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PMP lesson learned

1- During the developing the project charter, the PM fined that, the organization cares about
the KPI, what the pm must do.
A- Include the KPI as a success criteria in the project charter

2- Key stakeholder rejects the deliverable and said the project does not meet its objectives any
more. What document will you review with the key stakeholder.
A- Project charter

3- Sponsor told you that project is behind schedule; you review the progress and get the
following results. SPI 1.2/ CPI =1.1 what you will give the sponsor to solve the
A- Earned value reports

4- Your sponsor has requested you to come up with a cost estimate for all the activates which
are defined in the project schedule he make sure that you are taking uncertainty into
consideration what is the technique for this.
A- beta distribution

5- A formatted and arranged information gathered at the end of initiating or SOON LATER.

A- Project Charter

6- The Sponsor call the PM and Shout at him, why did you send the reports to the Financial
Manager, what should have been done to prevent this.
A- Review communication plan

7- The Stakeholders called the PM and said they did not receive any answer for their change
requests, what will help to solve the problem.
A- Review perform integrated change control process

8- Who is responsible to present the implementation strategy during Kick-off meeting.

A- Project manager

9- The project manager asks for help from POM this is:
A- Expert Judgments

10- Buy or rent question: Buy cost is 210000 rent cost is 10000 plus 2000 per month, when buy
is better than rent.
A- 101 days

11- During conduct procurement, the buyer team choose one supplier. Before signing the
contract the supplier asks for down payment, what will you do as a PM.
B- Procurement plan

12- During closing the project, the customer refuse to accept the deliverables and he said that
something missing from the scope, what will you do.
A- Validate the scope against the baseline

13- EV is less than AC and PV, What is the situation in the project?
A- The project is going slower than planned

14- A question talks about random scenario then he asks you where you find the stakeholders
A- Stakeholders register

15- One team member talks about ignoring the one point estimates in estimating during
meeting, what the project member talks about.
A- normal distribution
B- Beta
C- Cumulative distribution

D- triangular

16- Stakeholders ask some changes to the deliverables that will affect both time and cost, PM
tell the stakeholders about the impacts, what’s the best way the PM will use to solve the
issue with the stakeholders
A- Collaborating

17- One of your supplier’s PM submits a proposal to one of your team member that will improve
the work, the team member told you about the proposal. The pm asks the team member to
ignore the proposal and continue with the same project plan. The PM use.
A- Forcing

18- A new project manager was assigned to the almost finished project; a project schedule was
aggressive and there are more than 1000 stakeholders on it. What should the pm do to
communicate to all stakeholders.
A- Classify the stakeholders into groups, so you can send him their required information

19- Scenario question BLAblaBla…. then he asks what’s the tool used in classifying stakeholders
A- Power/Influence grid

20- During review the deliverables with the supplier, the PM wants to know the Quality
Specifications, where does he can find this one.

21- During review meetings one of your team members suppose an adjustment that will
improve the process that he works on, what is the primary input to this process.
A- Process improvement plan

22- One of your suppliers exceed the allowable cost stated in the contract, what the PM should
have been done to prevent this issue.
A- Plan procurement (So he can choose the best type of contract)

23- (2)Questions talk about changing in market conditions, what you will do.
A- Make benefit analysis.

24- During receiving proposal from the bidders, you found two offers, the first is low and the
second is high price, what tool you will choose to solve this issue.
A- Independent estimates

25- A Quality team take an action to solve some problems without the PM know about these

actions, what will you do first


A- Change request

26- Supplier reports to the Buyer PM that he cannot deliver ALL deliverables, what should have
been done to prevent this
A- More strict selection criteria

27- As a PM and you are collecting the requirements using group creativity matrix and you are
classifying your ideas, what are you using.
A- Affinity Diagram

28- As a PM, the customer reject one of the deliverables, what should have been done to
prevent this.
A- Allow the customer to anticipate in validate scope

29- Of the total projects in the organization, it’s decided to cancel one of the projects due to
ineffective The Sponsor tells the project manager about decision ... team lose morale
because they heard the news and tell the project manager and expressed their concern
about the loss of their jobs. What a project manager should do.
A- Ask project team to update lesson learned and OPA

30- As a project manager and you want to close the project and keep your files and records,
which tool is good for this situation.
A- Record Management system

31- You are the project manager in an aircraft manufacturing company developing a new range of
supersonic fighter planes. Since government approval and involvement are essential, you hire a lobbying
firm to get government support to prevent unnecessary changes in your project. Which process is this
an example of.
A- Perform Integrated Change

32- Project manager present the project management plan to the stakeholder according to applicable
policies and procedures. This happens at the end of.
A- Planning

33- What is the next step after defining the scope.

A- Decomposition into smaller components

34- One of your team members tells you that his activity takes more than what was planned, you as the
PM told the team that this activity is not exist in the scope. To prove this to your team what will you
review with them.
A- Project scope statement

35- As a pm and you need to control the changes in your project, what is the best reference for that


A- Change management plan

36- A scenario about the network diagram, he will give you 3 activities and asks what the type of
dependencies is? (The question from programming field talking about programming a software and it is
A- A&B finish to start, B&C finish to finish

37- A question about the chain method (direct question the word BUFFER is clear in the question)

A- Critical chain method

38- A question about the inputs of the HR management plan

A- EEF, OPA, and activity resource requirements

39- A question about bottom-up estimation calculation of cost and materials you should have.


40- An experience project manager give you an advice to check the OPA for the estimation, what will
you use.

A- Analogous estimation

41- Optimistic= 5, pessimistic=10, most likely= 8, using beta estimation.

A- 7.83

42- As a pm you request an extra money to speed up the project, what will you use.

A- Crashing

43- The sponsor told you that there is a problem in money in the next 3 months, what should have been
done to prevent this problem

A- Funding limit reconciliation

44- you are the project manager, one of your team member tell you that the environment of the
production is different than that in the other country where the end user will use the product, how can
you discover this relationship.

A- Scatter diagram

45- 10 points, 5 of them above the mean and 1 point above the UL and 4 under the mean, what is the

A- Out of control

46- You are the pm and you are determining the factors that will affect the final product, what are you

using or working with your team to provide a solution for the problem and product a good quality

A- Design of Experiments

47- A scenario question asks you to connect the steps with the final objectives; or you have defined a
goal for each of the process on what they are accomplishing. You have instructed your team to carefully
understand the steps for getting to the goal, which technique you will use.

A- PDPC: process decision program charts

48- You are determining whether the project activities comply with organizational and project policies.
This will be done as part of
A- Quality audit

49- The sponsor wants to decrease the HR on the project, what will you review.

A- HR management plan

50- Your team consists of 2 members and you need 6 members, your company didn't allow the
acquisition, what will you do to solve the situation.

A- Sub-contractor (contact HR manager to outsource the required resources)

51- One of your team member always finish his work early and leave he’s aggressive with other team
members. What is the reason.

A-There are no ground rules

52- Direct question about the develop project team what’s the output.

A- Team performance assessment

53- Which project document is used for documenting and monitoring elements under discussion or in
dispute between project stakeholders.
A- Issue log

54- Best solution of the conflict management.

A- Collaborate/ problem solve

55- The PM want to send the change request response to the Multinational Stakeholders, what is the
best way to send it.
A- Interactive communication

B- Pull communication

56- As a pm you develop an intranet website, what is the type you are using.

A- Pull communication

57- One of the stakeholders get wrong information about the project, what will you do as a PM.
A- Review communication management plan

58- One of the stakeholders said that he did not receive any report about the project so far, what is the
A- Communication management plan

59- Direct question on probability and impact, choose the riskiest case.

Activity Probability/P Impact/I Answer

B 0.5 5 = 2.5

60- Which tool gives you the most impactive risk on the project.
A- Tornado diagram

61- A project of 3 years, after one and half year a new project manager take was assigned. The team
members told him that a huge water flow will happen and it will effect on the equipment. What will you
do as a first step.
A- Review risk management plan

62- A project have recurring problem in electricity, and you have a server update so you rent a new
generator, what is the type of the response.
A- Mitigation

63- Your contractor takes another work with another customer, what will you do as a project manager
to ensure that his performance does not change.
A- Procurement performance review

64- The project team told you that the cement will be late on arriving to the site and they need to
implement a contingency plan.
A- Workaround

65- A scenario question talks about a risk and you buy insurance, what is the type of the response.
A- Transfer

66- As a project you are controlling the risks, eliminating the old ones and add a new risk, what is the
tool you are using?

A- Risk reassessment

67- As a project manager you are evaluating the risk response strategies, what are you doing.
A- Risk audit

68- A supplier ask you increase on price cause the price of this material is going up and you agree or long
term contracts, what's the type of the contract.

69- The most critical contract type on the buyer, and when the requirements are clear.

70- What is the type of contract with sharing ration term inside it.

71- When do you discuss the questions from prospective sellers.

A- During bidder conference

72- Your supplier's performance is going down, what you will do as a pm to check the situation.
A- Procurement performance review

73- You are facing a problem with one of your contractors, and you did not reach an agreement by
negotiation, what is the next step.
A- Arbitration

74- At the end of the project, your team record just the successful lessons learned what is the next step.
A- Meet with your team and explain to them that's it’s very important to record everything including
the failure ones

75- While you are identifying the stakeholders you use a toll for classifying, what is that tool.
A- Stakeholder analysis

76- You are a project manager in an important project in the organization, and the IT department always
late about delivering their deliverables. You contact the IT manager and he did not resolve the problem,
what is the next step.
A- Escalate the problem for communication plan

77- What is the Document that is used to connect the requirements to their origins.
A- Requirements traceability matrix

78- In a project, all the team do a strike because of the problem in their payrolls, what will you do as a
A- What if analysis

79- One of the stakeholder was busy and he didn’t attend the early meeting in the starting phase, and
when you reach deliverables acceptance step he reject the deliverables, What should have been done to
prevent this situation.

A- You have to clarify the roles and responsibilities for all stakeholders early in the project

80- The Sponsor asks you to start a project the develop a new software for the company, what is the
first step you will do.
A- Project charter

81- You are a new PM in a project instead of old PM, and you start sending reports to the CEO every
week, your sponsor call you and he said you must correct your action by reviewing.
A- Communication management plan

82- What is the tool you use to arrangement the sub-goals or ideas.
A- Prioritization matrix

83- Key supplier ask the PM that he want to start transferring the material and equipment before
signing the contract, what's your decision as a PM.
A- Review company policy

84- The sponsor call you and he said you should close the project immediately, one of your supplier start
sending his material. What will you do as a PM.
A- Tell the supplier to stop sending his materials immediately

85- In the project, the pm always accept the customer change request so he make the customer
satisfied, after one month the pm find that the budget is over. What should have been done to prevent
this issue.
A- Follow change management plan

86- A question about the communication methods that requires a feedback from the receiver.
A- Interactive communication

87- A question said that you send an email to the customer, what you should do to ensure the customer
received the email.
A- Follow the email
B- Ask for acknowledge

88- The customer asks a change that affects the SOW, what should you do?
A- Reject the change request

89- A scenario talks about buying material from the market, the price of the material at the start of the
project is 10000, and during the project the price changes from 6000 to 16000
A- The right answer is 10.33

90- The sponsor calls the PM and he said that you are fired because you fail in communication. What is
the main problem.

A- The PM did not follow the communication management plan


91- The sponsor asks the PM to give him a new thought about the project management plan, what the
PM should do.
A- Meet with key stakeholders and start brainstorming

92- A new problem has arisen between two of project team, what the PM should do.
A- Meet with the two-team members

93- In one of the project meeting, the PM did not reach an agreement with one of the key stakeholders
and the issue becomes more complicated, what should the PM do.
A- Close the meeting and meet with the concerned key stakeholder

94- While executing the project works what is the main responsibility of the project manager

A- Direct and Manage project work

95- There is change request has been discussed through CCB and has been approved official what is the
next step.

A- Take authorize from sponsor (you will select this if the sponsor not include in CCB)

B- Implement the change

96- If you implement risk response and raise risk as a direct outcome

A- Secondary risk

97- Cost of quality ask about type of training cost.

A- Prevention cost

98- Cost of quality ask about type of rework cost.

A- Internal failure cost

99- The project charter has not yet been approve and one week before it was approved, a new law was
passed which affects the project which document you will review.


100- A product you want to see if the has measurement are compatible with the customer’s
requirements and you find the product can give more which type of risk you will take.

A- Exploit

101- Output of close project or phase are.


A- Final product and OPA update


102- Transfer the ownership of deliverables to the ……… in accordance with the project plan in order to
facilitate project closer.

A- Assigned stakeholder

103- The sponsor complained, the IT manager inform the project manager the sponsor not satisfied.

A- Function organization

104- One can use different methodologies, tools agile, and waterfall to implement the project
management framework.

A- Project life cycle

105- The test for product need special tests and is no capable people in the company and it is costly
from outside and will delay the project.

A- Bring the tests from outside

106- To develop the quality process to understand and calculate the cost of quality in the project use.

A- Flowchart

107- After CCB approved any change request you should update.

A- Lessen learned

108- CCB reject the change request which provided by operation.

A- Record the rejected request in the change log

109- Where you can find Assumption, Constrains and the Key deliverables.

A- Project scope statement

110- Who is responsible for change and modify project charter.

A- Sponsor

111- A question about an activity of work package the budget 2000$ after two third of project the
project manager exchange 1500$ what is the stats of budget.

A- Over Budget

112- A question about network diagram for sequence of activities.

A- Incomplete

B- Precedence diagram violent by circled


113- Objective for the project it can find it in.

A- Project charter

114- Schedule is delaying and no budget or resources enough.

A- Fast track

115- ROM estimate is.

A- -25 to +75

116- What is the tool using for benefit prioritization, or most frequent failures or most priority or 20/80.

A- Pareto chart

117- To go over the project risks to make sure if they are still valid or not, if required you also change the
risk response strategy based upon the project performance.

A- Risk assessment

118- Keep track of the quality of the parts being produced or make balance limited which tool to be the

A- Control chart

119- Your team stuck with problem and you recommended them to consider the problem as a gap that
needs to be closed, you also tell them to find list of all the probable causes (root causes) due to which
the problem has occurred, what tool you use.

A- Ishikawa diagrams

120- Your project is hit by an unidentified risk which was never planned (risk is realized) what type of

A- Workaround

121- You are PM and track your project setup weekly meeting for the activities which are completed and
which planned and the states of reports and discuss any problem need immediate attention, which
document you will use.

A- Issue log

122- What is the tool use for qualitatively analyze risk or concentrating only on the main risk.

A- Probability and impact matrix


123- What is the next stage of kick off meeting.

A- Execution

124- To avoid the risk in the long term projects prefer to use which of the following contract type.


125- What is the benefit of monitor and control work proses.

A- Performance review actual VS planned

126- An intentional activity that ensues the future performance of the project work is aligned with
project management plan you can use.

A- Preventive action

127- An intentional activity that realigns the performance of the project work with project management
plan you can use.

A- Corrective action

128- Manage changes to the project by following the change management plan in order to ensure that.

A- Project goals remain aligned with the business need

129- You are in the process to get the final acceptance on the deliverables to make sure project scope
and deliverables are achieved.

A- Close project or phase

130- You are in the process to obtaining the feedback from stakeholder to evaluate their satisfaction
from project, which process.

A- Closing

131- You are working in your project so the sponsor informed you the funding for this project is given
to some other project what will you do.

A- Document the lessons learned

132- Your project has been hit by lot of risks these days and you are worried for your project, you plan
to reviewing the issue log and determine any corrective actions if required, what is the primary
purpose to doing this.

A- To minimize the impact on the project


133- You are a project manager and you are in the closing stages of the project, the sponsor has
requested you to make sure that you are archiving project documents and materials, what is the
primary purpose of doing this.

A- To use in future projects and in case of audits

134- What is the primary purpose of identifying key deliverables based upon the project requirements.

A- To manage customer expectation and direct the achievement of project goals

135- You are a project manager and you are working with stakeholders to conduct the benefit analysis,
what is the purpose of doing that.

A- To validate project alignment with organizational strategy and business value

136- You are working on a very large project involves multiple departments, each department head are
interested in seeing work packages or project activities that are assigned to their respective department
on the project, which you will need for this.

A- Organizational breakdown structure

137- You have identified the project risks, based upon customers recommendation you have also
prioritized the risk based upon the probability and impact, however the customer is not convinced and
want you to reprioritize the project risks with some information and analysis, which process next.

A- Perform quantitative risks analysis

138- Team have a list of meaningful requirements, and then the team will do voting to prioritize the
requirements, which tool.

A- Nominal group technique

139- If your project is running behind schedule and over budget, the sponsor is not happy for this
situation and has requested you to provide him earned value number and you report him that the
sponsor not able to understand this reporter and he ask for more explanation, what reported did you

A- S-curve report

140- An external supplier delays in the delivery the contract with him by hour, what you will do as
project manager.

A- Review the terms of the contract


141- One stockholder was identified in the executed stage what you will first.

A- Update one of stockholder management plan/ stockholder register

142- A team member resigned in the middle of the project, the project team informed the project
manager to complete the project without replace him, what did you do.

A- Analysis the impact

143- The sponsor ask the project manager to repeat the information to help him to deliver it to SH.

A- Communication management plan review

144- There are number of projects in the company, one of them will be terminate what is the following.

A- Analysis the impact for the other projects

145- The project manager discovered that some of WBS were missing what is the following.

A- Analysis the impact

146- The changes which causing scope creep its main there is problem in.

A- Scope management plan

147- The changes that affect the budget its main there is problem in.

A- Cost management plan

148- If the seiner management informed you to terminate the project you must update the following
before they leave the project.

A- Lessen learned

149- If the customer ask for project terminated before the planned time at lest you should do.

A- Analysis the impact and change request

150- If the project manager is informed that the project does not meet the objectives and is not in line
with the organizations strategy, you should make.

A- Cost benefit analysis

151- The senior management discuss some project for purpose of benefiting to organization.

A- Business case

152- Sequential order three process for plan process grope.


A- WBS – Resources – Estimate duration


153- You are the project manager for your organization. You have just been assigned a new project
with a predetermined budget of $250,000. This is an example of which one of the following.

A- Constraint

154- Project A will arrange some purpose with project B what is project A need from project B.


155- Question some values in big table include AC =8200, EV = 7500, PV = 8700 what is the stats of

A- Behind schedule, over budget

156- In which of stage end the project charter is recognized.

A- Initiation

157- You are project manager and involved in developing a project charter what information you need.


158- Project manager calculate the duration of the activates and seek help from others who the best
can help him.

A- Subject matter expert (SME)

159- The customer ask for some orders and he will not accept the deliverables until he gets his order
what is the project manager should review.

A- Scope baseline

160- If a third person is appointed to make an independent assessment what is that mean.

A- Acquire third party

161- The company make RFP and the sellers are apply what is the first thing the project team can do.

A- Select seller

162- These is a problem between two-team member and the project manager failed to fix it.

A- Compromise

163- Direct question for which of the following is EEF type.


A- Organization culture, industry stander and structure


164- Project Weakness, Strength and team recommendation, where we can store this.

A- Project final report

165- A project in planning stage the project sponsor has been resigned, the new sponsor delay the
project two months because lack of scope what is the project manager can do.

A- Meeting with the project sponsor and the team to find out the impact of delaying on time,
cost and personal affairs

166- A client contracted with a subcontractor for a 12-months building project after 3 months the
customer request to close the project within 6 months what is the next action.

A- Negotiate with the client to increase the cost and apply for change request

167- One team member suggested working on an initial model that would prevent future change from
a proposal that would increase the cost what is the project manager could do next.

A- Ask for change request

168- The first project expert informs the project manager that there is a slight change to the product
but does not affect the schedule and cost what is the next action.

A- Ask for change request

169- The Project Manager decides to make two sessions each session has number of tests after the start
of the first course of the test. The project manager tells the team that there will be a delay at the end of
the project. One of the team members suggests reducing the number of tests so that the project will not
delayed in the schedule what is the next action.

A- Ask for change request

170- A project for a customer where the user's access numbers are updated and the numbers are sent to
customers and the project will be closed what is the next action.

A- Lessons learned and informed stakeholders

171- The senior management asking a project manager to study several projects and record
observations and problems. This resulted in several projects how to choose between them.

A- Analysis of the financial value of projects

172- A project manager who is working with vender to create the deliverable of the project from

quality background he often make sure that the thoroughly tests the processes and deliverable which

are developed in the project he plans to do quality audit, which process.


A- Perform quality assurance

173- You have identified the risks and identified the planned responses for those risks, your project is
hit by many risks but it did not effect, you have decided to perform control risk more often, which
document has the most probability of getting updated as a consequence of performing control risk

A- Risk register

174- A company has projects are always delayed in schedule and increase in cost than budget , the
customer has requested for changes you are not sure which all change requests should go through,
which document can help.

A- Configuration management plan

175- How the project manager protect the projects from cost overruns.

A- Change request

176- An external vendor sends error information to the project manager, which causing the project
manager not to communicate the correct status of the stakeholders what is the project manager do.

A- Communication requirement in communication plan review

177- If you discovered from the phase review that the project does not achieve the goal.

A- Terminate the project

178- One of the key stakeholders asked for a verbal change the project manager registered that with
the change management system, what kind of change request is in case it is implemented as an activity
that ensures that the work in the project is reconfigured to conform to the baseline.

A- Corrective action

179- A team member told you there was a delay in the project and the project manager reviewed
everything with the critical path, what is the next action.

A- Compress schedule

180- If there is conflict between key stockholder and the project manager what you will do.

A- Document it in the issue log and assign one to follow it



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