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College of Teacher Education

Laoag City

First Semester 2018-2019

Final Examination in Purposive Communication

Name________________________Course______ Year_______ Date____________Score_________

Test I. Below are bold words used in sentences. Identify the part of speech these words belong.
Write your answers on the space/s provided. Two (2) points each. Choices: Noun, Pronoun, Verb,
Adverb, Article ,Adjective, Preposition, Interjection and Conjunction.
____________1. I can accommodate you in my class.
____________2. Communism is a form of economic and political system.
____________3. She is as bright as the best president in the Philippines.
____________4. She watched the UAAP finals in the MOA Arena.
____________5. She is an accommodating professor in the university.
____________6. The manager and the treasurer of the bank are both graduates of our university.
____________7. Hey!, they are the winners in the UAAP Cheerdance Competition Season 81
____________8. She dances very gracefully on the dance floor.
____________9. The award of excellence was given to her for being smart and diligent.
___________10. The university is known for its good graduates.

Test II. Below are verbs used in the different forms. Identify the tenses these said verbs belong.
Write the letter of your choice. A. Present Simple Tense // B. Past Simple Tense // C. Future
Simple Tense// D. Present Progressive Tense// E. Past Progressive Tense// F. Future Progressive
Tense // G. Present Perfect Tense // H. Past Perfect Tense// I. Future Perfect Tense// J. Present
Perfect Progressive Tense// K. Past Perfect Progressive Tense //L. Future Perfect Progressive
Tense. 2 points each

_________1. She has come to save him from an impending embarrassment many times now.
_________2. They look at him with pride and honor.
_________3. The three kings offered Him different gifts.
_________4. The student has been searching for the answer to the problem several months now.
_________5. I was doing my project when our neighbor called me for a dinner.
_________6. I voted for him last 2016 presidential elections.
_________7. I shall make my life meaningful.
_________8. Did he dance gracefully during the graduation ball?
_________9. The cheerers shall have chosen the best sign before the competition begins.
________ 10. I had done the job when she came to evaluate me.

Test III. Essay. Discuss the importance of the following to the architecture and engineering fields.5
1. Engaging in a contract such as loan, mortgage, employment and donation.
2. Command of the English language both oral and written.

Good Luck!
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College of Teacher Education
Laoag City

First Semester 2018-2019

Final Examination in Philippine History

Name________________________Course______ Year_______ Date____________Score_________

Test I. True or False. Justify your answers. 2 points Write your answers on this sheet of paper.
Avoid erasures.

___________1. The Philippines is an archipelagic country.

___________2. The brain of Katipunan is Emilio Aguinaldo.
___________3. November 30 is Bonifacio day. It is the death of Bonifacio.
___________4.There are twelve ( 12) regular holidays in the Philippines.
___________5. Martial Law was declared by President Marcos on September 15, 1973.
___________6. To date, 16 Presidents have served the Philippines.
___________7. Spain got the longest time to rule the Philippines.
___________8. President Corazon Aquino went into power on February 10, 1986.
___________9. The Writ of Habeas Corpus was suspended during Marcos Martial Law.
__________10. Spain ruled the Philippines for 332 years.
__________11. Japan ruled the Philippines for a short period time.
__________12. There are six provinces in Region I.
__________13. Dr. Jose Rizal was born on June 19, 1861.
__________14. Dr. Jose Rizal died on December 30, 1898.
__________15. Cardinal Jaime Sin was a supporter of the Marcos Regime.

Test II. Essay. Answer the following substantially. 4 points each.

1. Differentiate La Liga Filipina from Katipunan.

2. Differentiate Spanish rule from American rule.
3. History is significant because it gives idea of the past and how the future is shaped. Discuss.
4. Compare Pre-Spanish from Spanish Philippines.
5. What if Magellan did not rediscover the Philippines, what would have been the scenario? Explain.

Good Luck!

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