate materials
c. Electronic materials
d. commercially-made materials.

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, evidence,
and records)

My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning episode?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unacceptable
Expectations Expectations Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

Learning Episode 9 - My First
Assessment Tools
My Learning Episode Overview

This learning episode will give me the experience to

devise assessment tools for my learners. This may be in a
form quizzes, worksheet, unit or chapter tests, activities
or others. Creating these opportunities will help me in
preparing assessment tools to gauge the performance of my

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I will be able to:

 Construct my first assessment tools.

 Follow the rules in constructing a test.
 Improved the test based on the suggestions of my
cooperating teacher.

My Map (learning Episode Directions)

These are the things I needed to follow:

 Implement the tool

 Revise and make final draft
 Let my cooperating teacher evaluate/review the
assessment tools
 Prepare the test items
 Confer with my cooperating teacher regarding the
assessment tool required

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

The process of collecting and documenting knowledge,

skills, attitude, values and beliefs.

Two types of Assessment

 Traditional Assessment
 Include standardized test and teacher-made tests
 Usually employed by teachers with essentialist and
perennialist philosophies.
 Authentic or Alternative Assessment
 Takes on a more student-centered approach
 Includes classroom-based assessment portfolios and
student designed assessments

My Task Activities

A. Write as may ideas about tests. Use the first letter of

the word to give as many concepts about tests.

T Time-Bounded

E Essential

S Stimulating

T Truly Reliable

B. Research on TIPS on constructing tests. Write them here

and cite references you used.
1. Consider your reasons for testing.
Will this quiz monitor the students’ progress so
that you can adjust the pace of the course?
Will ongoing quizzes serve to motivate students?
Will this final provide data for a grade at the
end of the quarter?
Will this mid-term challenge students to apply
concepts learned so far?
The reason(s) for giving a test will help you
determine features such as length, format,level
of detail required in answers, and the time frame
for returning results to the students.

2. Maintain consistency between goals for the course,

methods of teaching, and the tests used to measure
achievement of goals. If, for example, class time
emphasizes review and recall of information, then so
can the test; if class time emphasizes analysis and
synthesis, then the test can also be designed to
demonstrate how well students have learned these

3. Use testing methods that are appropriate to learning

goals. For example, a multiple choice test might be
useful for demonstrating memory and recall, for
example, but it may require an essay or open-ended
problem-solving for students to demonstrate more
independent analysis or synthesis.

4. Help Students prepare. Most students will assume

that the test is designed to measure what is most
important for them to learn in the course. You can help
students prepare for the test by clarifying course
goals as well as reviewing material. This will allow
the test to reinforce what you most want students to
learn and retain.

5. Use consistent language (in stating goals, in

talking in class, and in writing test questions) to
describe expected outcomes. If you want to use words
like explain or discuss, be sure that you use them
consistently and that students know what you mean when
you use them.

6. Design test items that allow students to show a

range of learning. That is, students who have not fully
mastered everything in the course should still be able
to demonstrate how much they have learned.


My Analysis

Complete these structure frames:

Assessment tools are needed because,

• To measure the knowledge of my students

• To know which part of the lesson they can understand

• What techniques do I have to used for help them to be


1. I considered the following things when I prepared my

first assessment tools, Which is the cognitive,
effective, and psychomotor and it should be SMART to
know the pupils learn to the subject and measure the
knowledge and attitudes and skills of the learners.

Because These allows teachers to measure how well students

have understand a topic. Assessment tools like rubrics are
important to grade the student performance. Once the tools
are designed teachers share them with the student. This
gives students understanding of what the evaluators will be
looking for, and students can home their skills accordingly.
In this method students are learn even while being tested.

My Reflections/ My Insights

How did my pupils perform in the use of my first
assessment tool? Check the corresponding box based on your
answer of choice. Explain.

Exemplary Fair

Very Satisfactory Needs Improvement


How did I feel after preparing my first assessment




My Application (From the Theory Practice)

Read the situations and encircle the letter of the correct

1. Why do we need to give an assessment?

a. To identify who among our students will pass or fail
b. To measure the performance of our students
c. To improve the quality of instruction
d. To comply the requirements of the administration

2. What type of test must be given to assess the higher

order thinking skills of the learners?
a. Alternative response type of test c. enumeration
b. Essay test d. multi-choice type

3. What test allows the learners to perform in real-life

a. Paper and pencil type test c. traditional

b. Essay types of test d. Authentic Assessment

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, evidence,

and records)

My Assessment (How did I Perform in this Learning Episode)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstand Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unaccepta
ing expectati expectati improvem ble
ons ons ent performan

Total Score Average Rating

Learning Episode 10 - Designing

Classroom Bulletin Boards
My Learning Episode Overview
This episode gives me the opportunity to be of service
to my cooperating teacher by helping her in designing and
structuring the bulletin boards that will surely help in
making the classroom have a more conducive atmosphere for
learning. This will also give me more ideas on how to
structure meaningful and relevant bulletin boards.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I will be able to:

 Design/structure classroom or instructional bulletin boards.

 Align the design and theme of the bulletin board with the
lesson and activities of the class.
 Use the bulletin board to enrich classroom instruction.
 Work well with cooperating teacher

My Map (learning Episode Directions)

To reach my goals, I need to do the following using this


B egin with a theme.

O rganize ideas on what to place on the bulletin board

A rrange your ideas in creative and artistic way

R ecreate ideas using illustration, designs, figures, and


D esign the classroom bulletin board

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

These are primarily used to display important

announcements, additional information on a particular
matter, things, students need to remember like
school policies and important dates. Teachers can also
displays a variety of students work.


 Challenge students to interact with it

 Engage students in the learning
process more effectively
 Help student to assimilate new
learning according to their own pace
 Reinforce learning and encourages creativity and

My Task Activities

A. Go around the different classrooms and list down the

themes on the different bulletin boards displayed in
their classrooms.

Most bulletin boards are designed by flowers.
Their themes are based on the subject per grading.
Their design taken from the DepEd bulletin board

B. What are the things you need to construct a bulletin

board display? Put them here.

C. Research on “How to Design” a meaningful and relevant

bulletin board. Write down the important notes. Cite
your references.

My Analysis

Observing the varied bulletin boards in my cooperating

school, I noted the following:

Best Features Areas to be Improved

It is organized and

My Reflections/ My Insights

As a student teacher, I need to learn how to structure

bulletin boards so that whenever I will be assign to
structure a bulletin board in the future, I will not
hesitate to accept the task. This will serves as a
practice for my future application. Moreover, this can
also develop my creativity, which I do not have.

My Application (From the Theory Practice)

Read the situations and encircle the letter of the correct


1. In designing my bulletin board the primary
consideration is _____
a. Topic or subject matter
b. Availability of materials
c. design and artistic appeal
d. age of the students
2. What is the main purpose of bulletin boards in the
I. To serve as decoration
II. To strengthen subject matter understanding
III. To reminds students the important announcements
a. I only b. I and II c. II and III d. I,II, and III

3. What is the essential characteristic of an effective

bulletin board?
a. Colorful c. Decorative
b. Relevant d. Interesting

My Portfolio

(Compilation of Learning Documents, evidence, and records)

Grade 1 Bulletin Board

Grade 2 Bulletin Board

Grade 3 Bulletin Board

Grade 4 Bulletin Board

Grade 5 Bulletin Board

Grade 6 Bulletin Board

My Assessment (How did I Perform in this Learning Episode)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstand Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unaccepta
ing expectati expectati improvem ble
ons ons ent performan

Total Score Average Rating

Learning Episode 11 - Familiarizing
Myself With The Different School
My Learning Episode Overview

As a student intern, this episode will familize me with

the different school forms that I need to know so that that
I am already in the field, I will be able to accomplish them
properly, accurately and legibly.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I wil be able to:

 identify all the forms.

 read all the instructions for me to know how to
accomplish them.
 give the importance of each school form.
 secure a copy of each form.

My Map (Learning Episode Directions)

There are things that I need to do:

Ask my
Make a list of
Teacher regarding all these
important forms forms and
and documents of their
the school. purposes.
1 2

Research and Study how these

read the important forms
and documents
other DepEd
3 4

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

As a future teacher, I need to know and accomplish the

various school forms properly, accurately and legibly. It is
expected that I am able to follow the Revised Guidelines on
the Preparation and Checking of DepEd forms (DIV. MEMO. NO.
29 s.2013).

My Tasks (Activities)

A. Ask my cooperating teacher regarding the required school

forms of the Department of Education. List down the school
form cited by my Cooperating Teacher.

Importance of These School Forms

List of School Forms
School Form 1 (SF1) The details about the learners are
School Register written here.
School Form 2 (SF2) Daily attendance in updating and
Daily Attendance submission to the office of the
pricipal on or before 5th day of
the succeeding month.

School Form 3 (SF3) All textbook being used should be

Books Issued and reported regardless of number of
Returned books per subject area.

School Form 4 (SF4) Division office must be furnished

Monthly Learner and a copy of this report for the
Movement and Attendance months of June, October and March.

School Form 5 (SF5) This will used for all grade/year

Report on Promotion and levels regardless of curriculum
Learning Progress & program.

B. Read the DepEd order pertinent to various school forms.
Print and paste them properly on these pages.

DepEd Orders

DO 11, s. 2018 - Guidelines on the Preparation and Checking

of School Forms

The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed

Guidelines on the Preparation and Checking of School Forms
for the preparation, updating and evaluation of school forms
in basic education starting end of School Year 2017-2018.

Posted on March 7, 2018

DO 58, s. 2017 - Adoption of New School Forms for

Kindergarten, Senior High School, Alternative Learning
System, Health and Nutrition and Standardization of
Permanent Records

With the nationwide implementation of the K to 12 Basic

Education Program, particularly the Senior High School
(SHS), and the intensified implementation of the Alternative
Learning System (ALS), the additional sets of school and ALS
forms are hereby adopted.

Posted on November 27, 2017

DO 45, s. 2017 - Guidelines on Updating the Basic Education

Statistics for the Beginning of School Year 2017-2018 in the
Learner Information System and Enhanced Basic Education
Information System

The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed

Guidelines on Updating the Basic Education Statistics for
the Beginning of School Year 2017-2018 in the Learner
Information System (LIS) and Enhanced Basic Education
Information System together with the updated Data Gathering
Forms, Matrix of Accountability and Data Dictionary to

provide guidance to all schools in the data collection of
basic education statistics in the system.

Posted on August 11, 2017

DO 23, s. 2017 - End of School Year 2016-2017 Updating of

Learner Profiles on the Learner Information System and
Additional Data Requirements in the Enhanced Basic Education
Information System

The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed

guidelines on the End of School Year (SY) 2016-2017 Updating
of Learner Profiles on the Learner Information System (LIS)
and Additional Data Requirements in the Enhanced Basic
Education Information System (EBEIS).

Posted on April 24, 2017

DO 52, s. 2016 - Data Collection of Basic Education

Statistics in the Learner Information System and Enhanced
Basic Education Information System for Beginning of School
Year 2016-2017

The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed

guidelines on the Data Collection of Basic Education
Statistics in the Learner Information System (LIS) and
Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) for
Beginning of School Year (BOSY) 2016-2017, together with the
Data Gathering Forms, Matrix of Accountability and Data

Posted on June 30, 2016

DO 26, s. 2015 - Learner Information System (LIS) and

Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) Updating
for Beginning of School Year (BOSY) 2015-2016

To establish accurate and reliable registries of learners
and schools which will ensure availability of data and
information needed for planning and budgeting, allocation of
resources and setting operational targets to provide access
to compete quality basic education, the Department of
Education (DepEd) has implemented the Enhanced Basic
Education Information System (EBEIS) and Learner Information
System (LIS).

Posted on June 26, 2015

DO 19, s. 2015 - Learner Information System (LIS) Updating

of Learner Profiles for School Year (SY) 2014-2015

In line with the initiative to provide accurate and up to

date information of learners, all public elementary and
secondary schools are directed to update their learner
profiles for End of School Year (EOSY) 2014-2015 through the
Learner Information System (LIS) online facility by June 12,

Posted on May 21, 2015

DO 42, s. 2014 - Guidelines on Resolving School Year (SY)

2014-2015 Learner Information System (LIS) Data Issues

In line with the initiative to establish an accurate and

reliable registry of learners in the Learner Information
System (LIS), all public elementary and secondary schools,
with technical assistance from their respective Schools
Division Offices (SDO) are hereby directed to review and
correct the identified data issues in the SY 2014-2015
Learner Profiles in the system.

Posted on October 7, 2014

DO 36, s. 2014 - Revised Data Gathering Forms for School

Year 2014-2015 and Data Dictionary of the Enhanced Basic
Education Information System (EBEIS)

The Department of Education (DepEd) continuously improves
the Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) in
collecting data and information needed for planning and
budgeting, allocation of resources and setting operational
targets to provide all the learners access to complete
quality basic education.

Posted on August 14, 2014

DO 23, s. 2014 - Data Gathering Forms of the Enhanced Basic

Education Information System (EBEIS) for the End of School
Year 2013-2014

EBEIS aids in the performance evaluation of the basic

education sector vis-a-vis the achievement of DepEd’s goals
as stated in the Philippine Development Plan (PDP),
Education for All (EFA), Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
and other international commitments.

Posted on April 28, 2014

My Analysis

Why do I need to prepare the DepEd school forms

properly, accurately and legibly?

I need to do the Deped School form It is said that it is

legaly, accurately and properly written in the mandated
order. It is adopt and utilize by the pupils or children in
every school.

My Reflections / My Insights

Going over the various school forms, I have learned


I have learned the various form The School Form are

basically started in 1 to 7 forms. Every forms have a
specific area of the teacher must do and passed at the end
of the school year.

My Application (From Theory to Practice)

Read the situation and encircle the letter of the

correct answer.

1. Which school form contains the vital information on

enrolment and attendance?
A. DepEd Form 137a
B. Form 18 a
C. School Register Form 1
D. DepEd Form 138
2. Which is the report card of the student?
A. Form 137
B. Form 138
C. Class Register
D. Class Record Sheet
3. Which is the permanent record of the student?
A. Class Record
B. Class Register
C. Form 137
D. Form 138

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence,

My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning episode?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unacceptable
Expectations Expectations Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

Learning Episode 12 - May I Help
My Learning Episode Overview

This episode gives me an opportunity in help the non-

teaching related studies. This enables me to be of service
to the other sectors of the school community. This will also
enable me to establish better rapport with the other members
of the school.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I wil be able to:

 perform other non-teaching duties as required by my

cooperating school.
 work well with other personnel in the school community.
 record observations and notes pertinent to the assigned

My Map (Learning Episode Directions)

I should do the following task:

W ork well with other school personnel.

O ffer yourself to assist in other non-

teaching duties in your cooperating school.

R Emember to follow all the instructions /


K Eep on tasks / on time.

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

Ancillary Services

These are the support services which are non-teaching

duties rendered by the student interns in my cooperating

These ancillary services may be rendered in the
following places/school facilities to help the other school

 School Clinic
 Library
 Guidance Office
 Principal’s Office
 School Canteen
 School Cooperative
 Learning Resource Center
 Others, please specify:

My Tasks (Activities)

What services did I render in the following areas?

(cite the offices / departments where your services were

Learning /
Places / Offices Services
Insights Gained

Principal Office Making A principal work

documentation is never easy
report of brigada patience and
eskwela for virtue is a must

E-classroom Assissted the I was able to

principal on his operate various
report by type of computer
operating the software
computer and
displaying the
presentation I

Classroom Daily teaching Teaching is my

demonstration future so I got
lesson everyday learning

My Analysis

A. Doing other non-teaching services made me realize

that:It is benefial in my life as a student teacher
because this is where I could mingles with different
people in different situation and where I could
practice how to teach in a certain situation. Also,
this is when I could build good between teachers as
well as non teaching personnel.

B. These are the various/virtues I have developed/

Strengthened when I rendered the ancillary services:
 I become more open-minnded individuals
 I learned to understand that’s its good to take
 I learned to be more kind and helpful

My Reflections / My Insights

After rendering my services in (Principal Office)

I learned this skills:

• Making Powerpoint presentation

• Making accomplishment reports of the school using IMS


• Make program using computer

I know that these will that things I have developed new be

useful to my field of teaching when I get into real world of
teaching it will serves as my help whenever assignment will
be given to me when I become a real teacher someday.

After doing these activities, I felt Happy because, I
accomplish the task to become a better teacher.

My Application (From Theory to Practice)

Read the situation and encircle the letter of the

correct answer.

1. Emma is one of the student interns in MLB Academy. She

is very computer literate. Where she can utilize these
skills in her cooperating school?
I. Encoding important documents
II. Preparing electronic materials
III. Preparing e-life in the offices
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II and III
2. Jacob is one of the interns in one of the public
schools in the remote barrios. He is good in the arts.
Where can he best utilize his skills?
A. Preparation of instructionalmaterials
B. Designing bulletin boards
C. Illustrating things in the lessons
D. Volunteering as a school artist
3. Jared has training in First Aid Application. In what
areas he can volunteer in the school?
A. Speech Laboratory
B. School Clinic
C. Guidance Office
D. Physical Education Department

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence,

Cooking for the school canteen

My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning episode?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unacceptable
Expectations Expectations Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

Learning Episode 13 - Let’s
Participate In School Activities
My Learning Episode Overview

Participating in different school activities in my

cooperating school will help develop and strengthen my
responsibilities, resourcefulness, creativity, teamwork,
unity and cooperation with the different sectors of the
school community. Giving me all these opportunities will
help me develop my personal and professional competencies.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I wil be able to:

 prepare materials needed for the school activity.

 assist in school program and activities.
 join my cooperating teacher and my class in
school activities.

My Map (Learning Episode Directions)

There are things that I need to do:

1. Get instructions on what to do in the school


2. Prepare for the tasks ahead of time.

3. Get the information / research on how to

make the activity more colorful/meaningful.

4. Ask help, when needed.

5. Participate in tasks /activities well.

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

There are different school activities that I need to

join to develop my resourcefulness, creativity,
diligence and industry. These activities will also
strengthen the spirit of cooperation, teamwork and
unity. Some schools have their own unique activities.
These are some of the usual school activities
celebrated each month.

June - School Opening

- Orientattion Activities

- School Election

July - nutrition month

- National Disaster and Preparedness Month

August – Buwan ng Wikang Pambansa

September – Linggo ng Kasuotang Pilipino

- Clean and Green Month

October - World Teachers’ Day

- United Nations Week

November - National Reading Month

- Book Week Celebration

December - Education Week

- Christmas Celebration

January - National Cancer Consciousness Week

February - Valentine’s Celebration

- Philippine Arts Month

- National Dental/Oral Health Week

March - Graduation/Moving Up Ceremony

My Tasks (Activities)

A. Complete the cyclical web to show the steps in

preparing for the activity.

Title of the Activity:Feeding Program

Date:January 19, 2018

Participants:Malnurish Pupils

Materials needed for the Activity:


Step 1
Tables and Ingredient
chairs s for the

Step 5 Step 2
Spoons, Washing
plates and area, soap
glasses and water

Step 4 Step 3
My Analysis

Why do I need to participate in the school’s activity?

I need to join / participate in the school activities
because, It is part of my training as an intern and I need
to gain ideas and conciept of how activities are organized
and her instigated and prepare myself for the task as future
organized in school activities. Get acquainted with any co-
intern,cooperating teachers.

My Reflections / My Insights

How did I feel?

 before the activity

 after the activity

After the activity, I learned that:

My Application (From Theory to Practice)

Read the situation and encircle the letter of the

correct answer.

1. Which activity promotes the love of the Filipino

language in school?
A. Buwan ng mga Puso
B. Buwan ng Wika
C. Buwan ng Aklat
D. Buwan ng mga Nagkakaisang Bansa
2. To instill the importance of the right kind and amount
of food among children, what school activity must you
A. Nutrition Month Celebration
B. United Nations Week Celebration
C. Literacy Week
D. Valentine’s Day Celebration
3. To instill cost-saving devices, what must you do,
while preparing materials for the school activity?
A. Get sponsors.
B. Collect from your class.
C. Use less materials and props.
D. Use indigenous materials.

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence,

Feeding Program

Hand Washing

Christmas Party

Rally of every partylist

Awarding honor students and distribution of cards

Assembley meeting

My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning episode?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unacceptable
Expectations Expectations Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

Learning Episode 14 - My First
Classroom Demonstration Lesson
My Learning Episode Overview

This learning episode is the culmination of my practicum

experience. This allows me to showcase all the things I
learned from my teacher education institution, cooperating
school, cooperating teacher, and practicum supervisor. This
will also give me the opportunity to apply the theories I
learned into practice.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I will be able to:

• write my demonstration lesson plan

• prepare my instructional materials

• demonstrate the lesson I prepared in my assigned class

My Map (Learning Episode Direction)

To prepare for my demonstration lesson, I must

accomplish the following episodes:

Have a Prepare III

Have a post-
pre- my conference
Conferenc Write my instructio with the
ewith my Implements
Lesson nal cooperating
cooperati the plan teacher,
plan materials
ng practicum
teacher supervisor

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)


• Make sure that your lesson plan has been approved by your
cooperating teacher.

• Ask your cooperating teacher if there are some guidelines


need to follow.

• Prepare all the needed materials days before your

scheduled demonstration.

• Provide copies of your lesson plan preferably with a cover

sheet or folder.

• Rehearse your lesson plan. Take note of the time and the
way you have to move.

• Learning your students name is very important.

• Prepare of some unexpected incident- discipline problems,

technical difficulties, and the likes.

• Make certain that your activities are varied so has to

have an engaged and lively classroom discussions.

My Task (Activities)

A. Complete the episode matrix to help you to preparing

lesson plan.

What are your objectives?


• Make the objectives SMART

• Use behavioral terms

• Includes the three domains

- Cognitive Makilala ang konsepto ng distansya at

Ang gamit nito sa pagsukat ng lokasyon
- Affective
Maipakita ang kooperasyon sa klase
- Psychomotor
Magagamit ang dalawang distansya sa
Pagsukat ng lokasyon.

What is your content?

(Subject Matter)

Remember: Ang distansya ay nagpapakita ng lapit o

Sa pagitan ng dalawang bagay

• Scope of the lesson

• Sequencing the lesson

• Time allotment

• Resource needed

What method/procedure

should you employ?


•Methods to use According to group Intelligence

•Strategy to employ

•Activities of the deffirent

types of learner

What assessment tools shall Mode of assessment

you use to measure learner?


•Traditional assessment Oral Questioning

•None-traditional assessment

•Other modes of assessment

B. Go to the library and research your topic. Have

preconference with your cooperating teacher. Write your
outline and ideas here.

My Analysis

1. What went will in my lesson? Why?

From the very first word I uttered until the last few
words I said, I before the class went well. They were able
to gain knowledge about on how use a calendar. Where enjoyed
the part tasked them to name the numbers of the day.

2. What did not go well? Why?

So far everything fell into place though there were some

misbehaved pupils. I still managed and it did not worry me

3. What did my student learn?

They learned all about name the numbers of the days. They
use them to connect the day in order.

4. What did I learn about planning?

Planning my lesson plan and working it out what was I did

before my actual demonstration. I brainstorm on enjoyable
and meaningful activities before actually starting my lesson

5. What did I learn about teaching?

Teaching is the noblest profession, I was able to justify

it myself having them through the challenging and exciting
course of mine especially during my demonstration because
there are lot to do be called efficient to be effective

6. What improvements will I make to be more effective in my


I need to make improvements in individual, gender-
sensitive and open-minded teacher, patient teacher and
kindness teacher.

My Reflection/ My Insights

A. After a demonstration lesson, I felt so happy because

finally I’m done. My demonstration went well and I guess my
evaluator was satisfied with my performance because she did
not declare that I should have to demonstrate again.

B. After a demonstration lesson, I realized that A good

teacher teach how to learn. I realized how weight is on the
shoulders of the teachers since they should teach will
especially in academic and moral.

C. These are the things that I learned from my learners is

sensitive on students feeling, be firm on what I say and
just in weighing things and judging, Be a teacher who does
not easily get angry and just be patient.

How do I write my demonstration?

Outstanding Very Satisfactory


Fair Needs Improvements

Explain your rating

My Application (From theory to practice)

Read the situation and encircle the letter of the correct

1. In preparing your demonstration lesson plan, you must

consider that the objectives must be stated specific,
measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound manner,
which among these objectives will develop higher order
thinking skills?

A. Identify the nouns in the sentence.

B. Give example of nouns.

C. Use nouns in sentence.

D. Differentiate nouns from pronouns.

2. What will you consider first in preparing lesson plans?

A. The learners

B. The objectives

C. The outcomes

D. The methods/strategies

3. Your cooperating teacher conducted a pre-conference

before your demonstration lesson. She noted that you need
improved on your teaching strategies. What should you do?

I. Ask help from your peers

II. Consult other experience in the field

III. Research of some strategies

A. I only

B. I and II

C. II and II

D. I, II and III

My portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence,

Record, etc.)

My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning episode?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unacceptable
Expectations Expectations Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

Learning Episode 15 - Accomplishing
Exit Forms
My Learning Episode Overview

This episode allows me to prepare all the forms and

other things I need to accomplish before I leave my
cooperating school. This will allow me to have a gracious
exit and to be able to submit all the requirements I need to
submit my cooperating teacher.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity I will be able to:

• Confer with the cooperating teacher regarding the

forms and other requirements to be submit.

• prepare all the exit requirements properly

• submit all the forms/requirements needed before

leaving my cooperating school.

My Map (Learning Episode Direction)


Confer with the cooperating teacher regarding

the documents I need to submit.

Prepare all the documents required.

Submit all the requirements and forms needed.

Have the clearance signed by designated


Extend gratitude and appreciation to the

cooperating principal, Cooperating Teacher and
other school personnel.
Give the Certificate of Appreciation to the
schools and Cooperating Principal and
Cooperating Teacher.

My Big Ideas (Learning Essentials)

It is but fitting and proper to leave the cooperating

school by submitting all the requirements/ forms needed
after the successful, meaningful and rewarding practicum
experiences. These are some of the forms / documents need to

• Narrative Report

• Requirements assigned by the cooperating


• Instructional materials required by the teacher.

• Other requirements given by the cooperating school.

Forms/ Documents Required Actions(s) Taken

Class Records To records the test of the


Forms 1 To check the attendance of

the pupil

Lesson plan To write lesson plan

Instructional materials To visualized in front of

my student

My Analysis

Why do I need to accomplish all this episodes /


My Reflections / My Insights

A. How did I feel after rendering in my

cooperating school. (No. Of Hours)

B. What knowledge, stage and values did I gain?

Knowledge Skills Values

My application ( Forms Theory to practice)

Read the situation and encircle the letter of the correct


1. Why do I need to submit all the required episodes before

leaving before leaving my cooperating schools?

A. To thresh out matters with my cooperating teacher.

B. To leave the cooperating schools with a clean slate.

C. To uphold your dignity as a future teacher.

D. To maintain your image as a good intern.

2. What things do you need to settle before you leave any


A. Forms required by the schools.

B. Financial Matters.

C. Papers and other Requirements.

A. I Only

B. II Only

C. III Only

D. I, II and III

2. What article in the Professional Code of Ethics for

Teacher best describes this last learning episode?

A. The Teacher and the Community

B. The Teacher and the Profession

C. The Teacher and the Teaching Community

D. The Teacher and the Learner

My Portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence,
Records Etc.)

My Assessment (How did I perform in this learning episode?)

5 4 3 2 1
Outstanding Exceed/s Meet/s Needs Unacceptable
Expectations Expectations Improvement Performance






Total Score Average Rating

General Reflection after my Demonstration

Complete the matrix by checking the areas you need to

improve on:

Goals / Objectives
Learning Environment
Improve Methods
Instructional Material
Modes of Assessment
Others Pls. Specify

Enrich Others Pls. Specify

New Approach
Instructional Materials
Differentiated Activities
Experiment Others Pls. Specify

Modify Others Pls. Specify

New subject matter

Varied Learning Styles of
Learn New Innovations
Current Issues
Others Pls. Specify

What insights / learning have I gained in the 7 domains of
National Competency-Based Teacher Education?

Domains Insights / Learning Gained

Social Regard for Learning

The Learning Environment

Diversity of Learners

The Curriculum

Planning, Assessing,

Community Linkages

Personal Growth and

Professional Development

Planning for Practice Teaching Activities



Months Activities


Student Intern


Cooperating Teacher


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